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      • 해양레저마리나 최적입지 선정을 위한 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구

        송병화 목포해양대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Recently, marine tourist industries are realized a high value industry and demands of the marine tourism is increasing. However infrastructure of the marine tourism in our country still clearly lacks capacity for consumers. Therefore the Government plans to develop marine tourist attraction for development of marine leisure industry. Additionally most local autonomous entity proceed rapidly to create 'The Marina of the Marine Leisure' that the advanced base of the marine leisure industry in oder to increase local economy. Determination of the location for the marina of the marine leisure is very important. Because it is the complicated facility with the various function. This study is able to do the various function. According to make the evaluation index in order to determine an optimizes location for the marina of the marine leisure. The location was evaluation the natural environmental factors with social environmental factors. Especially, the natural limited factors apply to evaluation on account of that the marina of the marine leisure constructed on the sea and more weighted factor apply to social environmental factors associated with the economics and the development possibility. Hereafter this study will make progress to evaluate the location by regression analysis.

      • 해양레저관광 활성화를 위한 목포시를 중심으로한 해상교통망 개발에 관한 연구 : 요트 항로 개발을 중심으로

        최운규 목포해양대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Recently, the marine tourist industries are realized a high value industry and while the demands of the marine tourism is increasing. However, Mokpo has naturally good environmental conditions for the marine tourism Regardless of their the program of the marine tourism in Mokpo area still clearly lacks capacity for consumers. Therefore A Study on Development of the Maritime transport route in Mokpo area for the Marine Leisure Tourism Activation (Focused on the Yacht Route ) In this paper, the plan to invigorate regional marine tourism is discussed. The southwest area including Mokpo province is famous for its beautiful islands and seashore line which has richness and variety of marine life. A solution of tourists increment by leisure program utilizing islands and coastline will be proposed Yacht Route held at islands that has historic backgrounds and scenic beauty and its to draw the ways of utilization for tourist were tracked first. Next to create Activation Plan for 'The Marina of the Marine Leisure' These activities will contribute to development of marine tourism and increase of income for regional people.

      • 목포권의 환경변화에 따른 목포항의 개발전략에 관한 연구

        장용기 木浦海洋大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        The 21st Century is the period when the economic bloc of the Pacific rim becomes the axis of world economy and the economy of northeast Asia including China becomes flourished to the full. In the changes which are made mainly in this northeast Asia, the major changes that are visualized centered on the Mokpo circle located in the southwest area of the Korean Peninsula, may include opening to traffic of the Western Coastline Expressway, removal of the Jeonnam Provincial Office to the Namak-li, double-tracking of the Honam railroad, restoration of the Gyeong-eui railroad, opening a nonstop shipline between Mokpo and Sanghai, and designation of the Daebul National Industrial Complex to the free-trade zone. In these environmental changes, especially, restoration of the Gyeong-eui railroad, opening a nonstop shipline between Mokpo and Sanghai, and designation of the Daebul National Industrial Complex to the free-trade zone, and so forth, can have direct or indirect influences on the Mokpo Port. Furthermore, they can surely have much influence on the developmental plan of the Mokpo Port which has already been established. Therefore, this study tried to analyze what influence these changes of restoration of the Gyeong-eui railroad, opening a nonstop shipline between Mokpo and Sanghai, and designation of the Daebul National Industrial Complex to the free-trade zone would have specifically on the Mokpo Port. Besides, it attempted to examine what supplementary measures would be necessary for the ongoing development plan of the Mokpo Port. In addition, whether the cargo-handling capacity would be adequate for the quantity of goods transported to the port, which was expected to increase in the long run, was tried to be reviewed. Besides, until now, as for the Mokpo Port, the developmental logic of port was emphasized during the development process, so creating the water-friendly space of port which can match well with life and emotion of the Mokpo citizens was overlooked. This reality can be considered to go against a new paradigm for port-development which is currently prevailing throughout the whole world. Accordingly, in this study, some countermeasures were presented so that the developmental strategies of future-oriented Mokpo Port could be suggested.

