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        자기결정권에 대한 법철학적 고찰

        김현철 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2015 法學論集 Vol.19 No.4

        자율성과 그 표현인 자기결정권은 정치철학, 법학, 생명윤리 등에서 이론적으로 중요한 개념으로 사용되고 있다. 따라서 이 자기결정권의 기본적 구조에 대한 쟁점들을 고찰할 필요가 있다. 우선, 자기결정과 자기결정권은 구별되어야 한다. 자기결정은 자기결정권의 대상이고 그 자체는 경험적, 심리적 차원의 것이다. 이에 대해 자기결정권은 규범적 차원의 정당화 기능을 갖게 된다. 그리고 자기결정권에 있어 자기결정이라는 내용에 못지않게, 권리라는 형식에 대한 고찰이 필요하다. 특히 권리에 있어, 주체, 상대방, 내용의 3가지 구조를 통해 자기결정권의 구조를 이해하는 것이 필요하다. 이를 도식으로 표현하면 다음과 같다. R(S(I-D))↔O. 나아가 이렇게 이해된 자기결정권은 3가지 차원을 가진다. 그것은 1) 자기결정권의 주체, 2) 자기결정권의 행사, 3) 자기결정권에 대한 승인이라는 표현으로 이해하는 것이 좋겠다고 제안하고자 한다. 이를 다르게 표현하면, 첫째, 누가 자기결정권을 보유하는가(possession), 둘째, 어떻게 자기결정권을 행사하는가(realization), 셋째, 타인의 자기결정권을 승인한다는 것은 무엇인가(recognition)의 세 가지 물음이 된다. 이렇게 자기결정권을 3가지 차원으로 구분하는 것은 실천적으로도 의의를 가진다. 무엇보다 자기결정권을 둘러싼 이론적 혼란을 명확하게 이해할 수 있도록 해 줄 것이다. 나아가 자기결정권 보호에 관한 사회적 책무와 개인적 책무에 대한 주의로 논의를 확대시킬 필요가 있다. Autonomy and self-determination rights are used as the important theoretical concept in fields of political philosophy, jurisprudence, bioethics etc. Especially, We have to consider the issues about the basic structure of self-determination rights. After of all, self-determination rights has to be distinguished from self-determination itself. Self-determination itself is the object of self-determination rights and has empirical and psychological dimensions. On the contrary, self-determination rights have the justifying function on normative dimensions. And self-determination rights have the structure of general rights-concept, in which there are three dimensions like possession, realization and recognition of rights. These classifications have the significance for definite understanding of self-determination rights and their social accountability.

