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      • Improvement of accuracy and completeness on assessment of forest carbon stocks and CO₂removals in Korean national GHG inventory

        이선정 Graduate School, Korea University 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 3914

        The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) officially ratified efforts to stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is needed, and as the Paris Agreement (PA) has been adopted in 2015, all parties have submitted nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Korea plans to use forests to contribute to national GHG reduction targets, and it is necessary to establish national GHG inventory reporting system for transparently measuring, reporting, and verifying the achievements of GHG reductions in domestic forests. GHG removals within Korean forests are estimated solely as an absorption by living biomass due to activity data issues of soil and dead organic matter. To improve the matter, this study aims to improve emission factor and activity data for GHG inventory report and apply them to evaluate forest carbon stocks and CO2 removals and potential GHG reduction in Korea. In the first study, forest carbon stocks and CO2 removals were calculated according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology. The results show that country-specific emissions factor coverage was 1.2 times higher than annual average CO2 removals based on IPCC defaults (41,761 Gg CO2 per year) from 2010 to 2015. The developed country-specific emission factors were applied to estimate the carbon stocks of soil and dead organic matter (litter and deadwood). Although annual CO2 removal was reduced from loss of carbon in soil and dead organic matter, GHG inventory reporting was improved through enhancing complement reporting due to estimation of all carbon pools. To improve the accuracy of current inventory systems, national forest inventory (NFI) data were used to estimate the annual CO2 removal of each species, and the result showed that 60,648 Gg CO2 per year is absorbed annually, with the uncertainty of 16%, which is among the lowest uncertainty values achieved with different methodology approaches. The second study was conducted to enhance the time-series consistency of activity data according to change in the NFI survey system. The survey system revised after the 5th NFI survey encountered a problem with regard to the time-series consistency of the growing stocks due to the rapid increase of annual growing stock changes in 2007 and 2010, which is the most important activity data. To compensate for the growing stocks, which is the activity data, the overlap method presented in IPCC guidelines was applied, and the overlap ratio and calibration factor were obtained from the growing stocks in NFI survey data and yield table. The result showed that time-series consistency was ensured, and the total growing stocks have increased approximately 1.2 times than that in official statistics. In the third study, a land-use change matrix was constructed for the improvement of the LULUCF inventory. The land-use change matrix from 1990 to 2015 was constructed by using domestic data and documents available from previous studies. Carbon stocks were calculated using the country-specific factors and the default values of IPCC. The construction of the land-use change matrix, which has not been constructed in the past, enabled the estimation of soil and dead organic matter, and annual CO2 removal of the forest sector was estimated to be 48,410 Gg CO2 per year in 2015. Carbon stocks and CO2 removals were estimated by separating forests that are forests remaining forests and land converted to forests. This can be expected to improve the completeness of national GHG inventory reporting. Finally, this study assessed the potential carbon reduction for GHG mitigation of domestic forests through carbon sink activities that could contribute to national reduction targets. Based on the results of the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP), the LULUCF carbon accounting system in the PA adopted the existing methods and guidance established under the convention, and annual CO2 emissions and removals are calculated by considering forest-related activities. According to the forest management carbon accounting rules, the forest management reference levels ranged from 0 to 47,070 Gg CO2, based on the results presented in Chapter 3. The forest management ratio was calculated using a domestic forest management information system including the area in forest management, and 56% of the forest management ratio (including protected forests) was calculated. As of 2015, when the forest management reference level using the gross–net with narrow approaches is applied, the overall amount of reduction of Korean forests can contribute to the NDC target that was estimated to be 18,769 Gg CO2, meaning that they can contribute 49% to the target reduction amounts from forests and internationally transferred mitigation outcomes of 38.3 Mt CO2.

