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      • Vacant technology forecasting using patent analysis

        전성해 Graduate School of Information Managemetn & Securi 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        We study patent analysis for vacant technology forecasting in this dissertation. Technology forecasting (TF) is to predict future trend and state of a technology. Also, vacant technology forecasting is to find vacant area of target technology that will be needed in the future. So, vacant technology forecasting is important issue in management of technology (MOT). In this study, we analyze patent data to construct predictive model for vacant technology forecasting because patent has valuable information of developed technology. We propose three patent analysis models, which are patent clustering, international patent classification (IPC) code analysis, and technology networking for vacant technology forecasting. Traditional methods of technology forecasting such as Delphi have been based on expert’s knowledge, and the results by these methods were subjective and fluctuating. So, we need more objective approach to TF. We study quantitative patent analysis as objective method for technology forecasting and apply our model to vacant technology forecasting. TF is an important R&D policy issue for both company and government. Vacant technology forecasting is one of the key technological planning methods for improving the competitive power of firms and governments. In general, a forecasting process is facilitated subjectively based on the researcher’s knowledge, resulting in unstable TF performance. In this dissertation, we forecast the vacant technology areas in target technology field by analyzing patent documents and employed the proposed methods to forecast vacant technology areas in MOT. We will perform three case studies to show how our proposed approaches could be applied in real problem.

      • Field aided technology for local micro-tailoring of polymeric composites with multi-functional response

        김근형 University of Wisconsin 2003 해외박사

        RANK : 2943

        Field-aided micro-tailoring (FAiMTa) technology provides ability to modify the distribution and orientation of inclusions in polymeric composites. This technology enables to a new kind of functionally graded materials whose structure is designed, optimized and micro-tailored for an intended multifunctional application. This technique also enables orthotropic composites with inclusions that are unavailable as traditional fibers or are highly expensive in fibrous form. Applying an electric field to a liquid suspension causes a redistribution of the inclusions, arranges them in chain-like structures and/or orients fibrous inclusions or chain-like structures along the field. Properties of resulting cured composite can vary from the point to point in accordance with the design objective. The thesis outlines the process requirements of the field-aided technology, analyzes physical mechanisms influencing the microstructure in an electric field and provides experimental validation of feasibility FAiMTa technology. Theoretical analysis captures the prevalent mechanisms of field-aided macro-tailoring which is verified by direct observations. Mechanical and thermal properties of orthotropic and random composites containing glass-fiber, ceramic and graphite particles in an epoxy are measured. Results of electroactive testing of iron/silicone, alumina/silicone and ceramic/silicone composites modified by FAiMTa technology for selfsensing and actuation applications are presented.

      • Predicting consumer intentions to use technology-based sporting goods by using an integrated model of technology readiness, technology acceptance, and planned behavior (TRAP model)

