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        독립유공자 포상과 역사인식 - 1958년과 1962년 독립유공자 포상 명단 분석 -

        김영진 ( Kim¸ Youngjin ) 수선사학회 2021 史林 Vol.- No.75

        This article aims to explain the relation between the political context and the country’s official perception of history at the time inherent in the conferment of state decorations on independence movement activists in 1962, from the point of view that the conferment is a social construct that reveals the country’s perception of history. For the explaining, this article provides a comparative analysis between the lesser-known conferment plan of state decorations on independence movement activists in 1958 and the conferment in 1962. The conferment plan in 1958, promoted by the Syngman Rhee administration, did not lead to an official conferment even after selecting the recommended recipients, but used as the basic data for the conferment in 1962. This article attempts to clarify the historical context of the conferment in 1962 by examining the continuity and discontinuity between the conferment plan in 1958 and the conferment in 1962. This article also tries to show the country’s official perception of history that intervened in the recommended list of the conferment in 1958 and 1962 by analyzing the internal hierarchy of the independence movement, which is represented by the grades of the decoration. The last purpose of this article is to clarify how the selection of independence patriots and the political intentions of the military regime are interconnected through the case of Kim Ch’angsuk, the most symbolic person in the conferment in 1962.

      • 인간안보 관점으로 본 북한의 인권문제

        김영진 ( Kim¸ Youngjin ) 한국접경지역통일학회 2019 접경지역통일연구 Vol.3 No.2

        본 논문의 중심 주제는 인간안보의 관점에서 북한의 인권문제를 살펴보는 것이다. 인간안보는 1994년 유엔개발개혁의 인간개발보고서에서 공식적으로 사용된 개념이다. 인간안보는 안보의 개념과 범주를 국가에서 인간 중심으로 확대를 시도하였다. 인간안보에는 존엄하게 살 자유(인권), 공포로부터의 자유(안보), 궁핍으로부터의 자유(개발)와 이를 실천하기 위한 인도주의적 개입이 핵심 내용으로 설정되어 있다. 국제사회는 인간안보를 초국가적 측면에서 적용되어야 할 보편적 개념으로 인식하고 있다. 국제사회는 북한의 인권문제를 심각한 수준으로 평가하고 있다. 그래서 북한의 인권문제를 개선하기 위해 인간안보를 적용하고 있다. 그러나 북한은 국제사회의 보편적 인권을 거부하고 주체사상을 바탕으로 사회주의혁명을 완성하기 위한 혁명 전사의 권리인 우리식 인권을 주장하고 있다. 이는 북한의 인권 문제를 개선하려는 국제사회의 노력을 거부하고 회피하려는 반인류적 행위이다. 그리고 북한은 국제사회의 인도주의적 개입을 국가 주권의 침해로 대응하고 있다. 그러나 국가 주권은 개인의 천부적 권리인 인권을 보장받기 위해 사람의 협의로 만들어진 권리이다. 그래서 인권은 주권보다 우위에 있어서 인도주의적 개입이 정당하다. 또한, 북한에서는 사형제도를 시행하여 북한 주민의 생명권을 박탈한다. 북한의 사형 죄목은 형법과 형법 부칙에 다양하고 광범위하게 규정되어 있다. 북한의 사형제도는 북한 주민의 생명권이 지속해서 박탈당할 수 있는 근거가 되므로 인도주의적 개입의 정당성이 확보된다. The main theme of this paper is to examine North Korean human rights issues from the perspective of Human security. Human security is a concept officially used in the 1994 Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Reform. Human security attempted to expand the concept and category of security from the state to the human center. Human security includes human dignity(human rights), freedom from fear(security), freedom from poverty(development), and humanitarian intervention to fulfill it. The international community recognizes human security as a universal concept that must be applied from a transnational perspective. The international community has taken a serious look at the human rights issues of North Korea. Therefore, Human rights security is being applied to improve human rights issues of North Korea. North Korea rejects universal human rights in the international community and It asserts North Korean human rights based on the Juche idea and the rights of revolutionary warriors to complete the socialist revolution. It is an anti-human act to reject and avoid international efforts to North Korea human rights issues. North Korea considers Humanitarian intervention in the international community a violation of state sovereignty. But, National sovereignty is the right created by human counseling to ensure the natural rights of individuals. Human rights are thus justified by humanitarian intervention rather than sovereignty. Also, North Korean authorities deprive North Koreans of their right to life by implementing the death penalty. The death penalty in North Korea is variously and broadly defined in the Penal Code and the Penal Code. The death penalty in North Korea continues to deprive North Koreans of their right to life, which is the basis for humanitarian intervention.