      • 새롭게 고안된 Canopy chamber를 이용한 생태계 탄소수지 모니터링

        서상욱 건국대학교 대학원 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 3883

        Current environmental issue is the global warming due to the increasing CO2 concentration in atmosphere. For decelerating the global warming, carbon absorption capacity of terrestrial ecosystems are in the limelight recently. To understand the possibility of ecosystems as a carbon sink, comprehension of carbon flux of ecosystems must be preceded. In an effort to gain insight into the diurnal and seasonal carbon cycle dynamics of ecosystems, newly designed automatic sliding canopy chamber (ASCC) system was constructed at the National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Suwon, Korea. The ASCC system was designed to minimize disturbances to cultivated plants (often referred to as the chamber effect), and also allowed for real-time monitoring. This system could cover a plant canopy, permitting synergistic effects to be monitored. The ASCC system was shaped like a greenhouse: 20m long, 1.8m wide, and 1.4m high, with 5 sectors. Each of the sectors was covered with a sliding cap only at the time of measurement, such that the rest of the time it remained open to the natural environment, in order to remove chamber effects. On the basis of the open-flow method, we had analyzed the differences in CO2 between the air inlet and outlet. Thus, we may estimate the CO2 absorption or CO2 release. In order to verify environmental changes caused by the ASCC system, a verification test was conducted under the field condition in 2005. As for temperature changes owing to the greenhouse effect, less than a 1oC difference was noted in the majority of cases under plant cultivation conditions. In leakage test, it showed a 4.4% leakage (r2 = 0.98**) with ASCC system. On the field test with plant cultivation with barley (Hordeum vulgare), net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and heterotrophic respiration (HR) showed good reflection of diurnal and seasonal variation. After the application of manure treatment (FMT treatment: fertilizer, manure and tillage treatment) to barley, soybean, and red pepper, increases in net primary productivity (NPP) were noted?with the exception of the soybean, in which manure treatment exerted an insignificant effect. As for the increases in NEP and NPP per supplied tonCO2 ha-1, without manure treatment (FT treatment: fertilizer and tillage treatment) caused 3x to 8x increases. As a consequence, soybeans treated with FT treatment evidenced the most profound increases in NEP and NPP. Thus, the most effective method to increase CO2 absorption in plants was the cultivation of soy-beans immediately after barley without manure treatment, and the potential CO2 sequestered from atmosphere was measured at 7.9 tonCO2 ha-1. Overall, the ASCC system is a useful tool for monitoring CO2 flux with minimized disturbance on natural environmental conditions. Also this ASCC system can be applied for study on such as plant growth responses by O3 and various air pollution?NO2, SO2, not only in natural environmental condition but in artificial conditions. Additionally, with regard to the convertibility of the ASCC system into any other ecosystems with transforming frames and of gas analyzer into other greenhouse gas (GHG), the ASCC system can be applied to research on any GHG exchange, and can provide baseline data in a variety of ecosystems. In order to utilize the predictive models for the construction of a national GHG emission inventory in Korea, the accurate monitoring of GHG flux followed by environmental changes is initially required. In this regard, a better understanding of GHG flux and environmental alterations in various ecosystems using the ASCC system could provide the parameters by which the actual measurements and the model equations might be linked for the near future. 생태계에서의 탄소순환의 일변화와 계절적 변화를 정확한 이해를 위하여 수원 국립농업과학기술원 포장에 장기간 연속 모니터링이 가능한 Automatic Sliding Canopy Chamber(ASCC) 시스템을 제작하였다. ASCC 시스템은 고정 프레임 위를 canopy chamber가 총 5개로 구성되어진 각 섹터를 순차적을 이동, 밀폐시킨 후 측정하는 장비이다. 한 섹터는 20x1.8x1.4m(LxWxH)로 구성되어 섹터 내부에 실제 작물재배 조건과 동일한 작물의 재배가 가능하다. 각 섹터는 측정시간을 제외한 나머지 시간에는 자연환경에 노출되어 있어 작물재배 시 자연환경의 교란을 최소화하였다. 밀폐된 각 섹터의 양 말단에서의 농도차이를 통해 측정된 CO2는 섹터 내부 식물체의 광합성, 호흡량과 토양미생물의 호흡량에 따른 CO2의 배출 또는 흡수량을 의미한다. 장비검증 실험을 통해 canopy chamber 내외부의 온도차이는 작물재배 시 1oC이하였으며, 측정 시 canopy chamber의 밀폐율은 95.6%이었다. 보리(Hordeum vulgare) 전체 재배기간을 통해 측정된 NEP와 HR는 각각의 일변화와 계절적 변이를 잘 반영해 주었으며, 이를 통해 계산된 NPP는 3.0 ton ha-1으로 이는 재배 직후 biomass 측정을 통해 측정된 NPP 2.8 ton ha-1와 유사하였다. 현재 우리나라에서 가장 넓은 재배면적을 차지하며 재배되고 있는 보리, 콩 (Glycine max), 고추 (Capsicum annuum)의 3 종을 선정하여 작물재배 실험을 해 본 결과, 퇴비처리와 미처리구에서의 유의적 차이를 찾을 수 없었던 콩을 제외한 보리와 고추에서 퇴비에 의한 NPP의 증가를 확인할 수 있었다. 공급된 CO2에 따른 NEP와 NPP의 증가는 퇴비 미처리구가 퇴비 처리구보다 최소 3배에서 최대 8배까지 증가하였다. 결과적으로 퇴비를 처리하지 않은 콩의 NEP와 NPP 증가효과가 가장 컸으며, 고추가 그 다음이었다. 경작지에서의 잠재적 CO2 흡수량을 증가시키기 위해서는 보리와 콩을 퇴비를 처리하지 않고 연속하여 재배하는 것이 가장 효과적이었으며 약 7.9 ton ha-1의 CO2가 대기 중으로부터 격리될 것으로 예상된다. 종합하여 보면 ASCC 시스템은 자연환경의 교란을 최소화하며 장기간 연속적인 CO2 모니터링에 있어 매우 효과적이었다. 또한 경작지 뿐만 아니라 다양한 생태계에서도 적용이 가능하며 다양한 가스분석기의 이용으로 CO2 플럭스 뿐만 아니라 다른 온실가스 기체를 대상으로 한 연구에도 유용하게 사용될 것으로 기대된다. 온실가스와 다양한 생태계를 대상으로 한 연구를 통해 축적된 기초자료를 축적할 수 있을 것이며, 이러한 기초자료는 향후 국가온실가스 배출량 인벤토리 산출을 위한 온실가스 배출량 예측 모델 구축에 있어 다양한 환경인자의 변화를 반영할 수 있는 파라메타를 제공할 것으로 기대된다.

