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        사적자치의 실현을 위한 민법의 과제

        이진기 대한변호사협회 2015 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.454

        Private autonomy refers to the state at which an individual forms a legal relation at his free will without outside interference. Within civil law, which has its roots in the ideology of individual freedom and equality, private autonomy is the basic ideology that realizes human dignity. Furthermore, civil law is a collection of legal systems that accomplish private autonomy. Private autonomy also serves as another form of safety of transaction. Private autonomy is based on individual trust; individual trust, in return, demands an action based on private autonomy. The realization of private autonomy, however, should be guaranteed by the legal system and rulings. It is also the need of a rapidly changing society for the legal system and rulings to accompany private autonomy; legalization is another phenomenon in the formation of a social culture. However, the accompaniment often does not occur in practice. Sometimes anxiety from fixating too much on the goal of promoting and enhancing private autonomy, or the enlightened, guardian-like interference to the fix the infringement on private autonomy distorts private autonomy itself. In this paper, topics such as adult guardianship, commercial building lease, contingency fee agreement and marital property system, which can arise as hot issues depending on the organization of the civil law, will be discussed, for the purpose of analyzing and critically assessing the current status of private autonomy. This series of processes will help contribute to the actual realization of private autonomy and protection of true individual freedom. Lastly, private autonomy requires time and patience. It would not be advised to make immediate interventions based on the judgment that private autonomy is not yet mature or interventions need to be made to overcome societal limitations. Intervention and interference need to be at a minimum; trust in the individual and waiting will be the fastest way to realize the free, equal image of men that civil law demands. 사적자치는 개인이 타인의 간섭 없이 그의 자유의사로써 법률관계를 형성하는 상태를 말한다. 개인의 자유와 평등을 기본이념으로 하는 민법은 사적자치를 인간으로서의 존엄을 실현하는 민법의 기본이념으로 한다. 그러므로 민법은 사적자치를 관철하는 법률제도의 모음이다. 사적자치는 또한 거래안전의 다른 모습이다. 왜냐하면 사적자치는 개인에 대한 신뢰를 바탕으로 하며, 그 신뢰는 다시 사적자치에 따른 행위를 요구하기 때문이다. 그런데 진정한 사적자치의 구현은 법률제도와 판결로써 담보되어야 한다. 그리고 급격하게 변화하는 사회는 법률과 판결도 이와 보조를 함께할 것을 요구한다. 왜냐하면 법문화도 사회문화를 구성하는 하나의현상이기 때문이다. 그러나 많은 경우 현실은 그러하지 아니하다. 때로는 절대가치인 사적자치를 장려하고 증진하여야 한다는 목표의식에 사로잡힌 조급증에서, 때로는 사적자치의 침해를 바로잡기 위한 계몽적·후견적 간섭에서 사적자치의 왜곡이 발생한다. 이 글에서는 성년후견, 상가건물임대차와 권리금, 성공보수약정과 부부재산제도 등 민법의 편제에 따라화두가 될 수 있는 법률제도를 선정하고 이를 중심으로 사적자치의 현황을 분석하고 비판적으로 검토한다. 이러한 일련의 과정을 통하여 이름만이 아닌 실질적인 사적자치의 실현과 진정한 개인적 자유의 보장에 기여할 수 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 사적자치는 인내와 시간을 요구한다. 지금 사적자치가 아직 미성숙하다거나 다른 사회환경의 제약으로 개입이 필요하다는 판단에서 이루어지는 즉각적인 개입은 결코 바람직하지 않다. 개입과 간섭은 최소한의 범위에 머물러야 하며, 사람에 대한 신뢰와 기다림이 민법이 요구하는 자유롭고 평등한 인간상을 실현하는 지름길이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        연명치료의 계약법적 재구성 -사적 자치 원리와의 상관관계 하에서-

