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      • 군 사법제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        문상웅 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        국문초록 군 사법제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구 문 상 웅 지도교수 : 강 맹 진 국방정책학과 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 군 사법제도에 관하여 헌법 제110조 제1항은 “군사재판을 관할하기 위하여 특별법원으로서 군사법원을 둘 수 있다”고 규정하여 군사법원의 헌법적 근거를 명시하고 있으며, 제2항에서 군사법원의 상고심은 대법원에서 관할하며, 제3항에서 군사법원의 조직․권한 및 재판관의 자격은 법률로 정하도록 하고 있다. 그러나 시대적인 변화에 따라 군 사법제도의 운영과 관련하여, 시대의 변화의 흐름에 부응하는지에 대해 학계, 언론단체, 민주사회를 위한 변호사 모임, 참여연대 등 많은 단체로부터 개선 요구를 받아 왔다. 위계질서와 명령과 복종이 지배하는 영역으로 법원의 독립성이 특히 문제될 가능성이 높으며, 군의 특성이 적절히 반영된 군사법원을 유지하되, 사법에서 정하고 있는 기본원리 및 장병의 기본권을 보장할 수 있도록 군사법의 독립성 및 공정성을 강화하는 방향으로 나아가야 함이 올바른 군 사법제도가 나아갈 길임을 제시해 주고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 법치주의와 자유민주적 기본질서가 정착된 현재의 법체계에서 군의 특수성만을 강조하는 견해는 배재되어야 할 것이며, 또한 국군의 사명과 군 사법제도의 존재 목적을 완전히 배재하고 법리적인 관점으로 모든 문제를 해결하고자 하는 견해 또한 배재되어야 한다는 전제 하에서 현행 군 사법제도의 문제점이 무엇인지를 외국의 군 사법제도를 함께 분석하여 비교적으로 군 사법제도의 필요성과 군 사법제도가 추구하는 목적을 달성할 수 있는 방안을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 군 사법조직은 엄격한 삼권분립을 원칙으로 하는 민간 통치기구와는 존재의 목적과 임무가 상이하므로 군 사법제도의 개혁은 위와 같은 전제 아래 대통령의 군 통수권이나 군 지휘관의 지휘권에 장애를 초래하지 않는 범위 내에서 현실에 맞추어 합리적으로 진행되어야 할 것이다. 일선 부대의 군사법원과 검찰단을 국방부 직할로 독립시키고, 일반 장교들이 군사재판에 참여하는 “심판관 제도”와 일선 지휘관의 “관할관 확인제도”를 폐지하는 것을 골자로 하는 종래의 군 사법제도 개혁안은 과연 우리 현실에 합당한 제도인지 선진외국의 입법례와 비교하고, 심도있게 연구하여 장기적으로 시행여부를 면밀히 재검토하여야 할 것이다. 군대가 민간사회와 달리 특별권력관계로서 장병들이 민간인과 똑같은 기본권을 보장받을 수는 없다하더라도 장병들의 인권보장은 침해되는 인권의 회복 뿐 아니라 군에서의 인간적인 삶의 보장이라는 확대된 개념으로 접근해야 할 것이다. 상급자 및 동료들에 의한 인권침해가 일어나지 않도록 세부조직별로 철저한 감독과 예방조치를 행하면서 인권침해행위에 대하여는 엄정한 처벌과 징계가 이루어지도록 하고, 군 사법조직이 주체가 되어 인권침해 사고예방을 위한 억제 차원의 교육이나 프로그램을 개발하여 실시하여야 한다. 대한민국은 북한의 외교고립에 따른 전쟁도발 가능성이 잔존하고, 그동안 정치권의 잘못된 정책으로 국민들이 주적개념의 혼란 등 국가 정체성에 대한 동요가 우려되는 한편, 새로운 정부의 탄생으로 미래 고도정보사회에 적합한 국방개혁을 계속하면서 조직을 합리적으로 운영하여 장병들의 기본적 인권을 최대한 보호하면서도 가장 국가안전보장에 효율적인 국방정책의 실시가 요구된다. 따라서 군사 사법조직 또한 이러한 내, 외적 환경의 변화와 도전에 효과적으로 대응하면서 조직의 운영, 정책의 수립, 추진계획이 모두 국가의 안전보장과 전쟁에서의 승리라는 지상의 목표를 달성하기 위한 수단의 차원에서 이루어져야 할 것이다.