      • 국내 축산 온실가스 인벤토리 산출방법 비교 연구

        이현석 전북대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 3679

        Cattle-derived greenhouse gas is methane is emitted through burping or fart due to enteric fermentation by microorganisms in the rumen of cattle, and nitrous oxide and methane are produced during the process of cattle manure management. National greenhouse gas inventory of Korea calculates greenhouse gas emissions based on the 1996 IPCC guidelines, and livestock emissions are calculated by multiplying greenhouse gas emission factors of livestock and breed by the number of breeding heads. This study compared the national greenhouse gas inventory with the method of calculating cattle-derived greenhouse gas emissions developed domestically and abroad, and quantitatively analyzed the change in emission due to the difference in the calculation method. The greenhouse gas emission factors used in this study are the North American factors of the 1996 IPCC Guidelines, 2006 IPCC Guidelines, and 2019 IPCC Refinement. For Hanwoo and beef cattle, the factors of other cattle were applied in the category of cattle, and the factors of dairy were applied to dairy cattle. Korea national emission factors were applied according to cattle breed (Hanwoo, dairy cattle), sex, and age. In addition, the greenhouse gas emissions from cattle provided by FAOSTAT of the World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) were also compared. Cattle-derived greenhouse gas emissions were the largest in the order of 2019 IPCC Refinement in 2019, 2006 IPCC Guidelines, National Development Factor, 1996 IPCC Guidelines, and FAOSTAT. Analyzing emissions by emission factors, FAOSTAT's emissions compared to the national greenhouse gas inventory is 99.3%, the 2006 IPCC guidelines are 107.2%, the national development numbers are 109.6%, and the 2019 IPCC Refinement's emissions are 119.5%. Therefore, if the calculation method of the national greenhouse gas inventory of Korea is changed to the 2019 IPCC guideline Tier 1 method, the emission will increase by 19.5% compared to the current one, and when it is changed to the Korea national development factor, it will increase by 9.6%. The reason for such a difference in emissions is that the 2019 IPCC guideline Tier 1 method uses North American emission factors (dairy cattle 138, other breeds 64), and Korea national development factors apply different emission factors by age.

