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      • 地方化時代의 地域福祉 增進에 관한 硏究

        李相勳 대전대학교 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        社會福祉란 인간의 욕구를 충족시켜주고 사회문제를 해결하여 주는 것으로 지난 4반세기 동안 우리나라는 국민복지라는 측면에서 경제발전과 정치적 민주화 발전의 노력으로 集約해 볼 수 있는데 경제발전은 공평한 分配를 전제하지 못함으로 人間疎外와 違和感 조성이라는 逆福祉的 요소를 만들었고, 정치적 민주화의 노력은 정치권력에 억압당해온 비민주적인 보수주의, 권위주의 아래 진정한 복지를 이룩할 수 없었다. 1980년대 후반 주민참여가 전제된 지방자치제가 관심을 끌면서 1995년 지방화시대를 맞이하면서 지역주민의 복지증진을 위해 새로운 복지체제를 모색하게 되었다. 우리나라는 헌법 제34조, 지방자치법 제9조에서 주민의 복지에 대해 국가 및 지방자치단체의 역할과 범위가 광범위하게 인정되고 있으나 선진국과 비교해 볼 때 한국의 사회복지는 낙후되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 지방화시대에 있어서 사회복지의 障碍要因을 분석·검토하였는 바 주된 요인은 사회복지 주체간의 역할분담이 불분명하고, 공공기관과 민간기관의 전달체계상의 非合理性이 內包되어 있으며, 복지정책과 복지서비스를 전달하는 專門人力과 專門性이 不在되어 있으며, 참여주체들이 활동할 수 있는 諸般 제도적 환경이 制限되고 있는 實情이다. 특히 本 硏究에서는 지방화 시대에 있어서 지방자치단체의 役割이 재정립 되어야 하며 공공복지 전달체계가 현실적으로 改善 되어야 한다는 점과 민간복지 서비스의 전달주체인 지역단위 사회복지관의 발전 방안과 참여주체의 핵심인 自願奉仕活動의 활성화 방안을 주민복지 증진에서의 핵심적인 요소라 생각하여 다음과 같은 方案을 提言하였다. 첫째, 주민복지의 개념을 소극적 의미에서 벗어나 지방자치단체에서 결정·집행하는 모든 행정업무의 운영자는 住民福祉增進이라는 차원에서 복지정책을 樹立·推進해야 하며, 중앙정부와 지자체간의 비용손실을 防止하고 生産과 福祉를 連繫시키며, 주민복지의 책임문제에 있어서 복지주체 多元化를 前提하면서 지방자치단체의 복지서비스 총괄기능강화, 주민복지 所要財源의 擴大, 주민복지서비스 내용의 재조정, 주민복지 서비스 供給의 民營化, 복지담당 공무원의 전문성 强化 등이 措置되어야 한다. 둘째, 社會福祉 行政體系는 사무를 처리함에 明確性과 效率性에 基礎되어야 하며 자치단체의 自律性이 確保되고 중앙정부와 지방정부 그리고, 민간기관간의 업무가 적절히 配分되어야 한다. 셋째, 21세기에서의 사회복지 서비스 체계는 다양하게 변화될 것으로 예상하면서 지역복지사회를 구축하는 활동의 주체로서 지역성에 기초한 복지관 運營의 다양화와 재가복지사업의 活性化를 强調하였으며 지역주민의 참가와 協力이 동반된 서비스 방법의 轉換과 더불어 사회복지관의 사회적 책임성과 직원들의 전문화, 지역사회간의 서비스를 상호 提携·統合 등이 필요하다. 넷째, 사회복지 참여주체인 자원봉사자 활동에 있어 제도적인 환경을 개선하기 위해서는 規制중심의 법제도를 변화시킴과 동시에 한국사회 문화적 特色을 勘案하여 연줄을 이용한 자원봉사자와 대상자의 연결이 필요하고 지역단위의 자원봉사자 협의회구성 및 자원봉사자 관리조정자의 確保, 중앙집권적 管理方式을 止揚하고 자원봉사지원제도의 擴充을 發展方案으로 提示하였다.

