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      • 일본자동차산업의 對中직접투자에 관한 연구

        김춘희 건국대학교 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249726

        There were a lot of competitors in auto industry and usually a lot of autos, especially Japanese autos, were sold in international trade. But, from the 1990s, the developmental strategy of the auto industry had to be changed because both national and international auto markets were already saturated. Especially, Asian market that was once greatly expected was finally found very limit. However, the potential market of Asian - China, the need of auto has quickly increased along with the fast economic growth. Chinese government also do their best to attract foreign investment on auto industry and expect auto production to grow into one of their main industries. In this kind of background, Japanese auto enterprises began to invest directly in China and they have succeeded in it. With this kind of background, since the middle of the 1990s, Japanese auto enterprises began to invest directly in China and their operations were very successful. Those companies included Toyota, Honda, Isuzu, and Nissan, etc. All of them are main enterprises that stand out from their national and international competitors. Up to now, eleven main auto enterprises in Japanese have already entered auto market in China. In this paper, the reason that Japanese auto industry can compete with other competitors from Europe and America was attributed to successful application of operational strategy. Toyota and Honda are good examples of using operational strategy. However, Japanese enterprises are facing more fierce competition from other countries that also aim on Chinese market after China has joined WTO. Consequently, they have to strengthen their competitive and come up with new strategy dealing with the changes to keep their success in China, the most important market of Asian. It is therefore necessary to carry out research on Chinese market continuously. Direct investment strategy that Japanese companies took is a good model that Korean auto industry can follow. Korean enterprises can learn from the strategy Japanese enterprises operated in Chinese market for their own future success. Japanese enterprises' complete market investigation, direct investment to a specific region, full use of enterprise's reputation and popularity, local market developmental skill, and the detailed future plans were discussed in this paper. It was suggested that direct investment into China of Korean enterprise should be benefited from following these ways. First, enterprises should establish a new model concerning with Chinese needs. Second, they should develop more detailed operations in target market. Third, they should polish this kind of operations for a long time development. In China, the stage of the competitors from developed auto industry all over the world, the popularization of auto will be accelerated because of the direct investment from oversea enterprises. There are new problems coming up, such as environmental and traffic problems. Therefore, any country that wants to do auto businesses in China, those problems are important and needed to be understood and dealt with correctly. This situation also emphasized the necessity of corresponding strategy developing.