        김태중 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        본 연구에서는 최신기술제품 수용과정 및 행동을 설명하는데 유용한 이론적 틀로 평가되어지는 기술준비도, 기술수용모델, 계획된 행동이론의 통합모형 검증을 통해 스포츠 최신기술제품에 대한 소비자들의 수용의도를 예측하는데 그 목적이 있다. 더불어 성별 및 스포츠활동 참여빈도에 따른 기술준비도, 기술수용모델, 계획된 행동이론의 각 요인별 평균 차이를 분석하여 국내 스포츠 최신기술제품 기업에 포지셔닝 전략의 기초자료를 제공할 수 있다는데 본 연구의 의의가 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 연구의 대상은 스포츠 용품 소비경험이 있는 소비자들로 설정하였으며, 표본 집단은 서울 소재의 A지역과 B지역, 인천 소재 C지역, 부산 소재 D지역 그리고 천안 소재 E지역의 20~50대 이상 소비자들로 설정하였으며, 연구 수행을 위한 측정도구로 설문지를 사용하였다. 설문조사는 본 연구자가 현장에 직접 방문하여 설문방법을 안내 후 자기평가기입법 (self-administration)으로 진행되었다. 구체적인 표집방법은 비확률 표본추출법 (non-probability sampling method) 중 편의표본추출법 (convenience sampling method)을 사용하였다. 총 320부의 설문지를 배포하여 모두 수거하였으며, 이 중 불성실하게 응답한 6부의 설문지를 제외한 314부의 설문지가 분석에 사용되었다. 본 연구의 자료처리를 위해 SPSS 20.0 및 AMOS 20.0 프로그램을 이용하여 분석을 실시하였다. 우선적으로 인구통계학적 특성을 알아보기 위해 빈도분석 (frequency analysis)을 실시하였으며, 각 문항들의 타당도 검증을 위해 수렴타당도 (convergent validity) 및 판별타당도 (discriminant validity)를 이용하여 확인적 요인분석 (confirmatory factor analysis)을 실시하였다. 다음으로, 각 요인들의 신뢰도를 검증하기 위하여 문항 간 내적일관성 (internal consistency)을 확인하는 Cronbach's α 계수를 산출하였으며, 단일차원성이 입증된 각 요인들에 대하여 상관관계분석 (correlation analysis) 실시하였다. 다음으로, 성별과 스포츠활동 참여빈도에 따른 변수 간 차이를 살펴보기 전 구인동등성 검증을 위해 다집단 확인적 요인분석을 실시하여 형태 동일성, 측정 동일성, 절편 동일성을 검증한 후 잠재평균분석을 실시하였다. 또한, 잠재평균 차이를 해석하기 위해 Cohen's 효과크기 (d)를 사용하여 분석하였다. 마지막으로, 연구모형의 적합성을 검증하기 위해 구조방정식 모형 (structural equation modeling: SEM)을 이용한 경로분석 (path analysis)을 실시하였다. 이상의 연구목적과 방법을 통하여 나타난 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소비자들의 성별에 따른 기술준비도와 기술수용모델, 계획된 행동이론의 차이를 분석한 결과, 남성 집단이 여성 집단보다 기술준비도의 혁신성이 높게 나타났으며, 기술수용모델의 인지된 사용용이성과 계획된 행동이론의 인지된 행동통제에서 더 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 소비자들의 스포츠활동 참여빈도에 따른 기술수용모델과 계획된 행동이론의 차이를 분석한 결과, 스포츠활동 고집단 (3-6회)이 저집단 (0-1회)보다 기술수용모델의 인지된 사용용이성과 인지된 유용성, 계획된 행동이론의 태도와 주관적 규범, 인지된 행동통제에서 더 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 소비자들의 낙관성과 혁신성은 인지된 사용용이성에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 불편함은 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 불안함은 인지된 사용용이성에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 소비자들의 낙관성은 인지된 유용성에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤지만, 혁신성, 불편함, 불안함은 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 소비자들의 인지된 사용용이성은 인지된 유용성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 인지된 사용용이성과 인지된 유용성은 태도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 스포츠 최신기술제품에 대한 소비자들의 태도와 주관적 규범은 수용의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났지만, 인지된 행동통제는 수용의도에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to investigate consumers’ acceptance intention of the technology-based sporting goods by developing a model which integrated technology readiness (TR), technology acceptance model (TAM), and theory of planned behavior (TPB). To achieve the purpose of study, the subject of this study was set as consumers with the experience of purchasing sporting goods, and the sample were consumers in A area and B area of Seoul, C area of Incheon, D area of Busan, E area of Cheonan with their ages ranging from 20-59 years. The researcher himself visited the place to conduct the survey and it was done for 10 weeks in total, from 2016, December 12, to 2017, February 18. On the other hand, the survey began by presenting a questionnaire with the picture of sports equipment with cutting-edge technology. And after providing further explanations about the product, the survey was done by the method of self-administration. Among non-probability sampling methods, the convenience sampling method was used to draw representative data. 320 questionnaires were distributed, which were all collected, and except 6 questionnaires with untrustworthy responses, 314 questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0. Details of the analysis procedure are as follows. Firstly, frequency analysis was done to figure out the general characteristics of the subjects. Secondly, confirmatory factor analysis was done by using convergent validity and discriminant validity to verify the validity of each factor which stands for the questions regarding consumer's TR, TAM, and TPB respectively. Thirdly, to verify the validity of the factors of consumer's TR, TAM, and TPB, Cronbach's α values were deducted to confirm the internal consistency of the questions. Fourthly, to analyze consumers' acceptance intention of technology-based sporting goods, a correlation analysis on each element whose unidimensionality had been verified was implemented. Fifthly, for LMA before examining variable differences by gender and sports participation frequency, a multi-group confirmatory factor analysis was conducted in which configural, metric, and scalar invariance were verified. Sixthly, to investigate differences between variables due to gender and sports participation frequency, LMA was carried out while latent mean differences were interpreted with Cohen's effect size (d). Finally, to verify the fit of the study model, path analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of this study are as follows. First, the results of analysis of differences between male and female according to TR, TAM, and TPB, male group’s perceived ease of use of TAM and perceived behavioral control of TPB was higher than female group. Second, the results of analysis of differences between high sports participation group and low sports participation group, high sports participation group’s (3-6 times) perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of TAM and attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control of TPB was higher than low sports participation group's (0-1 time). Third, optimism and innovativeness had a positive effect on perceived ease of use and discomfort had a negative effect on perceived ease of use but insecurity did not affect perceived ease of use. Fourth, optimism had a positive effect on perceived usefulness but innovativeness, discomfort, and insecurity did not affect perceived usefulness. Fifth, perceived ease of use had a positive effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness had a positive effect on attitude. Sixth, attitude and subjective norm had a positive effect on acceptance intention but perceived behavioral control did not affect acceptance intention.

