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      • Technology and form : iron construction and transformation of architectural ideals in nineteenth century France 1830-1889

        이상헌 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) 1996 해외박사

        RANK : 3871

        본 논문은 19세기 프랑스에서 철구조물의 발달과 함께 전개된 건축사상의 변천을 연구한다. 철구조물은 고전주의 형태규범과 근대적 과학기술이 모호 하게 공존하고 있었던 신고전주의 건축의 위기와 때를 같이하여 등장한다. 철은 건축의 기술적, 미학적 양측면에 영향을 미치면서, 이상주의자와 합리주 의자들에 의해 신고전주의 건축규범의 붕괴이후 새로운 건축양식을 창조할 상 징적 재료로서 떠올랐다. 그러나 철구조물 자체로서는 새로운 건축양식을 창 조할 수 없었으며, 고전주의 미학의 붕괴이후 철구조물에 부여할 만한 절대적 미적규범도 존재하지 않았다. 이것은 근대건축의 근본적인 고민이었으며 부 르조아 문화의 본질적 모순이기도 했다. 19세기 중반의 구조적 합리주의자들은 재료 및 구조의 합리성 그리고 이성 에 바탕을 둔 새로운 근대건축양식을 창조하고자 했다. 그러나 이것이 불가 능하다는 것은 19세기말 아르누보 건축가들에 의한 철건축의 실험이 개인주의 적환상에 대한 열정으로 귀착되면서 입증되었다. 곧이어 합리주의자들은 건 축적 근대성의 상징적 재료를 철에서 철조콘크리트로 바꾸었으며, 이는 결국 기술과 형태 사이에는 근본적인 간격이 있다는 것, 즉 부르조와 합리주의의 근본적 고민을 다시 한번 확인시켜준 셈이다. 20세기초 근대주의 역사가들은 진화론적 근대 건축사를 기술하면서 합리주 의적 구조주의적 전통에 바탕을 두고 19세기 철건축을 20세기 근대건축의 맹 아로 간주하였다. 그러나 그들이 재발견한 철건축은 19세기에 받아들여지던 철건축이 아니라 20세기 근대미학에 의해 창조된 것이었다. 이러한 배후에는 20세기 건축사가 및 이론가들에 의한 재료와 구조의 미학화, 그리고 건축의 주관화가 있었던 것이다. 결론적으로 본 논문은 이러한 철건축에 대한 건축적 언설이 객관적 구조물 에서 주관적미학으로 전이되는 과정을 분석한다. 이러한 변천은 현대과학기 술의 발전과의 연관속에서 현대건축의 형성과정 및 현대건축의 사회내 존재양 식을 특징 짓는다. This dissertation investigates the transformation of architectural ideals brought about by the development of iron construction during the nineteenth century in France. �Ihe emergence of iron construction paralleled the crisis of neoclassicism, in which an ambiguous compromise between classical formal norms and modem science and technology was already manifest in the iron reinforced lintel. In the crisis of neoclassicism, iron, with its impact on both technological and formal aspects of architecture, emerged as a symbolic material to create a new style of modem architecture among utopians and rationalists. However, iron construction could not create a new style on its own; nor did there exist absolute formal aesthetic principles to impose on the construction. This is a fundamental dilemma of modem architectnre, an inherent contradiction of bourgeois culture. Stmctnral rationalists during the second half of the nineteenth century tried to resolve this contradiction by attempting to create a new style of architecture based on material and constructional rationality and reason. However, their inability to create a new style was finally proved in the last decade of the nineteenth century when the Art Nouveau exploitation of iron became a passion for individual fantasies, while engineers declared the triumph of their iron construction. Subsequent rationalists change of the material signifier of architectural modernity from iron to reinforced concrete testified to the fundamental gap between technology and form, and the dilemma of bourgeois rationalism. Early twentieth century modernist historians rediscovered nineteenth century iron construction as a precursor of modem architecture, constructing an evolutionary history of modem architecture based on the rationalist constructive tradition, from iron construction to reinforced concrete architecture. However, their Discovery of iron construction was purely an aesthetic invention of the twentieth century based on modernist avant garde aesthetics. Behind their apparent reconciliation of modem technology and architecture lay the aestheticization of material and construction, and the subjectivization of architecture. Thus, this dissertation analyzes the displacement of architectural discourses on iron construction from an objective construction to a subjective aesthetics. This shift characterized the further development of modem architecture and its mode of existence in modem society in relation to the development of modem technology.