        이은영 전남대학교 법학연구소 2011 법학논총 Vol.31 No.3

        오늘날 인간의 자율성(autonomy)은 모든 생활세계에서 그 기초가 되고 있으며, 자율성의 보장은 그 목표가 되고 있다. 과거 의사의 후견적 개입이 강조되어왔던 의료 영역에서도 환자의 자율성은 점차 확대되고 있다. 특히 삶과 죽음의 경계선상에 놓여 있는 환자의 연명치료 중단(withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment)에 있어서도 강조되고 있다. 사실 법의 영역에서도 인간의 자율성에 바탕한 사적 자치(Privatautonomie)는 근대이후 민법을 비롯한 사법(私法)의 지도원리로서 기능해왔다. 사적 자치의 원리에 따르면, 국가는 개인의 자유의사에 기초하여 형성된 시민의 사회질서에 원칙적으로 개입하지 않아야 한다. 또, 국가가 개입하는 경우에도 공공질서를 유지하거나 의사 실현을 보충하기 위하여 최소한의 범위 내에서 이루어져야 한다. 현대에 와서 공공복리 내지 공익을 내세워 사적 자치를 제한하는 데에 한동안 논의가 집중되었으나, 20세기 후반 신자유주의 내지 자유지상주의의 부활과 더불어 사적 자치는 한층 더 강화되는 추세를 보이고 있다. 이렇게 보면, 원칙적으로 개인의 사적 영역에 해당되는 의료 영역 전반에 걸쳐 환자의 자율성에 바탕한 사적 자치가 보장되어야 하는 것은 당연해 보인다. 즉 환자에 대한 치료 내지 의료를 개시할 것인지 여부, 또 어떤 내용의 치료를 할 것인지, 나아가 언제 종료할 것인지 여부는 원칙적으로 환자의 자율적 판단에 맡겨져야 한다. 특히 의료 전문가의 시각에 비추어 합당치 않고 어리석어 보인다고 할지라도, 사리분별의 능력을가진 성년의 환자는 의료처치를 거부할 권리(right to refuse medical treatment)를 갖는다. 그러나 연명치료의 중단은 인간의 생명과 직결되어 있다는 점에서 사적 자치의 원리만으로 간단히 해결될 수 있는 문제가 아니다. 만일 환자가 연명치료의 중단을 요청하는 경우에 의사는 연명치료를 중단해야 하는가? 또 의사가 환자의 의사에 반하여 연명치료를 하는 경우 전단적인 의료행위로서 의사는 불법행위 책임을 부담하는가? 일반적인 의료행위가 환자의 신체와 건강과 결부되어 있다는 점에서 의료영역에서의 사적 자치는 상당부분 제한된다. 더욱이 연명치료의 중단은 삶고 죽음의 문제와 관련되어 있다는 점에서 연명치료에 있어서 사적 자치의 원칙이 한층 더 제한될 수밖에 없다. 외국에서는 이미 오래전부터 소극적 안락사 내지 존엄사라는 이름으로 연명치료의 중단에 대한 민사법적 연구가 진행되어 왔으나, 우리나라에서는 2008년의 이른바 신촌세브란스 병원 사건을 계기로 연명치료의 중단을 둘러싼 민사법적 쟁점에 대한 본격적인 논의가 이루어지기 시작하였다. 지금까지 연명치료 중단의 방식, 요건, 절차 등 연명치료 중단을 중심으로 한 민사법적 쟁점을 주로 다루는 민법 내지 의료법 분야의 선행연구가 적지 않았다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 연명치료 및 그 중단이라는 주제를 의료계약의 관점에서, 즉 연명치료계약의 성립부터 종료에 이르기까지 연쇄적으로 발생하는 법적 문제를 계약법적 관점에서 논의한 연구는 아직까지 없는 듯하다. 연명치료 역시 의료행위라는 점, 또 의료행위는 환자와 의사 사이의 계약에 터 잡고 있다는 점을 감안하면 계약법적 관점에서의 분석이 연명치료 및 그 중단에 대한 민사법적 논의의 출발점이 되어야 한다는 점은 부인하기 어려울 것이다. 더욱이 향후 사전의료지시(advance directive) 제도의 도입 ... The traditional physician-oriented paternalistic paradigm has been changed to patient-oriented contractual paradigm of today. As a result, the patients’ right of self-determination and the principle of informed consent are emphasized in medical context nowadays. In legal context, the principle of private autonomy (=Privatautonomie) has functioned as the leading principle of private law since the modern ages. Nonetheless, there are widespread limits of private autonomy in contracts set by legal paternalism. There are also boundaries or limits of private autonomy in medical contracts, particularly the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. So, we should focus a discussion on not whether limits of private autonomy exist or not, but on where the border lies. An answer to the question on private autonomy and its limits requires reflections on the nature of contracts. Despite the pervasive identity of concepts & doctrine of contract law across jurisdictions, there is no generally recognized theory of contract today. What’s worse, the problem of private autonomy and its limits can’t be fully solved without the understandings of liberalism, communitarianism, and paternalism as ideological foundations. And besides, it is necessary to deliberate on the philosophical foundations of private law. In spite of that, we face always the medical difficulties in everyday life, and have to seek a prompt solution to the problem such as the permissibility of withdrawing of life-sustaining treatment in the PVS patient of Sinchon Severance Hospital Case. Consequently, it is not meaningless to try to analyze the private autonomy and its limits in medical contracts including life-sustaining treatment contract from the viewpoint of contract law. It may be summarized as follows. The life-sustaining treatment and its withdrawal as results of medical contract are basically governed by the principle of private autonomy. Therefore, a patient’s prior intention declared in a living will or advance directive as well as his present declaration of intention legitimates the withholding & withdrawing of life-sustaining treatment or voluntary discharge. The medical contract regarding life-sustaining treatment can be closed or cancelled by the patients’ explicit or implicit intention. On that point, the principle of private autonomy keeps its ground. But, it is necessary to determine the content of declamation of patients’intention and interpret occasionally the vague and ambiguous intention in order to activate life-sustaining treatment and its withdrawal. The process entails the review of legality and appropriateness of patient’s intention. If the intention of a patient is considered as indeterminate, illegal, and inappropriate, the declaration of intention is not valid. On this point, the principle of private autonomy governing medical contracts faces the limits. In summary, the finding of patients’ genuine intention is great importance to the decision of life-sustaining treatment and its withdrawal. It enables us to respect the patients’ autonomy as the manifestation of private autonomy on the one hand and protect the right of life as the limits of private autonomy on the other.