      • Effect of assimilating CO2 mole fraction observations in the Korean Peninsula on the estimation of surface carbon flux in Asia and comparison of the estimated carbon flux with emission inventory data

        Cho, Minkwang Graduate School, Yonsei University 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 3641

        본 연구에서는 한반도 내에서 관측된 이산화탄소 자료를 인버스 모델링 방법을 사용하는 탄소추적시스템에 자료동화 했을 때 한반도 및 아시아 지역의 지표면 탄소 플럭스 추정에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고, 실험 결과를 온실가스 인벤토리 자료와 비교하여 한국 및 주변 국가에서 배출되는 온실가스를 정량적으로 평가하고자 한다. 먼저 탄소추적시스템에서 기존에 사용하지 않았던 안면도와 고산 관측자료를 자료동화에 추가로 활용하기 위해, 각 관측소의 이산화탄소 자료에 적합한 model-data mismatch (MDM)를 선정하는 실험을 진행했다. MDM 값으로는 실시간 관측 유형에 부여하는 3 ppm과 기존 탄소추적시스템 자료동화에 사용 중인 태안 관측소의 MDM인 5 ppm을 대상으로, 두 값을 안면도와 고산 관측자료에 여러 조합으로 적용하여 독립적인 자료동화 실험을 수행했다. 검증 결과 두 관측소의 MDM을 3 ppm으로 선정하는 것이 한반도와 주변 지역의 지표면 탄소 플럭스를 최적화하는데 효과적이었다. 안면도와 고산 관측을 자료동화하는데 선정된 MDM을 적용하여 2003년부터 2012년까지 10년 동안의 한반도 및 아시아 지역 지표면 탄소 플럭스 변화를 살펴보았다. 비교를 위해 동일 기간 안면도와 고산 관측이 추가되지 않은 실험을 함께 수행하여 분석하였다. 실험 결과 안면도와 고산 관측을 자료동화에 추가한 실험에서 한반도를 비롯한 아시아 지역 지표면 탄소 플럭스의 흡원이 좀 더 강하게 모의되며, 유라시아 지역의 봄철 탄소 플럭스 방출이 상대적으로 약하게 나타났다. 또한 탄소추적시스템의 실험 결과를 국가 온실가스 인벤토리 보고서의 연간 탄소 배출량과 비교하였다. 국내 관측이 추가된 실험의 경우 총 탄소 배출량을 인벤토리 자료보다 약간 적게, 육상 식생에 의한 지표면 탄소 흡수량을 크게 모의하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 기존에 자료동화 되지 않았던 국내 관측자료를 인버스 모델링에 활용함으로써 국내 관측자료가 한반도에서의 지표면 탄소 플럭스 추정에 미치는 영향을 좀 더 중점적으로 살펴볼 수 있었으며, 모델에서 생산된 지표면 탄소 플럭스를 이용해 한국 및 아시아 국가들의 온실가스 인벤토리 자료의 평가를 가능케 하였다. 본 연구에서 연구한 결과는 향후 온실가스 저감 정책 수립 및 정확한 온실가스 배출량 및 감축량 추정에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. In this study, two observational datasets from the Korean Peninsula were newly introduced to the CarbonTracker data assimilation system, one of the inverse models, and the surface carbon flux was estimated for the region of Asia including the Korean Peninsula. In addition, the estimated flux results were used to evaluate the national greenhouse gas inventory reports of various East Asian countries. Before assimilating the new observational data from Anmyeon-do (AMY) and Gosan (GSN), three experiments were conducted in order to determine appropriate model-data mismatch (MDM) values for each dataset. Two values were considered as candidates for MDM: 3 ppm (ascribed to continuous observation type) and 5 ppm (assigned to Tae-ahn Peninsula [TAP] observation data which have been already assimilated into CarbonTracker), and each experiment was independently conducted with the different combinations of MDM values. The results showed that 3 ppm was suitable for the MDM values of AMY and GSN when optimizing the surface carbon flux on the Korean Peninsula and in Asia. By assimilating the observational datasets of AMY and GSN with MDM values, the CarbonTracker calculated the surface carbon flux in Asia over a 10 year period, from 2003 to 2012. For the sake of comparison, an experiment was also conducted that did not take into account AMY and GSN. The results indicated the presence of stronger carbon flux absorption in Asia when AMY and GSN observations were added. In particular, the carbon flux emissions in the Eurasia region were weakened in springtime. In addition, the national greenhouse gas inventory report was compared with the CarbonTracker results. The estimated carbon flux with AMY and GSN data showed more biosphere surface carbon flux absorption and slightly less total carbon flux emissions compared to the inventory data. This study used domestic carbon dioxide observation data in the inverse modeling system, which had never been used in the data assimilation process. This provides a closer look at surface flux estimations in East Asia, especially on the Korean Peninsula. Furthermore, this allows for the evaluation of the national greenhouse gas inventory data using the inverse modeling results. It is expected that in the near future this study will contribute to policy decisions concerning the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and reduction.