      • 地方化時代에 副應하기 위한 地方公務員 敎育訓練에 關한 硏究 : 京畿道 地方公務員을 中心으로

        김봉환 경기대학교 행정대학원 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        The role of public officials has increased nowadays because of developing local society and better condition of democratization. Therefore it is necessary to increase their capacity by education and trainning. In this point, I have studied on education and trainning of public officials. As the main method of this study. I use 1) questionnaires to public officials under Filth grade in kyung ki do, 2) related documents and 3) an analysis of laws and rules as sources for this study. The main ideas are as followed: 1) Changing administrative environment, it is necessary to professionalize local administration because of Korea's democratization and specialization same as world wide. We must take care strong demands of citizen's participation and to promote public welfares. 2) The images of public officials are democratic. expert and sincere. In the point of function. 1. policy decision ability 2. power of high(deep) insight and decision ability 3. ability to lead changing expansion 4. international insights and knowledges are the necessities for them. The Main ideas on this study are as followed: 1) The Ministry of Government Administration and the Ministry of Home Affairs must transfer the authority to control operating of public officials education institution to the local public offices and I also suggest that they reconsider their own works between central public officials' education institution and Local. 2) Establishing education and trainning plans. Education and trainning demand survey is a matter of form. is also intend to follow former surveys and we don't have the education and trainning aims so that we must have scientific and rational demand survey to get clear education and trainning aims. 3) Job education and trainning - it's also a matter of form. and investment for it is nothing. I suggest that the only way to strengthen the system is to settle it down. 4) Institution education and trainning. These are the problems. wrong institution system, lack of professional trainer, wrong method and contets of it, lack of persons connection of education result so that I suggest that we must establish local education institution and the material compilation committee, and trainning system for professional trainee. 5) Specialized education trainning. Because lack of specialized aducation system and subdivison, lack of subdivision of the administrative branches: I suggest that we must have education and trainning system into specialized. subdivide of local administrative system and hire the specialized person through the education trainning courses. 6) Consignment education trainning. The Ministry of Government Administration controls the consignment education trainning system and doesn't give chance to work to consignment person. Government support is not Sufficient. I suggest that the local government should be in charge of it. hiring consignment person and get fully support for the trainning plans from the government.

      • 地方化時代 里·統長制度의 改善方案에 關한 硏究 : 忠淸南道 論山市를 中心으로

        유미 忠南大學校 行政大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        In the 2000s, there have been emphasized the cooperation of residents in the local communities. This study has following purposes in an effort to come up with the improvements of the Li and Tong head system in this era of local autonomy. First, the study is designed to examine the theories of the system in this age of local autonomy and to make a general analysis of the real condition of the system. Second, the study is designed to make an analyze factors related to the innovations of the system by academic ground, in-office period, and residential areas. This study is intended to analyze factors related to the structure of li and tong heads' awareness, factors connected with work-performance awareness, factors linked to better treatment and factors associated with information. Third, this study is designed to come up with the Improvements of the system in accordance with the era of local autonomy on the basis of the findings. The contents of this study are to be summarized as follows. Chapter one involves the introduction. Chapter two covers the theoretic background and cases of the system in this age of local autonomy. Chapter three presents improvements related to the system and groups for activating measures in accordance with problems with the system in the case areas. Chapter five presents suggestive devices in conclusion. This study analyzes factors related to the real conditions of the system in case areas in this age of local autonomy by academic background, in-office period and residential area. First, this study analyzes job performance, complaint treatment, income standards and financial supports, etc. as factors related to the awareness of job performance and satisfaction. Second, this study analyzes the inefficient of work performance in the head of li and tongs and administrative system after reorganization of the era of local. Third, this study analyzes relation between the local assembly and li-and tong-heads. And relation between the citizens' center and li-and tong-heads. Forth, this study analyzes information education levels, and information of networks. This study identifies the following general problems with the system. First, They have not enough befitting their station and satisfaction. Extra benefits are too meager in comparison with the workload of the heads. And there is no benefit of any sort despite their activities. So their morale is dampened and their positions are not guaranteed. Second, They is confronted no utility of work-performance. There is no legal or systematic device to stipulate the unique job of li and tong heads and their commissioned job. They face difficulty in readjusting their jurisdiction areas and there is no legal and systematic guaranty after their term is over. Third, their current work is inefficient due to too much work load and cooperation with the local assembly and citizens' center leaves something to be desired and the heads are lacking in talents. Fourth, the education of the heads leaves something to be desired. The construction of networks is not activated. The researcher would like to make the following improve suggestions on the basis of the findings above. First, it is necessary to improve the work of the heads and to remove age limits through special laws in accordance with changes in eup, myeon and dong as a measure for legal and systematic activation. Also, li and tong- heads will be the leader of village. Second, it is necessary to introduce systematic education, and the reorganization of li- and tong areas with a view to improving the talents of the heads. And it is necessary to provide them with the several model of li- and tong- of head consolidating their authority and making their work treatment more efficient. Third, it is necessary to too much work load and cooperation with the local assembly and citizens' center after reorganization of eup, myon and dong offices. Fourth, it is necessary to provide them with computer education and for the making the construction of the network system in all village.