      • 강우기와 비강우기의 목포 주변 해역의 수질 특성

        이황복 목포해양대학교 대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        하계 집중 강우 시와 비 강우 시에 목포 주변 해역의 수질 특성을 알아보기 위해서 하계 장마기(7월 20일, 25일과 9월 3일)와 비 강우기(11월 16일)에 목포 주변해역 28개 정점의 표층과 저층의 해수를 채수하여 해역 환경 기준 항목 인 DO, COD, SS, TN, NH^(+)_(4)-N, NO^(-)_(2)-N, NO^(-)_(3)-N 및 TP, PO^(3-)_(4)-P와 함께 염분(Salinity)과 Chlorophyll-a를 분석하였다. 분석된 이들 자료를 이용하여 먼저 염분과 수질인자와의 관계로부터 담수유입에 의한 수질인자의 분포 특성을 알아보았고, 분석된 자료를 통해 해역 환경 기준치와 비교하여 목포주변 해약의 수질 오염도를 평가 한 결과는 다음과 같다. ◇ 강우기 인 7월 20일에 조사 된 목포항 내부 해역의 염분 분포는 표층에서 11.9~29.2 ‰, 저층 에서는 29.3~29.8 ‰로 수평적 분포는 목포항 안쪽 하구 둑 부근의 정점에서 낮았고 바깥쪽에서 높아지는 분포 경향을 보였으며, 표층과 저층칙 수직적인 농도 차이는 하구둑 부근의 안쪽 정점에서 크고, 바깥쪽 정점에서는 차이가 적었다. 염분의 분포와는 달리 COD, NO^(-)_(3)-N, NH^(+)_(4)-N의 농도는 안쪽 정점에서 높고 바깥쪽 해역으로 갈수록 낮았다. 특히 NO^(-)_(3)-N의 농도는 염분과 높은 역상관계수를 보여 영산강 하구 둑으로부터 유입되는 담수가 목포 해역에서 질산질소의 분포에 영향을 크게 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. ◇ 강우기 인 7월 25일 목포주변 외부 해역에서 조사 된 염분 분포는 표층에서 23.6~29.0 ‰, 저층에서 28.1~29.8 ‰로 정점별, 층별 농도 차이가 미소하였다. 염분과 수질인자와의 상관계수는 내부 해역보다 아주 낮은 상관관계를 보여 외부 해역에서 이들의 농도 분포는 영산강 하구 둑으로부터 유입되는 담수의 방류에 의한 영향이 적은 것으로 나타났다. ◇ 강우기 담수 방류가 많았던 9월 3일 내부해역과 외부해역에서 조사 된 염분 농도는 표층에서 5.9~25 ‰, 저층에서 23.4~26.2 ‰의 분포를 보였다. 염분의 표층 분포는 7월과 같이 목포항 안쪽 하구둑 부근의 정정에서 낮았고 바깥쪽 정점으로 갈수록 높아지는 경향을 보였으며, 표층과 저 층의 수직적인 염분 농도 차이는 하구 둑 부근의 안쪽 정점에서 크고, 바깥쪽 정점에서는 차이가 적게 나타나고 있어 담수 방류에 의한 영향이 크게 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 한편, SS, TP, PO^(3-)_(4)-P 및 TN의 농도 분포도 7월과 같이 영산강 하구둑 부근의 안쪽 정점에서 높고 바깥쪽 정점으로 갈수록 감소되는 농도 분포를 보였다. 이 항목들에 대한 염분과의 관계는 높은 역 상관관계를 보여 영산강 하구둑으로부터의 담수 방류가 해역에서 이들의 분포에 크게 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 특히 염분과 인산인의 상관관계가 높은 것은 영산강의 담수 방류 시 많은 인산염이 유입되고 있음을 시사 해 주고 있으며, 목포 해역의 수질에 상당한 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 추정된다. ◇ 반면 비 강우기의 염분농도는 남해 하수종말처리장 부근의 정점에서 낮은 농도를 보였으나 다른 정점에서는 차이가 없었다. 표층과 저층의 수직적인 농도 차이도 미소하였다. Chlorophyll-a 만이 내부 해역에서 높았고, NO^(-)_(3)-N, NH^(+)_(4)-N, TP, COD 는 내부 해역과 외부 해역에서의 농도 차이가 크게 나타나지 않았다. 이들 항목에 대한 염분과의 상관계수는 강우기 보다 낮게 나타나고 있어, 비 강우기에 영산강 하구 둑으로부터 유입되는 담수가 목포 해역의 수질인자의 농도 분포에 미치는 영향이 강우기에비해서 적은 것으로 사료된다. ◇ 강우기 영산강 하구 둑으로부터 많은 양의 담수가 방류 된 9월 3일 조사 된 수질 인자의 평균 농도 분포는 COD 3.09 mg/ℓ, TN 2.09 mg/ℓ, TP 0.09 mg/ℓ로 나타났다. 