      • Tectonics of the East Pacific rise : studies of faulting characteristics and magnetic and gravity anomalies

        이상묵 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1995 해외박사

        RANK : 3615

        The global mid-ocean ridge system is one of the most striking geological features on the surface of the Earth. In this system, the East Pacific Rise (EPR) is the fastest spreading ridge and is thus considered as the most active magmatically among the plate boundaries. In January and February of 1988, an extensive survey by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution was conducted along the EPR between 9?5' and 9?5'N to study the crustal structure of the axial region. This thesis, the result of that cruise, comprises four main topics: (1) characterization of normal faulting from Sea Beam bathymetric data, (2) application of mechanical models to explore the hypothesis that buoyancy arising from crustal magma chambers and gravitational spreading of the upper crust are the principal processes leading to the initiation and development of normal faults, (3) investigation of seafloor magnetization anomalies to constrain upper crustal structure, and (4) analysis of gravity anomalies to examine possible correlations between observed variations in seafloor manifestations of volcanism and deformation and underlying structure. Thus, each topic focuses on different levels of the mid-ocean ridge. Together with the results of seismic and other observations, the findings are woven into a better understanding of the tectonic processes and structure of fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges. First, to understand the characteristics of normal faults at fast-spreading ridges, we utilized swaths of Sea Beam bathymetry and estimated the distribution and geometry of normal fault zones using the slope of the seafloor as the criterion for a faulted surface. In our survey area, normal fault activity begins 2-8 km off-axis and continues at least to 30-40 km from the axis, as indicated by an increase in the total and average throws of normal fault zones versus distance from the axis. There appears to be no significant difference in the plan-view area of inward- and outward-facing normal fault zones. The distance from the rise axis to the nearest large-offset fault zone (throw > 20 m) on either side of the axis is approximately symmetric to the north of 9°23'N, but the midpoint between nearest large-offset fault zones is offset 2-3 km to the west of the bathymetric axis to the south of 9°23'N. The continued growth of normal fault zones suggests that significant extensional stress persists to greater distances from the axis than previously thought and that the rise axis possesses a finite strength. The argument that the rise axis has finite strength is consistent with recent evidence for solidified axial dikes along magmatically active portions of the EPR from near-bottom seismic refraction experiments, which suggests that, while eruption of magma at the rise axis weakens the axis, the persistence of such weak zones is short-lived and the emplacement zones at any given time are localized along the axis. We examined how the presence of a low-density, low-strength magma chamber within the crust and gravitational spreading of a mechanically strong upper crust over an underlying substrate contribute to the formation of faults at a fast spreading mid-ocean ridge by comparing the predicted stress field with the observed pattern of normal fault zones. We employed boundary element methods to incorporate buoyancy and gravitational spreading as body forces in an elastic medium, and we determined stress and strain fields for a variety of rise axis conditions and a range of possible sets of material properties for different parts of the mid-ocean ridge. Our results show that the strength of the rise axis is one of the most crucial factors governing the near-axis stress field. If the rise axis is mechanically weak, the maximum extensional stress from buoyancy occurs at shallow depth off the rise axis. A weak rise axis may result from recent magmatism such as the intrusion of dikes into the upper crust. On the other hand, if the rise axis is mechanically strong, which may result after solidification and cooling of the dike zone, the maximum surface extensional stress occurs on the rise axis. However, the reduction in size of a magma chamber that would accompany cessation of dike injection would lead to less buoyancy and thus a lower likelihood of stress levels sufficient for faulting. For a given set of material strengths and a given magnitude of buoyancy force, the flexural rigidity of the upper crust plays an important role in determining if a zone of extension will develop off axis and, if so, the position and horizontal extent of that zone. A thin or mechanically weak upper crust is more likely to develop a zone of extension than one that is thick or mechanically strong. The stress field resulting from gravitational spreading is similarly affected by the strength of the rise axis. While buoyancy can explain a consistent distance at which normal faults initiate off-axis, gravitational spreading can account for continued activity on normal faults to a greater distance from the axis than can buoyancy. The existence of a magma lens can play an important role in reducing the magnitude of the stress field for a weak rise axis, as the crust above the magma lens can slide and thus relieve the thickness-averaged extensional stress. Next, we inverted surface ship