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      • KCI등재

        다문화가정 여성의 임신과 출산 경험에 대한 의미

        오은주,박정숙,김영경,이현숙 한국모자보건학회 2013 한국모자보건학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Objectives: This study was aimed to understand pregnancy and childbirth experience by women from multi-cultural families who experience pregnancy and childbirth in Korea and to provide basic data for preparing nursing intervention. Methods: The participants were nine multi-cultural family women who became pregnant and gave birth within one year. Nine multi-cultural women were recruited from July to October in 2011. Giorgi's phenomenological method was used to analyze data collected by in-depth interviews. Results: A survey of nationality with 9 women who participated in this study indicates among them 4 are from Vietnam, 1 from Japan, 2 from China and 1 from the Philippines. Concerning age distribution,1 was under the age of 20, 3 between 20~25 years old, 1 at the age of 27, 1 at the age of 31, 1 at the age of 36, and 1 at the age of 42. Concerning the types of delivery, 8 were by natural childbirth and 1 by cesarean section. Six components were identified from the meanings of pregnancy and childbirth experience : ‘Unfair treatment of a pregnant woman’ ‘No support for the information of pregnancy and childbirth’, ‘Feeling much sorry for the treatment during pregnancy childbirth and postnatal care’, ‘Many conflicts with family members during the maintenance of pregnancy and childbirth’, ‘Difficulty in eating barely palatable food during the pregnancy and childbirth’,‘Recognition as a family member through the pregnancy and childbirth’. The structure of meaning for pregnancy and childbirth experience of women in multi-cultural families was "Not be cared". Conclusion: Based on these results, it is necessary to consider systematic support system that can be with experienced experts and provide pregnancy-childbirth education offered in their own language. Their families join so that they can support them. Intervention programs provided together by experts in pregnancy and childbirth through coordinators or sisters who have experienced them first coming to Korea and are good at Korean language among women from the same countries.