      • KCI등재

        유산 정학연 시집 이본고 (2) -추가 발굴 시집 2종을 중심으로-

        김영진 ( Kim Youngjin ) 한국시가학회 2021 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.52 No.-

        酉山 丁學淵(1783~1859)의 저작 및 시집 이본들에 대해서 2016년에 논문으로 정리한 바 있다. 정학연은 1만 수에 가까운 많은 시들을 남겼다고 하나 많은 자료가 산실되었다. 2016년 논문에서는 정학연의 시집 중 특히 중요한 8종, 즉 『三倉館集』, 『酉山集』, 『雨選(雨村詩)』, 『酉山詩』, 『鮮音』, 『木石餘生集(표제: 酉山詩稿)』, 『近體詩選(酉山)』, 『心霞詩鈔』를 통해 약 1,200여 수의 작품이 남아 있음을 보고하였다. 창작 연대로 보자면 1802~08년 245수, 1823~28년 190수, 1829~30년 136수, 1830~32년 20여 수, 1832년 직후 시 약 20수(『심하시초』), 1840년 70수(매화시 30수와 회인시 40수, 작품 不傳), 1843~44년 174수(『선음』에만 실린 50여 수를 추가하면 224수), 여타 1840년대 시(『蒓里魚疋集』과 『五老帖』 등) 44수, 1849~52년 약 130수(『근체시선』, 『심하시초』), 기타 1850년 약 20수인바, 1809년부터 1821년까지의 시가 全無하고, 1831년부터 1835년까지의 시도 극소수만 남아 있다. 1840년부터 1842년 작품도 극소수만이 있고, 1845년부터 1848년의 시, 1853년부터 1859년까지의 시도 극히 일부뿐이라는 것을 알 수 있다. 금번에 정학연 시집 2종을 추가로 발굴하였다. 『酉山詩集』(필사본 1책, 남양주시립박물관 소장)은 竹圃라는 인물이 舊藏 하였던 본으로 시체별(칠언율시, 칠언절구, 오언절구, 오언율시, 육언시, 사언시, 오언장편)로 되어 있다. 총64장인데 제24장까지 정학연의 시가 실렸고, 그 이후는 趙雲植(호 晴蓑) 등의 시를 수록하고 있다. 정학연의 시는 대부분 1834~36년 전후의 작품들로 다른 시집엔 거의 실리지 않은 것들이다(1824~27년의 시를 싣고 있는 『유산집』 수록 작과 중복되는 것이 2~3수 있다). 정학연의 시는 총 72제 118수이다. 7언율시(37제 60수)와 7언절구(25제 48수)가 대부분을 차지하고 있다. 7언절구 가운데 「落齒」(10수)는 당시 널리 알려졌던 작품인데 처음 발굴되었다. 『酉洛詩抄』는 기존 논문(2016)에 소개했던 『近體詩選』(필사본 1책, 고려대 신암문고)의 이본이다. 『近體詩選』의 봉면에는 ‘洛下生詩集幷本 丁丑四月初六日艸于明東茅廬’, ‘損生渼樵始艸’, ‘雲峀好緣’, ‘上酉山律詩 榴夏望日’, ‘洛下生詩幷著下 東雲書屋藏’ 등이 적혀있다. 정축년(1877)에 渼樵(경기도 양평의 渼湖)라는 호를 쓰는 이가 유산 정학연과 낙하생 이학규의 시를 상·하권으로 필사한 것일 터인데 유산 시의 후반부부터 낙장이어서 낙하생 시는 아예 보이지 않는다. 겨우 9장(46제 62수)만이 남아있었다. 이제 온전한 본이 발굴됨으로써 여기 실린 유산의 시는 총110제 136수임을 확인케 되었다. 모두 7언율시다. 여기 실린 시들은 거의 1840년~1852년 사이의 작품들이다(중간에 5~6수 가량 1830년 무렵의 시가 있다) 극히 일부 작품이 『유산시』 및 『목석여생집』 수록 작과 중복될 뿐 역시 다른 데 보이지 않는 시들이 대부분이다. 시 가운데 교유시가 많은데 具行遠, 徐有英, 洪吉周 洪顯周 형제, 李晩用, 南久淳, 金相喜, 李鍾愚, 洪在赫, 李祖榮, 李曾愚, 金大根, 金賢根, 涵鏡大師, 南尙敎, 柳最寬 柳錫秊 父子, 徐有榘 徐八輔 父子, 李之衡(李晩用의 아들), 韓致元, 金尙鉉, 朴鍾儒, 南秉哲, 廉泰榮, 徐湄淳, 洪宣謨 등이 등장한다. 필자가 이미 소개한 「秋日懷人絶句十一首」(1826년 무렵작)와 미발견 「懷人詩」40수(1840년작)과 연계해서 회인시 대상 인물들을 추정해 볼 수도 있을 것이다. 『酉洛詩抄』는 『근체시선』의 결락 부분이 온전히 실려 있다는 점에서, 또 낙하생 시와 같이 轉寫, 享有되고 있다는 점 등에서 중요하다. 정학연 親知들의 정학연 관련 자료들은 『遺稿』 제8~10책에 해당하는 丁學游의 『耘逋公遺稿』(필사본 10권3책, 개인소장), 홍현주의 『해거재시초/二集』(간본/필사본), 崔憲秀의 『愚山詩』(필사본 1책), 李晩用의 『東樊詩』(필사본 1책), 具行遠의 『綾山詩稿』(필사본 1책, 성균관대), 이증우의 『약원유고』(필사본 1책), 朴永輔의 『아경당시집』(필사본), 김상현의 『경대시략』(필사본), 서유영 『운고시초』(필사본) 등에서 추출한 것이다. 향후 완정한 정학연의 생애와 연보 작성에 중요한 자료가 될 것이다. I wrote a paper on the collection of poems by Chung Hakyeon 丁學淵 (1783-1859) in 2016, through which I estimated the number of his remaining poems is about 1,200 by exploring eight of his works: “Sancangguanji 三倉館集”, “Youshanji 酉山集”, “Yuxuan 雨選(Yucunshi 雨村詩)”, “Youshanshi 酉山詩”, “Xianyin 鮮音”, “Mushiyushengji 木石餘生集(the title of this book: Youshanshigao 酉山詩稿)”, “Jintishixuan 