한편 비 강우기 인 11월 16일에 COD 3.09 mg/ℓ, TN 0.26 mg/ℓ, TP 0.045 mg/ℓ로 나타났다. 이와 같이 COD 농도는 강우기와 비강우기 비슷한 분포를 보이고 있으나, TN 는 비 강우기에 비해 8배정도 높았고 TP 는 2배정도 높은 농도를 보였다. 이는 영산강 하구 둑으로부터의 담수 유입 시 상당량의 질소와 인이 목포 주변해역으로 유입되고 있음을 시사하고 있다. 따라서 목포주변 해역의 효과적인 수질 관리를 위해서는 영산강 하구로부터 유입되고 있는 질소와 인의 제어가 절실히 요구되고 있다. ◇ 강우기와 비 강우기 목포 주변해역의 수질 오염도를 해역 환경 기준치에 비교 한 결과, COD는 강우기와 비 강우기 모두 3등급 수질을 보였다. 총질소의 기준으로 강우기에는 3등급 이하, 비 강우기에는 1등급으로 나타났고, 총 인의 기준으로 강우기 에 3등급, 비강우기에 1등급의 수질을 나타냈다. This study was conducted to investigate input on the water quality during wet(Jul, Sep) and dry seasons(Nov) in the Mokpo coast. DO, COD SS, TN, NH^(+)_(4)―N, NO^(-)_(2)―N, NO^(-)_(3)-N, TP, PO^(3-)_(4)-p, salinity and Chlorophyll-a of the surface and bottom were analyzed at 28 stations in the Mokpo coast. The salinitys was higher during the dry season than the wet season and the water quality was correlated witch the salinity distribution. The results indicated that the water quality in the Mokpo coast was affected by the fresh water discharge from Young San River Embankment during wet season. Especially, nutrients(nitrogen and phosphorus) were greate affected by from Young San River Embankment during wet season(Sep) Concentration of COD, TN and TP were 3.09mg/ℓ, 2.09 mg/ℓ and 0.09 mg/ℓ respectively on the September and 3.09 mg/ℓ , 0.26 mg/ℓ and 0.045 mg/ℓ respectively on the November. Concentrations TN and TP ware significantly different between wet and dry seasons whereas COD concentrations. Water pollution rate during wet and dry seasons compared with the standard of environmental water quality in coastal area. Water pollution rate of Wet season which were three-grade at COD, under the three-grade at TN and three-grade at TP respectively. Water quality during dry season was three-grade for COD, first-grade for TN and first-grade of TP respectively. In conclusion, the water quality in the Mokpo coast was significantly controlled by the fresh water discharge for the Young San River Embankment.

