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      • Strategies for Feminist Ministries of Ordained Women Ministers in the Korean Protestant Churches

        Yang, Mi Kang San Francisco Theological Seminary 1998 해외박사

        RANK : 234255

        The year 1996 was the year when the Presbyterian Church of Korea passed the ordination for women's ministry, which women in the Korean churches have needed for sixty four years. Since then, a lot of woman ministers and woman elders have been ordained. It is expected that they will increase in number. If so, can woman ministers' growth in numbers solve women's problem? The growth is not in proportion to the solution. As far as women do not have feminist recognition, woman ministers follow structure of the patriarchal church and focus on ministers' authority and privilege. Lay people are not regarded as subject but as object. Even if woman ministers do not accept men's monopolistic authority, patriarchy of the church fixes women's role, that women fulfill a maternal role based on mothering activities. Therefore, this dissertation tries to analyze woman ministers' reality and to seek an alternative plan for feminist ministry. For this it will show the difference and similarity between maternal ministry and feminist ministry and propose feminist ministry as a paradigm suitable for the Korean situation. Moreover it will try to develop a strategy for feminist ministry in favor of the Korean woman ministers. The feminist point of view selected here does not limit women to maternal roles but rather pushes for equality. The method in this dissertation consists in interview and bibliographical analysis. The historical, social, and theological study for woman ministers' realities is analyzed by means of bibliographical method. The interviewees are nineteen from the above three denominations and the questions focus on their understanding of feminist ministry based on equality. Then, I try to analyze and critique their realities of life and to suggest alternative strategies for feminist ministry. I want to clarify the terms that I used in this dissertation. Within women’s ministry I want to distinguish between an understanding of ‘mothering ministry’ and ‘feminist ministry’. ‘Women’s ministry’ indicates all the ministerial activities of women in various sexual and physiological aspects. ‘Mothering ministry’ means the ministry based on maternity related with delivery and nurture. The term ‘feminist ministry’ means the whole and integrated and equal ministerial activities to rehabilitate the whole humanity of women. It aims at consolidating ministers with lay people, men with women, and humans with nature. It rejects the dualistic world view in favor of an integrated world view. This dissertation has eight chapters. In the introduction I will describe its motive, purpose, scope, organization, limitations, and expectations. In Chapter 2 I will deal with the process of patriarchy of the church in Korean church history and of West from the perspectives of its curtailing and eliminating women’s participation. In Chapter 3 I will investigate women ministers' institutional position around statistics on the number of commissioners at the united institutions, staffs at the headquarters of the general assemblies, and professors at the theological seminaries. Chapter 2 and 3 will be at the basic study for this dissertation. In Chapter 4 I will describe the principle of feminist ministry. I will examine the debate on equality and maternity at women studies from the perspective of the context of the Korean Christianity. Then, I will discuss feminist ecclesiology and feminist ministry. In Chapter 5 there are four categories of feminist ministry such as authority, women's recognition, leadership, and ministers' roles. Chapter 4 and 5 will make us understand theories of feminist ministry. In Chapter 6 through the interviews I will analyze women ministers' ministerial recognition and their ministerial types. The analysis will be based on four categories in women’s ministry. To effectively show women ministers' realities of life I will explore the hypothetical situations. In Chapter 7 I will propose a strategy for feminist ministry on the basis of the interviews. Chapter 8 is a conclusion.

      • Redefining the Self-understang of Jaesusang from the Perspective of Minjung Theology

