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      • 面行政의 合理的 運營改善에 關한 硏究 : 全羅南道 潭陽郡 中心으로

        김도남 전남대학교 행정대학원 1982 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        CHAPTER ONE The administration of modern nation aimed for the modernization can be characterized as the service administation or welfare administration serving the maximum service for the people. This will result in the persistent enlargement of the function of the government in the standpoint of developing administration in order to correspond with the change and complex diversification of the modern society, becauase the government is the main body serving the maximum service to the people due to the increase of the requirement of the adminstration caused by these changes. The most parts of such administration shall be executed through the channel called the line administrative agency. The people orieuted administration should be emphasized since the democratization and the servicability will be practiced in the course of the execution of the administration. I emphasized the-ascertainment of the democratic nature and efficiency of the people oriented administration in the Myon office administration, a line administrative agency. I established the foundation of the improvement of reasonable operation of the Myon administration and the structure of the consciousness and the government officials at the myon office level, in order to contribute for the development of rural administration and the development of the nation. CHAPTER TWO In this chapter, I handled the democratization and the efficiency of the people oriented administration in the function of the Myon administration. The democratization of people oriented administration is the basic guiding principle of the administration today, and it is an important assignment. The democratization of people oriented administration prompts the decentralization of the power and enables the government to delegate the powers to self governing organization from the central government and increase the control concerning to the activities of the government. And the making of efficiency of people oriented administration shall include the adaptation to the environment, and the maintenance of existence, and the reasonableness of social and economic input, for the accomplishment of the objective. So, the mutual supplementation, rather than the relation of conflict, in the relation of the democratization and the efficiency of people oriented administration should be maintained: CHAPTER THREE In this chapter, As long as all organization is consisted of by human beings, the success or failure in achieving the objective of such organization depend on the elements composing such organization for the structure of the consciousness and morale of the government officials at the Myon Offiec level. When we consider this, it is very important to give the momentum to the composing elements and encourage the morale. I investigated and studied the degree of the satisfaction of the job and the degree of satisfying the desires of the government official at the Myon Office. CHAPTER FOUR In this chapter, I considered the direction of the improvement of the reasonalbe management of Myon administration as follows: 1. the history of Myon administration. 2. The direction of the structural improvement of Myon administration. ·Establishing the Sub-Section of Development and the SubSection of Social Affairs as a method of the improvement of the structure of myon administration. ·Increasing the number of six persons to the present as a measure of Strengthening the manpower of myon adminstration. ·At Present, empowering the Chief of Won office and Simplifing job titles of the officials. 3. Developing the method of mangerial improvement of Won administration. ·Adjusting and improving the Volume amount of work of grovernment official at Won administration. ·Finding the method to improve loy Stopping the demonstrating administration an unifide administration by conducting the training and education to the government officials in the relation of the People and in the relation with the higher line agencies, CHAPTER FIVE MYon ADMINISTRATION is the front line agency of local administration and the final- destination of administration executing the all government Policies, contacting with the people. IN THIS THESIS, I made a survey through analysis and consideration in order to seek Method of reasonable improvement of Myon administration in order to smoothly execute the function in complance with the requirement of administration in the 1980's

      • 인터넷 GIS 기술을 활용한 행정정보의 대민서비스 제공방법에 관한 분석연구

        김외영 창원대학교 산업정보대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 232285

        In this age of rapid development in Internet GIS technology, people's desire to acquire information from administrative organizations has kept increasing. This paper aims at providing a policy guidepost which leads to promoting function reinforcement and service improvement by presenting a model of service supply for citizens through Internet-based GIS Portal Site development. The Portal Site allows citizens to access and search various kinds of administrative information through the Internet GIS technology. Based on problems and suggestions derived from case studies, this paper deduces the priorities of system development from the analysis of the relation between GIS and administrative affairs in Tongyeong. Described in this paper are specific plans regarding contents construction, service supply plan, system structure and a web site development plan for a system development with the application of Internet GIS technology.

      • LEAN SYSTEM을 이용한 대민 행정 서비스 만족도 향상에 관한 연구

        서형주 창원대학교 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 232013

        The interest regarding the back administrative service where recently as the service industry provides an administration is augmented. This is pursued from enterprise section and as all customer satisfactory this the value which it does recently construction for dividing without as the aim for the existence from competition was widely accommodated means the thing. But quality problem of administrative service is (satisfaction) and like as kind motion it could be confronted simply there is shaving which it comes to think it. The kind characteristic Iran customer service consequently and the fragrant when feeling a sense of satisfaction, it is an only thing in one branch element. It related with an improvement from the research which it sees and is accommodated widely in the Lean System approach which and foundation it did the improvement method it could be applied in case of administrative service it developed, as the LPAM did this improvement method. Also like this method was customer satisfactorily and administrative process improvement important and it will be able to operate against it investigated.