      • 온실가스 및 산업에너지 감축을 위한 제지산업 프레스 공정 최적화 및 온실가스 감축 효과 분석

        김동섭 忠南大學校 大學院 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 3631

        The reduction of greenhouse gas emission currently becomes more urgent task for Korean Industries, especially for the paper industries because of the new regulation based on the low carbon-green growth law. The paper industry as one of major industries in terms of energy consumption has been greatly required to prepare action plan for addressing this regulation and reduction of GHG(Greenhouse Gas) emission. Wet pressing process has great influence not only on the paper properties but also on the efficiency of total manufacturing process including energy efficiency. The slow drainage propensity of old corrugated container(OCC) might require more complicated control of wet pressing process. The higher pressure and the slower machine speed resulted in higher efficiency of wet pressing but the change trends of dryness depending on the wet press pressure and machine speed were shown differently according to OCC treatment. The effects of water contents of felt on the wet press efficiency and sheet structure were also investigated. The higher contents of water in felt resulted in less removal of water generally and the crushed structure of wet sheet were appeared especially at higher pressure. The reduction of the GHG emission of a real paper mill by the optimizing wet press process were simulated. This simulation showed the reduced amount of GHG emission by the changes in wet sheet dryness after wet press process followed by the changes in steam consumption at drying process.

