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      • 圖們江地區開發及其對韓中經貿合作的影響 : Development of the Tumen river area and its effect on trade and economic cooperation between the people's republic of China and the republic of Korea

        남중희 東北師範大學 1996 해외박사

        RANK : 249631

        상기 논문은 국제경제합작의 개념을 기본 이론화하고 동북아 경제합작의 목 적, 방법, 향후 전망을 통하여 두만강 지역개발 사업의 현황, 개발, 모식 및 대책을 논의하고 두만강 지역개발 사업이 한·중 (韓·中)경제합작에 미치는 영향을 심층 분석하였다. 구체적인 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 국제 경제합작은 생산 요소의 이동과 재배치를 통하여 지역 경제발전 을 촉진시키고, 지역화 및 세계경제 글로벌화에 직접 영향을 미친다. 둘째, 동북아 지역경제합작의 필요성이 점층 증대되고 있다. 동북아 경제 합작의 모식은 국제협업형 모식인 두만강 지역개발 사업이 최우선적 으로 개발되는 것이 바람직하다. 셋째, 두만강 지역개발 사업의 개발 모식으로는 "성장 삼각"이론에 입각하 여 두만강 경제지역 (TREZ) 특구성질의 다국 경제합작지역을 건설한 후 두만강 경제개발지역 (TREDA) 내 주요 도시의 중심성을 강화시키 는 모식이 바람직하다. 또한 동북아지역 국제관계의 복잡성과 각국 의 이익이 첨예하게 대립되고 있는 현실적 상황에서 동 사업을 원활 하게 추진하기 위해서는 단계적 (3단계)으로 나누어 추진하는 것이 효율적이다. 넷째, 두만강 지역개발 사업이 한·중(韓·中)경제합작발전에 있어 지역개 발, 물류 교통, 경제 방면에 지대한 영향을 미친다. 지역경제합작 관점에서 볼때, 자원이용의 효율성 제고와 양국 경제발전을 증진시키 며 사회안전에 기여할 수 있다. 구체적으로 중국 동북지역개발을 촉진시켜 동북현상 (東北現象)을 타파하여 투자환경을 개선할 수 있다. 한국 동해안 지역개발을 촉진시켜 국토의 균형 적인 발전을 꾀하고 21세기 동북아 물류 중심국가로 발전할 수 있는 토대를 마련할 수 있다. This dissertation is to develop a new culture theory and its typology which can be useful both for national culture studies and for comparative culture studies. The focus in theory and typology development is on the role of cultural syntaxes which connect all the different cultural biases, or subcultures, within a society into a meaningful whole, a societal culture. The thesis of this study is that, since subcultures within a society are interconnected, they function together, and that the patterns of interconnectedness among subcultures determine conflicts potential among them. To develop my own version of typology, I use Mary Douglas culture typology which divides a societal culture into five different subcultures -hierarchy, egalitarianism, individualism, fatalism, and hermitude. The typology is applied to a typical collectivistic society, the Korean dynastic society (1392-1910), to describe its cultural characteristics and to discuss its social and political stability. The main argument in the application part of the study is that, among members of the society, hierarchical and egalitarian preferences were interconnected to each other, and that the interconnectedness between the two collectivistic subcultures was the secret of the dynastic stability.