近體詩選(Youshan 酉山)”, and “Xinxiashichao 心霞詩鈔”. Despite the discovery of his several poetry books, many of his poems have not been found yet. I discovered two further books. One is “Youshanshiji 酉山詩集(manuscript, a volume, Namyangju City Museum)” owned by “Zhupu 竹圃”, which arranged based on the form of a poem(heptasyllabic regulated verse, heptasyllabic quatrain, pentasyllabic quatrain, pentasyllabic regulated verse, hexasyllabic verse, tetrasyllabical verse, pentasyllabic verse). This book is 64 pages long and the poetry of Chung Hakyeon is until page 24, most of which are maybe created between 1834 and 1835 and rarely found in other poetry books. This book is mainly made up of heptasyllabic regulated verses(37titles; 60poems) and heptasyllabic quatrains(25titles; 48poems). Especailly, of heptasyllabic quatrains, ‘Luochi 落齒’(10poems), really renowned at that time, is first unearthed. The other is “YouLuoshichao 酉洛詩抄”, a different edition of “Jintishixuan 近體詩選”. “Jintishixuan 近體詩選”, composed of the poetry of Chung Hakyeaon and Lee Hakkyu, is a manuscript written Micho 渼樵 in 1877, but only 9 pages of the poetry Chung Hakyeaon remain. However, as a complete set of this book was discovered, I am able to confirm the number of his poems in the book is about 136, all of which are heptasyllabic regulated verses. Most of them was written roughly betweem 1840 and 1852. Especailly, this book consists of many intercouse poems in which Neungsan 綾山 Koo Haengwon 具行遠, Ungo 雲皐 Suh Yuyeong 徐有英, Hong Gilju 洪吉周 and Hong Hyeonju 洪顯周, Dongbeon 東樊 Lee Manyong 李晩用, Songeun 松隱 Nam Gusun 南久淳, Geummi 琴糜 Kim Sanghui 金相喜, Seoknong 石農 Lee Jongu 李鍾愚, Chwigu 醉裘 Hong Jaehyeock 洪在赫, Dubo 荳圃 Lee Joyoung 李祖榮, Jakwon 勺園 Lee Jeungu 李曾愚, Chogye 苕溪 Kim Daegeun 金大根, Dongnyeongwi 東寧尉 Kim Hyeongeun 金賢根, and Hamgyeong Deaesa 涵鏡大師 appeared. Finally, I introduced some of the materials related to Jeong Hak-yeon, all of which are excerpted from Jung Hakyu 丁學游’s “Yunbugonguigao 耘逋公遺稿”, Hong Hyeonju’s “Haijuzhaishichao 海居齋詩鈔”, Choi Heonsu 崔憲秀’s “Yushanshi 愚山詩”, Lee Manyong’s “Dongfanshi 東樊詩”, Koo Haengwon’s “Lingshanshigao 綾山詩稿”, Lee Jeungu’s “Yeuyeanyigao 約園遺稿”, Han Chiwon’s “Donglangji 冬郎集”, Park Yeongbo 朴永輔’s “Yajingtangshiji 雅經堂詩集”, Kim Sanghyeon’s “Jingtaishicun 經臺詩存”, Kang Jin’s “Duishanshichao 對山詩抄”, Suh Yuyeong’s “Yungaoshichao 雲皐詩抄”, and Kim Seokjun’s “Huairenshilu 懷人詩錄”, etc. These will be an important material for exploring Jeong Hakyeon's life and his chronology. Furthermore, I will examine his poetry in detail in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        Biodegradable Check Dam and Synthetic Polymer, its Experimental Evaluation for Turbidity Control of Agricultural Drainage Water

