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      • 우리나라 中小企業의 輸出振興프로그램 運營에 관한 硏究

        崔炳珍 全北大學校 大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        Regardless of the advanced or developing countries, the roles and weight of Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) in its national economy is continuously increasing and SMEs form the keynote of industrial development as a driving forces for national economic activities. However, SMEs is, in general, short of capital, techniques, ability of management and administration, and marketing, compared with the large enterprises. Therefore, most of nations is operating a variety of supporting programs in order to overcome SMEs' weakness in capital, techniques, marketing ability, and also is introducing the positive incentives to demonstrate SMEs' potentiality in the process of entering overseas market. But, government support programs for export promotion were much reduced with the beginning of WTO system in the middle of 1990's. That is to say, many types of export promotion systems became a prohibitive or counterveiling susidies if such support systems has a speciality. Accordingly, WTO member countries including, Korea are in a position to change their previous export promotion systems and programs. Recognizing these points, this thesis aims at studing the indirect government export promotion programs for SMEs in Korea, excluding the direct one, and, examine what are the alternatives for export promotion programs and how can we improve it, by rechecking minutely the present systems and programs concerned. To attain the above-mentioned aims, this thesis is composed as follows. Chapter. Ⅱ, describes the status of SMEs export in Korea and necessity of export expansion and promotion policy. And it includes the unique barriors of exporting activities of SMEs, the basic strategies of export promotion in major countries, and history of export policy of Korea. Chapter. Ⅲ, examines the operation of export promotion programs in major countries including USA, Japan, EU, and Taiwan etc. Of course, it contains the detailed export promotion programs in Korea separately from the above major foreign countries by categorizing export finance programs, overseas marketing programs, information and training programs, and others. Chapter. Ⅳ, investigates the problems and the policies to be improved in the future, in the process of operating export promotion programs in Korea. And, Chapter. Ⅴ, summarizes the contents of this thesis and explain several implications in relation to our export promotion programs at this time. In conclusion, the export promotion programs which Korea government in sellf or government-invested organizations are operating now have several important problems in the aspects of policy, finance, use of informations, personnel and training, and operation of programs etc. Accordingly, it is desirable for Korea to improve and supplement the present export promotion programs. First, a number of programs are performed overlappingly by so many organizations such as central government and other associated organization(Department of Industry and Energy, Department of Agriculture and Fishery, Small & Medium Enterprise Administration, KOTRA, Korea Traders Association, and so on). There are many similar and overlapping programs. Therefore, some programs have to be adjusted in order to do away with the confusion and be used positively by small and medium exporters with a satisfactory way. Second, export promotion programs should by propelled in accordance with the sizes, the level of experience (for example, no-exporter, expanding exporter, failed export, overseas areas to export etc.). Third, even though a variety of export promotion programs in Korea, the level of the recognition on it is low. Many small & medium exporters have no the detailed information about the export promotion programs, and it is necessary for our government to strengthen its publicity activities. Fourth, government and other associated organizations should make best effort to take root customers satisfaction and bring up the overseas marketing experts.

      • 中小企業의 輸出現況과 輸出振興方案에 關한 硏究

        김정배 朝鮮大學校 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        Korea has kept high economic growth since 1960. But the first oil shock from 1973 to 1974 and the second oil shock from 1979 to I980 caused economic depression all over the world It made Korea which is lacking in resources face difficult situations such as rise of international raw material price, low export aggravation of the balance of international payment. Under these situations government promoted the powerful export policy centering large enterprises around 1977,while small and medium enterprises were so depressed that government produced many problems and unbalance between enterprises. Therefore, in this theses, 1 will analyze the general condition about the small and medium enterprises to make balanced economic growth through efficient bringing up the small and medium enterprises. And I will investigate present export situations to find devices for export promotion. The problems with which small and medium enterprises are comfronted, are following: First, disorder of trade circulation Second , problems in technology Third, absence of organization exclusively in charge of export fourth: low adaptation ability fifth: inactivity of sales promotion policy And the devices for export promotion are following: First, systematization with mother enterprise Second, strenythening of technical competition ability Third, introduction of CEM system fourth, specialization and high quality of goods. Fifth, strengthening of abroad sales promotion In addition, small and mediun enterprises will develop as long as government policy intends to keep step reality to bring up small and medium enterprises, I think.

