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        고노 담화 수정론에 대한 비판적 검토

        남상구(南相九) 한일관계사학회 2014 한일관계사연구 Vol.49 No.-

        1993년 8월 4일 고노 요헤이(河野洋平)관방장관이 담화(이하, 고노 담화)를 통해 위안소 설치와 ‘위안부’동원에 군이 직?간접적으로 관여한 것을 인정하고 사죄와 반성을 표명한 이후 일본의 역대 내각은 동 담화의 계승을 표명해 왔다. 그런데 2014년 6월 20일 아베 신조(安倍晉三)내각이 고노 담화 작성 경위를 검증한 “위안부 문제를 둘러싼 한일 간 교섭의 경위”라는 제목의 보고서(이하 검증 보고서)를 발표한 것을 계기로 일본에서는 고노 담화를 수정해야 한다는 주장이 분출되고 있다. 본고의 목적은 일본 정부의 고노 담화 검증 보고서의 작성 배경과 검증 내용에 대한 검토를 통해 고노 담화 수정론의 논리구조와 문제점을 밝히는 것이다. 고노 담화 수정론은 담화 작성 당시 관헌에 의한 강제동원을 입증할 수 있는 자료(문서)가 없었다는 점을 내세워 담화 전체를 부정하고 있다. 검증 보고서도 고노 담화가 타당하다고 결론을 내렸지만, 검증 대상을 한일 간 외교교섭에 한정함으로써 담화가 한일 간 교섭의 산물이라는 불신을 가져왔다. 그리고 고노 담화 작성 당시 ‘강제성’을 입증할 자료는 없었다는 점을 부각시킴으로써 고노 담화가 인정한 ‘강제성’을 부정한 아베 1차 내각의 각의결정을 정당화했다는 점에서 실질적인 고노 담화 수정이라 할 수 있다. 일본 정부가 고노 담화를 계승할 의지가 있다면 동 담화 이후의 연구 성과와 새로 발굴된 자료에 대한 검토를 토대로 역사적 사실을 검증하고 정부의 공식 견해를 다시 한 번 밝히는 것이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        일본 교과서 문제의 역사적 경위와 실태

        남상구(南相九) 한일관계사학회 2016 한일관계사연구 Vol.54 No.-

        본고의 목적은 1945년 8월 일본 패전 이후 일본 교과서 기술은 국제주의와 애국주의가 길항(拮抗)하는 가운데 변화해왔다는 인식을 토대로, 식민지 지배와 침략전쟁, 영토문제 관련 기술이 구체적으로 어떻게 바뀌어 왔는지, 이러한 기술의 변화에 일본 정부가 어떻게 관여했는지에 대해 검토하는 것이다. 검토에 있어서는 식민지 지배와 침략전쟁 관련 특정한 역사적 사실이 기술되었는지 여부와 더불어 역사적 흐름 속에서 각 시기별 교과서 기술과 그 변화가 갖는 의미에 주목하였다. 일본 교과서의 식민지 지배 및 침략전쟁, 영토문제 관련 기술 변화를 애국주의와 국제주의의 길항이라는 관점에서 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일본 패전 이후 식민지 지배와 침략전쟁 관련 기술은 국제주의와 애국주의가 길항하는 가운데 가해 사실 기술이 점차 확대되고 정착되었다. 최근 들어 애국주의가 고조됨에 따라 일본군‘위안부’ 관련 기술 축소, 관동대지진 당시 학살된 조선인과 난징대학살 피해자의 구체적인 숫자를 다수로 기술하는 등 후퇴한 측면도 있으나, 식민지 지배와 침략전쟁으로 인한 피해사실을 기술해야 한다는 국제주의의 기본 틀은 유지되고 있다. 일본군‘위안부’ 기술과 관련해서는 2015년 12월 28일 한일 정부 합의에서 일본 정부가 군의 관여와 일본 정부의 책임을 인정한 것이 향후 교과서에 어떻게 반영될지 주시할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 일본 사회나 정권의 보수화 경향이 식민지 지배와 침략전쟁 관련 기술에 직접적으로 반영되지는 않으며 반영되더라도 제한적이라는 점이다. 자학사관의 극복을 주장한 아베 정권하에서 검정을 통과한 교과서도 기술 변화는 매우 제한적이다. 이것은 교과서 기술이 10년을 주기로 개정되는 학습지도요령과 그 해설서를 법적인 근거로 하고 있고, 한국과 중국등 주변국과의 외교관계와 일본 정부의 역사인식 변화, 시민운동과 역사연구의 축적을 반영하기 때문이다. 나카소네 정권 하에서 식민지 지배와 침략전쟁 관련 기술이 늘어나고 오히려 우익 교과서에 대한 수정을 적극적으로 요구했다는 점은 이러한 사실을 보여주는 대표적인 사례다. 셋째, 일본 사회의 보수화와 애국주의를 적극적으로 반영한 기술은 영토문제에 관한 것으로, 아베 정권은 2014년 1월 학습지도요령해설서 개정 등을 통해 영토문제 기술에 적극적으로 개입하고 있다. 그 결과 일본 정부의 견해를 그대로 반영한 기술이 급속하게 증가하고 있다. 영토문제 관련 기술에서 국제주의는 찾아볼 수 없다.