      • 선행학습이 대학 헤어미용 교육에 미치는 영향

        김현수 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        국문초록 선행학습이 대학 헤어미용 교육에 미치는 영향 김현수 지도교수: 박철호 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 향장미용학과 현대사회는 다양한 지식과 정보가 넘쳐나고 있고 이를 습득하기위하여 고등교육이 일반화되는 상황이다. 고등교육의 일반화는 선행학습에 대한 수요를 촉발시켜 학생들은 다양한 형태의 선행학습을 경험하고 있다. 특히, 헤어미용처럼 기능을 다루는 미용의 경우에는 선행학습이 미용관련학과 실기수업에 실제로 어느 정도 영향력을 미치고 있는가를 실증해 보는 것은 선행학습 논의에 있어서 매우 중요한 과정일 것이다. 학생과 학부모가 선행학습을 당연히 여기고 있고 그것이 사교육 시장에서 보편적인 모습으로 자리 잡아 간다면 이 현상에 대한 냉철한 검증이 필요하다고 생각된다. 본 연구는 헤어미용 선행학습이 대학미용교육에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 광주광역시와 경기도 소재 2년제 미용학과 1학년과 2학년 중 헤어 미용을 전공으로 선택한 학생 300명을 대상으로 인적사항 5문항, 헤어미용 선행학습현황 8문항, 헤어 미용 선행 학습의 효과 여부 11문항, 헤어미용 선행학습과 대학 미용학과의 연계성 7문항으로 총 31문항을 조사하였다. 분석방법으로는 SPSS WIN version 21.0 통계프로그램을 이용하여 모집단으로서 미용헤어전공자들의 특성을 추론하여 검증하기 위한 목적으로 교차분석을 통하여 카이제곱(chi-square, x²) 검증을 실시하였으며, 독립성에 대한 검증시 상호 연관성을 파악하기 위하여 연관성 정도를 나타내는 통계량은 두 변수가 모두 명목척도인 경우, 가장 대표적으로 사용되어지는 파이계수(Φ : Phi Coefficient), 크라머의값(Cramer's V)을 활용하였다. 현재의 학년을 기준으로 학과 실기수업 만족도에 대한 차이 여부를 검정한 결과(p>0.060), 평균값만을 중심으로 살펴보면 2학년 1.9101점, 1학년 2.0246점으로 1학년에 비해 2학년들의 학과 실기수업에 대한 만족정도가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 선행학습 경험 유무 집단에 따른 차이여부를 검정한 결과(p>0.880), 평균값을 중심으로 비-선행학습 집단 1.9512점, 선행학습 경험집단 1.9605점으로 비-선행학습 집단의 만족도가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 헤어미용 선행학습을 한 후 미용실력 향상여부를 묻는 질문에 선행학습자중 실력이 향상되었다고 응답한 비율이 1학년 43.3%이고, 2학년 81.2%이 였다(x²=26.289, P<0.000, Φ -Cramer's V=0.385). 헤어미용 선행학습의 효과 면에서는 헤어미용 선행학습으로 인한 대학 미용 교육의 이해도 측면에서 1학년의 경우에는 보통(41.6%), 거의 이해 안 된다는 응답이 50%를 차지하는 반면 2학년의 경우 보통(23.9%), 조금 이해된다는 응답이 41%, 거 의 이해 안된다는 응답은 5%(x²=75.534, P<0.000, Φ -Cramer's V=0.653)에 불과하여 1학년에 비해 2학년의 경우에 선행학습 효과가 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때 대학진학을 목표로 헤어미용을 선행학습하는 것은 대학 헤어미용학습을 용이하게 하는 목적보다는 미용사 자격취득과 그에 따른 자신감신장에 목적을 두어야 할 것이다. 이러한 결과는 본 설문에 응답한 대학교의 헤어미용 교육과정이 자격증 위주의 교육 프로그램이 아닌 미용현장실무위주로 체계화되어 있기 때문에 1학년과 2학년의 차이가 나타난 것으로 여겨진다. 이에 본 연구자는 대학교의 헤어미용 교육과정을 자격증 위주가 아닌 미용현장 실무교육과정으로 편성하여 보다 효율적이고 본질적인 기술과 학문이 합쳐진 교육과정을 연구 개발하여야 하며 선행학습자나 비선행학습자나 똑같은 조건에서 미용 을 대학에서 다시 시작해야 한다고 생각한다. 대학교 진학 이전의 미용교육이 자격증 위주의 학습이라면 대학교의 헤어 미용교육은 자격증 취득을 목적으로 하는 선행학습과의 차별화 된 대학미용이라는 하나의 미용교육의 새로운 분야로 재 탄생시켜야 할 것으로 사료 된다.