      • 苦難的歲月互補的文學 : 淪陷時期中國東北與韓國文學比較硏究

        김창호 東北師範大學 2003 해외박사

        RANK : 249631

        Because they both belonged to the zone of Confucianism, from the ancient times China and Korea have had many cultural similarities and frequently have exchanged and influenced each other's literature. After Japanese occupation at the end of the nineteenth century, the literature of China (especially in the North-East) and Korea were immersed in similar types of historical and linguistic context. The main event of this period is the birth of colonial and immigrant literature. This paper employs the methods of historical typology and imagologie to these two types of literature from a comparative perspective. The body of this paper has three sections: 1. Comparison of the colonial literature of the two areas 2. Comparison of the immigrant literature of the two areas 3. Comparative study of the two literatures' images of 'The Other' with the tools of imagologie. In the first section, I compare the colonial literatures of the two areas. I introduce Japan's cultural policy and its effects, then narrate the primary characteristics of colonial literature. In this second section, there are two parts. First, I introduce the various narrative methods of the mentality of the resistance. There are direct and indirect methods of description. The literatures of the direct method mainly appeared at the beginning of the Japanese Occupation before it carried out clear cultural policies in the two areas. But under the strict control of the cultural policies, the resistance mentality was expressed through the literatures with the indirect method. By picturing the dark images of the colonial times, these literatures tried to emphasize the darkness of the reality of the occupation. Second, I introduce the rise and fall of the decadent literature. It appeared as a result of the indifference and insincerity of the time, and expressed despair, hopelessness and the 'End of the People.' However, it did not last long. At the end of this section, I compare Lian Shang-ding's "Green Valley" with Li gi-young's "Hometown." "Green Valley" is the paradigmatic navel of North-East China folk literature, and "Hometown" is the paradigmatic novel of Korean peasant literature. Both were written during the time of the Occupation, and pictured the peasants who were the most oppressed people of the time. Folk and peasant literatures were both interested in the countryside and farmers and has two characteristics in common: an interest in exposing the agonies of the lower-class or common people, and the darkness of the Occupying regime. In the second section, I compare the immigrants literatures of the two areas using historical typology and imagologie. I analyze the meaning of immigrant literature. The basic condition of immigrant literature is a confused social atmosphere, and the main characteristic is an interest in the future of the nation and a recognition of the individual's fate. Based on this analysis, I summarize the characteristics of immigrant literature. This section has two parts. First in the immigrant literature of both areas homesickness is a primary characteristic. This consists in nostalgia of hometown, together with both strong love and criticism of hometown people. Another variant of this nostalgia is expressed in a desire to return home. The homesickness in this immigrant literature contains an anti-colonial meaning. Second, the other characteristic of the two areas' immigrant literature is the tendency of resistance. The writers exposed the harshness and darkness of the Japanese Occupation and at the same time promoted the peoples' resistance against the Occupation. At the end of this chapter, I compare Xiao Hong's "The Town of Life-Death" with Gang Kyong-ai's "The Human Quest." I closely examine the complicated historical sense in these literatures. This includes the sense of class, nation and woman. I especially focus on the way these female writers dealt with this complicated historical sense. Also, I look at their common interest in the fate of females. The last section of the paper I compare the images of Korea in North-East Chinese literature and the image of North-East China in Korean literature. Here I analyze in ages of 'the Other' in the modern literatures of both North-East China and Korea. There were the following changes in the images of Korean in North-East China after September 18, 1931, the beginning of the war in Manchuria. First the images of patriots changed from nationalistic fighters to internationalistic fighters. Second, the boundary of the description of Korean images extended and deepened. Next, I divide images of North-East China in the minds of korean writers - mainly Korean writers in Manchuria - into three categories. These are images of the foreign land as the dark city in the eyes of elites, as the place of hope for immigrant peasants, and as the base of independence in the eyes of resistance fighters. At the end of this section I compare Li Hui-ying's "Mount Wan bao" with An Su-gil's "The Rice Plant" and Ito Einoske's "Mount Wan Bao" by applying the comparative literary methods of imagologie. Through these Chinese, Korean and Japanese literatures, which all deal with identical historical events, but with different narrations of 'the Other,' I concluded that even identical event can be narrated very differently according to the different historical viewpoints, aesthetic values, and social circumstances of each individual writer.

