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      • 韓國 歌謠의 發生 淵源考

        유인웅 全南大學校 敎育大學院 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        The records of ancient poems and songs in Korea were always exhibited with those of ceremony when a religious service was per formed. New I'll summarize the thesis on the assumption that the origin of ancient poems and songs are necessarily connected with ancient ceremony holding in times and Seasons when a religious service was performed. First, Korean songs and ballads are formed as a part of ceremony holding in times and seasons when a religious service was per formed. When we consider the ancient Korean customs such as Yeong-go in Puyeo, Tong-maeng in Koguryeo, Mu-chon in Ye and a farming ceremony when a religious service was performed in Mahan, we can understand that various kinds of singing and dancing were periodically performed every year as a ceremony holding in times and seasons when a religious service was performed. Second, the drinking, singing and dancing, which were held every year, as the structure of records and the form of ceremony when a religious service was performed were the element required not by the simple merry making but by the solemm ceremony when a religious service was performed. Third, from the Koguryeo dynasty singing and dancing began to take a function of recreation, emerged from the character of ceremony when a religious service was performed. Fourth, the ancient poems and songs can be classified into three categories in terms of forms and character : the first one includes those sung seasonally, the second are those sung in a group people and the last are the unspecified but synthesized ones.

      • 고대시가의 형성 기반과 존재 양상 연구

        이현정 제주대학교 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 2846

        이 글은 고대시가(古代詩歌)의 형성 기반과 존재 양상을 향가와 연계하여 구명하고 그 시가사적 의의를 찾고자 하는데 목적을 두었다. 주요 연구 대상은 고대시가 <구지 가>, <공무도하가>, <황조가>와 4구체 향가 <헌화가>, <해가>, <도솔가>이다. 고대시가는 글말로 정착되기 이전 입말로 전승되었던 문학이다. 고대시가의 특별한 전승 형식인 ‘전승서사와 전승시가의 결합’은 향가까지 이어져 온 시가 형식의 총체적 범형(範型)이다. 이 같은 전승 형태를 주술적 제의적 서정적 인식이 미분립 되어 있던 원시종합예술의 잔영(殘影)으로 상정하여, 각편의 전승서사와 전승시가에 내재된 주술 적 제의적 서정적 인식의 교섭 양상과 단계적 변화를 추적하였다. 그 결과 고대시가와 향가는 주술적 제의적 서정적 인식으로 대변되는 원시 고대 중세의 시대 이념이 조응 변이하는 과정에서 계기적으로 출현하였다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 각편 시가의 형성 기반은 전승서사가 함의한 제의성을 텍스트 컨텍스트의 측면에서 분석하여 형성 국면을 재구하는 과정으로 입증하였다. <구지가>는 원시의 기우 주술 요인 <구지가>계 노래가 체계화 규범화 된 풍요 제의와 결합하였다가 수로왕 탄강담 과 결합하여 형성된 시가, <공무도하가>는 진혼 제의의 파탄상에 따른 민간의 상장(喪 葬) 가요가 이념성 대신 비탄의 감정을 담는 쪽으로 변모하며 개인 서정과 집단적 감 성까지 아우르게 되었던 시가, <황조가>는 유리왕이 정치적 위기를 극복하고자 민간 서정 민요를 풍요 제의의 맥락으로 소급하여 재맥락화 한 시가, <헌화가>와 <해가> 는 가뭄으로 인한 기근의 해결과 민심 회복을 위하여 민간 제의 형식을 빌어 치른 별 제(別祭)에서 불린 시가, <도솔가>는 무열계 왕권의 정치적 위기를 해결하기 위한 중 세의 일월제치제의(日月除治祭儀)에서 불린 무속적 선풍적 불교적 이념이 혼합된 주 술 제의가로 규정하였다. 더불어 이 과정에서 각편 시가의 형성 국면이 곧 시대 이념 을 반영한 주술적 제의적 서정적 인식의 교섭 양상임을 밝혔다. 각편 시가의 존재 양상은 주술적 제의적 서정적 인식의 교섭이 통시적으로 지속과 변화를 거듭하며, 형식적 측면과 이념적 측면에서 일정한 양식 체계를 정립한 패러다 임이란 사실을 해명하는 것으로 탐구하였다. 주술적 제의적 서정적 인식은 형식적 측 면에서 특정한 언술 방식과 시적 주체의 인식 지향에 따른 지속과 변모로, 이념적 측 면에서는 제의와 가악(歌樂)을 매개로 한 시대적 문화적 이념의 결합과 변모라는 일정 한 계기적 체계적 일관성을 띠고 있었다. 이러한 흐름 안에서 주술적 제의적 서정적 인식의 교섭은 우리 시가사에서 서정시가를 태동시키는 동인이 되었다. 고대시가의 시가사적 의의는 고대시가와 향가 각편이 미의식이 구현되는 작동 체계 를 조명하여 도출하였다. 우선 고대시가와 향가의 형성에 관여한 주술적 제의적 서정 적 인식이 집단과 개인, 주술 제의 서정, 신앙(신념)과 역사, 우주와 인간이란 이질적이 면서도 상호 보완적인 요소들의 간섭으로 구성되었다는 사실을 감안하여 이를 구체적 으로 살필 수 있는 작동 준거를 마련하였다. 작동 준거는 인식 주체인 집단과 개인, 인 식의 최종 결과이자 각편 시가의 속성인 예찬(禮讚)과 찬탄(讚嘆) 그리고 비탄(悲嘆)과 추도(追悼)로 하였다. 이 같은 구도에 고대시가 각편과 향가 14수를 재배치한 결과, 고 대시가는 우리 시가사에서 미학적 패러다임을 생산한 원류로서 시학적 전통을 마련한 역동적 생명력을 갖춘 존재라는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 고대시가는 갈래라는 고정된 틀이 아닌 양식이란 속성적 범주에서 살펴야만 온전한 실체와 그 시가사적 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 문학사에서 전대에 폭넓은 향유층을 지녔던 기존의 패러다임이 다양한 방식으로 전용(轉用) 또는 전화(轉化)되어 후대의 패러다임 을 발현시키는 동력이 되어 온 사실을 잊어서는 안 된다. 고대시가를 우리 시가사의 한 양식 체계로 대하여 후대 시가 갈래들 간의 상관 관계를 폭넓게 파악하는 점진적인 논의가 절실하다. 이러한 접근만이 지금 고대시가 연구에서 진척된 성과를 얻는데 소 중한 기여를 할 수 있다는 사실을 다시금 환기하게 된다. This study investigates the formation base and existent pattern of the Korean ancient poetic songs in association with the 4-line Hyang-ga and finds its meaning from the perspective of the history of Korean classical poetry. The discussions made in this study focus on renewing the established convention about the Korean ancient poetic songs and extending its vitality and influence in the history of Korean classical poetry. The main research objects are the Korean ancient poetic songs "Guji-ga," "Gongmudoha-ga," and "Hwangjo-ga," and the 4-line Hyang-ga style poetic songs "Hyeonhwa-ga," "Hae-ga," and "Dosol-ga." The Korean ancient poetic songs are literature that have been passed on orally before settling into written forms. In addition, the special transmission form of the Korean ancient poetic songs, which is a combination of the "narrative in tradition and poetry in tradition," is the comprehensive exemplar of the style of the poetic songs that have been continued via the transmission of Hyang-gas. The study presumes the poetic songs as relics of the ballad dance with