      • KCI등재

        소비자법 민법전편입의 이론적 근거와 방향성 - 실질적 사적자치론 · 소비자계약론의 관점에서 -

        서희석 한국재산법학회 2010 재산법연구 Vol.27 No.2

        The application of Civil Code to consumer transactions means that civil code will regulate the type of transaction (BtoC) the modern civil code did not envisage. However, it is a type of transaction which the civil code as a general private law should have included. If so, it can be justified that the legal representation of consumer transactions, "consumer contract" may be governed by the Civil Code. The issue is whether or not the Civil Code can embrace individual consumer protection laws which have developed outside the scope of the civil law. Because the consumer protection law is for the purpose of the consumer protection, it would be possible to conflict with the idea of the civil law which has its origin in the private autonomy. On the assumption that the structural characteristics of consumers and consumer contracts induce the necessity of the consumer protection, this article tries to justify the theoretical basis for the incorporation of the consumer contract law into the Civill Code through the theory of substantial private autonomy. In short, as long as the private autonomy of the civil law is understood the substantial private autonomy, it can be justified that the legal rules to accomplish the substantial private autonomy of the consumers is incorporated into the Civil Code. In the meanwhile, regarding what principle or rule will be necessary to accomplish the substantial private autonomy, this article will comparatively study the contract law principles between in consumer contract law and in civil law. Also, through the comparison study, it will try to induce the legal principle of the consumer contract which our legal system doesn't have. Legal principles or rules for regulating the process of and the content of the consumer contract play a role in protecting the consumers (or parties) in the contract process by using the civil law principle or by influencing the doctrine or the application of civil law. What makes these two parties connect is the very theory of substantial private autonomy. In sum civil lfound that the legal principles or rules for regulating the process of and the content of the consumer contract harmonizes with the theory of the civil law within the limits for helping to realize the substantial private autonomy by self-determination of consumers. The theoretical basis and the direction for the purpose of the incorporation of the consumer law into the Civil Code should be understood in this way.