      • KCI등재

        퍼포먼스로서의 공간연출 -윤정섭의 연출작업에 대한 소고

        남상식 ( Sang Sik Nam ) 한국드라마학회 2003 드라마연구 Vol.- No.21

        Jungsup Yoon practiced as a IV artist, a commercial-film director, a stage designer, and a producer who utilizes stage works, space as direct objects. Yoon as a designer began a stage works 1980, since < Heavy water >in 1998; he introduced original spatial directing with his own production. He is quite experienced as a painter along with the interest in spatial producing. He majored in plastic arts and excels to formulate perfonning elements with pictorial imagination about the material and object. < Heavy water >, < clothes, shaman ritual, sal by Byungbok Lee >, < icy river > ere, were produced using his basic theatrical essences; human body, motion, light, and sound and also with pictorial form of space and time. The sound is an important substance of pictorial design for him. He not only feels the sound audibly but also designs viewing it dimensionally. Making the sound an object is a conclusion more than rightfully. This report researches about spatial figure and meaning focusing those works designed cubically. His attempts relates with discussion about new stage preference, experiment and spatial directing of picturesque theatre, which many artiste participated after 20 century. That sort of tendency is diverse and productive, as the modern theatrical history has indicated. In his works, a discussion about such as nonlinguistic expressive potentials, theatrical media, especially rediscovery of a body, promotion of that expression, new communication, and ultimately, theatrical elements in multimedia lines up. What was mentioned above, Yoons spatial directing works above mentioned (making the sound an object ere.) has an obvious trace, described right above. Merely, Yoons Korean view makes it unique motive and form. Yoon express his own installation artwork theatre. For instance, < art exhibition of the year > 1996, at the Korean national theatre and the second exhibition. < TIME, SPACE, IMAGE-of all the people, all the people, bathe >, huge and dark toned bathtub and the locker seen in the picture, time, space, image>is called a theatre. Yoon begin theater with installation art, and its theatrical nature originates in the symbolic nature of the material and an object and its expansion of time. The objects similar to water, shoes, and clothes are symbol of; the artist himself has seen Korea and the world, that world and travel of time at the same time, statement of now and future. The material and the object offer exceptional meanings and worth for Yoon. But it is like in the case of Robert Wilson; not totally ready made like an object unrelated with literary text. It is not the object that demonstrates destruction of ones flavor. Firstly, Yoons object is symbolic media. He gets that idea from the theory of Gaston Baslar. According to Baslar existent attribute reveals through material imagination of human, on the same token, he claims that. one realizes the imagination to create art works comes from material imagination well. He used water; fire, air, and soil, in reality, Yoon and performing arts manage these materials intensely. The original symbolic nature becomes an interesting start in accepting a work. < Time, Space, Image-of all the People, All the people, bathe > The big box in the bathroom would bean image of a dark past, and water pouring down from the shower nodule accelerates an exhibition more dramatically. It could be linked with motherly imagination. Soft water, could also rinse out the gloomy history, violent water, or could be the one symbolize anxiety and fear of Aushbit Bath house. This application actualizes on the stage. Yoons material is. not only. a matter of symbolic mark; it could transfigure as the shape itself or object material itself The art exhibition of the yearl996, his first one, < IXXUMENTA -space and time towards human >, he displayed a television picture tube, the glasses, the clothes, a naked interior of a car frame, and the military goods, and a helmet, a gun, shoe-s; not only these .but also space of a workroom as it . stands. He separates the tools used on the stage from stage preference and installs them as an individual object in the exhibition space. The materials do not demand a certain synopsis or notion, as itself is. The material is in the exhibition stands as itself The substance out of routine symbol earns more dynamic nature of material, it transforms to an experiencing objects. According to them, we become more aware through experience those rather. than through information or tradition. Yoon expresses his theatre is the theatrical fundamental elements of formation: space, light, sound, human, and time. He considers the non-biological entities, their aesthetic values, the process of becoming alive of the object as a theatre. To Yoon, space itself means little, only through elements formation and subjective experience, subsequently the one is recognized as space. A human is media only to confirm the existence the designer in Yoons stage. Byung bok Lee, a designer presents < Garment, shaman ritual, and sal >, which is an image theatre presenting humans motion without words but only with garments, dust (soil), light, sound. < Icy River > is an image theatre as well. Looking for memory, looking for self Yoon described as such, concentrate on their feet, cautiously taking steps on the river, thinly coated with ice. Those foot prints are dangerous, lyric question mark regarding our entire life. One should refer to abstract mime, poetic echo surrounded with fear of exsitance. Experience of time, the expression is extremely important to Yoon. It is contents of the abstract works and determining factor of expressive method. As though he would edit films of the past and presence, forming and interconnecting works is traditional. Time is not absolute to Yoon. Not pre-experienced either is a result of subjective experience and is internal, subjective, being felt. Yoons abstract spatial directing slow movements, repeated movements, or usage of silence is very typical. The subjective time experience grows to be more sensible through slow motion.