      • 스크린쿼터제 축소가 한국 영화 미용 산업에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        홍석후 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        Our country screen quota system to guarantee stable screening of Korean motion picture and with all thing contribute a lot in film business development is fact. The Korean motion picture ratio domestic market possession recently and 50% the upper sliced raw fish it continued the quality development which it wins it led and it secured it came the industrial possibility and an art superiority of Korean motion picture simultaneously and with a startling quantitative development together from the international film festival and. The screen quota proposal abridgment short-term, in Korean film business big effect with the fact that it will not go mad and it will pass, the Korean motion picture in spite of still Korean subject matter will be meager even in external form growth and variety it will hold the subject which is insufficient, hazard with the art which stands - independent motion picture the motion picture of the style which is same various steadily will be produced the continuous development of Korean motion picture and the performance of motion picture it will leave and the scope the masses will be able to select to be wide to be a quality possibility and it will be able to expect the future of Korean motion picture. The makeup and beauty care motion picture have from motion picture and to emboss more role. When the expression power of the character falls and in masses it delivers meaning of that character from motion picture, is not easy will not be as well as drops a degree intensively and it expects a performance, it comes to be strenuous. Is like that the role of makeup from listening to motion picture is important recently very and it comes to think. Screen quota proposal abridgment the thing and the reasoning which with the internal organs will be joined together with domestic motion picture production decrease atrophy of makeup field without being the possibility of avoiding comes to judge from the domestic film business which is caused by. Also with varied experience in Korean motion picture production advance of the foreign nation steps which equip a high technical power base of Korean film business it is weak more and only it will make the bay it knows it threatens the livelihood of the artists who engage to the film business of the makeup back the removal from a register which sleeps will be the water service where becomes the cognitive factor. With development of Korean motion picture it joins in and it is a makeup beauty care of Korea and the actuality where the importance of makeup becomes larger more from motion picture inside about looking in the face the research against the expression ability which is various and the shoes material, to be cut a development and to continue on world-wide level without and in order not to be behind, the place where it develops a oneself ability must endeavor. It joins in and the government leads system and it is a makeup beauty care and autogeny power possibility in order to be, must assist the flag from the international market. Hereupon person oneself is makeup beauty care of Korea and to sleep it proposes the some branch policy for and it does. First, for a specialty skilled technical hands positivity records, actual condition and image production equipment, image sounder, camera caption studio, the animation, against a film special effect back motion picture relation technical manpower overseas technical annual income about progress cold region 10 the year passed in spite of still against a makeup and a special makeup field does not enforce an overseas technical annual income from the makeup beauty care skilled technical hands positive support request government. When it considers an advanced makeup technique and the difference of our country makeup technique, one day quickly to execute an overseas technical annual income and to pull the competitive power of Korean makeup industry and must raise. Second, Jig. the government it is supported indirectly film festival work (dramatic movie production dictionary support me, good motion picture selecting support and scenario public subscription, motion picture promotion safe financing) by case foreign nation steps the makeup becomes accomplished but the step quota system it leads and the participation ratio of domestic step in the personnel of the makeup field whole provides with compulsion as also does having the chance it will be able to study an advanced technique will be good.