measurements of the scalar magnetic field along the EPR between 9°10' and 9°50'N. We examined whether the axial magnetization high, which increases in amplitude to the south in our area, can best be explained by variations in the thickness or in the magnetization intensity of the source layer. The variation in axial magnetization is too large to be explained solely by the variations in the depth to the top of the axial magma chamber indicated by reflection seismology. For a magnetic source layer that is 500 or 750 m thick, the observed along-axis variations in FeO and TiO_(2) explain only 36 and 60%, respectively, of the total variance of axial magnetization anomalies. Therefore, a combination of variations in magnetic layer thickness and in intensity of magnetization (by variations in the FeO and TiO_(2) contents of the source rock or by other mechanisms) is needed to explain the along-axis variation of axial magnetization. In addition to the increase in amplitude to the south, the axial magnetization high exhibits at least three marked changes in magnitude and offsets in its along-axis linearity ('magnetic devals') (at 9°25', 9°37', and 9°45'N) which appear to be related to boundaries or offsets between the segments of the axial summit caldera (ASC). Because the amplitudes of the axial magnetization anomalies are highest at the midpoints of the ASC segments, we speculate that midpoints of the ASC segments are the loci of more frequent lava eruptions, and the seafloor basalts at the midpoints are thus younger and more magnetic, than at the segment ends. The magnetization shows distinct short-wavelength (∼ 5 km) banding to the north of 9°25'N over a region that does not appear to have been affected by an overlapping spreading center. Among the possible explanations for these off-axis magnetization anomalies are short geomagnetic reversal events within the Brunhes epoch, variations in the paleointensity of the Earth's field, variations in the magnetization intensity of the source rock due to variability in the magmatic supply, and variations in the degree of hydrothermal alteration at the rise axis. On the basis of comparisons of forward models and observations, short geomagnetic reversal events appear to be the most likely explanation of these anomalies. The analysis of sea-surface gravity field measurements shows an axial residual mantle Bouguer gravity anomaly too large to be explained by the anomalous temperature of the mantle or by changes in the thickness of the crust. The broad axial residual gravity low is interpreted as a signal arising largely from the upper mantle, presumably by presence of partial melt along the rise axis. A northward increase in the width of the low implies a greater melt fraction in the region to the north than to the south, especially on the Pacific plate side. The residual gravity anomaly also shows several short-wavelength local lows along the axis (e.g., 9°21', 9°32', and 9°42'N) which correlate with along-axis variations in axial magnetization and tomographic images of mid-crustal seismic velocities. Along axis the local lows have an amplitude of 1.5-3 mGal and appear at a nearly regular spacing (10-15 km). Across the axis, however, the local lows show a greater variation (3-5 mGal), suggesting that there is an additional gravity anomaly signal arising from a low-density structure that is approximately continuous along the axis. The anomalous masses producing the local lows are interpreted as zones of relatively high melt concentration, formed within the crust by recent replenishment of magma from the upper mantle, that are surrounded by a region of lesser melt concentration corresponding to the low-velocity volume imaged by seismic tomography. If the zone of high melt concentration are modeled as circular rods of radius 1 km, along-axis length 10 km, and center of mass 2.25 km below the seafloor, density contrasts of 200-350 kg/㎥ are needed to match the observed anomalies. For larger anomalous mass volumes, the density contrasts would be lower. The findings of this study support the hypothesis that the axis of the EPR can be divided into segments 10-15 km in length, with each segment defined by the locus and timing of most recent emplacement of magma in the axial crust. The segments in the study area appear to be in different phases of a magmatic cycle, but the period of such a magmatic cycle is not known. By this view, the discrete emplacement of magma bodies gives rise to along-axis variations in crustal structure manifested as short-wavelength residual gravity anomalies and magnetic devals. Another consequence of a rise axis at which magma is emplaced at discrete locations is that the mechanical strength of the axial upper crust varies with position along the axis and over time. During active magmatism, the rise axis acts as a weak zone and the buoyancy of the axial magma chamber and surrounding low-velocity volume can lead to initiation of off-axis normal faulting. However, for a long segment of the rise bounded by transform faults, the axis will have sections with a solidified axial injection zone as well as sections undergoing active magmatism, and thus the rise overall may appear to have finite strength. If such a finite-strength ridge axis is subject to significant extensional stress as a result of gravitational spreading, mantle convective tractions, or differential cooling, then continued normal fault activity would extend over a broad region to distances of at least several tens of kilometers from the spreading axis.