      • KCI우수등재

        대하소설 속 임신 및 출산 화소 연구

        한길연(Han, Gil-yeon) 국어국문학회 2017 국어국문학 Vol.0 No.180

        대하소설의 임신 및 출산 화소는 대하소설의 핵심 화소라 할 수 있을 만큼 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 먼저 생활문화사적으로, 대하소설의 임신 및 출산 화소는 임신 및 출산 과정과 관련한 생생한 장면의 제시를 통해 조선후기 당대의 임신 및 출산 문화를 재구해 볼 수 있게 하는 한편, 오늘날의 임신 및 출산 문화를 되돌아보게 하는 계기를 마련해 주고 있다. 임신에 대한 극단적인 감춤과 드러냄을 통해 여성에 대한 억압적 기제들을 반영하고 소박한 의료환경 속에서 유산 · 조산 등의 이상 징후를 보이는 임산부의 모습을 통해 당대의 힘든 현실을 노정하면서도, 가족공동체적 돌봄의 문화나 ‘캥거루 케어’와 지혜로운 치료법을 제시함으로써 오늘날에도 계승해야 할 지점을 보여준다. 단편소설에서의 ‘미화된 임신과 출산’과는 달리 대하소설에서는 ‘실제적인 임신과 출산’의 장면이 형상화되는 가운데, 일반적 문헌기록과도 차별되게 조선후기 당대 일상적인 임신과 출산 장면을 출산 주체인 여성과 그녀를 둘러싼 주변인들의 입장에서 입체적으로 조명한다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 한편, 서사구조적으로 대하소설의 임신 및 출산 화소는 등장인물들 간의 가장 중요하고도 치열한 갈등을 견인해내는 화소로서의 역할을 담당한다. 대하소설은 ‘가문소설’이라고 달리 명명할 정도로 한 가문이 대를 이어 지속해가는 것이 중요하며 주 향유층인 상층 여성의 초미의 관심사 중 하나인 자손의 탄생을 양각화하기에, 임신 및 출산 화소는 대하소설의 핵심 화소로 부상한다. 단편소설에서의 혼사장애가 남녀가 혼인에 이르는 과정에 주로 초점이 맞추어져 있는 것과 달리, 대하소설에서의 혼사장애는 혼인 이후의 갈등을 해결하고 부부간에 안정적 궤도에 진입하는 과정에 주로 초점이 맞추어져 있다. 이때 임신 및 출산 화소는 이러한 혼사장애의 정점에 위치한다. 악인형 여성은 임신 및 출산을 수단화하는 패륜적 행동을 통해 선인형 여성의 고난을 증폭시키는 가운데 그 스스로 몰락의 길을 걷게 되며, 선인형 여성은 동굴모티프의 변형태로서 산당(山堂) 혹은 폐실(閉室)에서 홀로 극도의 육체적 · 정신적 고통을 겪으면서 ‘어머니 되기’라는 통과의례를 거쳐 시가에서의 안정적 위상을 확보하고, 선인형 남성은 아내의 임신 및 출산을 통해 모(母)-처(妻)-자(子)의 확장된 관계 속에서 새로운 깨달음을 얻음으로써 ‘아버지 되기’라는 과제를 완수하면서 아내와의 갈등을 해소한다. 대하소설 속 임신 및 출산 화소는 대하소설의 핵심 서사를 견인하는 핵심 화소로 기능하고 있다. The motif of pregnancy and childbirth has significant sense as the core element of river novels. First of all, in the point of living cultural history, it makes us reconstruct the culture of pregnancy and childbirth in those days through vivid descriptions. The scenes of ‘actual pregnancy and childbirth’ are embodied in full-length novels while mostly ‘embellished pregnancy and childbirth’ are described in short stories. Moreover unlike normal documents, the motif in river novels portray the usual pregnancy and childbirth in those days in the view point of women and related marginal group, the main agent of childbirth. Meanwhile, in the point of narrative structure, the motif of pregnancy and childbirth is in charge of pulling the most important and intense aspect of conflicts among characters of river novels. In ‘family novels’ as alternative name of river novels, it is important that the family continue to carry on with the future from father to son. Therefore the motif of pregnancy and childbirth related to the birth of descendants, one of the pressing matters of women as the main readers of river novels, emerges as the core element of the river novels. Unlike short stories focusing on the process up to a marriage, river novels focus on the phases after marriage as arranging with many disorders, having children, and managing a stable home. In these cases the motif of pregnancy and childbirth takes up the summit of marriage obstacle. Wicked female character amplifies the good character’s troubles through immoral acts as taking advantage of pregnancy and childbirth and leads to downfall of oneself. Heroine as good female character suffers severe physical and mental distresses in the place like closed cell as transformed motif of cave and finally takes stable position in her husband’s family through passage rite of becoming a mother. And the good male character settles a conflict with his wife by new enlightenment in the enlarged relationship of mother-wife-child. In these ways the pregnancy and childbirth in river novels become the core motif leading the core narrative.