      • 중국에 진출한 한국기업의 인적자원관리 현지화에 관한 연구 : 오리온식품, 한미약품 사례기업 중심으로

        서원주 연세대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 249629

        한국기업들의 대중국 직접투자가 시작된 지 10여 년의 시간이 경과하면서 진출기업들에 관한 연구도 진입방식 등 투자 초기단계 연구에서 경영 현지화 등 투자 후 단계의 연구로 이전되고 있다. 1997년 불어 닥친 금융위기로 우리 기업은 중국을 포함한 전반적인 해외직접투자가 위축되기도 하였으나, 뒤이은 세계경제 침체 하에서도 지속적인 성장세를 보이면서 급부상하고 있는 중국경제에 다시금 관심이 모아지고 있다. 초기의 한국기업의 대중국 진출동기를 살펴보면 가장 중요한 동기가 풍부한 노동력과 낮은 인건비이며, 다음으로 거대한 현지시장, 그리고 원자재 조달의 용이함 등이었다. 그러나 미래 최대의 시장잠재력을 가진 중국이 WTO에 가입하면서, 중국시장은 이미 세계 최대, 최고의 결전장으로 변모하고 있다. 이러한 급변하는 중국의 시장 환경 속에 중국 고유의 사업 환경 및 시장 환경 변화를 이해하는 것이 중국 사업에서 성공하는 중요한 전제가 되었다. 이러한 맥락에서 본 논문은 기업의 경쟁력의 원천으로 중요성이 대두된 인적자원 관리에 관심을 두었다. 사람관리는 그 나라의 문화와 규범 및 제도적 상이성 등으로 인해 다른 측면이 있을 것이라는 가정에서 연구를 시작하였다. 구체적으로 본 논문에서는 중국 현지에서 조사한 두개의 사례기업의 인적자원관리 방법을 모국의 기업과 비교․분석하였다. 연구결과를 종합하면 모기업의 인사관리는 유사하게 현지법인에 이전되어 중국 현지에 적합하도록 변화된 한․중 혼합방식을 취하고 있다. 그리고 향후 중국에 진출하고자 하는 한국기업들에 대해 다섯 가지 시사점을 제시하였다. As 10 years have passed since first Korean firms made inroads into China, themes of researches on the businesses are being changed from market opening of early stage of overseas investment to post-investment localization. In fact Korean corporations'' overall direct overseas investment shrank when the financial crisis hit the nation in 1997 but recently the eyes of the Korean companies are again on China whose economy is dramatically growing. The primary reason Korean companies tried to find ways into China was cheap and plentiful labor. They also took the massive Chinese market and the easy access to row materials into consideration. China, however, has emerged as the world''s most fiercest battlefield for businesses around the world since China joined the World Trade Organization, or WTO. Thus if any newly operating business is to succeed in the market, it is foremost important prerequisite to understand the unique culture of Chinese market and the changes within. In the same vein, this study is focused on the issue of human resource management which recently has been considered as the key to corporate competitiveness. It is based on the hypothesis that there are different features in human resource management of Korea and that of China because of cultural, legal and systematic distinctions. It specifically compares human resource management techniques of two firms currently in operation in China with that of their Korean headquarters, and then analyzes them. First, the study researches with what types of strategies the managers of Korean firms transfer the human resource management techniques to their Chinese branches. In order to draw comparisons, manpower supplydemand, labor educationtraining and employee evaluationreward systems of each are examined and various phenomena presented during the know-how transfer to Chinese local subsidiaries are observed. As a result of the study, human resource management skills of the parent companies of Korea are transferred to the Chinese local subsidiaries. The transferred skills are then modified and adapted to suit the local traits of subsidiaries. In other words, the Chinese local subsidiaries have somewhat mixed forms of human resource management systems. Finally, this study suggests five important points worth heeding for Korean firms planning to branch out into China in the future.