      • 《故事新編》與人類文化母題

        배인수 東北師範大學 1997 해외박사

        RANK : 249615

        노신은 이미 그의 《납함》, 《방황》이라는 소설집을 통해 중국민들의 사상적 각성과 국민성 개조를 추구한 바 있다. 본 논문의 연구대상인 《고사신편》은 그의 세번째 소설집으로서 이것은 노신이 지금까지 창작해 왔던 방식과는 달리 중국의 기존 역사고사를 소재로 현실적 감각을 부여한 작품이라 할 수 있다. 본세기 중국현대문학에서, 특히 노신문학에서 《납함》과 《방황》은 상당히 많은 연구가 되어왔다. 그러나 고사신편은 내용, 형식, 체재에 있어 나름의 독특한 특색을 가지고 있지만 중국은 물론 외국에서 조차 그 연구가 소홀하였다 하겠다. 본문은 이점에 주의하여 기존의 《고사신편》연구를 형태별로 분류 정리해놓고 기존의 연구시야와 다른 새로운 각도를 제시하였다. 《고사신편》이 가지고 있는 초전성과 특이성을 부각시키고, 인류학적 ·민족학적 시각으로 연구의 초점을 맞추었다. 먼저 《고사신편》의 8편 소설을 주제별로 분류하여, 〈창세〉,〈복수〉,〈이화〉라는 모제로 나누었다. 이 모제를 다시 동방과 서방의 특성을 비교하였고, 다시 노신에게 있어서의 특징을 비교하여 작품에서 나타나는 노신의 문학관을 부각시키는데 연구의 중점을 두었다. 우선 크게 상 ·중 ·하편으로 나누고 상편에서는 기존연구사를 회고하고, 노신사상에서 나타나는 인류성 특점과 민족성 특점을 살펴보았다. 중편에서는 인류문화 모제 〈창세〉를 동서방의 특점과 노신 《보천》과의 특성비교, 모제 〈복수〉를 동 ·서방 비교하고 다시 노신의 《주검》과 비교했으며, 모제 〈이화〉를 동 ·서방 비교하여 노신의 《고사신편》의 이화 부분을 비교하여 그 특성을 찾아 보았다. 하편에서는 《고사신편》의 성질과 인류문화 모제의 예술표현을 상호 비교연구했고 《고사신편》의 "유화"와 창작방법등을 인류문화 모제의 예술표현과 상호 비교를 통해 《고사신편》의 독창적인 특이성을 찾아내는데 연구의 중점을 두었다.