      • KCI등재

        임신 출산 관련 어휘 연구-경상도 지역을 중심으로

        홍기옥 한민족어문학회 2010 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.57

        본 연구는 경상도 지역의 ‘임신・출산’에 관한 어휘를 조사하고 이에 관한 어휘목록을체계화하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 경상도의 여러 제보자를 통해 임신・출산 주제에 대한다양한 어휘 수집하여, 임신・출산에 관한 어휘를 목록화하였다. 여기서는 임신・출산 과정에 관련된 어휘, 출산 후 행위 및 의식에 관련된 어휘, 기타 신생아・임산부 관련 어휘를정리하였다. 인류의 시작과 함께 시작된 임신・출산의 문제는 긴 역사를 가지고 있고 이와 관련된말과 표현도 많이 있을 것이라 추정할 수 있다. 출산 문화의 변화로 임신・출산에 관한전통적인 생활 어휘도 노년층을 중심으로 명맥만 유지하고 있다. 따라서 사라져 가고있는 임신・출산에 관한 전통적인 생활 어휘를 조사, 정리하는 일은 필요하며 의미있는작업일 것이다. The purpose of the present research is to investigate vocabulary on 'pregnancy・childbirth' of the Gyeongsang-do region and to systemize a vocabulary list on this. This research cataloged vocabulary on pregnancy・childbirth by collecting diverse vocabulary on pregnancy・childbirth through several informers of Gyeongsang-do. Here, vocabulary related to a process of pregnancy・childbirth, vocabulary related to behaviors and awareness after childbirth and other vocabulary related to newborn baby・pregnant women were arranged. The problem of pregnancy・childbirth started with the beginning of the human race has long history, so it can be estimated that there would be many words and expressions related to this. Traditional life vocabulary on pregnancy・childbirth due to change of childbirth culture is also maintaining only its slender existence with the center of elder people. Accordingly, the work investigating and arranging traditional life vocabulary on pregnancy・childbirth, which is disappearing, is necessary and would be meaningful work.

      • KCI등재

        임신출산갈등을 경험한 여성의 위기갈등과 선택에 관한 질적 연구

        김지혜(Jihye Kim),이선혜(Sunhae Lee),조성희(Sunghui Cho),박지혜(Jihye Park) 한국가족치료학회 2021 가족과 가족치료 Vol.29 No.2

        본 연구는 임신출산갈등을 겪는 여성의 위기갈등 경험과 선택의 과정 전반을 탐색하고 향후 임신출산상담의 방향성을 제시하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해 의도적 표집방법에 근거하여 임신출산갈등을 경험한 총 12명의 여성을 선정하고, 그들을 직접 개별 면접하거나 그들의 경험을 기술한 서면 텍스트 자료를 수집하는 방식으로 분석자료를 구성하였다. 수집된 자료는 귀납적(개방) 코딩방식에 따라 주제를 도출하는 방식으로 분석되었다. 질적분석 결과, 총 69개의 의미단위, 22개의 하위범주, 6개의 범주가 도출되었다. 임신출산갈등 경험을 설명하는 6개의 범주는 ‘삶의 위기가 된 임신’, ‘임신출산갈등의 심화’, ‘상황에 의해 결정된 선택’, ‘선택의 방향성을 정하며 최선의 선택’, ‘선택의 결과를 수용하며 꾸려가는 삶’, ‘임신출산갈등 상담서비스에 대한 바람’으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 임신출산갈등 상담 시 고려할 부분과 임상실천의 방향성에 대해 제언하였다. Objectives: The purpose of the study is to describe the experience of women who have had a crisis/conflict and made a choice in relation to pregnancy and childbirth, and to suggest implications for counseling. Methods: The authors used a purposive sampling method to select 12 cases of women with crisis/conflict experiences related to pregnancy and childbirth, collecting data via direct interview or by obtaining a written text describing their experience. An inductive (open) coding approach was utilized to draw themes from the data. Results: A total of 69 meaning units were found, which were then organized into 22 subcategories, and 6 categories. The 6 categories describing crisis/conflict experiences of the study participants include “pregnancy turning into a life crisis”, “worsening of pregnancy and childbirth conflict”, “decision-making driven by situation”, “making a choice with a sense of direction”, “moving on with life by embracing the consequences”, and “hopes for counseling services related to pregnancy and childbirth crisis/conflict”. Conclusions: Implications and future directions were discussed for counseling services on women having crisis/conflict related to pregnancy and childbirth.