        이동룡 San Francisco Theological Seminary 1999 해외박사

        RANK : 234255

        The Purpose of this study was to redefine Christian Jaesusang's self-understanding. Jaesusangs are high school graduates who have failed to get into college. They have to study one or more years outside the high school to get into college. Out of all the college applicants in Korea, only top 30% have gotten admission from the colleges. And among the failures,50% are Jaesusang. The problem does not reside just in failing the test. In Korea, college education is considered as a privilege and as a doorway for success. On the other hand, those who have failed the test are regarded as inferior and incompetent people. Driven by feelings of inferiority complex and shame, Jaesusang become more alienated and anxious. It is a serious problem in our society. Many Christian Jaesusangs leave the church or lose their faith. Christian Jaesusang problem causes not only economic and psychological pressure but juvenile delinquency and suicide as well. It is an important pastoral issue. This D/P focuses on redefining the self-understanding of these Jaesusang. For that end, the current education system was first criticized from the perspective of Minjung theology. Second, self-understanding of Jaesusang was discussed from a psychological perspective. Third, surveys and interviews were conducted to fine the problem and the need of Jaesusang. Fourth, a Bible curriculum that suits the need of Jaesusang was developed. And finally, small group Bible studies were organized and conducted. The second chapter deals with understanding of Jaesusangs. I have examined the social problems related to Jaesusang and redefined from the perspective of Jaesusang. Their typological and cultural understanding. The third chapter deals with historical understanding of the cause for emergence of Jaesusang. The education ideology is examined as indirect cause. The educational system and college entrance policy is analyzed as the direct cause. In the fourth chapter, a theoretical approach to Jaesusang ministry is attempted. To redefine Jaesusang's self-understanding, the following approaches are undertaken: Minjung theology, psychology, and Christian education. The fifth chapter introduces surveys and interviews for Jaesusang ministry. The targets of the survey are Jaesusangs and Church education committees. The targets of interviews are pastors and parents of Jaesusang. The analysis from this chapter is applied in the next chapter. The sixth chapter describes the execution of pastoral care for Jaesusang. A bible curriculum for Jaesusang was developed and a six-week bible study course was conducted in small groups. The curriculum and the small group study were evaluated by the participants. Redefining of Jaesusang's self-understanding involves reassuring themselves as main constructors of God's kingdom in Christ, which is quiet different from existing perception of them in our society. They should be guided to be active participants in building of God's kingdom as disciples of Jesus Christ. Through the curriculum, It was revealed that those who suffered from sham and inferiority complex regained self-confidence and a sense of belonging and now have become partners in Jaesusang ministry. This D/P is intended to emphasize the importance of Jaesusang ministry and to share such ministerial method to Korean Presbyterian Churches.

      • Teaching laypeople in the Methodist Church of Korea about the life and theology of John Wesley

        이철 San Francisco Theological Seminary 1993 해외박사

        RANK : 234015

        The purpose of this D/P is to write a study guide on the life and theology of John Wesley for teaching laypeople in the Methodist Church of Korea. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, is not exactly and fully known nor appreciated in the Korean Methodist Church. While the Methodist clergy have some knowledge of his life and thought, as Methodists, many lay people do not have enough knowledge of it. Without the knowledge of John Wesley and his works, a Methodist cannot be a true Methodist. Especially, his emphasis on lay people and social justice are not fully appreciated by the Korean Methodists, particularly by lay people. There can be many reasons for this. One of them is that not many books on Wesley and his thought and theology are available for teaching lay people. Of course, a number of books on John Wesley and his theology have been published in Korea, but most of them have not been properly constructed to teach lay people. It is time for lay people in the Korean Methodist Church to have their "hearts strangely warmed" experienced by John Wesley, a great Protestant leader, especially in the laity movement. But, unfortunately, they had not been properly trained or taught to have such feeling. This is because there are not many books about Wesley for lay people. Considering this, I developed a model study guide for teaching lay people of Methodists about the life and theology of John Wesley. This study can be used as a textbook or curriculum in small group study in local churches. The reason why Wesley was chosen for study is because he is an example of warm-hearted evangelism tied to active social reform. Introduction deals with the significance, the purpose and the method of the study. In Chapter I laity theology and laity education have been discussed. Especially positive assumptions for laity education are discussed. Part II actually proposes a model study guide for teaching Methodist lay people about the life and theology of John Wesley. This part included chapters II, III, IV, V, and VI, in which the life and theology of Wesley were dealt with. I do really hope that this small study guide will contribute to lay people's building up of knowledge of Wesley and his work.

      • A Development of a model curriculum for theological education focusing on students of Han-il Theological Seminary