      • 朝鮮後期 法典編纂과 形典

        김재한 延世大學校 大學院 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 215820

        본 연구에서는 兩亂 이후 조선정부가 추진한 법전편찬의 배경과 과정, 그리고 그 내용을 刑典을 중심으로 검토해보자 한다, 이를 통해 조선후기 刑典 중심의 법전 정비가 지배체제 재건과정에서 국가의 대민지배력 강화를 위해 수행된 것임을 확인하고, 나아가 중세사회 해체기의 제 모순에 직면한 조선정부가 재건하고자 했던 지배체제의 실체와 意義를 규명하는데 있다.$$a$$a조선왕조는 주자학을 건국이념으로 삼아 주자학에 입각한 사회운영을 그 이상으로 하였다. 주자학에 입각한 사회운영방식은 爲政者의 도덕성에 입각한 德治의 실현을 이념적 목표로 하였다. 이러한 위정자의 德이 피지배층인 일반 민에게 미치도록 민을 敎化의 대상으로 상정하여 綱常倫理에 입각해서 사회질서를 유지하는 것이었다.$$a$$a그러나 양란을 거치면서 조선사회가 직면한 사회경제적 변화와 신분제의 동요는 조선전기에 수립되었던 지배와 피지배관계가 전면적으로 위협받게 되었음을 의미하는 것이었다. 이와 함께 양란의 과정에서 드러난 지배층의 무능과 무책임에 대한 피지배층의 불만과 저항은 다양한 형태로 표출되는 상황에서 체제의 존립이 위태로운 지경에 이르렀다.$$a$$a이에 조선정부는 지배체제 존속을 위한 방편으로 법전의 보수와 편찬작업을 수행하였다. 여기서 주목되는 것은 법전의 補修가 刑典을 중심으로 이루어졌다는 점이다. 양란 이후 최초로 만들어진 『受敎輯錄』에서 내용이 대폭 보완된 推斷條와 禁制條는 민에 대한 국가의 직접 지배와 통제의 내용을 강조하면서 정비되었고, 새로이 추가된 賊盜條와 姦犯條는 양란 이후 발생하는 사회문제에 대한 국가의 적극적인 통제의지를 보여주고 있다. 또한 告訴條, 聽理條, 文記條는 소송의 억제와 사법절차의 정비를 추구하는 것이었다. 이것은 16세기 이래로 자신의 권리와 이익을 보장받는 수단으로써 법을 이용하려는 민의 활동을 국가가 통제하고 관리하면서 무너졌던 綱常倫理를 국가가 적극적으로 회복시키고자 하는 의도를 드러내는 것이었다.$$a$$a肅宗代 『受敎輯錄』이후 『典錄通考』의 편찬, 英祖代 『新補受敎輯錄』과 『增補典錄通考』의 편찬은 이러한 조선정부의 의도가 지속적으로 추진된 결과물이었다. 영조는 이러한 법전정비사업을 토대로『經國大典』에 준하는 國典의 편찬을 추진하였다. 英祖代 추진되었던 탕평정책과 연관되어 『續大典』은 지배체제의 재건을 제도적으로 완성하고 국가운영의 실질적인 주체로서의 국왕권을 강화함으로써 국왕으로 대표되는 국가의 공권력을 강화하고자 한 영조의 의도를 반영하고 있다.$$a$$a『續大典』의 刑典은 이러한 영조의 적극적인 의지가 드러나고 있다. 영조는 『續大典』을 통해 국가의 사법체계가 국왕을 중심으로 형조와 지방수령이 일원적으로 연결되어 정비되는 것을 추구하였다. 또한 법 집행에 있어서 국왕의 실질적인 권한을 강화하고, 法治의 주인으로서 군주의 위상을 높임으로써 국가의 지배력을 강화시켜 가고자 하였다.$$a$$a이처럼 17세기 이래 조선정부의 법전의 補修와 편찬은 輯錄類 법전의 편찬에서부터 『續大典』에 이르기까지 일관된 목표와 방향을 가지고 추진되었다. 곧 조선사회가 조선전기적 질서, 즉 주자학에 입각한 綱常倫理가 사회의 근간이 되고 敎化를 매개로 한 지배와 피지배관계로 복귀하는 것이었다. 이러한 궁극적인 목적을 위해 조선정부는 민에 대한 직접적인 지배력을 강화하는 수단으로써 법을 이용하고자 법전을 편찬하였다. 『受敎輯錄』을 시작으로 편찬된 輯錄類 법전과 國典으로서의 『續大典』의 편찬은 이러한 국가의 일관된 의지가 반영된 것이었다.$$a$$a The objective of this dissertation is to research into the code compilation in the late Joseon Dynasty as the reinforcement of state over the people by studying the background, process and of code compilation centered in criminal code after two invasions, and also into the government system and its meaning which Joseon Dynasty would reconstruct, facing the precipitation of the Middle Ages.$$a$$aIt was Neo-Confucianism that Joseon Dynasty took its spirit of the national foundation and made the ideal to administrate the society. The way of managing the society based on Neo-Confucianism was to have the morality-based government of statesmen as the ideological object and to maintain the social order by having the people enlightened based on moral principles. With the noble class placed as the subject of this enlightenment, the society of Joseon Dynasty was managed with the relationship of confrontation and complement between the state and the noble class over the people.$$a$$aBut the social and economical changes and the agitation of status system that Joseon Dynasty was facing after wars revealed the unstable ruling system. Since the governing class had failed to cope with the situation through the wars, the resistance and dissatisfaction of the common people toward the ruling class was represented in various ways. The government had to take positive measures for this crisis.