      • KCI우수등재

        자율형 사립고등학교 정책이 교사 자율성에 미친 영향 분석

        김정아 ( Jeong-a Kim ) 한국정책학회 2018 韓國政策學會報 Vol.27 No.1

        본 연구에서는 자율형 사립고 정책이 교사 자율성에 미친 영향력을 분석하기 위하여, 한국교육개발원의 『학교 교육 실태 및 수준 분석 연구』 4주기(고등학교) 자료를 활용하여, 정책변수인 학교유형, 교사 개인의 인적 특성 및 심리·정서적 특성, 학교고정특성 및 조직문화특성을 차례로 투입하는 다층분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 자율형 사립고에 재직하는 교사가 일반고에 재직하는 교사에 비해 교사 자율성이 더 낮았으며, 이는 학교 현장의 자율성을 높이고자 도입된 자율형 사립고 정책이 정책 목적을 달성하는 데 실패했음을 의미한다. 둘째, 교사가 입시로 인해 수업지장이 많다고 인지할수록 교사 자율성이 낮다는 분석 결과는 입시 중심의 교육체제가 교사 자율성을 제한하고 있음을 나타낸다. 셋째, 국·공립학교에 비해 사립학교 교사의 자율성이 더 낮은 것으로 나타났으며, 이에 대한 원인을 규명하고 사립학교의 교사 자율성을 높이기 위한 방안이 마련되어야 한다. 마지막으로, 교사 협력 수준이 높을수록 교사 자율성이 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 이는 교사들이 업무 및 학생지도, 수업 등과 관련하여 서로 돕고 협력하는 문화가 잘 정착된 학교에서 교사들의 자율성이 더 잘 발휘되고 있음을 의미한다. 본 연구는 경쟁과 시장논리를 강조하는 신자유주의 조류 속에서 경쟁이 아닌 협력을 통해 교육적 가치와 학교 교육의 목적을 실현할 수 있음을 실증적으로 보여주었다는 점에서 학문적·실천적 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the autonomous private high school policy on teacher autonomy. The data for this study were drawn from the Korean Educational Development Institute and hierarchical linear modeling was employed as an analytic method. First, results obtained after entering school type as a policy variable indicated that teacher autonomy in autonomous private high schools was lower than in general high schools, and this implied that the autonomous private high school policy which aimed to improve autonomy in schools can be regarded as policy failure. Second, the level of autonomy of teachers who acknowledged that college entrance examination disrupts school education was lower than that of teachers who did not. Third, teacher autonomy in private high schools was lower than in public high schools. Thus, the reason why teacher autonomy in private schools was lower than public schools should be investigated in further studies and the plans should be developed to enhance teacher autonomy in private schools. Last, teacher collaboration was positively associated with teacher autonomy. It indicated that teacher autonomy in schools where teachers are more likely to collaborate each other regarding student-guidance and instruction was higher than in schools where teachers are less likely to collaborate. Thus, the study suggested that, in a neoliberal tide that emphasizes competition and market logic, school education can achieve its goal and realize the educational value through collaboration instead of competition.

      • KCI등재

        소비자법 민법전편입의 이론적 근거와 방향성

        서회석(Seo, Hee-Seok) 한국재산법학회 2010 재산법연구 Vol.27 No.2

        The application of Civil Code to consumer transactions means that civil code will regulate the type of transaction (BtoC) the modern civil code did not envisage. However, it is a type of transaction which the civil code as a general private law should have included. If so, it can be justified that the legal representation of consumer transactions, "consumer contract" may be governed by the Civil Code. The issue is whether or not the Civil Code can embrace individual consumer protection laws which have developed outside the scope of the civil law. Because the consumer protection law is for the purpose of the consumer protection, it would be possible to conflict with the idea of the civil law which has its origin in the private autonomy. On the assumption that the structural characteristics of consumers and consumer contracts induce the necessity of the consumer protection, this article tries to justify the theoretical basis for the incorporation of the consumer contract law into the Civill Code through the theory of substantial private autonomy. In short, as long as the private autonomy of the civil law is understood the substantial private autonomy, it can be justified that the legal rules to accomplish the substantial private autonomy of the consumers is incorporated into the Civil Code. In the meanwhile, regarding what principle or rule will be necessary to accomplish the substantial private autonomy, this article will comparatively study the contract law principles between in consumer contract law and in civil law. Also, through the comparison study, it will try to induce the legal principle of the consumer contract which our legal system doesn't have. Legal principles or rules for regulating the process of and the content of the consumer contract play a role in protecting the consumers (or parties) in the contract process by using the civil law principle or by influencing the doctrine or the application of civil law. What makes these two parties connect is the very theory of substantial private autonomy. In sum civil lfound that the legal principles or rules for regulating the process of and the content of the consumer contract harmonizes with the theory of the civil law within the limits for helping to realize the substantial private autonomy by self-determination of consumers. The theoretical basis and the direction for the purpose of the incorporation of the consumer law into the Civil Code should be understood in this way.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능과 자율성의 역학관계