        이영호 San Francisco Theological Seminary 1993 해외박사

        RANK : 234015

        한국교회의 구성원의 3분의 2는 여성이며 이들의 활동은 한국민족의 역사와 교회의 역사 안에서 괄목할 만한 것임에도 불구하고 그 지위와 활동에 관한 평가는 미미한 것이어서 새로운 시대를 맞이하는 남녀 공동의 사회 안에서의 교역을 위한 지도력 양성은 새롭게 계획되지 않으면 안될 것이다. 본 논문은 여성신학교육을 위한 새로운 교육과정 개발에 기여하고자 한다. 한국신학교육에 있어서 교육과정은 1세기를 거쳐오면서 전적으로 남성을 위한 것이어서 남녀가 동역자로서 활동하는 교역을 위한 신학교육을 위한 구체적인 계획이 강하게 요구되고 있다. 현실적으로 한국 교회의 구성원은 예배와 증거와 봉사와 교육이라는 선교적 사역에서 이미 여성들의 역할이 확대되어 있는 현실로서 이를 위한 교육적 계획이 시급한 현실이다. 70년대 이후 한국 사회 안에서 민중의 역할과 여성의 역할은 크게 변화되었으며, 여성의 경험을 토대로 하는 여성신학의 공헌으로 인하여 남성 중심의 교역을 탈피하여 남녀가 동역적 파트너로서의 역할에 관한 관심과 연구가 진전되어 왔다. 신학적으로 또는 성서적으로 이 신학은 많은 진전을 보았고 이러한 연구가 신학교육 특히 저자가 참여하고 있는 여성 신학교육의 효과적인 커리큘럼 개발의 전망을 보게 되었으며 그 가능성을 타진하게 되었다. 이 논문은 그간 여성신학교육에 참여해 온 학생들과 여성신학자들과의 교육현장 경험을 토대로 한국적사회적 상황과 가난한 이들에게 복음이라는 기독교의 선교적 과제에 호응하는 포괄적인 커리큘럼의 문제를 제안하려는데 목적이 있다. 한국의 전통적 사회안에서의 여성의 지위와 역할에 관한 역사적 연구, 초대 한국교회의 신학 교육의 영역과 과정들의 조사 정리 분석, 오늘의 교회현장과 여성지도력의 현실에 대한 조사와 최근 한국신학대학교들의 교육과정에 관한 연구들의 자료 조사 및 분석을 통하여 여성신학과 여성교역자들의 삶의 경험을 토대한 교육에 의한 동합적이고 효과적인 커리큘럼의 실험등을 논의 정리하고자 한다. 끝으로 본 논문은 한일신학대학교의 신학교육현장에서 적용될 수 있는 구체적이고 실험적인 커리큘럼의 모델을 구안하려는 내용으로 이루어져 있다.

      • Introducing minjung theology to pastors of the pyungan presbyterian denomination in korea : a dissertation / project

        김해원 San Francisco Theological Seminary 1997 해외박사

        RANK : 234015

        본 논문은 70년대에 접어들면서 한국그리스도인들의 역사적체험에 대한 성실한 신학적 성찰로서, 또 60년대 이후부터 논의되어 온 한국적 신학수렴의 노력으로 출산한 민중신학을 보수주의적이고 근본주의신학을 추구하는 중소교단의 하나인 평안교회목사들을 위해 하나의 교육지침으로 기술되었다. 나아가 미국장로교단에 21세기를 준비하는 한국교회 토착화성장 모델로서 한국자생신학인 민중신학을 이론위주에서 탈피하여 현장목회에 적용함으로 그 토착화 성장의 가능성을 제시하였다. -한국교회는 그 의식은 한국사람이고 그 표현되는 삶의 양식은 서양식이다- 이 한마디는 오늘 한국교회의 흐름을 대변해주고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 한국교회를 이끄는 신학사상은, 탈 서구화, 즉 우리것에 대한 자각과 주인의식이 분명하게 제시되어야하며 본래의 그리스도교는 서구세계에 의해 주장된 그런 모습이 아니라는 비판적전제하에 우리것에 대한 시각에서 신학하는 자리매김을 해야한다고 필자는 주장하고 있다. 이를 위해서 2장에서는 한국장로교의 분열과정과 대한예수교장로회 평안총회 배경사를 논함으로서 그 배경과 입지를 분명히 하였다. 이를 보다 구체적으로 세분하여 "장로교분열사의 개요", "평안총회의 신학과 방향", "평안총회의 선교목표와 신앙고백서"를 다루고 있다. 3장에서는 한국교회 성장사에 있어서 결정적요인을 분석하고 있다. 성장의 결정적 요인들인 비역사적, 반사회적 요인과, 신학적요인 그리고 사회변화와 경제성장의 요인을 담고있으며, 이에 따라 나타난 결과로서 성장의 장, 단점을 분석하고 있다. 4장에서는 한국교회분열과 성장의 통합적 대안으로서의 민중신학을 다루고 있으며, 특별히 한국민중신학을 잘 모르는 미국장로교단 목사들을 위해, 민중신학의 이해와 목표, 그리고 생성부터 오늘까지 형성된 민중신학의 양대흐름을 평이하게 기술하고 있다. 특별히, 이장에서는 서구인들에게 한국인의 고유한 영성인 한을 소개하고, 샤머니즘적 발원으로부터 이끌어내 민중교회의 토착화가능성을 제시하고 있다. 5장에서는 민중 신학교육교안을 2, 3, 4장에서 논술된 큰 제목을 가지고 9개의 교육교안을 다각적인 의견수립으로 작성하였으며, 6장에서는 쎄미나를 통해 교안강의, 주제발표, 토론을 거쳐 이를 실험하고 분석하였으며, 7장인 결론장에서는 결과를 종합하여 21세기 한국교회토착화 적용모델로서 세계교회에 한국교회의 토착화비젼을 강조하고 그 의미를 제시하였다.

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