      • (A) comparative case analysis of masan and bataan export processing zones : factors of success and failure

        김지환 Graduate School of Economics, Yonsei University 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        수출가공지역 또는 수출자유지역은 초기 개발단계에 있는 개발도상국 또는 체 제전환국들의 수출진흥과 경제발전을 위한 효과적인 정책수단으로 알려져 왔다. 많은 국가들은 ①수출을 촉진시켜 부족한 외환을 획득하고, ②고용 창출을 통해 빈 곤을 감소시키며, ③외국인직접투자를 유치하고, ④국내 산업과의 효과적인 연계를 통해 생산을 다변화하고 ⑤비전통적인 수출분야를 육성하여 경제발전을 촉진시키 려는 목적으로 수출가공지역을 설치?운영해왔다. 한국의 경우, 1970년에 수출지향형 산업화 정책의 일환으로 수출가공지역을 처음 마산에 건설하였다. 필리핀 정부 또한 1972년에 바탄 수출가공지역을 건설하였는데 두 나라 모두 당시 가장 성공적인 사례로 언급되던 대만의 카오슝 수출가공지역을 모델로 항구 도시에 각 국의 수출가공지역을 발전시켜 나갔다. 이러한 유사한 당초 건설 배경과 정책적 목적과는 달리 두 수출가공지역의 성과는 매우 상이하게 나타 났고, 그 결과 많은 연구에서 마산 수출가공지역은 성공적인 사례로, 그리고 바탄 수출가공지역은 실패 사례로 언급되고 있다. 하지만 각각의 사례가 개별적으로 연구 된 적은 있으나 직접적인 비교분석 연구가 없었던 점에 입각하여 본 논문은 두 사 례의 상이한 결과에 주목하고, 어떠한 정책적 전략들과 경제적 상황들이 성공과 실 패를 가져왔는지를 연구하여, 오늘날 수출가공지역 등 변형된 형태의 경제특구를 통 해 경제발전을 목표로 하는 국가들에게 시사점을 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 마산과 바탄 수출가공지역의 결과수치를 직접적으로 비교 분석을 해보고, 나아가 간단한 회귀분석을 통해 결과수치들이 설명하는 바가 맞는 지를 확인하였다. 먼저 수출규모의 경우, 마산에서는 지역 설치 이후부터 지속적으로 수출규모가 증가했으며, 특히 1970년대에는 수출가공지역내의 수출증가율이 전체 한국의 수출증가율을 능가할 정도였다. 나아가 고용 규모와 입주기업 수의 경우, 직접적인 수치의 비교로는 설명이 불가능하므로, 이를 각 구역의 넓이로 나 누어 비율 간의 비교, 즉 노동자 밀도와 기업 밀도 간의 비교를 통해 마산은 외국 기업을 성공적으로 유치함으로써 주변의 초과 노동수요를 효율적으로 활용했다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 노동자 1인당 부가가치 또한 마산이 높았는데, 그 이유는 한 국 정부가 노동자들에게 지속적으로 교육 및 훈련 프로그램을 제공하고, 외국의 우 수 전문가를 유치하여 각종 강좌를 제공했으며, 지역 내 기업과 국내 기업들 간의 활발한 인적교류를 추진한데 있다. 국내 원자재 사용의 비율도 마산이 높았는데, 이는 수출에 직접적인 영향을 줬다고 단정지어 말할 수 없으나 지역 내 외국 기업 들의 국내 원자재 사용비율이 높았다는 것은 수출가공지역과 국내 기업 간의 연계 가 원활히 이루어졌음을 시사한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 단순한 수치간의 비교를 통계적으로 확인하기 위하여 간 단한 회귀분석을 통해 두 지역 간 어떠한 요인 간의 차이가 수출규모의 차이를 가장 잘 설명하는지 알아보았다. 그 결과 노동자 밀도 차이와 노동자 1인당 부가 가치의 차이는 두 지역의 수출규모 차이를 설명하는데 있어 통계적으로 유의한 결과를 보였으며 기업 밀도 차이와 국내 원자재 사용비율의 차이는 긍정적인 영 향을 미쳤으나 통계적으로 유의한 결과까지는 미치지 못하였다. 이러한 분석을 통해 본 논문은 1) 변화하는 국내 및 국제 경제환경에 적응이 쉬운 융통성 있는 수출가공지역 정책, 2) 수출가공지역의 목표와 전체 국가 경제 발전계획과의 일치, 3) 후방산업 육성 정책, 4) 풍부한 노동력과 주요 대도시로의 접근 용이성, 기본적인 인프라가 잘 구축된 지역의 선정, 5) 노동생산성 향상을 위 한 정부의 지속적인 지원?교육?훈련 제도, 6) 특구관리청과 중앙정부간의 일원 화된 채널 설정을 시사점으로 제안하였다.