      • KCI등재

        실제성 제고를 위한 여성결혼이민자용 한국어 어휘 연구 -「국제 통용 한국어 표준 교육과정 적용 연구」에 대한 어휘 보완 연구-

        최미경(Choi, Mi Gyeong) 대구대학교 다문화사회정책연구소 2019 현대사회와 다문화 Vol.9 No.1

        여성결혼이민자는 국내 입국 초기에 임신과 출산, 자녀 양육을 경험하지만 이와 관련한 어휘 학습은 매우 부족하다. 이 연구는 이를 보완하기 위한 방안을 모색하였다. 먼저 ‘국제 통용 한국어 표준 교육과정 적용 연구’의 어휘를 분석하였다. 이후 인터넷 주부카페의 육아방과 초등학교 가정통신문에서 어휘를 임의로 수집·분류하고, 실제로 임신, 출산 경험이 있는 한국어 교사들과 초등학생 자녀를 둔 한국어 교사들에게 필수 어휘를 선택하게 했다. 이를 통해 ‘국제 통용 한국어 표준 교육과정 적용 연구’에 수록되지 않은 임신 어휘 18개, 출산·육아 어휘 52개, 학교생활 어휘 33개 등 총 103개의 어휘를 신규학습 어휘로 제시하였다. 또한 여성결혼이민자용 교재 등에 이들 어휘를 추가할 것, 정착단계별 한국어 교육과정 개설(임신·출산기, 육아기 등), 세분화된 교육과정에 필수 어휘 학습 강화 등의 대안을 제안하였다. As the demand for Korean language education as a foreign language has increased rapidly, there has been a need to develop standardized Korean language education model at a national level. This led to a series of efforts to develop standardized Korean language education models that could be used worldwide, and as a result, the standardized models are now being used on the ground. However, the current model does not provide vocabulary specialized for female marriage immigrants, foreign students, and foreign workers. Female marriage immigrants generally come to Korea with the level of Korean language proficiency at TOPIK 2. They experience pregnancy, childbirth and childcare as soon as they come to Korea, which entails difficulties as they lack proficiency in Korean. Korean language education carried out at local multicultural centers lack in many ways as these centers do not teach vocabulary concerning pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare that female marriage immigrants must acquire. As Korea’s pregnancy and childbirth culture is completely different from that of their homeland, female marriage immigrants cannot ask for their parents’ help either. This is a stark contrast to young Korean housewives who easily obtain rich information through family, friends, and on the Internet. In a bid to find essential and complementary vocabulary that female marriage immigrants must acquire, this study randomly collected and classified vocabulary from primary schools’ parent letters and “parenting room of the Internet café” popular among young Korean housewives. This study thus exhibits the vocabulary that are often in use in parent letters and young Korean housewives have high interest in concerning pregnancy and childbirth. In order to come up with new vocabulary that female marriage immigrants will learn from the collected and classified vocabulary, Korean teachers who have an experience of pregnancy and childbirth were asked to choose vocabulary relating to pregnancy and childbirth, and those with primary school children were asked to choose vocabulary relating to school life. This was because it is Korean teachers who, in view of their own experiences, knows best what vocabulary female marriage immigrant need to learn each situation. Finally, the extracted vocabulary was compared to the vocabulary in “Applied Study”, and as a result, the study exhibits vocabulary that were not included in the applied study as an essential vocabulary for pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and primary school life. This study presents 103 new vocabulary words in total to complement “applied study”. There are 18 vocabulary words concerning pregnancy such as birth defects, infertility, internal examination, last month of pregnancy, belly aggregation, 52 vocabulary words concerning pregnancy and childcare such as high fever, stomatitis, greenish stool, miliaria, crawling, after pain, breastfeeding amount, and 33 vocabulary words for school life such as omission, extracurricular activities, written test, and consent to utilization of personal information. Simply learning these new vocabulary does not mean that female marriage immigrants will be able to adapt to the life in Korea well. However, this study aims to provide minimum safety to female marriage immigrants in the face of serious situations during their new life in Korea such as pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and guiding children’s school life. Some say that this suggestion could overly broaden Korean language education, but since multicultural families began to take root in Korea, female marriage immigrants’ children have already entered high school. For this reason, conducting Korean language education with wide latitude for married immigrant women is also a matter concerning second generation Koreans and a matter concerning the Korean society as a whole. In addition, Korean language education for foreign students and foreign workers should be examined as well so that vocabul

      • KCI등재

        임부의 분만 자신감, 산전 우울, 분만 지식과 배우자 지지는 분만 두려움에 영향을 미치는가?