        박도현 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2019 홍익법학 Vol.20 No.3

        Today, as we are into the era of the so-called 'Fourth Industrial Revolution', Artificial Intelligence(AI) is transforming not only the physical dimension but also the cognitive dimension which has been regarded as a human-inherent domain, as an object of automation. Furthermore, it is suggested that some kind of 'autonomy' is given to AI when minimizing human control. The 'AI and autonomy' issue is divided into two aspects: legal evaluation of AI with certain autonomy and legal evaluation of the effect of AI on human autonomy. The former position is to understand the concept of 'autonomy' as functional level 'phenomenal autonomy' instead of traditionally accepted 'moral autonomy'. And it gives some kind of moral and legal status of AI that shows a certain level of this kind of autonomy. But this paper clarifies that 'human autonomy' is indeed important in AI and autonomy discussions, and that it is not necessary to provide legal personhood to AI both practically and theoretically. What is really needed for (phenomenally) autonomous AI and human autonomy to coexist is to seek the concept of AI 'Governance' that controls the risk of AI at an appropriate level and doesn't suppress private autonomy. 오늘날 소위 제4차 산업혁명 시대에 돌입하면서, 인공지능은 물리적 차원을 넘어 인간의 전유물로 여겨져 온 인지적 차원까지도 자동화(automation)의 대상으로 탈바꿈시키고 있다. 나아가 인간의 통제를 최소화한 인공지능에 대해 모종의 자율성(autonomy)을 인정하자는 견해까지도 제기되고는 한다. ‘인공지능과 자율성’ 이슈는 일정한 자율성을 갖춘 인공지능에 대한 법적 평가와, 이와 별개로 인공지능이 인간의 자율성에 미치는 영향에 대한 법적 평가라는 두 가지 측면으로 대별된다. 이때 전자는 자율성 개념을 전통적으로 이해되어온 도덕적 차원의 자율성(moral autonomy)을 대신하여 기능적 차원의 현상적 자율성으로 이해하면서, 일정 수준 이상의 현상적 자율성을 보이는 인공지능에 대해 도덕적, 법적 지위를 인정할 수 있는가 하는 문제이다. 본고는 인공지능과 자율성 논의에서 진정 중요한 것은 ‘인간의 자율성’임을 분명히 하고, 현상적 자율성을 가진 인공지능에 대한 법인격 부여는 그와 같은 목적을 달성함에 있어 현실적으로도, 이론적으로도 필수적 요소가 아님을 보인다. 자율적 인공지능과 인간의 자율성이 공존하기 위해 진정으로 요구되는 것은 인공지능의 위험성을 적절한 수준에서 통제하는 동시에 인간의 사적자치를 과다하게 억제하지 않도록 조화하는 거버넌스(governance) 구조를 모색하는 일이다.

      • KCI등재

        중재 자치의 개념과 내용

        손경한(Kyung Han Sohn) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2012 성균관법학 Vol.24 No.3