      • Examining technology fluency: A window into and a reflection of evolving instructor schemas and practices

        DeGennaro, Donna University of Pennsylvania 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2943

        Technology proficiency is essential to successful participation in today's society. Few would disagree with this statement. In response to this declaration and coupled with increased concern that youth are technologically unprepared, various technology-focused interventions have arisen. The ultimate goal of these interventions is to create opportunities to engender technology fluency. Researchers currently define technology fluency as learning discrete "skills" and/or having the ability to use computers to create some tangible product. Ensuring participation in a "digital community" accompanies the latter definition. Yet, technology fluency involves something more. Given that technology fosters dynamic, evolving participation in various diversely populated communities, technology fluency also necessitates knowledge of becoming an active contributor to practices in these communities. This dissertation is a qualitative case study of a self-initiated technology-inspired intervention. Specifically, the intervention merges privileged students from a private suburban high school (instructors) with inner-city youth from an impoverished neighborhood (learners) to participate in a web-design course. The question for this research asks how do technology-experienced instructors bridge local understandings of technology learning to successfully engage technology-novice learners? Using a theoretical framework from cultural sociology, this study draws attention to the transformation of instructor schemas and practices as instructors interact with learners throughout the course. The methodology uses design research to examine observation, video, fieldnote and email data. Design research assists in making visible component parts of the environment so that designers can proactively respond to changes that occur during implementation. The intention is not only to illuminate the "what and how" of change, but also offer explanations as to why. This dissertation makes three arguments. First, the relationship between instructor schemas and practices contribute to the structure of the classroom. Next, the ensuing learning environment structure gives way to particular teacher-learner and learner-learner interactions. Finally, the microanalysis of instructor-learner interactions suggests different kinds of individual instructor change. As a result, this research proposes design principles that assist in providing participants with experience in becoming active contributors to practice in technology fluency learning environments. Study of changing schemas and practices during designed program activities bring to light the relationship between theory and practice.