      • Analysis of the Impacts of Internet-based Business Activities on the Container Shipping Industry : The System Dynamics Modeling Approach with the Framework of Technological Evolution

        어재혁 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2003 해외박사

        RANK : 3615

        The internet-based business (e-business) activities have become a new technological challenge to the container shipping industry (CSI) in recent years. Despite the growing importance of e-business in the CSI, little systematic and theoretical research on ebusiness has been undertaken so far. This research therefore attempts to understand the potential impacts of e-business on the container shipping industry and to provide carriers with the managerial recommendations responding to the impacts of e-business. An integrated system dynamics model is developed to simulate the potential impacts of ebusiness on the container shipping industry and to explore the successful managerial strategies for carriers with regard to e-business. In order to increase the confidence of the model, the general business dynamics in the CSI are reviewed and the historical impacts of new technologies on the container shipping industry are analyzed using the framework of technological evolution. Furthermore, the technology strategies of six different ebusiness models in the CSI are evaluated using the proposed three frameworks to identify the most promising e-business model. The research finds that the profitability of carriers will be improved in the long term if they successfully develop the logistics service offering (LSO) with e-business in a cost efficient way. However, despite the improved profitability from the LSO and e-business, the container shipping service could be commoditized further unless changes are made to the current practice of expanding the containership capacity. In addition, the improved profits from the LSO and e-business will drive the structural changes in the container shipping industry. In order to improve the carriers’profitability over a long period of time, it is recommended that carriers continue to add new services on top of the container shipping service while expanding the containership capacity more wisely and conservatively.

      • On-line control of process uniformity using categorized variabilities

        하성도 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1993 해외박사

        RANK : 3599

        공정의 품질을 향상시키기 위해서 생산제품의 균일성은 매우 중요하다. 본 논문에서는균일성을 온라인으로 제어하기 위한 새로운 방법이 개발되었다. 로버스트 디자인(ROBUST DESIGN) 방법을확방법에서는 공정변화량을 미세조정이 가능한 부분과 불가능한 부분으로 나누고,이들에 미치는 공들의 영향력에 따라 공정계수들을 강화계수, 미세조정계수, 평균조절계수로나눈다. 강화계수는 뮌�불가능한 공정변화량을 오프라인으로 조절하며, 미세조정계수와평균조절계수는 각각 미세조정한 균일성과 평균값을 온라인으로 제어한다. 이 방법은단지 미세조정이 가능한 공정 변화량만을 으로 제어하기 때문에, 균일성의 온라인 제어를가능하게 한다. 개발된 방법을 반도체 생산공정 졌だ�SINGLE WAFER 플라즈마 ETCHING 공정에적용하여, 웨이퍼상의 엣칭 결과의 균일성을 반경방프岺戀袖막�나누었고, 반경방향의균일성을 온라인으로 제어한 결과 보다 향산된 균일성을 얻었다

      • Supervisory control of robot manipulator for gross motions

        박종현 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1991 해외박사

        RANK : 3599

        3차원 장애물이 있는 작업환경에서 로봇팔의 충돌회피를 위한 감독자 제어를개발하였다. 충돌 회피를 위한 알고리즘은 감독자가 지정한 경로를 로봇이이동하다가 충돌 직전 이 충돌이 감지되린타도홱� 충돌감지는 그래픽워크스테이션의 클리핑하드웨어를 이용하였다. 충돌회피하는 것은 같行섟甕醍㉯�이용하였다. 충돌회피와 감지는 세계모델에 의존하게 된다. 플라이-매치 방법을 이예걘섯�세계모델에 입력시키는 방법이 고안되었는데카메라를 통한 원격제어에 사용이 되도록 이� 이 방법에서는 작업자가6자유도를 가진 조이스틱을 이용하여 실물과 컴퓨터 그래픽 스크린에 낡痼�가능한 한 가깝게 매칭시키는 것이다. 사람을 이용하여 시뮬레이션상에서 이방법을 실험하옌옰횬�원격제어시에 이용이 될 수 있는 보이지 않는 부분을처리하기 위한 가상장애물의 개념이 었고 설계되었다. 가상장애물은기하학적인 AND작업을 통해 카메라가 움직임에 따라 업데이트되었건 두시스템, 즉 새로이 세계모델을 형성하는 것과 로봇 충돌회피 시스템을 합한 효과를실험적으하였다. 정확한 모델을 구성하는 것과 대강의 모델을 구성하는방안이 비교되었다. 대강의 모델응愍�彭@�크기를 줄이지만 일정작업을 수행하는데 보다 효과적이었음이 실험결과로 증명되었다