the unseparated perception of natural magicalism, ritualism, and lyricism, and traces the negotiating patterns and the changes by stages of the perception of natural magicalism, ritualism, and lyricism that are inherited in each piece of the narrative in tradition and the poetry in tradition. The study also tries to reveal that the Korean ancient poetic songs and Hyang-gas are the forms of poetic songs that have opportunistically emerged during the process that primitive, ancient, and medieval times, often represented by the perception of natural magicalism, ritualism, and lyricism, closely correspond to each other and be transformed. The study examines the foundation base of each piece of poetic songs by investigating the ritualism implied in the narrative in tradition from the perspective of text and context and reorganizing the formation process of poetic songs. By doing so, the study defines "Guji-ga" as a poetic song where the song of "Guji-ga" style, one of the magic songs praying for the rain in primitive times, combined with the fertility rituals that have been systematized and standardized, and then be narrated and formed as a part of the King Suro's birth story that he descended from the sky, "Gongmudoha-ga" as a lyrical poetic song where the breakdown of funeral rituals has been passed on to the civil and converted and formed to incorporate collective sensibility rather than ideology, "Hwangjo-ga" as a poetic song where the civil's lyric fork songs have been retroacted and recontextualized in the context of fertility rituals to overcome political difficulties during the ritual times that focused on mythical awareness, "Hyeonhwa-ga" and "Hae-ga" as poetic songs that have been sung during the special ritual by taking the form of civil rituals to overcome the famine caused by droughts and restore the public sentiment, and "Dosol-ga" as a magic poetic song mixed with shamanistic, sensational, and buddhist ideas that has been sung during the Ii-wol-jea (ritual of the son and moon) in medieval times to resolve the political crisis of the Mooyeol lineage. Furthermore, it confirms that such a process that has been formed by reflecting the idea of each time is no different from the negotiating patterns of the perception of natural magicalism, ritualism, and lyricism. The study sheds light on the existent pattern of each piece of poetic songs by demonstrating that the negotiating patterns of the perception of natural magicalism, ritualism, and lyricism repeat continuance and changes from the formality and ideology point of view and belongs to the flow that arranges the system of the forms. It allows confirming that the perception of natural magicalism, ritualism, and lyricism that has continued to get involved in the emergence of Korean ancient poetic songs and Hyang-gas represents a constant opportunistic flow as continuance and change in accordance with the pursuit of specific verbal style and poetic subjects from the formality point of view and as convergence and change of periodic and cultural ideas by means of rituals and music from the ideology point of view. It is also confirmed that the lyrical perception manifested in such aspects has become a motive of the full-scale emergence of lyrical poetic songs in the history of Korean classical poetry. Lastly, the study tries to find the meaning of the only three pieces of Korean ancient poetic songs from the perspective of the history of Korean classical poetry, focusing on the aesthetic sense of the link between the Korean ancient poetic songs and Hyang-gas. The perception of natural magicalism, ritualism, and lyricism that has been involved in the formation base of the Korean ancient poetic songs consists of the interference of heterogeneous yet inter-complementary elements of the group and individual, magic, ritual and lyrics, faith(belief) and history, and universe and humans. As a result, the study suggests that the Korean ancient poetic songs are a direct root that has produced the emergence of assorted forms of poetic songs and aesthetic paradigms in the history of Korean classical poetry and are an existence equipped with dynamic vitality that arranged the poetic traditions. The Korean ancient poetic songs are at the forefront of Korean literature. It should not be forgotten that the established paradigms that have been enjoyed by the wide range of people in the previous generations serve as a motive to generate the paradigms in the future generation after being redirected and transformed. The study confirms that the Korean ancient poetic songs should be examined in conjunction with the form of poetic songs, which is the category of properties, and not the frame of genres to investigate the piece itself. It is imperative to have discussions to broadly understand the correlations among genres of poetic songs in future generations, and only with such an approach method are the valuable contributions made to obtain progressed performance based on the existing researches.

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