        Kim, Minyoung,Kim, Seounghee,Kim, Jinoh,Lee, Sangbong,Kim, Youngjin,Cho, Yongho Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer 2013 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.46 No.6

        A drainage ditch is normally a component of drainage networks in farming systems to remove surplus water, but at the same time, it may act as a major conduit of agricultural nonpoint source pollutions such as sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus, and so on. The hybrid turbidity reduction system using biodegradable check dam and synthetic polymer was developed in this study to manage pollutant discharge from agricultural farmlands during rainfall events and/or irrigation periods. The performance of this hybrid system was assessed using a laboratory open channel sized in 10m-length and 0.2m-width. Various check dams using agricultural byproducts (e.g., rice straw, rice husks, coconut fiber and a mixture of rice husks and coconut fiber) were tested and additional physical factors (e.g., channel slope, flowrate, PAM dosage, turbidity level, etc.) affecting on turbidity reduction were applied to assess their performance. A series of lab experiments clearly showed that the hybrid turbidity reduction system could play a significant role as a supplementary of Best Management Practice (BMP). Moreover, the findings of this study could facilitate to develop an advanced BMP for minimizing nonpoint source pollution from agricultural farmlands and ultimately to achieve the sustainable agriculture.

      • Cold hardiness of the palm thrips, Thrips palmi

        Youngjin Park,Kwangho Kim,Yonggyun Kim 한국응용곤충학회 2013 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2013 No.10

        Cold tolerance of the palm thrips, Thrips palmi Karny, was investigated to predict its survival in field during winter. Supercooling temperatures of T. palmi ranged from -26.4 to -18.4°C. However, exposure to subzero temperatures (from -5°C to -15°C) gave significant mortality to all developmental stages of T. palmi. Thus, T. palmi was determined to be a freeze-susceptible and suffered with cold injury. A brief pre-exposure to a low temperature (4°C) for 7 h significantly increase the cold tolerance of all stages of T. palmi with respect to survival at -10°C and supercooling capacity. A pre-exposure of T. palmi at 4°C significantly increased the survival rate on all developmental stages at -10°C. The rapid cold hardiness (RCH) was dependent on the duration of the pre-exposure period at 4°C in adult stage. Cryoprotectant analysis using an HPLC showed that the pre-exposure treatment increased the adult to synthesize glycerol, trehalose, mannitol, and mannose, at which trehalose represented the highest content. This study suggests that all stages of T. palmi are able to become cold-hardy by RCH, in which several polyols may play crucial roles as cryoprotectant.

      • 기능성 위장장애 환자의 소화불량 제증상 치료에 있어서 콤비짐^(�)정의 임상효과

        김동의,주재환,추상우,김형륵,조철균,김영진,김현종,김신곤 中央醫學社 1996 中央醫學 Vol.61 No.12

        Functional dyspepsia has been considered, until recently, to be a nebulous syndrome, in part because of the lack of a structural explanation for the symptoms and because of the apparent heterogeneity of the patients labeled with this diagnosis. Although many definitions have been offered, there is now reasonable consensus that dyspepsia refers to persistent or recurrent pain or discomfort that is centered on the upper abdomen ; the discomfort may be characterized by postprandial fullness, early satiety, nausea or upper abdominal bloating. The diagnosis of dyspepsia must not be restricted to those with meal-related symptoms because there is no clinical condition, including chronic peptic ulceration, in which the symptoms are exclusively confined to the postprandial period. The majority of the patients with chronic or recurrent dyspepsia do not have a peptic ulcer or any other recognized structural or biochemical abnormality that definitely explains the symptoms ; these patients are classified as having functional dyspepsia. Ideally, therapy for functional dyspepsia should be targeted at correcting an individual's underlying pathophysiologic disturbances. However, the mechanisms that produce symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia remain poorly understood. A polyvalent digestive product Combizym� has a powerful combination of enzymes with broad activity and broad pH spectrum. It acts from the stomach to the small intestine and has a complete digestive effect on protein, carbohyrate and fat. We treated Combizym� in patients with functional dyspepsia with open, noncomparative study. The results are as follows ; 1. The improvement of the symptoms were 96.4 % in nausea and vomiting, 92.6 % in bloating, other symptoms were also improved over 75 %. 2. There was only mild pruritus in a patient and others were well tolerated during the experiment. 3. Overall improvement rate was 86.7 % of 30 patients. In conclusion, Combizym� is a safe and effective digestive drug in patients with functional dyspepsia.