        조현진 ( Hyunjin Cho ),안숙희 ( Sukhee Ahn ) 한국여성건강간호학회 (구 여성건강간호학회) 2020 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        Purpose: This study investigated levels of childbirth fear and related prenatal factors (self-confidence for childbirth, prenatal depression, knowledge about childbirth, and spousal support) among pregnant women in South Korea. Methods: A correlational study design was used to explore levels of childbirth fear and related prenatal factors in 200 pregnant women over 28 weeks of gestation. A self-administered questionnaire was used to measure fear of childbirth and related factors, such as self-confidence for childbirth, prenatal depression, knowledge about childbirth, and spousal support. Results: One-third of the pregnant women were aged 35 years and older. Sixty-one percent of women were nulliparae, but only 26.0% had experienced prenatal education. The mean score for fear of childbirth was 66.99 out of 165. The prevalence of fear of childbirth was 72.0%, and childbirth fear was severe in 26.5% of the participants and moderate in 45.5%. Fear of childbirth was negatively related to self-confidence (r=-.45, p<.001), but positively related to prenatal depression (r=.21, p=.002). Two significant predictors were found to explain the fear of childbirth. Higher self-confidence for childbirth was associated with less severe fear of childbirth (β=-.44, p<.001), while higher prenatal depression was associated with more severe fear of childbirth (β=.13, p=.038). Conclusion: The level of fear of childbirth was higher among pregnant women with lower self-confidence and higher prenatal depression. Reasonable evidence should be provided for implementing prenatal and childbirth classes to reduce pregnant women’s depression and to increase their confidence.

      • KCI등재후보

        비혼여성의 인공임신에 관한 자기결정의 권리: 임신과 출산에 관한 자기결정권에 포함된 사회권 및 평등권과 함께

        이준일 한국인권학회 2022 인권연구 Vol.5 No.1

        Controversy is being raised as to whether single (unmarried) women can have children through artificial pregnancy procedures that artificially intervene in the pregnancy process, such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. ‘The right to self-determination regarding pregnancy and childbirth’ is a unique constitutional right of women. In principle, in vitro fertilization of single women is not prohibited according to the current ‘Bioethics and Safety Act’. However, in accordance with ‘the Maternal and Child Health Act’, state support is provided only to infertile couples, which does not constitute a legal basis to ban artificial pregnancy for single women. Another important constitutional right related to artificial pregnancy is the constitutional social right. This is because artificial pregnancy surgery is a medical practice and requires considerable economic costs. Currently, social rights related to artificial pregnancy are recognized only for married couples, so health insurance is applied only to them, and financial support for co-payments is provided only to them. Differential treatment of single women for artificial pregnancy may amount to discrimination that infringes on equal rights. This is because, in relation to artificial pregnancy, married women and single women are treated differently without any rational reason even though there is no essential difference. From the viewpoint of the right to self-determination of pregnancy and childbirth, the constitutional social right, and the right to equality, which are guaranteed even to single women, it is necessary to provide financial support from the state to single women for artificial pregnancy as well. 비혼여성이 인공수정이나 체외수정과 같이 임신 과정에 인위적으로 의료적 개입이 이루어지는 인공임신 시술로 자녀를 가지는 것이 허용될 수 있는지에 대한 논란이 제기되고 있다. ‘임신과 출산에 관한 자기결정권’은 여성의 고유한 헌법적 권리다. 현행 ‘생명윤리 및 안전에 관한 법률’에 따를 때 비혼여성의 체외수정은 원칙적으로 금지되지 않는다. 다만 ‘모자보건법’에 따라 난임부부에게만 국가의 지원이 제공되고 있는데 이것이 비혼여성의 인공임신을 금지할 수 있는 법적 근거가 되지는 못한다. 인공임신과 관련하여 중요한 또 다른 기본권은 사회적 기본권이다. 인공임신 시술은 의료행위에 해당하여 상당한 경제적 비용이 요구되기 때문이다. 현재 인공임신과 관련된 사회적 기본권은 오로지 결혼한 부부에게만 인정되어 이들에게만 건강보험이 적용되고 본인부담금에 대한 재정적 지원이 제공되고 있다. 비혼여성의 인공임신에 대한 차등적 대우는 평등권을 침해하는 차별에 해당할 수도 있다. 인공임신과 관련하여 혼인한 여성과 비혼여성은 본질적인 차이가 없는데도 합리적 이유 없이 차등적인 대우를 받고 있기 때문이다. 비혼여성에게도 보장된 임신과 출산에 대한 자기결정권, 사회적 기본권, 평등권의 관점에서 비혼여성의 인공임신에 대한 국가의 재정적 지원이 제공될 필요가 있다.