      • KCI등재

        국제인권규약상 자결권의 의미에 관한 소고

        임예준 고려대학교 법학연구원 2022 고려법학 Vol.- No.104

        The right to self-determination is one of the controversial concepts in international law. There is no doubt that respect for the right to self-determination constitutes one of the fundamental principles of international law. However, there are still unclear points about the meaning of the right to self-determination in that/in terms of what is the definition of self-determination, and who are the subject of that right, what is the content and the forms for realization of that right is. In particular, when the right to self-determination is claimed outside the context of colonialism, it increases its indeterminacy on its content and the scope for application. As the two main international human rights covenants, namely, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, stipulated the right to self-determination in their common Article 1, the right to self-determination confirms its importance as an essential condition for the effective guarantee and observance of other individual human rights. Since then, the importance of the right to self-determination has been continuously emphasized and developed through various international documents. The question arises why the right to self-determination remains as the most political and controversial norm in international law despite the right has been stated in various documents? What is the meaning of the right to self-determination stipulated in the International Conventions on Human Rights? The purpose of this article is to examine the meaning of the right to self-determination as stipulated in the common Article of the two international human rights covenants, and to understand the controversial points around the right to self-determination, through the analysis of the travaux preparatoires and the Committee’s practices. Another purpose of this article is to discuss the reason why the right to self-determination has been intentionally broadly framed, while there is no way to clarify the meaning of the right to self-termination. To this end, this article examines the development and features of the right to self-determination (II) and the meaning and the scope of peoples as the subject of the right to self-determination (III). It furthers to examine the content and the forms of the right to self-determination (IV); and the obligations upon the State party to respect and to promote its realization (V). In the conclusion, considering the points where the controversy arises, it discusses inherent limitations to provide the concrete definition of the right to self-determination. 자결권은 국제법상 가장 복잡하고 불명확한 개념 중 하나이다. 오늘날 자결권 존중은 국제법 기본원칙이고, 국제인권의 핵심이다. 그러나 자결권이 무엇이고, 자결권의 주체인 인민은 누구이며, 자결권의 내용과 실현방식은 무엇인지에 대해서는 여전히 불분명한 점이 많다. 특히 자결권이 식민주의 맥락을 넘어서 논의되는 경우 그 내용과 범위의 불확정성은 더 커진다. 자결권은 국가 성립의 근거가 되기도 하고 국가 분열의 근거가 되기도 한다. 또한 외부로부터 주권을 보호하기도 하지만 외부의 개입을 고무하기도 한다. 1966년 두 개의 국제인권규약이 인권조약 상 처음으로 자결권을 명시함에 따라 자결권은 기본적 인권의 지위를 확고히 하게 되었으며, 다른 개별적인 인권의 행사를 위해 필수적인 조건임이 확인되었다. 이후에도 자결권의 중요성은 여러 국제문서를 통해 지속적으로 강조되며 발전하였다. 이처럼 여러 문서에서 확인된 권리임에도 불구하고 자결권은 국제법상 가장 정치적이고 논란이 많은 규범이다. 그렇다면 국제인권규약에서 자결권은 어떻게 명문화되었고 그 의미는 무엇일까? 이 글은 1950년대 인권규약 성안 과정과 이후 규약위원회의 논의를 중심으로 두 규약 제1조에 명시된 자결권의 의미를 살펴보고, 이를 바탕으로 자결권을 둘러싼 주요 쟁점을 이해함을 목적으로 한다. 이 글의 또 다른 목적은 자결권이 인권규약에서도 의도적으로, 추상적으로 규정되었을 뿐 아니라 해당 법리를 발전시키고 개념을 명확히 할 수 있는 이후의 방법 또한 없다는 것을 논의하기 위함이다. 이를 위하여 먼저 자결권의 발전과정을 살펴보고, 자결권의 성격, 자결권의 주체, 자결권의 내용, 자결권에 대한 의무를 둘러싼 쟁점에 대해 검토하였다. 결론에서는 쟁점이 발생하는 영역에 대한 고찰을 통해 자결권에 내재한 논의의 한계에 대해 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

        인민자결권의 현대적 의미와 그 한계

        이현택(Lee, Hyuntaik) 국제법평론회 2021 국제법평론 Vol.- No.60

        The self-determination of peoples is considered to be one of most important principles of international law. It is enshrined in the UN Charter and numerous international instruments, and the ICJ has confirmed its status as a right of erga omnes character. The right of self-determination under international law served as the legal basis for independence of the colonial peoples, and it has been accepted that it has continued application and effect in the post-colonial era. However, precise nature and content of the right outside the colonial context remains elusive. That is mainly because the right to self-determination was originated from a moral or political concept that had no concrete legal meaning, and the international instruments through which the right has been developed have failed to provide precise definition of the right to self-determination. First of all, there is no consensus on the definition and scope of “people”, and the right to self-determination may have quite different meaning depending on the understanding of a “people”. Further, it is difficult to determine concrete and enforceable rights that emanate from self-determination of peoples. It seems that the right of self-determination has very limited application and meaning in the contemporary world. Many agree that the external aspect of the self-determination has lost much of its relevant in the contemporary world, especially because the territorial integrity of states has been accepted as a limitation to right of self-determination, and right to self-determination does not translate into the right to secede. However, there has been arguments that “remedial secession” should be possible in exceptional cases of gross human rights violation and denial of self-determination. On the other hand, the view that the right to self-determination has evolved into internal self-determination, which essentially means the right to democratic governance. However, a close scrutiny of these attempts to give continued relevance and meaning to the right to self-determination reveals that they lack state practice and opinio juris necessary for customary international law. When abused for political or nationalistic purposes, the right to self-determination can be a dangerous concept as the international community has recently witnessed through a series of events in Ukraine. That is why it is important to embrace clear meaning of the right to self-determination as is, in its limited sense without any embellishments.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능 의사결정에 대응한 자기결정권의 보장