      • 蒙元之際文化與關漢卿戱劇

        宋琬培 東北師範大學 2001 해외박사

        RANK : 249615

        本篇論文主要硏究關漢卿戱劇和蒙元之際文化的關係,從大文化背景對關漢卿戱劇加以審視.前言部分提出論文所選取的切入點,타在視角上不同于以往之處:把關漢卿戱劇和蒙元之際造這特個特定的歷史階段相聯系,從提族文化融合的角度着待關漢卿的戱劇. 除前言外,正文共四章,十三節. 第一章,關漢卿戱劇的倡孝走勢.北方遊牧民族帶着原始遺風進入中土,原始風尙흔容就是병究孝導,這和儒家的札敎一拍卽合,ニ者흔容易達成默契.在這種風尙影響下,關漢卿戱劇的倡孝走勢極其明顯,成功地塑造了竇娥.韓瓊英兩位孝女形象,以孝爲線索構成曲折起伏的情節,忠和孝在古代是聯系在一起的,關漢卿戱劇形成了忠孝結合的兩種模式,一是義父義子型,ニ是淸官孝子型. 第ニ章,關漢卿戱劇濃烈的尙義傾向.原始社會崇義氣,蒙古等北方遊牧民族在進入中土前後特制重義氣,尤其推崇結詳拜兄弟之間的義氣.論文把成吉思汗的班朱尼河之盟和關漢卿戱劇中桃園三結義的情節加以對照,指出ニ者在多方面的相似.尉遲恭和耶律留歌都是降將,ニ人身上的尙義傾向也有許多一致的地方,關漢卿的戱劇角色和蒙元之際的社會社會角色都以義氣위重.取舍之際最能見出人的義氣,關漢卿戱劇和蒙元之際少數民族成員中都有舍生取義的俠士. 第三章,關漢卿戱劇中儒家思想的弱化.關程卿與程朱理學是疏遠的,在關漢卿生活的蒙元之際,程朱理學剛從南方進入北方,而且傳播的速度흔 緩慢,未能迅速擴展開來,因此,關漢卿對程朱理學只能略知一ニ,而設有全面了解,戱劇中不過提到幾部典籍而已.儒學在關漢卿戱劇中充當工具角色,功利目的極其明確,人們對儒學抱着實用主義的態度,從而使儒學不再是神聖崇高的象征,而是論爲工具和玩物.由于北方遊牧民族和中土民間習司俗的衝擊,儒家思想在關漢卿戱劇往往只是一種點綴.面對人生的許多困擾,儒學經常處于軟弱無力的地位,未能幇助人擺脫困境. 第四章,具體分析關漢卿戱劇女性形象的鮮明特征.女中豪傑和賢妻良母是兩類不同的形象,ニ者有時又集于一人之身.關漢卿在塑造女性形象時,關注타們的膽識和能力,努力泰現타們的臨危不懼,足智多謀.女性角色的才能有雅俗之分,都是關漢卿所欣賞的. 關鍵詞: 蒙元 文化交融 關漢卿 戱劇 This thesis is on the study of the relationship between Guan Hanqing's drama and the culture of Mongal minority in Yuan Dynasty, reviewing his works from a broad culturl perspective. First of all, the author of this thesis, in preface, put forward his viewpoint, which, different from the previous ones, studies Guan Hanging's works from the point of national culturl melting, connecting his works with the special historical period of Mongol minority in Yuan Dynasty. This thesis covers four chapters, except for the preface. Chapter one, the tendency advocating filial diety in Guan's works. The Northern nomadic tribes entered the Midland (Zhongyuan) with primitive customs and one of the them is about filial diety, which found its way in the Confucian philosophy. As a result of it, they got along well with each other. Guan Hanging, under such an influence, successfully created Dou Er and Han Qiongying, two typical characters of filial women. His works, tied by the filial diety plots, told very complicated stories. Loyalty and filial diety in ancient times were of one unit. Guan developed his works into two kinds, stereotypied as, one, loyal fathers and sons, and the other, upright officials and filial sons. Chapter two, the strong tendency of loyalty in Guan's works. The primitive Mongolian tribes in Yuan Dynasty advocated loyalty, especially the Northern nomadic tribes. Before entering the Midland they cherished the friendship of sworn brothers. The author of this thesis, by making a comparison between The Alliance by Cheng Ji Si Han at Ban Ni River with the Story of the Three Brother's Alliance at TaoYuan in one of Guan's works, shows the similarities of the two works. There are also many similarities about loyal diety between Yu Chigong and Yeluliuge, both of whom were captured generials. Both the characters in Guan's works and the social roles in Yuan Dynasty presented a spirit of loyalty, especially at the moment of devoting their lives. Chapter Three, the decline of Confucianism in Guan's works. There was a distance from Guan Hanqing of Cheng and Zhu's idealist philosophy or study of principle, for in Guan's time, their philosophy was just coming into the North from the South. What's more, the spreading was going on very slowly. Therefore, Guan knew little about their philosophy. As a result. he only mentioned a little of it in his works. At that time Confucian philosophy, acting as a tool in Guan's works, was taken as a practical tool rather than a symbol of revere. Due to the contrast between the Northern nomadic tribes and the residents in the Midland, there were only few brushes in Guan's works on the Confucian philosophy, which, in a weak position, was unable to help people to get rid of the puzzles in life. Chapter Four, a detailed analysis on the characteristics of the female characters in Guan's works. The outstanding women and devoted wives and mothers are the two kinds of characters created in Guan's works. Sometimes the two became one. Guan paid much attention to their encouragement and ability in his creation and tried to show their braveness and intelligence at critical moments. Besides, his female characters are both refined and popular and he likes both of them.

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