      • KCI등재

        30ㆍ40대 좌업 생활자의 운동실천 유무에 따른 신체구성 및 기초체력에 관한 비교 연구

        남상남(Sang-nam Nam),정찬경(Chan-kyoung Jung) 한국생활환경학회 2003 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to present the importance to exercise of workers by measuring the body composition and the basic body strength of the staffs of a school of a sedentary work, comparing with the national body strength appraisal standard and studying the relation with the degree of exercise practice. The subjects participated in this study were selected the 47 men and 43 women of thirties, and the 52 men and 42 women of forties among the sedentary workers. I. The body composition. 1) The rate of the body fat were appeared high on both the exercise and the non-exercise group. 2) In the men of forties, all two groups were showed high as the results. 3) The exercise group was lowly but the non-exercise group was high on the rate of the body fat in the women of thirties 4) The rate of the body fat was high on the non-exercise group in the women of forties but the exercise group was not, as the results of comparing the men of thirties with the national body strength appraisal standard, 2. The basic body strength. 1) The grip In the case of the men of thirties, the results of comparing with the national body strength appraisal standard were lowly on both the exercise group and the non-exercise group. In the case of the women of thirties, the results of comparing with one were high all two groups. Both the exercise group and the non-exercise were appeared lowly, in the men of forties, and also all ones were higher than the national body strength appraisal standard in the women of forties. 2) The abdominal muscular strength In the case of the men of thirties, the results of comparing with the national body strength appraisal standard were high on the exercise group but the non-exercise group was lowly. Both the exercise group and the non-exercise were showed lowly In the women of thirties, as the results. The exercise group was high on the results of comparing with the national body strength appraisal standard, but the non-exercise group was lowly in the men of forties. In the women of forties, all two groups were high. 3) Push-up In the case of the men of thirties, both the exercise group and the non-exercise were showed high, as the results of comparing with the national body strength appraisal standard. All of two groups were high in the women of thirties. In the case of the men of forties, the results of comparing with the national body strength appraisal standard were showed high on both the exercise group and the non-exercise, and then, all ones were high in the women of forties, too. 4) Side step On the results of comparing with the national body strength appraisal standard In the men of thirties, the exercise group was high but the non-exercise was lowly. Both the exercise group and the non-exercise were showed lowly In the women of thirties, as the results. All two groups were showed lowly In the men of forties. In the case of the women of thirties, the results of comparing with the national body strength appraisal standard were high on the exercise group but the non-exercise group was lowly. 5) Closing the eyes and standing with one foot As the results of comparing the men of thirties with the national body strength appraisal standard, the exercise group was high but the non-exercise group was lowly. Both the exercise group and the non-exercise were showed lowly In the women of thirties. In the case of the men of forties, the exercise group was high but the non¬exercise group was lowly. All two groups were showed high In the women of forties. 6) Sit-up In the case of the men of thirties, the results of comparing with the national body strength appraisal standard were high on the exercise group but the non-exercise group was lowly. In the women of thirties, the results of comparing with one were also high on the exercise group but the non-exercise group was lowly. All two groups were showed high In the men of forties, as the results. In the women of forties, both the exercise group and the non-exercise were showed h