      • SnSe alloy as a promising anode material for Na-ion batteries

        Kim, Youngjin,Kim, Yongil,Park, Yuwon,Jo, Yong Nam,Kim, Young-Jun,Choi, Nam-Soon,Lee, Kyu Tae The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Chemical communications Vol.51 No.1

        <P>SnSe alloy is examined for the first time as an anode for Na-ion batteries, and shows excellent electrochemical performance including a high reversible capacity of 707 mA h g<SUP>−1</SUP> and stable cycle performance over 50 cycles. Upon sodiation, SnSe is changed into amorphous Na<SUB><I>x</I></SUB>Sn nanodomains dispersed in crystalline Na<SUB>2</SUB>Se, and SnSe is reversibly restored after desodiation.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>SnSe alloy is examined for the first time as an anode for Na-ion batteries, and shows excellent electrochemical performance. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c4cc06106c'> </P>


        Hydrothermally synthesized tin (IV) sulfide as a negative electrode for sodium-ion batteries and its sodiation mechanism

        Kim, Hyun-seung,Kim, Jaekwang,Kim, Hyosung,Kim, Youngjin,Ryu, Ji Heon,Oh, Seung M.,Yoon, Songhun Elsevier 2018 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Vol.808 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>A hydrothermally synthesized tin (IV) sulfide electrode was examined for use as a negative electrode in sodium-ion batteries. Using ex-situ XRD and electrochemical analysis, the sodiation mechanism of tin (IV) sulfide was clarified, which revealed that the typical conversion reaction-coupled alloying reaction happened during sodiation with a high reversible capacity (~640mAhg<SUP>−1</SUP>). Also, the improved cycleability was observed in the tin (IV) sulfide electrode when compared with tin metal electrode. From comparison of quasi-open-circuit voltages at the 20th de-sodiated electrode, it was revealed that sodium trapping was considerably suppressed by sulfide formation with tin.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Hydrothermally-synthesized tin (IV) sulfide (SnS<SUB>2</SUB>) is applied as negative electrode for sodium-ion batteries. </LI> <LI> Hydrothermally-synthesized SnS<SUB>2</SUB> shows stable cycleability. </LI> <LI> The dead particle generation is very suppressed at SnS<SUB>2</SUB> negative electrode. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Two-Dimensional Phosphorene-Derived Protective Layers on a Lithium Metal Anode for Lithium-Oxygen Batteries

        Kim, Youngjin,Koo, Dongho,Ha, Seongmin,Jung, Sung Chul,Yim, Taeeun,Kim, Hanseul,Oh, Seung Kyo,Kim, Dong-Min,Choi, Aram,Kang, Yongku,Ryu, Kyoung Han,Jang, Minchul,Han, Young-Kyu,Oh, Seung M.,Lee, Kyu T American Chemical Society 2018 ACS NANO Vol.12 No.5

        <P>Lithium-oxygen (Li-O<SUB>2</SUB>) batteries are desirable for electric vehicles because of their high energy density. Li dendrite growth and severe electrolyte decomposition on Li metal are, however, challenging issues for the practical application of these batteries. In this connection, an electrochemically active two-dimensional phosphorene-derived lithium phosphide is introduced as a Li metal protective layer, where the nanosized protective layer on Li metal suppresses electrolyte decomposition and Li dendrite growth. This suppression is attributed to thermodynamic properties of the electrochemically active lithium phosphide protective layer. The electrolyte decomposition is suppressed on the protective layer because the redox potential of lithium phosphide layer is higher than that of electrolyte decomposition. Li plating is thermodynamically unfavorable on lithium phosphide layers, which hinders Li dendrite growth during cycling. As a result, the nanosized lithium phosphide protective layer improves the cycle performance of Li symmetric cells and Li-O<SUB>2</SUB> batteries with various electrolytes including lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide in <I>N,N</I>-dimethylacetamide. A variety of <I>ex situ</I> analyses and theoretical calculations support these behaviors of the phosphorene-derived lithium phosphide protective layer.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

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