        Recently, discussions on arbitral autonomy have been substantially increased. However, there are still many theoretical and practical hurdles for arbitral autonomy. This paper starts with the issues of institutional grounds for arbitration system and theoretical grounds for arbitral autotomy. The author argues that arbitral autotomy derives from the “Principle of Private Autonomy which encompasses not only the Principle of Party Autonomy but also the Principle of Autonomy in Dispute Resolution. This paper classifies arbitral autotomy into two categories, i.e., autotomy of arbitral party and autotomy of arbitrator. The autotomy of arbitral party includes party autonomy in arbitration agreement, autotomy of arbitral party as to arbitrator, autotomy in choice of law and in arbitration procedure. the parties to an arbitration agreement enjoy freedom in conclusion of an arbitration agreement including designation of the seat of arbitration and the subject matter thereof, namely, arbitrability. Further, the parties are free to determine the arbitrator’s authority, to exempt arbitrator’s liability as well as to appoint arbitrator(s). The author argues that the freedom of the parties in choice of both substantive and procedural law for the arbitration should be guaranteed. As a part of autotomy of the parties in arbitration procedure, the right to appeal for arbitral award may be waived and enforcement of an arbitral award can be granted even after the award has been set aside by the local court. On the other hand, autotomy of arbitrator is another significant part of arbitral autonomy. Arbitrator can designate the seat of arbitration absent from that of the parties. Arbitrator has the power to determine his own authority, known as Competence - Competence, and arbitral procedure including the power to order interim measures prior to final award. In the absence of the parties’ choice, arbitrator may exercise its authority to determine the governing law for substantive issues as well as procedural issues. The author requires municipal courts respect arbitration agreement to the maximum extent and limit their authority in intervening arbitration procedure. In order to enhance and secure arbitral autonomy, he wishes international rules therefor to be established as early as possible. he envisions that an ultimate autonomy in arbitration can be realized by introducing a system of self-enforcement of arbitral awards without aid of municipal courts.

      • KCI등재후보

        노사자치의 한계와 노동법적 규제의 정당성

        이병운 한국노동법학회 2004 노동법학 Vol.0 No.19

        According to the constitutional law, a labor law was established on the basis of particular labor standards laws and collective labor and management relations laws. The former deals with the lowest criterion and the latter is premised on the security of union rights of labor groups But there still has not been enough reviews theoretically on how the labor law can control particular contract-autonomy and collective labor-management autonomy, on what the basis of the law is, and on what limitation is. To solve these problems, it is needed to have a feeling of danger of flexibility and regulation-relaxation on a labor law and to bring a question on a legal foundation and limitation on intervention of a substantial law in the labor law Therefore, putting a emphasis on collective labor and management relations laws and private contract-autonomy and putting limitation on the act of a substantial law as a whole, this research is to investigate legal intervention by the substantial law and the relationship of management and unions autonomy On the other hand, we can find two different opinions on a basic standard. One is management and unions autonomy. The other one is a legal intervention by a state They depend on whether they are related to the laws in article 32, clause 2 and article 33, clause 1 of a constitution, and on how they define self-determination service relation and the actual condition of labor union in term of how a labor union works It organically and it deals with illegal labor acts. In conclusion, this study is to review decision system on labor condition comprehensively, clarifying a clear mutual relation from three points of view, a substantial law, a collective, and a private. The labor law has to contribute to the change of existing labor union's conditions and workers' awareness on their right. But every other problem caused separately should also be considered in a proper way. Accordingly, this study has a Significance of looking in contemporary opinions on systematic sentiments of protection device for workers through review 109 justness of a regulation based on a labor law according to the limitation and function of Labor-management autonomy.