      • Drillstring axial vibration and wave propagation in boreholes

        이현엽 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) 1991 해외박사

        RANK : 3599

        시추공은 Drillstring 속의 유체와 Drillstring 및 Drillstring과 시추공사이의 유 체로 이루어진다. 시추공에서 축 방향으로의 음파의 전파를 이해하기 위하여, 무한히 길고 균일한 시추공이 폭 방향으로 무한하고 균일한 암석에 싸여 있을 때에 대해 이 론적 해석을 하였다. 이론해석 결과, 시추공에서 축방향으로 음파가 전달되는 세가지 주된 모드를 구하였는데, 그 하나는 Drillstring 내의 응력파가 주가 되는 Drillstri ng 모드이고 다른 두 모드는 Drillstring 속과 밖의 유체 내의 음향파가 주가되는 유 체모드이다. Drillstring 모드에서는 유체의 영향이 무시할 정도이지만, 유체모드에서 는 Drillstring 속과 밖의 유체가 Drillstring의 두께 방향의 탄성으로 인하여 상호작 용을 하게된다. 이 이론적 모델을 Mud Pulse Telemetry System에 적용하였고, 또한 현 장실험을 통하여 이론해석과 잘 일치함을 확인하였다. Dillstring의 종진동에 대해서 는 유체의 영향, Tool Joint의 영향, 댐핑, 경계조건과 Tri-Cone Bit의 기진력등을 고 려하여 이론적 모델을 제시하였으며 현장실험을 통하여 이론적 모델을 확인하였다. 이 현장실험은 Drilling 작업중 계측과 Hydraulic Ram을 기진원으로 이용하는 방법을 개 발하여 강제진동실험도 수행하였다. 그리고 제시된 이론적 모델을 이용하여, 계측이 쉬운 곳에서의 진동계측 결과를 토대로 하여 계측이 어려운 Bit에서의 동적거동을 유 추하는 방법을 제시하였다. To understand how sound waves propagate axially in a drilling borehole, an infinitely-long, uniform, and cylindrically multi-layered waveguide is analyzed. The results reveal that there are three principal modes of propagation; one of them is the pipe mOde dominated by a stress wave in a drilIstring, and the other two are the mud modes dominated by acoustic waves in mud inside and outside of the drillstring. The effects of the mud and formation are generally negligibIe on the pipe mode, but the inner mud and the outer rnud interact through the radial flexibility of the dril1string in the mud modes. Applications of this multi-layered model to mud pulse telemetry systems and supporting experimental results are discussed. For drillstring axial vibration, a conventional single-Iayered model is proposed because the coupling to the mud is negligible. In this model, particular attention is given to the effect of mud, tool joints, damping, boundary conditions, and the excitation mechanism of a tri-cone bit. AIso, methods for infererlce or downhole dynamic behavior from easy-to-measure surface vibration are discussed. Field tests were performed to validate the proposed model. A forced vibration testing technique was developed, which utilized an hydraulic ram as a source of topside oscillatory axial excitation of the drillstring