      • KCI등재후보

        노인수용자의 효율적 처우방안

        남상,申連姬 한국교정학회 2003 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.19

        The aging society has brought an issue of the elderly inmates. Those population in correctional facilities has increased conspicuously for the last couple of decades and the trend will be sustained for the next decades. The elderly inmates have several characteristics of weak physical condition during incarceration, high recidivism and low re-socialization ability after incarceration. Another issue is the increasing elderly women in the facilities. Since these characteristics of the old inmates are different from the other young inmates, it is recommended that the treatment programs for elderly inmates should be based on rehabilitation, differentiated, diverse and individualized treatments. This study tries to find the importance of the correctional policies for the elderly inmates which relatively has little concerns from in and out of the facilities. Surveys and statistical reviews for the elderly inmates and monitoring the existing programs for the elderly should be performed continuously for better policy. 인구가 고령화되면서 점차 노인수용자에 대한 관심이 고조되어 가고 있다. 우리나라도 서구 선진국처럼 과거 20년간 노인수용자 수가 증가해 왔고 앞으로도 계속 증가할 전망이다.노인수용자의 특성은 첫째 수적으로 빠르게 증가하고 있으며, 둘째, 다른 연령층의 수용자들에 비하여 신체적정신적으로 건강하지 못하다. 노인수용자의 건강은 교정시설의 부대비용을 결과하기 때문에 이를 효율적으로 관리할 수 있는 처우프로그램이 요구된다. 셋째는 높은 재범률로서 이는 신체적인 병약함과 빈곤, 그리고 생활능력의 결여와 성격적인 결함으로 인해 출소 후 적응에 실패함으로써 재범의 가능성이 높아지기 때문이다. 넷째는 사회적응력의 부족을 들 수 있는데 노인출소자의 사회적응력을 구성하는 요인은 경제적 열악함과 지지자원의 부족에 기인한다. 마지막으로, 여성 노인수용자의 문제가 부각되고 있다는 점이다. 사회전반적으로 여성노인 인구가 증가하고 있고 여성노인들의 열악한 상황을 볼 때, 여성노인수용자의 증가추세는 계속될 것으로 전망된다. 아울러 이들은 신체적정신적으로 취약하고 지지관계도 열악하다.노인수용자들의 이와 같은 특성을 고려하여 처우의 방향을 다음과 같이 제안하였다. 우선, 교화지향적 처우가 필요하며 이는 사회적응능력과 가족관계를 강화하는 것이 노인수용자 처우에 있어 교화이념을 실행하는 주된 내용이 될 수 있을 것으로 보았다. 둘째는 차별적 처우이며, 노인수용자의 필요에 부응하는 차별화된 처우로는 노인전문교도소의 운영과 가석방과 집행유예의 확대를 대표적으로 고려할 수 있을 것으로 보았다. 셋째, 다양화개별화된 처우로서 노인수용자의 수용상태, 성별, 그리고 신체적인 상태를 기준으로 노인수용자들을 유형화하고 각 유형별 특성에 맞게 교정프로그램을 개발해 갈 때 교정목적을 보다 효과적으로 달성할 수 있을 것으로 보았다.

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