      • KCI등재

        민법의 원칙을 민초평법원의 행정소송실천에 적용 - 「평정원재결기록」을 중심으로 -

        다이젠펑 한중법학회 2022 中國法硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        The distinction between public and private laws is relatively clear, but there is also a certain possibility of mutual penetration. The principles of modern private law were shaped by The Civil Law Draft compiled from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China. Meanwhile, the principles were mainly embodied in the principles of holiness of private-right, the principle of honesty and credibility, fault liability principle, the principle of public order and good customs, the principle of autonomy of will, the principle of contractual freedom and the prohibition of abuse of rights. In terms of the practice of modern administrative trial, the principles of private law invoked by the rulings of the Ping Zheng Yuan are mainly reflected in the principle of honesty and credibility, the principle of public order and good customs, and the principle of autonomy of will. According to the practice of administrative litigation in modern Ping Zheng Yuan, the principle of private law can be effectively applied to the field of administrative trial. This possibility depends on that the principle of private law has certain commonality with administrative trial in terms of institutional purpose and applicable content. In the specific application manners, the application logic of adjudication is mainly manifested in the common-sense deduction and principle deduction. Moreover, the application and limitation of these private law principles are affected by the philosophy of natural law and the social-based legislative view in the legal basis of its trial. The enlightenment is that the important function of private law principle to mediate specific disputes under the view of the principle of unity of legal order should be made full use of to provide important legal application resources for the purpose of realizing the right relief in the field of administrative law and stabilizing social order. 공사법 경계가 비교적 명확하지만, 서로 침투할 가능성도 있다. 근대 사법의원칙은 청말에서 민초에 걸쳐 편찬된 민법 초안의 형태를 띠고 있으며, 사권의신성함, 신의성실의 신용, 과오책임, 공서양속, 의사자치, 계약의 자유, 권리남용 금지 등의 원칙에 집중되어 있다. 근대적 행정소송의 실천에 있어서 평정원결재가 인용한 사법의 원칙은 주로 신의와 공서양속, 의사자치의 원칙이었다. 근대 평정원 행정소송의 실천을 보면 사법원칙이 행정소송 분야에 효과적으로적용될 수 있다.이런 가능성은 사법원칙이 제도적 목적, 적용 내용에서 행정소송과 어느 정도 공통성을 갖고 있기 때문이다. 그 구체적인 적용 방식을 살펴보면, 판결의 적용 논리는 주로 상식적인 연역 방식과 원리 연역 방식으로 나타나며, 판결의 법리적 기초를 고려할 때 이러한 사법 원칙의 적용과 그 제한은 자연법 철학과 사회본위의 입법관의 영향을 받는다. 법질서의 통일원리라는 관조 아래 사법의 원칙을 이용해 특정 분쟁을 조정하는 중요한 기능을 활용함으로써 행정법 분야의 권리구제, 사회질서 안정이라는 목적을 달성하기 위한중요한 법률적용의 자원을 제공하겠다는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        私法原則在民初平政院行政訴訟實踐中的適用 - 以《平政院裁決錄存》為中心的考察 -

        다이젠펑 한중법학회 2022 中國法硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        The distinction between public and private laws is relatively clear, but there is also a certain possibility of mutual penetration. The principles of modern private law were shaped by The Civil Law Draft compiled from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China. Meanwhile, the principles were mainly embodied in the principles of holiness of private-right, the principle of honesty and credibility, fault liability principle, the principle of public order and good customs, the principle of autonomy of will, the principle of contractual freedom and the prohibition of abuse of rights. In terms of the practice of modern administrative trial, the principles of private law invoked by the rulings of the Ping Zheng Yuan are mainly reflected in the principle of honesty and credibility, the principle of public order and good customs, and the principle of autonomy of will. According to the practice of administrative litigation in modern Ping Zheng Yuan, the principle of private law can be effectively applied to the field of administrative trial. This possibility depends on that the principle of private law has certain commonality with administrative trial in terms of institutional purpose and applicable content. In the specific application manners, the application logic of adjudication is mainly manifested in the common-sense deduction and principle deduction. Moreover, the application and limitation of these private law principles are affected by the philosophy of natural law and the social-based legislative view in the legal basis of its trial. The enlightenment is that the important function of private law principle to mediate specific disputes under the view of the principle of unity of legal order should be made full use of to provide important legal application resources for the purpose of realizing the right relief in the field of administrative law and stabilizing social order. 公私法畛域较为分明,但彼此相互渗透亦存在一定的可能. 近代私法原 则受到清末以至民初编纂的民法草案的形塑,并集中体现为私权神圣、 诚实信用、过错责任、公序良俗、意思自治、契约自由与禁止权利滥用 等原则. 而就近代行政诉讼实践而言,平政院裁决所援引的私法原则主要 体现为诚实信用、公序良俗与意思自治原则. 揆诸近代平政院行政诉讼实 践,私法原则能够有效适用于行政诉讼领域. 这种可能性仰赖于私法原则 在制度目的、适用内容上与行政诉讼具有一定的共通性. 察其具体适用方 式,裁决适用逻辑主要表现为常识演绎方式与原理演绎方式;考其裁决 法理基础,这些私法原则的适用及其限制受到自然法哲学与社会本位立 法观的影响. 其启示在于,要在法秩序统一原理的观照下,充分利用私法 原则调解特定纠纷的重要功能,为实现行政法领域的权利救济、稳定社 会秩序之目的提供重要的法律适用资源.

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