      • University technology transfer and information processing: The influence of factors and fit

        Pelish, Matthew D State University of New York at Albany 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2943

        Technology transfer has historically been viewed as the exchange and processing of information among those who create a technology and future users of the technology. Recent research has focused on expanding this view. As a result, the concept has evolved from the exchange of information to a multi-staged process where organizational and environmental factors play a key role. Research on university technology transfer has focused on identifying university-specific technology transfer outcomes, measures for these outcomes and on identifying factors that impact outcomes. However, there is little research examining how these factors interact within a university setting or how information processes are shaped by these factors. This study examined the influence of internal and external environmental factors on the technology transfer process and information processing environment of university technology transfer offices. Interview data and documentation was analyzed from 16 institutions of higher education within New York State. The results indicate that no single factor has a dominant influence on the technology transfer process and numerous dependencies and interactions exist. In addition, several new factors were identified. All of the factors were integrated into an information processing framework, providing a holistic view of the process---one that incorporates information issues and broader aspects of the process. Information processing fit was also analyzed for its impact on the technology transfer process.

      • Technology Valuation : Technology Value Attractiveness Model

        권방현 Graduate School Korea University 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        Increasing number of transactions and investments in technology has sparked a growing interest in technology valuation. However, it has not been easy to come up with an objective valuation of technology due to variance in technology value, purpose of valuation, and technology patterns. The main objective of this study lies in the development of a new approach for technology valuation. The details of the objective are; establishment of classification scheme for technology valuation approach, development of the Technology Value Attractiveness Model (TVAM), experiment of the TVAM using an empirical study, comparative study between industries using the Technology Value Attractiveness (TVA), and embodiment of the technology valuation system. In this study, the potential value is defined as the technology value. The potential value represents the market appraised expected profit, which is subject to the technology competitiveness and the market growth. It is assumed that the potential value of the technology is calculated in the market under the Price-to-Book Value (PBR), which is the rate between the stock price an d the net assets value. TVA is measured as the index to forecast the PBR, which is the proxy variable for the potential value of the technology. TVA is composed of the Intrinsic Value of Technology(IVT), which reflects technology competitiveness, and the Extrinsic Value of Technology(EVT), which represent technology profit ability. IVT is measured with Technology Competence (TC) and Technology Substantiality (TS), which are the variables that express technology competitiveness in the present and the future. EVT is measured with Profit Size (PS) and Profit Growth rate (PG), which are the variables that express the technology profitability from market in the present and the future. This study experiments the feasibility of the TVAM by conducting an empirical study on small & medium sized manufacturing companies registered on KOSDAQ. They are classified under information technology, chemistry, metal, electricity, and machinery industries. The results identify the feasibility of the TVAM through a high correlation between the TVA and the PBR. Comparative study between industries demonstrates the IT industry of having the highest technology value followed by chemistry, metal, electricity, and machinery industries, respectively. The study introduces four strategic patterns to improve the technology value with strategy matrix of technology value; differentiation strategy, leader strategy, exploitation strategy, and follower strategy. Each strategic pattern offers a technology management policy to improve or maintain the technology value. Web-based Interactive Technology Valuation(WITV) system is also developed to support the technology valuation. In the WITV system, the technology valuation is implemented with the TVAM and the analyzed data of the five industries. This system emphasizes end-user friendly interface in particular and improves its utility with what-if analysis module.

      • 지속가능 국방기술경영을 위한 모형 개발

        김성철 고려대학교 대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        A dynamic methodology for sustainable management of defense technology is proposed to overcome the limitations of the static methodology, which involves comparative analysis based on the criterion of the highest technology level and has limitations for time series analysis, because the country with the highest level undergoes technical changes over time. To address these limitations, this study applies a technology growth model for a dynamic analysis of the Delphi result. An effective method using patents is also proposed to verify and adjust the analysis results. First, technology levels of the present and future are examined by the Delphi technique, and the growth curve is extracted based on the technology growth model. Second, the technology growth curve based on patents is extracted using the annual number of unexamined and registered patents related to the technology. Lastly, the statistical significance of the two growth curves is examined using regression analysis. Then the growth curves are adjusted by the rate of increase in patents. This methodology could provide dynamic technology level data to facilitate sustainable management of defense technology. The results could be useful to research institutions, as they establish strategies for securing technologies in defense or private domains.