      • 탈모자의 두피 유형별 특성과 모낭충 감염 실태에 관한 연구

        한진섭 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        This study was to find out whether the type of scalp affects hair loss, and to explore the status of demodex infection, a kind of mites which lives in human hair follicles, along with its impact on alopecia. The types of scalps were classified into oily, normal, and dry scalp, and whether the scalp was infected with demodex or not was also investigated. The subjects of this study were 295 people with alopecia or suspecting alopecia who visited hair care centers in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. Investigation methods were interviews and analysis of scalp photographs taken by a microscope with a magnifying power of 100-200, and the presence or absence of demodex mite, its sex, and its state of eggs, lavae, or imagoes were recorded by observing sebum extracted from parietal region by using a polarizing microscope, after dissolving the sebum with immersion oil for microscopy. As a result, it was found that alopecia prevalence was distributed similarly between male and female among Koreans. According to age, young adult groups aged less than 30 years and in 30’s showed the highest rate of 52.54%. In these age groups, alopecia was seen most frequently in oily scalp both for men and women; it seemed to be caused by high level of D.H.T which is a male hormone due to increased physical metabolism, and acquired factors such as severe stress and changes in diet and living environments. There were seen relationships between hair loss and the type of scalp in male. Of the males with hair loss, 89.8% had the oily type of scalp, suggesting high risk of alopecia in men with oily scalp. In addition, if oily scalp developed into seborrheic scalp, the progress of alopecia accelerated like a domino effect. Even though the oily type of scalp became less severe with age, the decrease width was small, showing still a high rate of oily scalp. In female, 50.8% of the alopecia cases were seen in oily scalp and other types were seen of similar rates, concluding that female alopecia is not related to the type of scalp. In addition, the rate of oily scalp in female showed to greatly decrease with age, becoming normal and dry types. In female alopecia, also young adult groups aged less than 30 years and in 30’s showed high rate of hair loss in oily scalp, and the causes were same in cases of male alopecia. In addition, female hair loss was seen the highest in 40’s of 35.51%. As for the reasons, females over 40 developed hair loss due to endocrine disorders due to the decrease of estrogen and a hormonal imbalance in menopausal period. The rate of demodex infection in people who had hair loss was 64.4%, and it was 11.1% higher than people with no infection, suggesting demodex can be a direct cause of hair loss. Thus, it was confirmed that demodex infection is an important factor to increase hair loss. Demodex infection was seen to increase with age, but gender didn’t affect the infection. Thus, it could be considered to be related to a decreased immunity due to the damage in scalp. Demodex infection was seen to be 67.8% in oily scalp, 64.9% in normal scalp, and 37% in dry scalp, showing a significant difference in the type of scalp. It suggested that the scalp with lots of sebum is good for demodex inhabitation; once the scalp is infected with demodex, sebaceous glands become overgrown so that the scalp develops into oilier condition. In order to prevent or improve hair loss, normalization of sebum secretion is required by neutralizing DHT which induces overgrowth of sebaceous glands and preventing damage in sebaceous glands caused by demodex proliferation, along with improving scalp environment to demodex-free by treating damaged scalp and hair follicles, eliminating the presence of demodex, and increasing immunity. Thus, continuous scalp care is crucial for prevention and improvement of hair loss.

      • 여성의 양육 스트레스로 인한 학대가 아동의 정서발달에 미치는 영향

        최낙천 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of mother's maltreatment caused by stress through child raising on the development of children's feeling and to inquire into the cause of child abuse. Basically, this research has been done to obtain basic materials necessary to examine measures to prevent and cure children's maltreatment. Most of the subjects in this research was in their thirties and fifties who had been living in Seoul and 134 numbers of questionnaire form out of 300 were selected as a research object from July 20th, 2006 to Aug. 20th, 2006. The results of this research were as follows. First, general stress caused by children fostering and stress caused by parent's role were higher in mothers of nuclear family than extended family, but they showed no meaningful differences in family pattern. Totally, stress caused by children fostering was higher in mothers of nuclear family than extended family, but it showed meaningful difference statistically. Second, in terms of children maltreatment using language, mother who is under the age of forty and forty-five used resentful language extremely much, and mother who is above fifty used resentful language less than that, but showed no meaningful difference. Younger woman used aggressive language to their children, but it didn't reflect meaningful difference. Third, in the level of corporal punishment support, the average(3.64) was the highest : it will becomes habit to rear a child using corporal punishment, the second was 3.59: there are no parents who use corporal punishment because they hate their children, the third is 3.54: it is best not to use corporal punishment in child raising, and the fourth is 3.20: it is often necessary to use corporal punishment to raise their children well. On the contrary, the average (3.20) was lowest: it is necessary to use corporal punishment to correct bad habit, the second was 2.39: I think the proverb "spare the rod, and spoil the child" is right, the third was 2.60; it is parents' right to use corporal punishment if their children behaves wrong and disobey their parents, and the fourth is 2.65: the behavior of their children will improve if they use rod when their children behaves wrong. Fourth, general stress caused by child rearing was expressed by resentful language(r=.436, p<.001), by aggressive language(r=.318, p<.001), by scornful language (r=.298, P<.001), by refusing language (r=.485, p<.001), by hostile words (r=.385, p<.001), and by language maltreatment (r=.445, p<.001), and showed a static relationship with meaningful difference statistically. In conclusion, it was revealed that mother's stress caused by child rearing had a significant influence on the development of children's feeling and child abuse through language. In this research, mother's stress caused by child rearing affected mainly the development of children's feeling, but it is advised that in the next research, father as well as mother should be included as a variants. At the same time, research on comprehensive maltreatment including language maltreatment should be conducted so as to help children who have been maltreated. First of all, educational opportunities should be provided for mothers not to use language maltreatment habitually and appropriate program also should be developed for mothers to treat stress effectively.