      • 지방화 시대의 지역정보화를 통한 지역개발 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        황병훈 목원대학교 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        21C의 화두는 단연 정보화로부터 시작되고 있다. 정보화사회에서는 물질, 에너지에 앞서 정보가 가장 중요한 자원이 되어 효과적으로 자료를 수집, 가공, 처리, 전달하는 정보활동이 무엇보다도 중요한 의미를 갖게 된다. 지금 세계는 정보화를 통한 국가 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해 정보화의 추진에 매진하고 있다. 우리나라도 물론 예외는 아니며 지방화시대를 맞아 정보화를 통한 국가 경쟁력을 구체화시키는 과정이라 할 수 있다. 지역정보화란 정보화 개념과 지역 개념을 융합한 것으로 "고도 정보화의 선행적 시책으로 지역간 균등한 정보, 접근성의 보장, 지역 특성에 맞는 정보시스템의 구축과 뉴미디어 보급의 촉진 등을 통하여 지방경제의 활성화, 지역주민의 생활의 질 고양, 지방문화의 육성 등을 도모함으로써 지역주민의 정체성을 제고하고 지역간의 활발한 교류를 촉진하기 위한 정책적 개념"으로 정의하고 있다. 이러한 지역정보화 정책의 효과적인 추진은 지역발전과 지역주민의 생활의 질 향상, 나아가 국가 전체의 균형발전, 그리고 급격하게 변화하는 세계적 추세에서의 적응을 통한 국가 경쟁력을 갖추는데 필수적인 과제이다. 우리나라도 본격적인 지방화시대로 접어든 시점에서 지역정보화는 더욱 더 중요성을 더 해가고 있다. 그러나 아직까지 우리나라의 지역정보화 정책은 지역발전을 위한 종합적인 계획으로 자리잡지 못하고 개발 부처의 독자적인 정책으로 추진되고 있다. 또한 지역정보화정책이 지방정부가 아닌 중앙정부의 각 부처에 의해 경쟁적으로 추진되어서 지역정보화정책의 핵심을 담당해야할 지방정부의 참여가 거의 이루어지지 못한 실정이다. 지역의 특수성과 지역주민의 정보수요를 고려하지 않고 중앙부처에 의해 지역정보화 정책이 추진될 때 원래의 정책목표를 달성하기 어려울 것이며, 또한 지역정보화의 추진이 지역차원의 자율적 노력이 아닌 중앙정부에 의해 주도될 경우 중앙과 지방의 정보격차 해소나 지역의 균형발전을 기대하기는 어려울 것이다. 따라서 본 연구는 지방화시대에 따른 효율적 지역정보화의 추진방안을 제시해 보고자 지역정보화의 의미와 그 효과, 우리나라 지역정보화의 추진과정과 그 내용, 그리고 주체별 역할에서의 정보화 정책의 문제점을 평가하였다. 또한 선진 외국의 사례를 통해 그들의 지역정보화 장점과 시사점을 통해 효율적인 지역정보화 추진방안을 찾아보고자 하였다. 이론적 연구를 위해 기존의 연구논문과 관련 정부보고서, 그리고 정보화 관련 포럼에서의 다양한 의견을 정리하였으며, 서울시 사례를 정리하면서 정보화 실무 담당자와의 인터뷰를 통한 현장 의견도 본 연구에 포함시킴으로써 연구의 객관성을 높였다.