      • Three essays on the long-run behavior of macroeconomic variables

        전성인 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) 1989 해외박사

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        제1논문 (Neutrality of Money, Wage Rigichity and Co-integration)에서는 산출량 , 물가수준, 통화량, 명목임금의 장기형태를 구조적 VAR (Structural VAR)방법을 이용 하여 분석하였음, 이 과정에서 우선 각 변수에 대해 단위근 검정(Unit Root Tests)을 시행하여 대부분의 미국거시경제 변수가 I(1), 혹은 I(2)의 성질을 보임을 밝혔음 그 후 명목 거시경제 변수간에 Cointegration이 존재함을 보여 Neutrality of Money의 성 립가능성을 논의하였음, 그후 Co-integration의 존재를 명시적으로 감안한 구조적 VA R 모형을 제시하고 이를 추정함, 추정결과에 따르면 총수요 충격에 대해서는 산출량의 반응경로가 낙타등을 연상시키는 hump shape를 보이는 등 전통적인 케인즈 거시경제 학의 예측과 부합함을 보임, 그러나 공급부문의 충격에 있어서는 반드시 케인즈경제학 의 예측과 부합하지 않음을 지적함, 실질임금의 경우 총수요의 충격에 대해 거의 반응 하지 않아 다른 실증연구의 결과를 강화시켰음. 제2논문 (Neutrality of Moncy : in L evls and in growth rates)에서는 산출량과 통화증가율 간의 관계를 집중적으로 검토 해 증가율로 본 화폐의 중립성을 실증적으로 검토 하였음 우선 산출량은 I(1)이고 통 화량은 I(2)임에서 수준으로 본 화폐의 중립성은 쉽게 증명됨. 증가율로 본화폐의 중 립성에 대해서는 2변수 구조적 VAR을 이용하여 분석하였음. 이 과정에서 자기추세 모 형(Own-Trend Representation)을 새로 제시하고 이를 이용하였음. 실증분석결과에 따 르면 통화증가율과 성장율은 장기적으로 음(-)의 상관관계에 있음을 보임. 제3논문 (A Malthusian Explanation of the Population Dynamics in England : A structural VAR Approach)에서는 맬더스의 인구론을 전혀 새로운 각도에서 재조명하였음 우선 맬더스 의 명제가 간단한 2개의 미분 방정식으로 요약될 수 있음을 보이고, 이를 구조적 VAR 로 정식화하였음. 그후 식별조건을 모형에서 도출하여, 이를 근거로 구조적 충격을 식 별함, 각각의 충격이 맬더스이론의 예측과 동일한 반응을 보임을 지적해 맬더스 인구 론의 타당성을 강화하였음. The structural VAR approach when combined with tests for orders of integration and co-integration turns out to be quite powerful in understanding the long-run behavior of essential macroeconomic varialbes. The first essay examines both the long-run and the short-run implications of the typical Keynesian model in a unified framework. Especially the neutrality of money and the wage rigidity are studied in an empirical context. Co-integration tests are performed for the long-run analysis and the structural model is identified with only long-run assumptions. Money turns out to be quite neutral in the long-run, while it has significant impacts on real variables in the short-run. Both prices and wages seem to have some inertia and the degree of the inertia is virtually the same so that real wages are constant over the cycle with respect to temporary shocks. The second paper examines the implications of the difference in the order of integration and the existence of co-integration for the long-run neutrality of money in levels and in growth rates. The neutrality of money in levels is established. Also the Own-Trend based tests are suggested to check the empirical relevance of the superneutrality. It was found that there is a negative correlation between the output trend and the money growth trend. It implies either the failure of the superneutrality, conditional on the identifying assumption of the money growth being exogenous in the long-run or a monetary rule which is negatively correlated with the output trend in the long-run. The third paper examines the empirical relevance of the Malthusian Hypothesis in explaining the English demographic experience during 1541-1871. The long-run identifying restrictions are derived from the implications of the Halthusian Hypothesis. With identified structural shocks, the dynamic structure of the system is examined to see whether it confirms the predictions of the Malthusian Hypothesis. In order to cope with the structural change during the Industrial Revolution, the overall sample period is divided into two subperiods and the separate estimation is performed for each subperiod. Estimation results show that the Malthusian system with the positive checks is quite relevant in explaining the population dynamics of England before the Industrial Revolution period, while the preventive during the Industrial Revolution period. checks are more important

      • Mask extraction from line drawings of optical VLSI images

        정홍 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1987 해외박사

        RANK : 3599

        이 논문에서는 VLSI칩으로 부터 얻은 line drawing 영상으로 부터 자동적으로 마스크 들을 추 출할 수 있는 컴퓨터 비젼 알고리즘을 개발한다. 먼저 VLSI칩에 관한 World Model을 설정한다. 칩응�2D line drawing이 되며,이런 평면 이미지로 부터 3D 정보를 추출하고 각 평면층을 구분해 내의 VLSI 마스크를 복원해 내는 것이다. 비록 2D영상이나 3D 구조에 관한 정보와 VLSI에 관한 지슘�≠�NaturalConstraint 형태로 (Syntax와 Semantics) 이미지에 저장되어 있다. 이 naturalCont 와 VLSI에 관한 지식 (knowledge 와 heuristics)을 이용하여 두가지알고리즘을 개발했다. 첫뭣컥�blocks World의 line Labeling 방식을 수정한 것이고,두번째 방식은 간단한 것으로 부터 고 복잡한 물체를 찾아내는 bottom-up방식이다. CMOS회로에 대해 실험하고 두 방식을 비교한다.

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