      • 우리나라 해상수색구조선대의 최적배치에 관한 연구

        장운재 목포해양대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        International convention on Maritime Search and Rescue(SAR) adopted in 1979 for international sea disaster response operations has been entered into force in 1985, and for Korea in 1995. National Maritime Police Agency(NMPA) is in charge of the SAR mission in Korea SRR(Search and Rescue Region). The SAR organigation of NMPA consists of 5 Rescue Co-ordination Centers(RCC) and 7 Rescue Sub Centers(RSC), which cooperate with several related agencies for effective responses and operations against any marine disasters and accidents. To increase efficiency of SAR operation, introduction of the optimum allocation of the SAR fleets is required. In this paper, the optimum allocation models of the SAR fleets are thus formulated by the 0-1 integer programming method and are applied to Korea SRR. Estimation of the optimal size of SAR fleet is also very important for effective SAR operation with reasonable response time. In this connection, 3 hours and 5 hours response time models are employed to calculate the optimal allocations, that are determined in considerations of survival time in the seas according to sea temperatures, marine accidents with distances from the coast, the response time employed by Japan Coast Guard and so on. The optimal allocation of SAR Fleets concerned by the SAR Fleets bounds and moving distance about marine accidents are also calculated by using both stochastic and true moving distances responding to marine accidents of past 10 years. Finally, this paper proposes the required size of the SAR fleets for effective operation considering with actual operation rules of the Korean SAR fleet.