      • 韓國의 對中 直接投資 現況分析과 戰略에 관한 硏究

        장칠용 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 233343

        China is rapidly emerging as the largest economic power of the 20th century with the largest foreign capital investment in the world in 1993. China boasts an enormous population of 1.2 billion and an annual growth rate in the 10% range on the average, marking it the third economic power in the world. As of February 1994, direct investment of Korean companies in China is 1,172 cases totalling US$1,052,000,000 which is 14.2% (US$7,420,000,000) of Korea's total investment abroad, it seems that this mutually beneficial upward relationship is based on the integration of China's reformation and Opening Policy with Korea's assertive approach. China carried out an economical reform to establish 「Socialism with Chinese Characteristics」 after the third round of the 11th Central Commitee Meeting, and in order to achieve the ultimate policy goal of 「The Socialist Market Economy」, implemented open policies in the areas of legislation, regions and industries to attract foreign direct investment. These open policies of China was implemented in three stages where the first stage was installing a Special Economic Zone and opening up 14 Economic Technology Research Zones by moving from the points to the lines in order to establish 19 points in 4 zones, 1 province, and 14 cities. The second stage was the expansion process of moving from lines to points by establishing an Open Coastal Zone by opening up the Jangkang Delta, Jukang Delta, and the Kaenam Delta as well .as the Santong Peninsula, the Yotong Peninsula and the Balhae Harbor. The third stage was the active implemenntation of the 「Opening of All Regions」 Which opened up all areas of the country to foreign companies by expanding the areas opened from the coastal port cities to inland cities and transformed areas. The status of foreign direct investment in China after 1991 has increased rapidly and recorded 48,764 cases totalling US$57,510,000,000 where 60.5% were joint venture companies. However, there is an increase of sole ownership foreign companies. In looking at the foreign investment by nationalities, 86.1% come form Hong Kong, Macao, Japan and the U.S.A. Foreign investment is popular in mostly 11 provinces of the coastal region which are concentrated in about 90% of the cities, and the majority is located in the three Special Economic Zones of the Santong Province. Foreign companies prefer property development and service rather than energy development, maritime, telecommunications and electronics which are supported by the Chinese Government. The reason for this is because it is easier to obtain foreign currencies in these industries. Korean direct investment was regularized after 1991 because China evolved as the best country to invest in with the improvement of the Korea-China relationship, the formation of favorable investment environment by the Chinese Government, and the move by the Korean companies to relocate to another country for manufacturing purposes. 38% of the Korean investment in China are concentrated in Balhae Harbor and 3 northeastern provinces, and this is because of the close proximity of the region, the ability to use Korean-Chinese labors, and the band wagon effect. Investment is mainly in labor-intensive manufacturing businesses because of the low cost fo Chinese labor, and the majority of the investment are small investments of less than US$1 million. In looking at the catagories of small investment, sole ownership accounts for 45.5%, and multiple ownership accounts for 22.3% with the regulated management power representing a strong hold. Likewise, the manufacturing industry, where low labor costs are the main reason for investment by babor-intensive small and medium sized companies with less than US$1 million investments, tend to favor export-oriented investment that has very little risk ad high profit returns in a short period of time. These export-oriented investments and expanded investments in the three provinces within Beijing may bring about the boomerang effect and cooperation among the Korean companies. The investments of small and medium sized companies aiming at low labor costs, and the regional concentration of these investments can bring about problems such as expansion of the Chinese domestic market power and the inability to enjoy the special elements of the Chinese market. Also, the investments in the domestic markets are suffering greatly due to the sole ownership investment. Korean companies have (1) pluralization of their investment region, (2) diversity of investment types, (3) conquering of the domestic market, (4) joint investment strategy through cooperation among companies, (5) data gathering, pulbic ownership and diversity of constructions, and development of specialists, (6) construction of a marketing strategy, and (7) supportive policies of the Korean goverment as their strategies toward Chinese investment. China rapidly emerged as the number 1 country for investment after the regularzation of the「Opening of All Regions」and became the 「Actual Market」 instead of the 「Potential Market」 it originally was. It is necessary to study what kind of threat China might be as a cooperative country as well as a competitive country to Korea. In addition, it will be necessary to appropriately face the upcoming Yellow Sea Era through pratical studies on China.

      • 센카쿠 제도 국유화가 일본기업 대중 실적과 직접투자에 미친 영향에 관한 연구 : 자동차 3사를 중심으로

        김나영 高麗大學校 大學院 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 233308

        본 논문은 2012년 9월 일본정부에 의하여 진행된 센카쿠 제도 국유화 결정이 중일 경제협력에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지에 관하여 일본의 자동차 기업 3사를 중심으로 분석하고 있다. 센카쿠 제도 국유화 이후, 중국에서는 전례없는 규모의 반일시위가 발생하였으며, 이는 일본기업 중국 현지법인의 실적에 악영향을 미치며 중일 관계를 냉각시켰다는 점에서 과거 중일 센카쿠 분쟁과는 다르다고 할 수 있다. 한편, 센카쿠 국유화로 인한 일본의 대표적인 자동차 3사인 도요타, 닛산, 혼다의 대중실적에 대한 영향은 비교적 단기적이며 일시적인 영향에 그쳤다. 센카쿠 제도 국유화는 일본의 대중직접투자 감소에 일정 정도 영향을 미쳤으나, 일본의 대중 직접투자는 여전히 상향세가 유지되고 있다는 점에서 센카쿠 국유화로 인하여 탈중국화가 진행되고 있다고 보기는 어렵다. 또한, 도요타, 닛산, 혼다가 기존에 진행하고 있던 차이나 플러스 원 전략은 센카쿠 국유화 사태로 인하여 동전략은 유지되는 계기로 작용하였으나, 매스컴에서 보도하는 바와 같이 차이나 플러스 원이 가속화되고 있다고 판단하기에는 어려움이 있다.

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