      • 地方化時代에 있어서 警察서비스프로그램개선에 관한 연구 : 巡察制度와 交通行政을 中心으로

        조한진 江原大學校 經營行政大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        1. Purpose and scope of study. Police have performed their duties and missions in the face of various sacrifices and under the worse working conditions , to maintain public and order in society , and to erase harm to the community . However , a majority of people have not given their full trust to police as they should . The basic purpose of this study is to explain needed changes of police procedures , and its operations and problems , and then to find and present a way to improve police organizations in such a way that it can truely enjoy the love and respect of the people as a whole . The scope of this study has been focused on Kangwon Do as a central point . I hereby would like to present a few ways to improve the current patrol/traffic accident punishment system(TAPS) of police that are closely related the daily life of the people . 2. Functions and peculiarities of police . Functions of police are divided into categories . The first one is oriented towards maintaining public peace and order , namely , the protection of people's life , body and propert, and the prevention/crackdown of crime , and towars keeping public peace and order . The second one is service oriented , with emphasis on the protection of people's freedom and rights , to the maximum first function , oriented towards maintaining peace and order can be subdivided into the protective and regulatory functions , while the second functions , service oriented can be broken down into the rescuing and direct-service functions . Chapter 3-4 . Changed functions of police in an age of democracy and localization. In the 60's and untill the end of the 80's more emphasis were placed on the protection of interests of the nation and society than on those of individuals under the national policy of stability and prosperity that the goverment had so persistently pursued to avoid the sharp confrontations between KS and KN - a product stemming from the cold war between the west and the east . consequently , individual interests were relatively controlled and regulated . Police , charged with the mission of executing the policy was operated in such a way that it was driven into a state of estrangeent from general citizens . With the on set of an age of democracy and localization in the 90's , people began to present their personal demands to society , and police are forced to shift their functions from the maintenance of public peace and order to the rendering of service . A field survey was conducted among about 300 local residents and policeman in Chunchon , Wonju , and Kangnung , in which a questionaire was used . The survey showed that those people had called on police to render more services than those required of a law enforcement agency . Chapter 6-7 . The current situation and problems of police service programs . Police have been dotted with many problems within their organizations due mainly to self-interest among gorverment agencies . This is one of the great factors standing in the way of provinding people with quality service . I'd like to present in this paper how to improve the current patrol/TAPS that are closely related to the daliy life of the people . 1) The current patrol system , different from its original intention makes it easy for policemen to avoid responsibility in the course of their duties . Therefore , it is desirable that the current patrol line and patrol- marking system be abolished and that a policeman on patrol duty be permitted to select an area and time to patrol , thereby focusing on the prevention/solution of crime . Emphasis should also be given to the service oriented functions so that improvement can be made in the service oriented functions so that improvement can be made in this field and stability of the local community can be further strengthened . 2) Another area needing improvement is the current TAPS . This system should be revamped in such a way as to ensure improvement . All traffic accidents should be carefully sorted out so that all of them can not be invastigated as general criminal cases as a whole . When a traffic accdient is so minor that there will be no legal prosecution and/or it has caused only a slight material damage , the case should not be booked as a case requiring investigation . If a traffic accdient has caused a casualty , an action should be taken to reduce the accident from presenting various documents . If is expected that , through the practice of the above cited improvements , Police can save people's inconvenience and save more of their manpower and time , and that police civic-action service can be greatly enhanced .