      • 교수매체적용에 따른 유아의 창의적 사고력 발달 효과

        류재민 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        The purpose of this study is to examine if the application of instructional media can affect the development of creative thinking in children and to analyze the development effect of creative thinking through experiment and deep investigation of instructional media theory. The hypothesis of this theory are as follows: 1st, children of experimental group who use audio-visual media (instructional media) will have much score than children of control group with traditional class in creativity. 2nd, children of experimental group who use audio-visual media (instructional media) will have much score than children of control group with traditional class in the four lower sphere of creativity. The 36 young children, aged5, in M kindergarten and P kindergarten in Gwangju Metropolitan City, were selected as subjects and were divided into two groups: experimental group and comparative group. TTCT(Torrance Test of Creative Thinking) by Torrance was used as a research method. Type A was used in pretest and type B was used in posttest, and they were the same standardized test form. The experiment was conducted for 8 weeks from Sep. 4th, 2006 to Sep. 27th, 2006 with the following procedure-pretest, experiment, posttest. The results of this research are as follows: 1st, 1st, children of experimental group who use audio-visual media (instructional media) had much score than children of control group with traditional class in creativity. 2nd, children of experimental group who use audio-visual media (instructional media) had much score than children of control group with traditional class among the four lower sphere of creativity (flexibility, originality, ingenuity) except fluency.

      • 조형활동을 통한 미술 교육이 유아의 창의력 발달에 미치는 영향

        박효아 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        The purpose of this study is to survey if formative activity can have an effect on young children's ingenuity. To achieve this goal, some characteristics of ingenuity were studied and some programs of formative arts were conducted to examine that formative activity can have an effect on improving lower sphere of ingenuity -fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. The following research items were selected as a method; First, can formative activity program have an effect on young children's ingenuity? Second, can formative activity program have an effect on the lower sphere of ingenuity- fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. The 40 subjects, aged 5, registered in kindergarten as an annex to primary school in Gwang-ju city were selected for this study and were divided into two groups; experimental group and controll group randomly. The TTCT diagram was used in this study; Type B was used in pretest, Type A in after test. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, The experimental group who has experienced ingeniously formative art program was more affected than controll group without any formative group. Second, there is no meaningful difference between the experimental group who has experienced ingeniously formative art program in developing fluency than control group, which is a lower sphere of ingenuity That's why the subjects were only four years old, so they didn't reach the thinking group who invents an idea and response. Third, the experimental group who has experienced ingeniously formative art program was more effective than control group in developing the lower sphere of ingenuity-fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.

      • 조선시대 여성의 머리 모양에 관한 연구

        김재순 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        Hair style reflects race, climate and aesthetic sense of the times, shows nation, religion, politics, sex, age, occupation and class and has symbolism with clothes and several accessories. The Joseon Dynasty had a variety of hair styles because the Confucian idea was prevailed throughout the society and women who were restricted to external activities due to strict social systems were to satisfy their desires by decorating themselves. This study reproduced women's hair styles in the Joseon Dynasty found in related literatures and focused on providing materials available in research of cosmetology. First, it investigates prohibition order of the Joseon Dynasty. Second, it examines kinds and characteristics of the women's hair styles in the Joseon Dynasty. Third, it divided the women's hair styles into Eoyeo style for court dress, women's head with ornamental hair pin for casual wear, chignon hair of married women and hair done up two locks of unmarried women and demonstrated these hair styles. The women's hair styles in the Joseon Dynasty are divided by prohibition order and hair style before prohibition order was mainly turning up hair and that after it was chignon and turning up styles. Women at court and general women enjoyed turning up style from the early period to middle period of the Joseon Dynasty, but it caused women's luxury and it was prohibited in the period of King Youngjo and Jungjo. The women's hair styles in the Joseon Dynasty were varied depending on class and times. This study reproduced process of making four representative hair styles like Eoyumi, hair style with ornamental hair pin, chignon and hair done up two locks. Hair styles of the Joseon Dynasty are important in finding out identity of current Korean hair styles. Besides, hair style is a part of man's long artistic activities and culture from several viewpoints. Reproduction of the women's hair styles in the Joseon Dynasty can find a new way of developing future cosmetology and play an important role to make a new style. In particular, since hair styles of the Joseon Dynasty are very important in researching hair styles using ornaments or wig, it will be very effective in educational sides.