        이희옥(Lee, Heuiok) 한국헌법학회 2021 憲法學硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        근래 인공지능의 발전은 기계가 인간의 크고 작은 결정을 대신 수행해주리라는 오랜 인류의 꿈을 현실에 가까이 앞당긴다. 인공지능의 상용화를 앞두고 인공지능의 의사결정으로 인한 프라이버시 침해, 차별이 법적 쟁점으로 논의되고 있지만, 자율화(autonomous)를 지향하는 인공지능의 본질적 위험은 인공지능이 의사결정의 주체인 인간을 객체로 보아 인간의 자기결정을 위협하는 것에 있다. 문제는 인공지능의 의사결정에 대응한 자기결정에 관한 헌법적 논의가 이뤄지지 않은 채 개인의 권리가 글로벌 기업의 인공지능 윤리원칙에만 의존되고 있다는 점이다. 강대국의 기술패권주의의 논리가 계산된 인공지능 윤리원칙에는 개인의 자기결정을 보호할 강제력이 없는 반면, 법규범은 인류의 자기결정권을 보호할 최후의 통제장치가 될 수 있다. 이에 국가는 헌법상 국민주권 및 기본권 보호를 강화하고, 제9장 경제조항의 장에 따라 과학기술에의 국가적 이익구현을 위한 인공지능 법정책을 서두를 필요가 있다. 최근 국내에서는 인공지능에 대응해 유럽연합의 일반데이터보호규정(GDPR)에서 프로파일링 대응권 도입, 개인정보자기결정권의 강화, 데이터 3법의 규제 완화 등 주로 기존에 개인정보 보호체계 내에서 제반 문제를 해결하려는 시도가 있다. 그러나 헌법재판소가 보호하는 기본권인 개인정보자기결정권의 개인정보 범위를 하위 법률에서 임의로 제한하고 조정하는 것은 위헌적 요소가 있으며, 개인정보자기결정권 안에서 확장해석을 하는 것은 개별적 기본권에서 두텁게 보호될 수 있는 인격권과 프라이버시, 자기결정의 권리를 오히려 약화시킬 수 있다. 인공지능기술은 기존의 데이터 주도형 기술에서 인공지능 주도형으로 패러다임의 전환을 일으키고 있다. 이러한 기술의 질적 변화는 기존의 기술사회의 위험과 성격을 달리해 인간의 존엄과 자유에 기반한 개인의 자기결정의 가치를 심각하게 침해할 수 있다. 이에 헌법상 자기결정권은 기존의 개인정보자기결정권과는 구분되어 해석될 필요가 있으며 그에 따른 점진적인 입법의 방향도 모색될 수 있을 것이다. 이 글은 인공지능의 기술적 특성과 알고리즘 의사결정의 위험을 논의의 전제로 인공지능에 대응한 개인의 권리 보호의 문제를 헌법상 기본권인 자기결정권의 보호영역을 구체화함으로써, 인공지능에 대응한 자기결정권의 보호영역에 대한 헌법상 확인을 요청한다. The recent development of artificial intelligence technology is advancing the long-standing human dream that machines will make human decisions big and small decisions instead. Ahead of the commercialization of artificial intelligence, the risks of decision-making of artificial intelligence are discussed as legal issues of privacy and discrimination, but the discriminatory technology of artificial intelligence is that artificial intelligence threatens human self-determination. Nevertheless, constitutional discussions on self-determination have not progressed. The problem is that individual rights are only dependent on the ethical principles of global companies without constitutional discussions on self-determination in response to artificial intelligence decisions in Korea. While artificial intelligence ethics principles, in which the logic of technological hegemonism in powerful countries is calculated, have no force to protect individual self-determination, legal norms can be the only control mechanism of mankind. Thus, the state needs to rush to implement the AI law policy aimed at protecting its in accordance with the Chapter 9 of the Constitution of the National Sovereignty and Fundermental Rights, and realizing economic benefits through the promotion of science and technology. Recently, various attempts to solve the relevant problems in response to artificial intelligence have been appeared within the frame of personal information protection such as the EU s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduced the right to profiling, strengthening the right to self-determination of personal information, and relaxed regulations on the Data 3 Act. However, it may be unconstitutional to arbitrarily limit and adjust the scope of personal information, which is protected by the Constitutional Court, by subordinate laws, while the extended interpretation within the right to self-determination of personal information may also weaken the protection of personal rights, privacy, and self-determination that can be protected from individual basic rights. The paradigm of AI technology is shifting from existing data-driven technology to AI-driven technology. These changes in the quality of technology can seriously violate the value of individual self-determination based on human dignity and freedom by adding to the risks of the existing technology society, so they should be approached separately from the existing right to self-determination of personal information. Therefore, the constitutional right to self-determination needs to be interpreted separately from the existing right to self-determination of personal information, and the direction of gradual legislation can be sought accordingly. This article asks for constitutional confirmation of the protected area of the right to self-determination, which is the basic right of the Constitution, by clarifying the problem of protecting individual rights in response to artificial intelligence on the condition of discussion on the technical characteristics of artificial intelligence and the risk of algorithm decision making.