      • 목포 주변해역 퇴적물 내 중금속 분포 특성

        류한홍 목포해양대학교 대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        목포주변 해역 퇴적물 내 중금속 함량 및 오염진행 과정을 규명하기 위해 28개 지점을 설정하여 2002년 7월과 11월에 퇴적물을 채취하였다. 이 퇴적물에서 63 ㎛ 이하의 퇴적물 함량, 퇴적물 내 중금속 (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr), IL 및 황화수소를 분석하였다. 첫째, 퇴적물 내 중금속 농도는 퇴적물 입자의 크기에 의해서 영향을 받는다. 따라서 퇴적물 입자의 영향을 배제하여 자료의 해석 및 분석하기 위해 63 ㎛ 이하의 퇴적물 함량을 이용하였다. 함량비에 의한 공간적 분포는 하계의 경우 Mn 및 Cr을 제외한 대부분의 항목들에서 영산강하구언 인접부에서 높았으며, 외해쪽으로 가면서 낮아지는 경향이 나타났다. 또한 북항 부근에서 Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb 및 Cr 등이 높게 나타나, 이들의 유입이 영산호와 더불어 북항 지역에서 유입되고 있는 것으로 추정된다. 추계의 경우 조사항목 대부분에서 영산강 하구언 지역보다는 목포 내항 부근 및 북항 지역에서 함량비가 높게 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 추계에 영산호에서의 담수 방류가 거의 이루어지고 있지 않아 영산호에서 중금속들의 유입은 상대적으로 적은 반면, 목포 내항 및 북항 지역에서 이들 원소들이 많이 유입되고 있음을 시사해주고 있다. 둘째, 육지 또는 섬들의 영향이 가장 적을 것으로 판단되는 지점의 중금속 농도를 이용하여 중금속 축적 정도를 알아보자 CERs 값을 이용하였다. 2~5 사이의 CERs 값은 대부분 하계의 영산강 하구언 부근에서 나타났으나, 추계에는 거의 나타나지 않았다. 따라서 중금속 축적이 인위적인 영향보다는 하계집중 강우에 따른 많은 담수의 유입과 함께 유입된 중금속이 해수 중 입자물질에 흡착되어 영산강 하구언 부근에 축적된 것으로 판단된다. 셋째, 회귀직선식의 잔차를 이용하여 오염의 영향을 평가하기 위해 잔차평균에 대해 1.655.D배 벗어나는 시료를 구분하였다. 하계의 경우 표준편차의 1.65배를 넘는 시료의 비율은 Cu가 12.5 %, Zn이 8.7 %, Fe, Pb 및 Cr이 8 %, Mn이 4 %,로 나타났다. 추계의 1.655.D배 범위를 벗어난 퇴적물 시료의 비율은 Mn이 8.3 %, Fe, Cu가 8 % 그리고 Bn, Pb 및 Cr이 4 %로 나타났다. 하계 및 추계의 퇴적물 시료에서 Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb 및 Cr 등이 영산강하구언 인접 지점에서 1.655.D가 넘는 값이 나타나, 이 해역에서 중금속의 축적이 진행되고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 본 조사해역의 일부 지점에서 중금속 원소들의 축적이 이루어지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 중금속 원소들의 축적이 인위적인 영향에 의해 이루어지고 있는 것보다는 다음과 같은 결과로 인해 영산호 담수 방류에 따른 영향으로 추정된다. 첫째, 담수 유입에 직접적인 영향을 받는 내부해역의 1~5 지점에서 63 ㎛ 이하의 함량이 하계와 추계에 큰 차이를 보였다. 둘째, 함량비에 의한 중금속 원소들의 공간적 분포는 하계에 영산강 하구언 부근에서 높게 나타났으나, 추계에는 영산강 하구언 부근보다는 목포 내항 및 북항 부근에서 높게 나타났다. 또한, 영산강 하구언 지점들과 타 지점간의 함량비 차이가 하계에 크게 나타났으나, 추계에는 미소한 차이를 나타냈다. 셋째, 2~5 사이의 CERs 값이 대부분 하계의 영산강 하구언 부근에 나타났으나, 추계에는 거의 나타나지 않았다. 넷째, 회귀직선식의 잔차를 이용한 오염의 평가시 1.65S.D 이상의 값은 대부분 영산강하구언 인접 지점에서 나타났다. 따라서 영산호의 담수 방류가 하구언 인접 지점의 퇴적상 및 저질 특성에 상당한 영향을 준 것으로 판단되며, 목포 주변해역의 중금속 오염 평가시에는 영산강에 대한 중금속의 오염도 조사가 선행되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. Distribution of trace metals were investigated in surface sediment of the Mokpo coastal area. Surface sediment samples were collected at 28 sites in July (Summer) and November, 2002 (Fall). The concentration of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr), IL (Ignition Loss) and AVS (Acid Volatile Sulfide) in suface sediments were measured by a manual of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Korea. The extracted trace metals in surface sediment were analyzed by the flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer with an instrument of Modal Shimadzu AA-6701F. The concentration of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr in surface sediment were 3234±863.1 mg/kg · dry, 272.7±64.19 mg/kg · dry, 32.11±16.98 mg/kg · dry, 5.109±2.335 mg/kg · dry, 7.816±2.575 mg/kg · dry, 4.254±2.378 mg/kg · dry in the summer and 2861±624.0 mg/kg · dry, 258.1±107.6 mg/kg · dry, 24.47±9.360 mg/kg · dry, 12.64±6.461 mg/kg · dry, 29.55±4.232 mg/kg · dry, 0.635±0.412 mg/kg · dry in the fall, respectively. The ranges of IL and AVS in surface sediment were 5.81±1.33 %, 0.028±0.03 mg/g in the summer and 9.17±1.70 %, 0.343±0.67 mg/g in the fall. The decrease of concentration in Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb and IL with distance from Yeongsan embankment indicated that Yeongsan Lake may be the pollutant source of Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb and IL in Mokpo coastal area of the summer. However The fall season distribution of concentration Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb and IL in surface sediment decreased with distance from Mokpo harbour and North harbour indicated that pollutant source of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb and IL is Mokpo coastal area. The values of CERs (Concentration Enrichment Ratios) were between 2 and 5 in the vicinity of Yeongsan embarlnnent in the summer. Whereas CERs were below the values in the fall. The results were indicative of the accumulation of anthropogenic effect rather then the accumulation of seasonal rainfall input. Concentration of heavy metals were generally controlled by the grain size of sediment. In the residual analysis, heavy metals and grain size (63 ㎛>) were used for regression to investigate effect of contamination Samples with 1.65SD (Standard Deviation) were selected to distinguish high residual from residual in the regression. Residuals exceeding 1.65SD for Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cr were 1424 mg/kg · dry, 94.14 mg/kg · dry 26.58 mg/kg · dry, 3.771 mg/kg · dry, 4.094 mg/kg · dry, 3.882 mg/kg · dry in the summer and 955.5 mg/kg · dry, 173.5 mg/kg · dry, 14.35 mg/kg · dry 10.31 mg/kg · dry, 6.802 mg/kg · dry, 0.653 mg/kg · dry in the fall respectively. Percentage of samples with the high residual was 12.5 % for Cu, 8.7 % for Zn, 8 % Fe, Pb, Cr and 4% for Mn in the summer. Whereas percentage of samples was 8.3 % for Mn, 8 % for Fe, Cu and 4 % for Zn Pb and Cr in the fall.