      • Technological advancement and implication for optimal carbon mitigation portfolio in Korea power sector : A scenario analysis using a bottom-up energy system model

        조철흥 세종대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        기술은 에너지-환경-경제 시스템의 상호작용을 규정하는 중요한 요소의 하나로 널리 인식된다. 대부분의 환경적 오염 문제들은 인간의 필요를 충족하기 위한 경제적 활동의 과정에서 현존하는 기술들의 사용에 따르는 부산물인 반면, 새로운 기술들은 같은 필요를 충족하기 위한 경제활동에 대안적인 수단을 제공함으로써 환경적 문제들을 해결할 수 있는 해법을 제시하기도 한다. 기후변화와 같이 장기적인 환경문제의 해법을 모색해야 하는 경우에 기술진보의 중요성은 더욱 두드러진다. 미래의 기술진보는 비용 경쟁력을 갖춘 기술적 대안의 부족에서 야기되는 경제활동과 환경적 목표의 달성 사이의 단기적 갈등을 완화하는데 중요한 역할을 할 수 있기 때문이다. 기술진보의 역할에 대한 이와 같은 긍정적 관점은 기후변화에 대한 궁극적이고 장기적인 해법은 기술변화에 의해 이루어질 것이라는 공감대를 널리 형성하게 한다. 본 논문의 가장 우선적인 목적은 기술진보가 탄소감축과 그에 따르는 저탄소 에너지 시스템으로의 전환을 달성하는데 어떠한 역할을 하는 지를 한국의 발전부문에 적용을 통해 탐구해 보는 것이다. 다양한 저탄소 기술 옵션들의 기술진보 잠재성에 대한 종합적인 평가, 그러한 기술진보가 탄소감축기술과 수단의 최적의 조합과 탄소감축 비용에 미치는 역할 등에 대한 평가는 저탄소 에너지 시스템으로의 전환을 위한 정책방향 설정에 중요한 시사점을 제공해줄 것이다. 또한 본 연구의 결과는 기후 친화적인 기술의 연구개발 자원의 효과적인 분배, 기술의 확산 및 보급을 위한 공공정책 (에너지 및 기술정책, 기술개발 로드맵 등)을 수립하고 디자인하는 데 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 2010년 현재 세계 7번째 온실가스 다배출 국가인 한국에서 발전부문은 최종에너지의 20% (475 TWh)를 공급하고, 연료연소에 의한 국가 총 배출량의 41% (235 MtCO2e)를 차지하는, 에너지 공급과 온실가스 배출 양 측면에서 모두 중요한 역할을 하는 에너지 부문이다. 사회전반의 급격한 전기화로 전력소비가 지속적으로 증가할 것으로 예상되는 상황에서 발전부문은 향후 예상되는 국내외적인 탄소감축 요구에 가장 크게 영향을 받는 부문이 될 것이다. 본 연구는 MESSAGE(Model for Energy Supply System Alternatives and their General Environmental impacts) 모형을 분석의 틀로 사용하여 한국의 전력부문을 모형화하였다. MESSAGE모형은 풍부한 기술적 묘사가 가능한 상향식, 에너지 시스템 최적화 모형으로 중장기 에너지 계획 수립, 에너지 정책 분석, 에너지와 환경문제의 상호작용을 분석하는 각종 시나리오 개발 등에 활용되고 있다. 모형은 주어진 환경적 목표를 최소 비용으로 달성할 수 있는 에너지 공급기술의 포트폴리오를 제시하고, 각 기술 별 보급 및 환경문제에 대한 대응 전략을 시계열적으로 제공해 준다. 한국의 전력부문 MESSAGE 모형은 전력설비의 오랜 내구연한과 자본 집약성에서 기인하는 전력 공급시스템의 단기 경직성을 고려하기 위해 현존 전력 설비의 연식 구조와 단기 설비 확장 계획 등을 반영하여 구축되었다. 최적화라는 모형의 특징과 실증 데이터에 근거한 모형의 교정(calibration)은 좀더 현실적인 시나리오의 결과들을 제공할 것이고, 이는 장기적 환경 목표 달성을 위한 비용효과적인 저탄소 에너지 시스템의 전환과 그 과정에서 기술진보의 역할을 모색해 보고자 하는 본 연구의 목적에 부합하는 중요한 특징이다 본 연구에서 기술진보를 반영하는 방법은 저탄소 기술의 비용과 성능의 미래변화에 대한 다양한 전망을 시나리오를 통해 반영하는 것이다. 본 연구에서 반영된 저탄소 기술은 이미 기술개발의 실증단계를 넘어섰고, 국제 시장에서 이미 상업적으로 사용되고 있으며, 한국정부의 장기(~25년) 전력계획에 이미 포함되어 있는 기술들만을 포함하였다. 기술의 비용과 성능에 대한 전망은 장기 온실가스 배출 및 감축시나리오를 연구하는 국외의 문헌들의 전망을 한국의 실증 데이터에 기반하여 보정하였다. 미래의 기술진보와 탄소감축의 정책적 목표에 대한 불확실성을 반영하기 위해 다양한 탄소감축 경로와 기술진보(속도와 정도)의 조합을 대안적 시나리오를 통해 반영하였다. 시나리오 분석 결과 다음과 같은 몇 가지 중요한 시사점이 도출되었다. 첫째, 기술의 진보를 통해 탄소 감축비용을 30%에서 100%까지 줄일 수 있다는 점이다. 탄소감축의 정도와 기술진보의 수준에 따라 차이가 있지만, 이는 기술진보의 수준이 현재 상태에서 답보한다는 시나리오 대비, 향후 40년의 기간 동안 연간 평균 최소 4조원에서 최대 8조원에 해당하는 액수이다. 이와 같은 기술진보의 경제적 편익 또는 경제적 가치에 대한 분석은 향후 기술 개발과 보급 정책의 비용편익 분석에 기준으로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 둘째, 시스템 전반의 비용효과성의 관점에서 보면 기술의 진보 자체만으로 탄소배출이 없는 간헐적인 재생에너지(태양광 및 해양풍력 등)의 확산을 보장할 수 없다는 점이다. 즉 엄격한 수준의 탄소감축 목표와 상당한 수준의 기술진보의 조합 하에서만 간헐적 재생에너지의 비용 경쟁력이 확 Technology is widely considered to be one of the decisive factors governing the interaction between energy, environmental and economic systems. While most pollution problems are byproducts of using existing technology within economic activities to meet human needs, new technology may also provide alternative means to meet the same human needs with less harm to the environment. When searching for solutions to a long term environmental problem such as climate change, the significance of technological innovation is quite prominent since future technological progress may play an important role in ameliorating what in the short run appears to be a serious conflict between economic activity and environmental goals, due to the lack of cost-competitive technology alternatives. The positive prospect for future technology development brings many to believe the long-term and ultimate solution to climate change will be realized through technological change. The overarching goal of this thesis is to investigate the role of technological advancement in managing carbon mitigation and achieving the transition to a low carbon electricity supply system in Korea. Given diverse low carbon technology options, a comprehensive assessment of technological advancement potential, its implication for the development of a cost-effective carbon mitigation technology portfolio, and its role in managing mitigation cost would provide guidance in setting the policy direction to low carbon system transformation. It would also help design energy and technology policies directed toward