      • KCI등재

        헌법상 성적 자기결정권에 관한 검토

        김종일(Jong-il, Kim) 한국헌법학회 2021 憲法學硏究 Vol.27 No.3

        2018년 우리 사회를 휘몰아쳤던 미투운동은 ‘권력형 성폭력’에 대한 사회적 물음을 던져 주었지만, 2021년 현재 그 물음에 대한 해결책을 제시하지 못한 채 ‘권력형 성폭력’은 여전히 학계, 정계, 군대 등 사회 곳곳에서 끊이지 않고 발생하고 있다. 권력형 성폭력에 대한 대응으로는 처벌을 강화하는 형법 및 성폭력 관련 법률 개정이 아닌 성폭력범죄를 구성하는 요건들에 대한 재평가, 즉 비동의간음죄의 신설이나 강간죄의 요건으로 폭행, 협박의 유형력 요건 이외에 비동의 요건을 추가하거나 대체하는 논의들이 이어지고 있다. 한편 헌법재판소는 성과 관련된 형법상 범죄에 관련하여 간통죄, 혼인빙자간음죄의 위헌 사건에서 성적 자기결정권은 성행위 여부 및 그 상대방을 결정하는 권리라고 정의하며, 국가는 개인의 성행위와 같은 사생활의 내밀 영역에 속하는 부분에 대하여는 간섭과 규제를 가능하면 최대한으로 자제하여 개인의 자기결정권에 맡겨야 한다고 판시한 바 있다. 또한, 형법학자들은 형법상 강간죄와 강제추행죄 등 성폭력 범죄의 보호법익으로는 성적 자기결정권을 제시한다. 즉 원하지 않는 성적 행위를 하지 않을 자기결정권과 관련된 것으로, 소극적 의미의 성적 자기결정권이 침해된다는 것이다. 다시 말해 헌법재판소가 밝혔듯이 개인의 내밀한 사생활의 영역에서 자유롭게 성적 행위를 하는 사안에 국가가 간섭하거나 규제를 하는 것은 문제이며, 국민의 성적 자기결정권이 침해되었을 때 제재로서의 형벌권의 발동은 정당하다는 것이다. 다만 이러한 설명은 자칫 성적 자기결정권의 행사가 모든 영역에서 양성 간에 차이 없이 자유롭게 행사되는 것이라고 이해되어, 현실적으로 성적 자기결정권의 행사 시에 온전히 자기 결정을 할 수 없는 구조 내지 환경에 대해서는 주의를 두지 않을 우려가 있다. 따라서 성적 자기결정권의 행사 시에는 상대방의 진정한 의사뿐만 아니라 상대방이 처할 수 있는 특별한 상황과 환경에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 할 것이다. 이를 위해서는 성적 자기결정권의 헌법적 근거로 보는 헌법 제10조의 인간의 존엄과 가치의 의미를 재조명함으로써 상대방을 성적 자기결정권의 대상으로 보기보다는 동일한 성적 자기결정권을 행사하는 인격의 주체로서 존중해야 함을 강조할 필요가 있다. 아울러 최근 성폭력범죄재판에서 피해자의 성적 자기결정권의 보호 수단으로 작동할 수 있는 대법원이 적시한 ‘성인지 감수성’은 성평등적 관점에서 성적 자기결정권을 바라보는 시각을 제공할 수 있다고 판단되며, 이러한 논의를 기초로 성적 자기결정권에 대한 사회적 책무에 대한 논의가 전개되어야 할 것이다. The Constitutional Court of Korea defines the right to sexual self-determination as the right to decide whether or not to engage in sexual activity and the other party, states that the state should refrain from interfering and regulating as much as possible in matters that fall within the confidential realm of private life, such as an individual s sexual activity, and leave it to the individual s right to self-determination. Meanwhile, criminal law scholars suggest the right to sexual self-determination as a legal benefit of protecting sexual violence crimes. In other words, it is related to the right to self-determination not to engage in unwanted sexual acts, which violates the right to sexual self-determination in a passive sense. However, this explanation is understood that the exercise of the right to sexual self-determination is freely exercised without any difference between the sexes in all areas. In reality, when exercising the right to sexual self-determination, the individual does not pay attention to the structure or environment in which the other party can not make self-determination. Therefore, when exercising the right to sexual self-determination, understanding of the situation and environment of the other party as well as the true intention of the other party should be preceded. Accordingly, the meaning of human dignity and value in Article 10 of the Constitution, which is regarded as the constitutional basis for the right to sexual self-determination, should be re-examined. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of respect as a subject of personality exercising the same right to sexual self-determination. In addition, although ‘gender sensitivity’ cannot present concrete standards due to its abstract nature, but it is judged that it can provide a perspective to look at sexual self-determination from a gender-equal perspective. Based on this discussion, a discussion on social responsibility for sexual self-determination should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        수의사의 애완동물에 대한 의료행위에 있어 동물소유자의 자기결정권에 관한 고찰 ― 서울중앙지법 2022. 2. 20. 선고 2020가단5281353 판결을 중심으로 환자의 자기결정권과 비교 ―