      • 地方化時代에 따른 國際會議의 誘致 活性化 戰略에 관한 硏究

        양관식 明知大學校 交通觀光大學院 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Many countries in the world are struggling to foster the industry of intenational convention while attracting various international conventions on the politics, economy, society, culture, religion and sport. The needs of international convention's are increasing now because of the expansion of international visitors exchanges, and it affect on the promotion of national economy,developement of tour industry,internal and overseas public relation of the countries. Especially the third ASEM in 2000 and world cup football festival in 2002 will be the beginning of 21 century's major international conventions. Both events are expected to promote the level of fatherland in the world. and to affect widely on the industries of tour and international convention. Also the Unchain International Airport which will hold 27 million passengers a year by 1999 , and 100 million passengers a year by 2020, will help greatly by being the biggest airport in asia. This will be a good opportunity for jumping of air industry of Korea. Since the international convention industry is linked with general tourism, air and transportation , and accommodation industries, the activation of international convention industry will be promoted when the other industries are developed in harmony. The important point in this situation is to make a consensus between public organization including government, related civil industry, and academic society and set up and process the longterm and short-term strave participation are all needed. The studies on these area also need to be performed perpetually. In the era of wide open of service market under the system of WT. and Uruguay Round, it is necessary to promote the competitiveness of convention industry in Korea. In the art of international conventions, Korea showed to the world her abilities to hold international conventions by holding PAPA general meeting in 1979, ASTA and IPU general meeting in 1983, IBRD/IMF general meeting and ASIAN games in 1985, and Seoul Olympic games in 1988 successfully, and have a plan to be first international convention holding country in asia by middle of 1990s. The effect of holding international conventions are 1) increasing inflow of many tourist, 2) solving seasonalities problem 3) extension of the stay of tourist. Under these points, knowing the importance of the international convention industry which can solve the chronic disease of variance between high-demand seasons and low-demand seasons, the government also trying to support the international convention inland and to hold the convention by perform the public relations in the world. But the international convention industry of Korea is on the below level with that of international level, and the theoretical, academically studies or environmental circumstances on the area are of no good condition. Accordingly, understanding that the point of our country's tour industry is how to promote and develops the international convention industry as a developing industry, this study groped for solution as follows after check and analyze the situations of our international convention industry while questing a marketing strategy for positive and effective holding of international convention. First, until the international convention industry of Korea is started along the right lines, positive support of government is needed. For example, the function of international convention coordinating committee in administrative adjusting bureau of prime minister's office is needed to be active. Second, the tourism effect can be promoted by harmonizing the tourism and international convention through building large scale convention centers in the cities outside Seoul including Pusan, Cheju, and Kyungju and by developing convention cities Third, it is important to try to hold the international conventions through introducing our related abilities and facilities of the world, and through positive public reactions and marketing activities in the world. Fourth, related enterprises should be supported step by step by government level to foster their activities on holding and operating the international conventions Fifth, to perform the induced international conventions successfully, the qualities of related personnel should be improved and the experts such as conventions planner and simultaneous interpreter should be nurtured. Sixth, related facilities of hotels should be enlarged and improved and marketing activities to hold the conventions that are proper to their facilities should be fostered. Seventh, the images of international conventions as a improved tour industry should be embossed through expanding the tour course and programs. Eighth, people's positive participation in the international events should be fostered so they can make a bright atmosphere around the events. Also, the tour sources for the convention participants should be developed continuously. Therefore, to develop the international conventions industry more positively and effectively, publicity work and activity to hold of the government, positive and creative effort of related enterprise, and people's active participation are all needed. The studies on these area also need to be performed perpetually.

      • 地方化時代의 住民參與에 關한 硏究 : 參與與件 改善을 中心으로

        조대연 경기대학교 행정대학원 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Nowadays, local administration and citizen's consciousness are changing in accordance with largely changing local society due to social and economical circumstance transition. Therefore citizen participation is inevitably on the rise for guaranteeing citizen's interests in localized era that esteems diversity and decentralization and rectifies centralization and standardization. I think we can initiate developmental opportunity to create self-governing circumstance, only with citizen participation. matured under democratic capability, while the localized era faces change and innovation. So this thesis was designed and intended the critical mind on how to resettle self-government while minimizing malfunction by considering citizen participation method on what extent, scope and acceptance. This thesis is composed of 5 chapters and the contents of these are as follows. Chapter I : Presented purpose, scope and method of study Chapter II : Investigated theoretical background based on several documents and various materials. Chapter III : Indued problems by analyzing realistic situations of citizen participation, stressing citizen's consciousness, actual public offering of information and method of participation. Chapter lV : Presented citizen participation improvement and supplementation such as publication of administrative information/substantiality plan, public forum activation including presidential consultative committee, and the sense of value establishment of citizens and public officials based on problems found through analysis of actual status of citizen participation. In conclusion, citizen participation does not actually fulfill its role and function as a substantial way of collecting public opinion, because it is extremely limited, formal and a mobilized participation. Consequently, citizen participation in the localized era requires resettlement of citizen centering culture to embody democratic administration with spontaneous participation.