climate-friendly technology development or deployment such as defining priorities for research, and development (R&D) funding and public support for technology deployment and diffusion. Korea — ranked the 7th largest GHG-emitting country in the world in 2010 with 570 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (MtCO2e) from fuel combustion—, the power sector is one of the biggest players both as an energy supplier and GHG emissions source. Korean electricity sector generates about 475TWh of electricity which accounts for 19.3% of total final energy consumption in 2010; this reflects a rapidly growing industry when looking at the 4% share in 1970. This sector is one of largest GHG sources which emit about 238 MtCO2e in 2010 accounting for 41% of GHG emissions from fuel combustion. Given that many research institutes and government agencies project the continuous rising of electricity consumption in the future, the electricity sector will be the most important sector under any carbon reduction policy. The thesis developed a Korean power sector model in the MESSAGE (Model for Energy Supply System Alternatives and their General Environmental impacts) modeling framework. MESSAGE is a bottom-up, technology-rich systems engineering optimization model for medium- to long-term energy system planning, energy policy analysis, and scenario development and analysis related with energy and environmental issue. The model provides technology-specific response strategies for achieving a given policy goal by solving for the least-cost portfolio of supply technologies and their deployment over time. The MESSAGE of Korean power sector was developed in a way to fully account the vintage structure of energy capital and near-term capacity expansion plan to reflect a short-term rigidity of long-lived, capital-intensive electricity supply system. The optimization feature of the model and reality-based model calibration would provide more realistic scenario results when assessing the role of technological advancement in the electricity sector transitioning to a low carbon one from the system wide, inter-temporal cost optimization perspective. The way of representing technological advances in the study is a various set of cost reduction and performance improvement of low carbon technologies. The portfolio of low carbon technology under consideration in this study include those technologies which already passed beyond the demonstration project, are commercially available in the global market, and are considered in the Korean government’s 25-year horizon plan for electricity supply and demand. The prospect for the rate of cost decrease and performance improvement is adapted from various global carbon emission and mitigation scenario analyses in the literature. To incorporate the uncertainty surrounding future technological advancement and the stringency of carbon mitigation target, various combinations of carbon mitigation pathways and the rate of technological advancement was considered as alternative scenario assumptions. The analysis demonstrates several important points. First, the analysis identifies that carbon mitigation costs can be reduced by 30% to 100% through technology advancements. The range, dependent on the stringency of carbon mitigation and the extent of technology advancement, is equivalent to annual cost savings of 4 to 8 trillion KRW over the next 40 years compared with when the status of technology advance is frozen at present level. This estimate can serve as a reference for economic benefit of technological advances against which economic cost of policy is balanced when technology development or deployment policy is designed. Second, cost-competitiveness of zero-emitting variable renewable (varRE) technologies is not ensured by technology advancement alone, but by the combination with aggressive decarbonization policy goals. Although the economy of individual varRE technology can reach as low as so-called grid parity level, a complementary backup system which is required to ensure reliable operation of the overall power system, imposes an additional implicit cost on these technologies. Although the economy of individual varRE technology can reach as low as so-called grid parity level, a complementary backup system which is required to ensure reliable operation of the overall power system, imposes an additional implicit cost on these technologi