        임지성 ( Lim Jisung ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2022 法學硏究 Vol.32 No.3

        As a growing number of people have pet animals and veterinarians undergo consequent medical treatment for pet animals, so legal disputes are on the rise. In judging the duty of explanation as well as the duty of care by a veterinarian’s medical practice in legal action, the court analogically applies legal principles of doctor’s duty of explanation to pet owners on the grounds that veterinary practice is similar to medical practice one with its high profession and that such practice is aimed to enhance an animal’s health. The recent amendment to the Veterinarians Act has stipulated that when a veterinarian performs a treatment which he/she deems likely to cause serious harm to an animal’s life or its body and he/she fails to fulfill the duty of explanation, it can constitute a breach of law. However, there is controversy as to whether infringement of a pet owner’s self-determination right might be recognized as the same legal principles as a patient’s autonomy right like the judgment. First of all, this paper explored relevant theoretical grounds and legal interests of the doctor’s and veterinarian’s duty of explanation and then looked into the similarities and differences between the patent’s autonomy and the pet owner’s self-determination right. The fulfillment of the veterinarian’s duty of explanation is premised on the fact that pet owners are entitled to have a self-determination right as to whether an animal gets veterinary treatment or not. Unlikely, the fulfillment of the doctor’s duty of explanation is a precondition that can enable patients to have the right of self-determination as a patient, closely associated with human dignity regarding intrusion upon one’s own body, except the patient’s autonomy right of medical contracts. Although there are discrepancies in legal nature and protection scope between a patient’s autonomy and a pet owner’s self-determination right, pet owners are entitled to have the same self-determination right as a patient regarding intrusion upon a body, citing that a veterinarian’s medical treatment is similar to a doctor’s medical practice, according to such judgment. However, veterinary treatment has something to do with one’s possession; in other words, intrusion upon an animal’s body rather than a pet owner. Therefore, if a veterinarian violates the duty of explanation for its treatment, it is then appropriate that infringement is properly considered to be on the self-determination right as a consumer, not on the self-determination right as a patient. In judging the veterinarian’s duty of explanation, this paper suggests that a pet owner will be entitled to have a self-determination right as a consumer who is related to a contract made for an animal’s treatment with a veterinarian within the legal interests of protection, rather than a self-determination right as a patient regarding intrusion upon a body, by the court considering the causes and backgrounds for new regulations of duty of explanation for serious treatment, including operation, under the Veterinarians Act and discrepancies in legal nature and protection scope between a constitutional patient’s autonomy and a pet owner’s self-determination right.