$$a$$aThe national countermeasure to this crisis was to reinforce the control over the people and the direct ruling system. In this process, the government which had intended to reconstruct the ruling system based on Neo-Confucianism needed the powerful method to make its way with the seriously damaged authority of nation and ruling class. It was the code compilation and improvement that Joseon Dynasty had its intention for, which had been in process.$$a$$aThere had been continuous assertion that legislative system needed to be amended after wars. ''Sugyojiprok''(受敎輯錄) was the first result during the reign of Sukjong(肅宗) from this assertion. ''Sugyojiprok''(受敎輯錄) was the supplement code which had been officially compiled 120 years after ''Gaksasugyo''(各司受敎), and it shows the social changes and national countermove in full.$$a$$aIt is remarkable that the code mending was centered in the criminal code. ''Chudanjo''(推斷條) and ''Geumjejo''(禁制條) were revised in a large scale centered in the direct ruling system of nation, and ''Jeokdojo''(賊盜條) and ''Ganbueomjo''(姦犯條), newly added, represent the strong intention of national control over the social problems which began to take place after wars. ''Gosojo''(告訴條), ''Cheongrijo''(聽理條) and ''Mungijo''(文記條), pursuing the control of lawsuit and the improvement of judicatory process, also show the purpose that nation should control the legal activities of the common people as the way of guaranteeing their rights and interests, recovering the national fundamental principles.$$a$$a''Jeonroktonggo''(典錄通考) after ''Sugyojiprok''(受敎輯錄) during the reign of Sukjong(肅宗), ''Shinbosugyojibrok''(新補受敎輯錄) and ''Jeungbojeonroktonggo''(增補典錄通考) during the reign of Yeongjo(英祖) were also the outcome from this process. Yeongjo(英祖) promoted the national code equivalent to ''Geyonggukdaejeon''(經國大典) based on a series of code mending. ''Sokdaejeon''(續大典) reflects his intention of intensifying the public power by strengthening royal authority as the essential core to manage the nation and completing the ruling system in institutional way.$$a$$aYeongjo(英祖)''s volition is confirmed in the criminal code of ''Sokdaejeon''(續大典). He pursued to unify the legal system, connecting the Ministry of Justice and local officials. He also intended to reinforce the governmental power with strengthened royal power over legal commitment and enhanced status of the ruler as the head of constitutional government.$$a$$aSince the 17th century, the mending and code compilation of Joseon Dynasty from the gathered codes to ''Sokdaejeon''(續大典) was being processed with consistent aim and course, which means a reversion to the former system, the social order based on Neo-Confucianism and government relationship through enlightenment. The government of Joseon Dynasty compiled the codes to use the law as the way of intensifying the direct ruling power for this ultimate goal. The national purpose was reflected in the compilation of gathered codes from ''Sugyojiprok''(受敎輯錄) to ''Sokdaejeon''(續大典) as a national code.$$a$$a

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