      • 해양안전심판에 있어서 증거의 증명력 인정범위에 관한 연구 : 전자적 증거를 중심으로

        이성수 목포해양대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of the Maritime Safety Tribunal System is to contribute to marine safety by clarifying the causes of marine accidents through an investigation and inquiry into marine accidents by Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal(KMST). After the stranding events of tanker Sea Prince occurred in July 1995, the judgment of KMST is recognized as the opinion of the expert group and is having an effect on criminal prosecution as well as civil lawsuits. Therefore, given these circumstances, the KMST will need to further improve the reliability of judgment with logical, scientific and objective investigation of the causes of marine accidents. The International Maritime Organization(IMO) requires ships to install the Voyage Data Recorder(VDR) by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS) Chapter 5 Regulation 20 in order to identify the causes of marine accidents and to prevent the similar marine accidents in the future. As a result, the analysis of causes of marine accidents is being made more scientific and objective by using stored data in the VDR. In addition, most ships engaged in international voyages are installed with the Alarm Monitoring System(AMS) for recording alarms and status of ship's machinery under the influence of the development of the IT technology. This is also important evidence for analysis of causes of marine accidents. The stored data in the VDR or AMS, so-called “electronic evidence”, needs to be proven its integrity and authenticity to have the admissibility of evidence. But these are not easy to prove because the electronic evidence have several important features compared with physical evidence. Recently, the Criminal Procedure Act as well as the Civil Procedure Act, many studies on the collection and admissibility of electronic evidence are in progress even though there is no sufficient studies about those in maritime safety tribunal. Also, the Act on the Investigation and Inquiry into Marine Accident which is the basis of KMST has no regulations on the evidence and has yet to be established on the limit of application of the probative power and the admissibility of evidence, such as the Criminal Procedure Act and the Civil Procedure Act. Therefore, this study examines the minimum standard respecting the admissibility of evidence, especially electronic evidence, in the Maritime Safety Tribunal System by analogy with basic principle of evidence of the Criminal Procedure Act, and establishes the limit of application of the probative power through comparison and analysis of the Criminal Procedure Act and the Civil Procedure Act with the Act on the Investigation and Inquiry into Marine Accident for more scientific and objective clarifying the causes of marine accidents.