      • KCI등재

        자기결정권에 관한 헌법재판소 판례 분석

        이금옥 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2021 동북아법연구 Vol.15 No.2

        자기결정권에 관한 헌법재판소의 판례들은 자기결정권을 기본권의 하나로써 적극적으로 보 호하고자 하는 취지라는 점에서 긍정적으로 평가할 수 있다. 하지만 자기결정권의 도출 근거에 있어서는 그 결정들이 일관되지 못하고 있고, 이를 설득력 있게 논증하지도 못하고 있다. 예컨 대, 성적 자기결정권의 근거를 이전의 합헌결정에서는 헌법 제10조에서 찾았지만, 그 후 위헌결 정에서는 헌법 제10조와 제17조에서 도출하고 있다. 판례가 변경되면서 기본권의 도출 근거가 달라졌음에도 그 이유를 명확히 밝히고 있지 않다. 또한 혼인의 자유와 임신과 출산 여부에 관한 자기결정권이 여성의 중요하고 내밀한 사적 영역임에도 헌법 제17조를 언급함이 없이 헌법 제10조에서만 그 근거를 찾고 있다. 이 경우에도 헌법 제10조와 제17조에서 그 근거를 찾아야 한다고 본다. 헌법재판소가 소비자의 자기결정권에 관한 자도소주구입명령제도와 전동킥보드 사건 등에서 는 헌법 제10조의 행복추구권에서 파생된 것으로 보았으나, 국민건강보험법 사건에서는 헌법 제10조 전체를 근거로 들고 있을 뿐 그 관계를 상세하게 설명하고 있지 않다. 소비자의 자기결정 권은 소비자의 자유로운 상품선택을 포함한 소비생활 영역 또한 사생활의 중요한 영역이라고 볼 수 있으므로 헌법 제10조보다는 헌법 제17조에 따라 보장된다고 해석하는 것이 우리 헌법체 계상 더 적합하다고 본다. 최근 헌법재판소는 ‘국적이탈의 자유’의 개념에는 ‘국적선택에 대한 자기결정권’이 전제되어 있으므로 국적선택에 대한 자기결정권을 분리하여 따로 살펴볼 실익은 없다고 보아 헌법적 근거 를 언급하고 있지 않다. 그러나 국적을 이탈하는 자유는 거주⋅이전의 자유와는 그 성질도 다를 뿐만 아니라 그 본질상 헌법 제10조에서 도출되는 것으로 보아야만 국적선택에 대한 자기결정권의 논리적 근거에도 부합한다고 본다. 결국 자기결정권의 대상이 어떠한 사항인가에 따라 헌법 상 도출 근거가 달라질 수 있으므로 헌법재판소는 헌법 제10조와 제17조 등의 규범적 의미와 내용에 대한 면밀한 검토를 통해 결정을 내려야 할 것이다. The Constitutional Court's precedents on the right to self-determination can be evaluated positively in that it is intended to actively protect the right to self-determination as one of the basic rights. However, the decisions are inconsistent with the basis for deriving the right to self-determination, and they are not convincingly argued. For example, the basis for the right to sexual self-determination was found in Article 10 of the Constitution in the previous constitutional decision, but subsequent unconstitutional decisions are derived from Articles 10 and 17 of the Constitution. Although the basis for deriving basic rights has changed as precedents have changed, the reason is not clearly stated. In addition, although the freedom of marriage and the right to self-determination on pregnancy and childbirth are important and intimate private areas of women, only Article 10 of the Constitution is looking for the basis without mentioning Article 17 of the Constitution. Even in this case, it is considered that the grounds should be found in Articles 10 and 17 of the Constitution. The Constitutional Court considered that the self-determination order system and electric kickboard cases derived from the right to pursue happiness under Article 10 of the Constitution, but the National Health Insurance Act only uses Article 10 of the Constitution as a basis and does not explain the relationship in detail. Consumers' right to self-determination can be seen as an important area of privacy, including consumers' free choice of products, so it is more appropriate to interpret that it is guaranteed under Article 17 of the Constitution than Article 10 of the Constitution. Recently, the Constitutional Court has not mentioned the constitutional basis, considering that the concept of ‘freedom of nationality’ presupposes ‘self-determination of nationality choice,’ so there is no benefit in separating the right to self-determination of nationality selection. However, freedom to deviate from nationality is not only different in nature from freedom of residence and transfer, but in nature, it is considered to be consistent with the logical basis for the right to self-determination of nationality selection. In the end, the basis for the constitution's derivation may vary depending on what the subject of the right to self-determination is, so the Constitutional Court should make a decision through a close review of the normative meaning and contents of Articles 10 and 17 of the Constitution.