      • 地方化時代의 地域觀光開發 方向에 관한 硏究 : 濟州地域을 中心으로

        송재호 경기대학교 대학원 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Development is the man-made process to embody the better quality of life. And so, the purpose of regional tourism development is that it will cause local residents to carry on a satisfactory / high-level cultural life on the better environment than now. When it is considered, as we take a good look at the body, that development means not only the maximization of the physical production, but the comprehensive concept containing the human conditions, Je Ju has lost a lot of valuable things on the way of tourism development. Of course, from the various points of view, many causes can be discovered at this 'forfeiture' due to the tourism development, but the main cause and background of it are thought to have existed in the fact that Je Ju tourism development has been executed without the right direction and inhabitants' participation, excluding the inherent history and culture of that region. As a result, Je Ju tourism development has put a high value on its productivity as yet and has made little of its contribution to the resident's quality of life. On that account the questions on the desirable form and essence of tourism development have been raised without let-up, and the answers should be found in the phrases that the ultimate goals of it are focused on the betterment of the resident's quality of life, based on the establishment of the root-direction of tourism development. Under the conviction that tourism development can be functioned as the vital means for the prosperity of Je Ju community as well as from the evalution that it is now needed to institute the basic direction of Je Ju tourism development justly, began this study. This view is linked with the consideration of the recent tourism development theory, the general survey of Je Ju region, and the revelation of its tourism development process; especially the political aspects. And later the negative impacts that tourism development has brought to Je Ju are generally examined, founded on these investigations and empirical analysis of residents' opinions on tourism development, the ultimate goals and objectives of Je Ju tourism development policy are set up, and finally the policy altenatives to accomplish them are suggested from the macro-dimensions. These alternatives are as follows : 1. resident's participating in tourism development process independently and voluntarily 2. financial raising of tourism development rationally 3. conservation of physical and cultural environments 4. tourism development connected with the first industry 5. shift from hard-ware tourism development to soft-ware tourism development 6. reinforcement of the tourism infrastructure and support system 7. adjustment and reformation of the tourism administrative organization 8. expanding the main tourism promotion faculties 9. tourism development equivalent to the change of the international relations In conclusion the long-term vision of Je Ju which can be expected from the practice of these alternatives is to develop Je Ju region as a 'FREE TIME CITY', which is built up on three axises; 1) 'The Island of Peace' plan, 2) 'Business U.N.' plan, and 3) 'Tourist Free Zone' plan. The formation of 'FREE TIME CITY' will be designed to link the third industry (tourism, arts, culture, etc.) with the first industry(agriculture,livestock farming, fishing, etc.), and therefore can result in the system merit. In addition that process should be headed toward eco-tourism development, convention tourism, cultural tourism, and event tourism being kept in view as post-development tourism forms.

      • 地方化時代의 社會福祉政策에 관한 硏究

        송연자 朝鮮大學校 經營大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Nowadays the community welfare needs of residents are on the increase and the importance of the role of local autonomy to satisfy the residents welfare needs are raise. So local autonomy don't execute the control oriented community welfare policy of the central government but has to establish the community welfare policy on the base of the residents participation. Korea has been experienced rapid economic growth and drastic social changes since 1960s. While government has played the most important role as a key change agent in implementing various development strategies, other critical aspects such as decentralization, participation, and autonomy have been neglected in that Process. Especially in the field of local governments, rigid rules and excessive regulations of central government are strictly applied to the local level and administrative system revealed the severe lack of administrative responsiveness and flexibility. These experiences raise the question how governments meet the basic needs of residents at the local level, and acquire the efficient management of the services satisfying those needs. It also requires various alternative toward more participative, decentralized, and democratic society. Recently, the demands of social welfare and the needs of social security in local sector have been increased, intensified and diversified. The need and demands have been increased by leaps and bounds due to the rapid industrialization and migration from rural to urban area, especially in the urban area. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the alternative strategies improving the social welfare administration of the lower income class. Social welfare administration pertains various aspects such as social insurance, public assistance, and social welfare services. This study focuses on the administration of social welfare services; its main contents of analysis include the aspects such as functional allocation, manpower, citizen participation and welfare financing. I revealed that local government had a lot of problems in carrying out welfare policies of the central government as well as welfare facilities. This paper also examined the actual conditions of distribution of functions in welfare administration-distribution of roles in welfare service between the central and local governments. We found major problems such as 1) the establishment of the welfare delivery system 2) the enough employment of the welfare specialists 3) the expansion of the welfare finance 4) the distribution of roles in the welfare administration 5) the analysis of how far the community welfare policies sathsfy the citizens. This paper also suggests the policies such as 1) specialization of the welfare delivery system should be made 2) enough welgare specialist must be employed and they should be given discretion power 3) welfare finance should be expanded 4) as a means of finance distribution, the local government should have more power and the distribution of roles between the central and local government should be made 5) an information center should be established that controls social welfare information among communities To sum up, the local government should establish the community welfare improvement committee that can the needs of the citizens and the central government should give the local government as much power as the laws and the systems can permit.

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