      • 해양산업 안전보건 이행평가 시스템의 개선을 위한 실증적 연구

        강기중 목포해양대학교 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 249647

        Abstract Since the 1960s, the shipbuilding industry along with the heavy and chemical industry has been playing a pivotal role in the economic development of the government's economic policies to modernize the economic and industrial structure. However, the accident rates in shipbuilding industry are still high compared to the average accident rates of all industries and manufacturing industries because of the disorderly labor-intensive industry characteristics, and fatal injuries are incessantly occurring. The serious problem here is that these shipyards have been recognized by the government for their excellent safety management capabilities. In these shipyards, accidents happen every year. For this reason, the effectiveness for Shipbuilding Safety and Health Compliance Evaluation System of the government has been questioned. To strengthen safety management under these circumstances, the government has requested the shipbuilders with more than 100 regular workers (including in-house subcontract workers) to carry out the Safety and Health Compliance Plan on risk assessment, safety culture, safety education, site safety implementation system, and safety measures in the contract work for shipbuilders. And to submit it. In addition, the government check and evaluate the performance status of the Safety and Health Compliance Plan. And manage differently according to the evaluation level. However, during the implementation of the system. a crane collision accident happened recently inside a shipbuilding company in Geoje city in Korea. As a result, 5 people were killed and 25 injured. By the way, this workplace is a shipbuilding company where the government recognizes that safety management is excellent. And therefore critical accusations about the effectiveness of Shipbuilding Safety and Health Compliance Evaluation System, which is implemented by the government, are being constantly raised as serious fatal injuries occur every year in such excellent workplace. For this reason, the problem of improving the Shipbuilding Safety and Health Compliance Evaluation System has become a very important issue for the shipbuilding industry to lead the global market by enhancing the corporate image through the prevention of occupational accidents. Research on this is also becoming a important issue. Nevertheless, studies using quantitative data are still limited. Therefore, in order to enhance the effectiveness of Safety and Health Compliance Evaluation System in the shipbuilding industry, we analyzed the characteristic of the 25 shipyards for safety and health compliance evaluation conducted by the government using FCM(Fuzzy C-Means) cluster analysis. After analyzing the data on the evaluation score, workplace size, accident rate, and the number of fatal injuries of the target workplace, the characteristic of the cluster, we identified by classifying the workplace with similar characteristics. And regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between accident rate and compliance evaluation variables for hazard assessment, safety culture, safety education, site safety implementation systeme and safety measures in contract work. An empirical analysis was conducted on the factors affecting the accident rate through regression analysis. And suggest the improvement direction. In the FCM cluster analysis, the cluster to which big companies belong are high scored in most compliances evaluation fields compared to small and medium sized enterprises. Especially, they have excellent score in safety culture field. In the cluster to which small and medium sized enterprises belong, safety management is generally weak, and in particular, there is a weakness in risk assessment and safety education. In addition, the common characteristics are that support for contract work of internal partner companies and safety management are relatively weak compared to other evaluation fields. Therefore, when selecting the workplace subject to safety and health evaluation for shipbuilding, it is necessary to classify them according to their characteristics and scale. In the Multiple Regression Analysis for the result of Shipbuilding Safety and Health Compliance Evaluation System and the survey for shipbuilders, the accident rate was analyzed to be more influenced by the structural aspects of the safety management system such as risk assessment, safety culture, safety education, site safety implementation system, and safety measures in contract work. The results of the FCM cluster analysis and the regression analysis on the results of the Shipbuilding Safety and Health Compliance Evaluation System and the survey for shipbuilders are summarized as follows. First, in the analysis by the FCM method, the large enterprise group has the characteristic of being excellent in safety culture and safety education field. In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, it has the characteristic of being excellent in safety culture field, In the case of small-sized enterprises, it is analyzed that the overall safety management is very weak because there is no room for safety management because of the realistic difficulties in terms of organizational and financial aspects. As a common characteristic, it is analyzed that the safety measures related to the contract work for the in-house cooperators are insufficient. This means that the employment structure is stratified(re-subcontract) and it is not easy to manage safety. Second, in the regression analysis of Shipbuilding Safety and Health Compliance Evaluation System, it is considered that the risk assessment system for shipbuilding industry is settling into the workplace, In the regression equation, it is analyzed that if the risk assessment score is increased one point, it is decreased 1.44% compared to the shipbuilding accident rate in 2016 . Third, in the frequency analysis of the questionnaires of shipbuilding sites, the safety culture is considered to be the most important factor in the job, position, career, and age response of the employees of the partner companies. On the other hand, safety measures in contract work are considered to be less than relative importance. Fourth, regression analysis of the questionnaire survey of shipyards shows that the risk assessment variables such as the regression analysis results for the Shipbuilding Safety and Health Compliance Evaluation are significant, The site safety measures compliance system variable was positive(+) as opposed to the expected code. Even if the machinery, equipment, and facilities on the site are safe, the accident rate may not go down, but it may go up. This means that, unlike the safety management system, an accident occurs at the workplace. Despite strengthening safety management at some sites, the reason why the accident rate does not decrease is that it tends to strengthen visible safety management such as reinforcement of site inspection, improvement of safety and health facilities, and strengthening punishment of related persons without changing the fundamental management structure of the safety management system. In this way, expanding the organization and increasing the budget for reinforcement of safety management may cause the loosening of management and increase the accident. In conclusion, it is analyzed that the accident rate is more influenced by management than the facility side.

      • 항해사의 피로에 의한 해양사고 위험성 평가에 관한 연구

        조준영 목포해양대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Recently, about 600 cases of marine accidents occurred annually in Korea. According to many studies and analyses on marine accidents, 70~80% of marine accidents were caused by human factors. Among the human factors, the fatigue is very important factor. In particular, officers’ fatigue affected marine accidents a lot. Although officers’ fatigue serves as an important role in marine accidents, it is quite difficult to exactly examine the degree of officers’ fatigue. The studies on human factors and fatigue factors have been partially carried out, but they are insufficient to look into the relations between the degree of fatigue and marine accidents. Therefore, it is required the systematic and depth study on the effects of officers’ fatigue degree on marine accidents. Accordingly, this study analyzed human factors according to types of marine accidents and extracted important five factors affecting officers’ fatigue through the questionnaire survey by means of literatures and 5-point scale. In addition, evaluation factors of marine accident risks caused by fatigue factors were divided and structured by using ISM(Interpretive Structural Modeling). Lastly, it found out the importance of each fatigue factor drawn by AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) and decided marine accidents that were most highly caused by officers’ fatigue in order.

      • 해양레저선박 및 계류시설의 안전관리에 관한 연구

        최경일 木浦海洋大學校 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The government's Marina development and for job creation, marine new sectors to pursue sea for leisure safety management of leisure boat and Floating type Marina facilities, and take improvement measures Researching the purpose. In particular, registration, inspection and the approvals for one's faults of the law with a margin of safety management hit back with the ways to improve presentation.

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