      • KCI등재후보

        국제법상 경제적ㆍ사회적ㆍ문화적 自決權에 관한 고찰

        심영규(Shim Young-Gyoo) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2009 東亞法學 Vol.- No.44

        Common Article 1 of the two 1966 international covenants on human rights, 「International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights」(hereinafter referred to as "Social Rights Covenant") and 「International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights」(hereinafter referred to as "Civil Rights Covenant"), in which all paragraphs of both articles are exactly same, provides protection of the so-called right of self-determination. Traditionally, the right of self-determination under international law has been discussed and understood to mean peoples' rights of political independence closely linked with the idea of decolonization. Article 1 of the 「Civil Rights Covenant」 has generally been recognized as providing the right of self-determination in this political aspect. Unliked the above mentioned classical right of self-determination under the 「Civil Rights Covenant」, the right of self-determination in the Article 1 of the 「Social Rights Covenant」 has recently been interpreted to mean economic, social and cultural aspects. Accordingly, the precise meanings and details of the rights of self-determination in the common Article 1, I think, should be differently understood and interpreted. However, the right of self-determination in the Article 1 of the 「Social Rights Covenant」, namely economic, social and cultural right of self-determination, has not been sufficiently and systematically analyzed. Consequently, the legal meaning, status and details of the right of self-determination in the Article 1 of the 「Social Rights Covenant」 still remain ambiguous and vague. This paper, based on this recognition, discussed what the meaning and details of the right of self-determination in economic, social and cultural aspects are as well as what its legal status is, with special reference to the right to development which has recently been discussed as the core of the economic, social and cultural right of self-determination in the Article 1 of the 「Social Rights Covenant」. To conclude, the author suggests the party states of the covenant including Korea, as the substantial responsible bodies, take appropriate and effective national measures to protect the right to development which is allegedly the core of the right self-determination in the Article 1 of the 「Social Rights Covenant」.

      • KCI등재

        내적 자결권의 정치적 성격 -국제법의 관점에서-

        박정원 ( Jung Won Park ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2015 법학논총 Vol.39 No.4