      • Technology-enhanced education reform: An historical analysis of a learning system. The evolution of the Office for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education at the University of Illinois, 1993--2002

        Reese, George Clifford University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

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        This dissertation presents an historical analysis of the evolution of the programs and activities of the Office for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (MSTE) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). MSTE, a unit located in the College of Education, is devoted to the technology-based reform of mathematics and science in grades K through 16. The author uses the model of Donald Schön as a framework to view the development of the Office as the interdependent evolution of theory, structure, and technology. The Office is portrayed as an example in the education community of a “learning organization.” The latter, according to Schön, is “an organization that changes rapidly without intolerable disruptions” (Schön, 1971). Starting as a small office for collecting information on campus-based K–16 activities devoted to mathematics, science, and technology education, MSTE, in less than ten years (1995–2002), evolved into a set of communities and networks of practice that use advanced technologies to further education reform, particularly in mathematics, science, and technology education. The chronology of the MSTE program is presented through a discussion and analysis of its evolving technologies including the many challenges that the Office encountered in working with the World Wide Web and other Internet tools. Office personnel learned first to find resources on the Web and link to them and then, through its own Web server, they made substantial contributions to the interactive courseware content on the Web, including lesson modules, Java applets, programs for download, and online support for the materials on the MSTE site (www.mste.uiuc.edu). In recent years the MSTE site has become very popular, delivering millions of files each month to teachers around the globe. While Schön discussed his model in the context of business and government organizations, MSTE is an example of a learning system in education. In particular, the MSTE program provides a series of lessons learned about the uses and opportunities available in education through the uses of Internet technologies.

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