      • 네일아트 종사자들의 근골격계 질환에 관한 연구

        조미자 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        He household duties labor isn't affected by unmarried people which is 80.6% of the target and by musculoskeletal system disorder. 38.8% of the midterm technicians suffer the pain of the hand and the wrist. The respondents who work over ten hours a day suffer the pain of wrist, hand, shoulder, neck and waist. The respondents suffer the one of waist and leg wear the heels of a 3∼5cm height. This research result differs from the leading research's which is the higher heel causes the more painful. Because Nail technicians work on the chair so that's not in effect. Depends on the exercise, the group who does exercise suffer more than who doesn't from the wrist, hand, shoulder, neck and waist. When the lights on the table doesn't exist or aren't used, they experience the pain of the shoulders, hand, wrist and the waist. And in case they use portable wheelchairs, too. The body parts that respondents suffer from the musculoskeletal system disorder are the shoulders(68.3%), the neck(66.1%), the waist(59.9%), the hands and the wrist(50.7%). And it's 82.4% that people suffer from at least one of those body parts. Thus, even it's latent to occur musculoskeletal system disorder for Nail technicians, there's no research about the causes and the occurence status. Analyzing the prevalence rate, I expect that this research could be the important basis data for the precautionary measure which can be the betterment of work and the correct position.

      • 시대적 배경에 따른 가발의 변천과 현대의 사용되는 특징 연구

        한미란 남부대학교 산업정책대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        People have worn the wigs from B.C. 3000 in the ancient Egypt to the Middle Age and the modern age. We live in a more affluent society than the past. People express their characters with the hairstyle. This is a kind of way to express the external beauty of our bodies. The wigs have been used to show off the social positions. The royal family, the nobility and the clergy were fond of wearing them and they satisfied people. We can see here that the wigs had a great import socially and historically. The theoreticalfoundation of the wigs in the West and the East (especially in Korea) was studied. The some features are like below. First. People in the ancient Egypt worethe wigs to protect their head from the blaze of the Sun and also for the decorative effect. They had many wigs to show off their richness and the position. In the Middle age, the Baroque age and the Rococo age, there was also the status system that the wigs have been developed as part of formal suit to distinguish their positions. Second. From the ancient times, the wigs have prevented the danger from the outside and have been considered as a way of the expression of human himself who worships God and is religious and aesthetic. This is natural way to show the beauty by a desire and a need of a human instinct. In Josun dynasty, exactly when the King Youngjo and Jeongjo ruled the country, people indulged in luxurious wigs seriously and the government finally banned the wigs. As this example tells us, the wigs affected a lot to the aesthetic sense of people. In the West, we can see that the wigs have been part of the wear boldly, not just for hiding the baldness. And they were the symbols of the upper classes. In the East -that is in Korea- the chignon in which the girls of thin hair did their hair up to make their hair look thick was the beginning of the wigs. The change of hair became so popular and even promoted spending enormous money on the wigs. Finally they were banned. In modern times, some meanings and functions can be shown. First. The baldness. When you want to hide the thin hair or the scar of the head and when you want to change your hairstyle, the wigs are very useful and functional to change your hair colorand style quickly. Second. The wigs are made to suit everyone’s tasty and they satisfy individual’s desire and help people to express themselves freely. Third. The wigs lead the fashion and express the beauty. We studied the wigs and found their some features. The wigsprotected the bodies and make people beautiful. And they played an important role socially and culturally to distinguish the classes. If you reproduced the wigs of the Baroque and Rococo times when the wigs are so common and splendor, we will know that the beauty techniques were remarkable. We expect the wigs to keep playing a role to complement the defect of the body and express the individual’s character fully.

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