      • 대학생의 결혼, 출산 및 가임력 관련 인식과 고위험 임신 관련 지식

        고선희 ( Go Seon Hui ),권규린 ( Kwon Gyu Rin ),김민서 ( Kim Min Seo ),노기라 ( Noh Gi Ra ),안소정 ( Ahn So Jung ),이정현 ( Lee Jeong Hyeon ),주가을 ( Joo Ga Eul ) 부모자녀건강학회 2017 부모자녀건강학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        Purpose: This research aimed to study the awareness of marriage, childbirth, fertility and high-risk pregnancy among university students. Methods: 250 university students from Seoul and Gyeonggi-do completed questionnaires regarding their awareness on marriage, childbirth, fertility, and high-risk pregnancy. Results: The average age of participants was 22.5. The ideal marriage age was 29.8. 201 (80.4%) participants had an intention of getting married, and 160 (60.4%) answered they should have children. The ideal age of first childbirth was 30.4 and last childbirth was 35.1. There were 126 (50.4%) with prior education regarding high-risk pregnancy, subfertility or infertility. The score of needs for education associated with pregnancy was 7.6 out of 10. The average correct answer rate of awareness of fertility issues was 30.7%. There were significant differences between men and women, 25% of men and 38% of women overestimated the age at women are most fertile. Only 23.7% of men and 25.9% of women knew the correct age when there was marked decrease in women’s fertility. Conclusion: Awareness of a lack of marriage, childbirth, fertility, and high-risk pregnancy may influence future family planning and health. These results can be used to plan programs or education for marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth.