        Self-determination has gone through diverse stages of historical development under international law. The origin of self-determination may be traced back to American Independence and the French Revolution in the 18th century. However, self-determination entered a more advanced stage of development during the League of Nations period after World War I. Self-determination, however, was understood mainly as a political or moral, rather than legal, principle at that time. Moreover, the nature of self-determination during this period moved in two dramatically different directions, which subsequently entailed normative implications that are still relevant today. One was the emphasis of the internal aspect of self-determination in the sense that self-determination should be a political or moral foundation upon which all peoples are entitled to the pursuit of the ideal of democracy. And the other was the external aspect of self-determination which was focused more on the liberation of subjugated peoples from imperialist rule for the purpose of creating and consolidating socialist solidarity. This form of self-determination was strongly apparent in Vladimir Lenin’s socialist ideology. All of these examples indicate that self-determination has over time been subject to constant evolution and reinterpretation with respect to its substantive meaning. This article is concerned with the examination of the nature of the ‘internal’ aspect of self-determination with special reference to its political nature. Even if the relationship between self-determination and the right to political participation has been widely recognized, what is really meant by ‘internal’ has remained very vague and ambiguous in terms of its precise legal contents and effects.This article makes the point that the internal aspect of self-determination has essentially focused on political aspects of the exercise of the right of self-determination, yet a review of the UN and states’ practices shows that the internal aspect of self-determination does not essentially require the establishment and operation of Westernized multi-party political and electoral systems. Although there is no doubt that international law, particularly international human rights law, does basically require states to guarantee the basic human right of political participation at the national level, this does not mean that international law requires states to establish and operate Westernized multi-party political and electoral systems as an international legal obligation. Such aninterpretation, with its emphasis on the universality of the Westernized political system, seems to conflict with the principle of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Rather, it may be more correct to argue that contemporary international law of self-determination, under which it has been regarded as a human right as well as a peremptory norm of international law, has focused more on the prohibition of racial discrimination and the guarantee of racial equality for ethnic, religious or linguistic minority groups rather than demand for the establishment and operation of a Westernized political system.

      • KCI등재

        자기결정권의 의미와 판단기준 탐색 : 성년후견제도를 중심으로

        이승민(Lee, Seung-Min),이준영(Lee, Jun-Young) 한국통합사례관리학회 2020 한국케어매니지먼트연구 Vol.0 No.34

        본 연구는 클라이언트의 자기결정권 의미와 판단기준을 알아보기 위한 탐색연구이다. 자기결정권 판단기준 분석틀로는 ‘자기결정’ 이론에서 도출한 의미와 ‘권리’구조를 복합하여 자기결정권의 주체, 행사, 승인, 환경을 판단기준으로 제시하였다. 네 가지 판단기준에 따라 사회복지정책 중 대표적으로 자기결정권을 강조하고 있는 성년후견제도가 실질적으로 자기결정권을 보장하고 있는지를 고찰하였다. 연구 결과 성년후견제도는 자기결정권 보장에 있어 주체의 다양화, 불명확으로 인해 자기결정권 침해의 소지가 다분하고, 주체의 제약이 자기결정권 행사를 제한하며, 공동체 속에서 자기결정권을 행사하고 제한하는 자기결정권 승인이 적절한 기능을 발휘하지 못하는 구조를 가지고 있었다. 또한 자기결정권 환경에서는 형식적으로 미시적․ 거시적 체제를 갖추고는 있으나 내용적 보완이 필요하고, 추가적인 제도적 뒷받침이 병행되어야 한다. 이에 성년후견제도가 실효성 있는 클라이언트의 자기결정권 보장을 위해서는 판단기준에 근거한 논의를 중심으로 제도 보완이 있어야 함을 시사하였다. This study is an exploratory study to understand the meaning and criteria of a client s right to self-determination. The self-determination assessment criteria analysis framework presented the principal, event, approval, and environment of self-determination rights as the basis for judgment by combining the  rights  structure derived from the  self-determination  theory. According to the four criteria, we examined whether the adult-guardianship, which emphasizes the right to self-determination in social welfare policies, actually guarantees the right to self-determination. As a result, the adult guardianship system has a lot of infringement of self-determination right due to subjects diversification and uncertainty in the guarantee of self-determination right. Also subject constraints restrict the exercise of self-determination, self-determination approval, which exercised and limited self-determination in the community, had a structure that did not function properly. Moreover, in the self-determination environment, although it has formal micro and macro system, it needs to supplement the contents and institutional support should be combined. This suggests that the adult guardianship system should be supplemented by discussions based on judgment criteria in order to guarantee the right of self-determination of effective clients.

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