      • 광양만권 온실가스 배출특성 연구

        서윤섭 順天大學校 産業大學院 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 3631

        The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions in the Gwangyang Bay Area from 2000 to 2009. The emission sector divides into Energy; Industrial process; Agriculture, forestry and other land use; and Waste for the direct emissions and Electric power, Heat, Water channel, and Waste for the indirect emissions. In 2000, total GHG emissions at Gwangyang Bay were 56,664,048 ton CO2 eq. while being 64,058,915 ton CO2 eq. in 2009. Total GHG emissions have risen by 13% during this 10 years. The proportion of GHG emissions by each category was in the order of Industrial process > Energy > Waste > Agriculture, forestry and other land use. In the case of GHG direct emission, the proportion was in the order of Gwangyang 32,673,259 ton CO2 eq.(51.0%) > Yeosu 30,801,349 ton CO2 eq.(48.1%) > Suncheon 584,307 ton CO2 eq.(0.9%) in 2009. The GHG indirect emission in the Gwangyang Bay in 2000 was 8,187,875 ton CO2 eq., which increased to 11,387,641 ton CO2 eq. in 2009. This increase was attributed to the GHG emissions from Electric power and Heat. The emission from Electric power in 2000 was 4,210,344 ton CO2 eq., which increased to 7,177,548 ton CO2 eq. in 2009. In the case of Heat, in 2000, the emission was 3,473,055 ton CO2 eq. while increasing to 3,718,094 ton CO2 eq. in 2009. The total GHG emissions from these two sectors have risen during this 10 years. In the case of GHG indirect emission, the proportion was in the order of Yeosu 8,864,990 ton CO2 eq.(77.8%) > Gwangyang 1,780,920 ton CO2 eq.(15.6%) > Suncheon 741,731 ton CO2 eq.(6.5%) in 2009. In the case of GHG mixed emission, the proportion was in the order of Yeosu 32,938,149 ton CO2 eq.(50.6%) > Gwangyang 31,873,575 ton CO2 eq.(48.9%) > Suncheon 314,045 ton CO2 eq.(0.5%) in 2009. In the case of key category analysis(level assessment), the influence sequence of GHG emission in the Gwangyang Bay was by the order of ‘2C1 iron and steel production’, ‘Scope2 electric power(manufacturing industries)’, ‘2B8b ethylene production’, ‘1A1aii combined heat and power’, ‘1A1ai electricity generation’, ‘1A1ci manufacture of solid fuels’, ‘1A2miii non-specified industry :coal’, ‘Scope2 heat energy’, ‘1A1b petroleum refining’, and ‘1A5a non-specified:stationary’ In the case of the development trend assessment on the key categories between 2000 and 2009, the contribution of each category to the trend was in the order of ‘iron and steel production’ 24.6%, ‘Scope2 electric power(manufacturing industries)’ 9.3%, ‘land’ 6.7%, ‘non-specified industry:coal’ 6.5%, ‘manufacturing industries and construction (chemicals)’ 4.3%, ‘nitric acid production’ 4.3%, ‘ethylene production’ 4.1%, ‘combined heat and power generation’ 3.8%, and ‘manufacture of solid fuels’ 3.5%, indicating that these will be the main sectors for GHG emission management in the Gwangyang Bay. 2000년부터 2009년까지의 광양만권 지역의 온실가스 배출량은 직접배출 부문에 에너지 분야, 산업공정 분야, 농림, 산림 및 기타 토지이용 분야, 폐기물 분야에 대한 배출량을 산정하였고 간접배출 부문에 전력, 열, 수도, 폐기물에 대한 배출량을 산정하여 그 특성을 분석하였다. 광양만권 지역의 토지흡수를 포함한 온실가스 직접배출량은 2000년 56,664,048 ton CO2 eq.에서 2009년 64,058,915 ton CO2 eq.으로 2000년에 비하여 2009년에 13% 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 세부 카테고리로는 산업공정 분야 > 에너지 분야 > 폐기물 분야 > 농림, 산업 및 기타 토지이용 분야의 순으로 나타났다. 지자체별 직접배출량은 2009년 기준 광양시가 32,673,259 ton CO2 eq.(51.0%), 여수시가 30,801,349 ton CO2 eq.(48.1%), 순천시가 584,307 ton CO2 eq.(0.9%)의 순으로 조사되었다. 광양만권 지역 간접배출분야에서 총배출량은 2000년 8,187,875 ton CO2 eq.에서 2009년 11,387,641 ton CO2 eq. 으로 지속적으로 증가하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이와 같은 간접배출분야에서의 배출량 증가는 전력 및 열 부문에서의 배출량이 지속적으로 증가하기 때문에 나타난 결과로 전력은 2000년 4,210,344 ton CO2 eq.에서 2009년 7,177,548 ton CO2 eq.으로 증가하였고, 열은 2000년 3,473,055 ton CO2 eq.에서 2009년 3,718,094 ton CO2 eq.으로 증가하였음을 알 수 있다. 지자체별 간접배출량은 2009년 기준 여수시가 8,864,990 ton CO2 eq.(77.8%), 광양시가 1,780,920 ton CO2 eq.(15.6%), 순천시가 741,731 ton CO2 eq.(6.5%)의 순으로 조사되었다. 지자체별 혼합배출량은 2009년 기준 여수시가 32,938,149 ton CO2 eq.(50.6%), 광양시가 31,873,575 ton CO2 eq.(48.9%), 순천시가 314,045 ton CO2 eq.(0.5%)의 순으로 조사되었다. 광양만권의 주 카테고리 수준평가 분석결과 ‘2C1 철강생산’, ‘Scope2 전력(제조업)’, ‘2B8b 에틸렌생산’, ‘1A1aii 열병합발전’, ‘1A1ai 전력생산’, ‘1A1ci 고체연료 제조’, ‘1A2miii 미분류석탄’, ‘Scope2 열에너지’, ‘1A1b 석유정제’, ‘1A5a 미분류:고정형’의 카테고리가 광양만권 지역의 온실가스 배출량 산정 결과에 가장 많은 영향을 주는 카테고리로 나타났다. 광양만권의 주 카테고리 추세평가는 기준연도를 2000년으로 하고 최근 연도를 2009년으로 하여 분석을 수행하였다. 추세평가를 수행한 결과 또한 ‘철강생산’이 24.6%, ‘Scope2 전력(제조업)’이 9.3%, ‘미분류:고정형’이 8.7%, ‘토지’가 6.7%, ‘미분류석탄’이 6.5%, ‘제조업 및 건설(화학)’이 4.3%, ‘질산생산’이 4.3%, ‘에틸렌생산’이 4.1%, ‘열병합발전’이 3.8%, ‘고체연료제조’가 3.5%로 주요 관리대상 항목임을 알 수 있다.

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