      • 천안시민의 임신·출산 및 자녀양육 관련 실태와 출산장려지원정책에 관한 인식 및 태도 연구

        도미향(Do, Mi-Hyang),최운선(Choi, Woon-Sun),김민정(Kim, Min-Jung),김응자(Kim, Eung-Ja) 한국부모교육학회 2019 부모교육연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 천안시민의 임신, 출산 및 자녀양육 관련 실태를 조사하고, 연구 대상자의 일반적 특성에 따른 출산장려지원정책에 대한 인식과 태도 및 자녀관에 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 살펴봄으로써 향후 국가 및 지방자치단체의 출산안정을 위한 정책수립과 발전방안을 설정하는데 기초자료로 활용하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 천안시에 거주하는 시민 241명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자녀양육 지원정책에 대한 인식 수준은 비교적 높은 것에 반해 임신・출산 지원정책에 대한 인식 수준은 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 임신・출산 지원정책과 자녀양육 지원정책 모두 전반적으로 본인의 출산계획에 미치는 영향이 적다고 판단하였다. 둘째, 천안시민의 자녀관은 비교적 긍정적인 반면에 자녀양육 과정에 겪는 부담감은 비교적 높게 인식함과 동시에 일․가정양 립에 대한 이중부담으로 어려움을 경험하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 부모의 일반적 특성에 따라 부모의 자녀관, 자녀양육 지원정책에 대한 인식, 출산장려 지원정책에 대한 태도에 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 위 연구결과를 토대로 향후 천안시 임신, 출산 및 양육 지원정책에 대한 정책적, 실천적 제안을 제시하였다. This study examines the pregnancy, childbirth and childcare status among Cheonan citizens and investigates the differences in perception and attitude of the childbirth promotion policy, and values of having a child depending on the demographic characteristics in order to provide the base information for future policies and development plans concerning fertility rate. The study conducted a survey of 241 citizens living in Cheonan and the results are as follows. First, while there was a relatively high awareness of childcare support policies, the awareness of pregnancy and childbirth support was quite low. Furthermore, people felt that pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare support policies had a little impact on an individual’s birth plan. Second, while there was a positive outlook of children, the process of child-rearing was regarded as overwhelming and there were difficulties in raising children while working. Third, depending on the general characteristics of the parent, there were significant attitude differences regarding the outlook of having a child, the perception of the support policies for childcare and the attitude of the support policies for pregnancy, childbirth. Based on these results, the study proposes the practical recommendations for pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare support policies in Cheonan.

      • KCI등재

        출산 관련 설화의 양상과 의미

        염원희(Youm, Wonhee) 돈암어문학회 2020 돈암어문학 Vol.38 No.-

        본고는 출산 관련 설화를 대상으로 출산문화의 양상을 파악하고 문화적으로 어떠한 의미를 갖는지 논의하고자 『한국구비문학대계』에 수록된 태몽담, 기자담, 임신금기담, 난산담을 살펴보았다. 태몽담과 기자담은 임신을 바라는 간절한 마음이 투영된 것으로 아들낳기의 소망을 다루고 있지만, 결국 불확실한 임신 가능성의 문제를 해결해보려는 의도를 내포하고 있다. 금기담은 임신 중 지켜야 할 규범의 역할을 하면서, 여성과 출산에 대한 양가적 인식을 드러낸다. 금기담에서 임신부는 태아를 위해 모든 행위를 조심해야 한다는 규제 하에 오히려 태아에 종속된 존재로 그려진다. 이러한 점은 난산담에서도 드러나는데 난산은 위급한 의료적 상황으로 인식되지만, 고통의 주체인 산모는 타자화되었다. 출산 관련 설화를 통해 임신에 대한 불안과 난산의 고통, 임신 주체인 산모가 소외되는 문제는 과거부터 현재까지 지속되고 있음을 확인하였다. This study set out to examine the patterns of issues around childbirth and discuss their cultural meanings based on childbirth-related tales by reviewing tales about conception dreams, wish for a son, taboos during pregnancy, and hard labor in the Comprehensive Collection of Korean Folklore Literature. Tales about conception dreams and wish for a son project desperate wish for pregnancy, addressing a wish for a son. In the end, however, they contain an intention to solve the issue of uncertain possibilities of pregnancy. Tales about taboos during pregnancy serve as norms that should be kept during pregnancy and reveal the traditional society’s ambivalent and subversive consciousness of women and childbirth. These tales depict pregnant women being subordinate to their fetuses under the regulation that they should be careful about all of their acts for their fetuses. This is also found in tales about hard labor, which present mothers, the subjects of pain, as tools of childbirth. It is male family members that express how sorry they are about mothers’ hard labor such as their husbands and fathers-in-laws. The mothers themselves are excluded from this. Hard labor also functions as a task to display a superb doctor’s talent. The present study looked into childbirth tales and found that the issues of women’s anxiety about pregnancy, pain of hard labor, and the alienation of mothers that were subjects of pregnancy had continued till today. The establishment of the right childbirth culture is expected to understand continuity from the traditional childbirth formalities to modern medicine for childbirth.

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