      • 輸出振興과 貿易振興公社의 機能에 關한 硏究

        윤지중 建國大學校 行政大學院 1972 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Because man is a social animal, human society needs organization to attain a goal. Organization is any structured, systems of relationships among people and it must be both efficient and effective. Most organizations in Korea that seem inefficient and ineffective especially at fault, were imported directly from the western world. Their administrative structures were rooms for improvement. Korea now needs the expansion of export in order to achieve rapid economic growth. For that purpose KOTRA(Korea Trade Promotion Corporation) was established in 1962. The purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate the function and value of KOTRA in perspective of a self-sustained economy, namely, securing full employment and an equilibrium of in the ballance of payment, and to suggest some improvements for this organization. The present status of KOTRA shall be analyed and evaluated in the perspective of export promotion as will be the effectiveness, efficiency and rationality of KOTRA. This is the method and scope of this study. After introduction, in chapter Ⅱ, the present status of current international trade shall be studied. Beginning from the concept of trade, the problems of current international trade are painted out. First of all, the characteristics of international trade are studied. The emphasis is given to the developing nations and to the trend of east-west trade in the 1950's and of the north-south trade in the 1960's. Secondly the system of UNCTAD is discussed. The basic characteristics of UNCTAD are to achieve political as well as economic independence. Nowadays, developing nations face crisis because of manmade industrial goods from developed countries. Developing nations main goods of export are primary products. Because GNP is low and the rate of population increase is rapid in developing countries, they must resort to foreign trade especially export. But their exporting goods are primary products and sometimes more than their 50 percent of the export consist of one item. The trade of underdeveloped countries is to supply raw matieral to the developed nations in exchange for the manufactured goods from the developed nations. This kind of trade cannot lead to rapid economic development, so international cooperation is needed now. The prebisch report is introduced briefly. This desirable seven suggestions about international cooperation are described. And the activities of UNCTAD are also introduced. There after the present status of international trade is surveyed briefly as well as general tendencies in trade, in both developing and developed countries perspectively. Statics and graphs are used as frequently as possible. Especially in the case of developing nations, analysis has been done on causes of low export and concludes that the elatricity of income on agricultural goods, substitution to man-made goods, and the trade barries of developed nations are factors that effect a developing nation's goods. Some practical measure are suggested. In chapter 3, the present status of trade in Korea introduced. In addition a historical review on trade is mentioned. Through the three kingdoms, unifed silla, Koryo and Rhee dynasties, regions and items of trade are depicted with graphs and diagrams. After the founding of the Republic of Korea, studies are done more meticulously during military rule, 1950's and 1960's. In chapter 4 concerned the mechanism and present status of KOTRA. In the 1960's the rate of export increase is rapid and without precedent. KOTRA was established in 1962 to support export, namely, the reaserch of foreign markets, the introduction of new buyers, the improvement of the balance of payment. To contribute to a self-sustained economy. In the analysis of the status of KOTRA first of all, budgetary matters and the structure are illustrated. Secondly major achievements and ordinary working are classified functionally. It's major works are as follows. a. reaserch and study to foreign market and export goods. b. foreign market exploration. c. exhibition. d. advertisement. e. the operation of an export information center. f. miscellaneous functions. In chapter 5. the organization and activities of JETRO. JETRO is the same kind of organization as KOTRA, established in Japan. So comparing JETRO with KOTRA, the problems of KOTRA pointed out. In chapter 6. are found future prospects of this study. First, on the plan of exporting one billion dollars in the 1980. Some disscussion will be held on the absoluted need for increse export, and on the improvement of the balance of payments. Secondly a dissension, using a comparison of JETRO, with elaborate on the problems and direction of improvement of KOTRA. Finally, conclusion will be drawn from the information presented in transcrift.

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