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      • 일본 자위대의 영역확대와 한국의 안보정책 방향

        한준혁 忠南大學校 平和安保大學院 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        일본 자위대의 영역확대와 한국의 안보정책 방향 일본 자위대의 작전 영역이 전 세계로 확대된다. 이는 일본 주변으로 한정됐던 자위대의 작전 범위가 사실상 풀린 것으로, 미국과 협력할 경우 일본은 전 세계 어느 곳이나 군사력을 투입할 수 있는 길이 열린 것이다. 이러한 국제적 안보환경 속에서 한국을 중심으로 바라본 중국, 일본 등의 동아시아 안보환경은 중세부터 근현대사에 이르기까지 불안한 격동의 시기를 거쳐 왔다. 특히 현재 중국, 일본에 비해 열세한 군사력과 북한의 핵 위협 등 불안한 안보환경에 직면하고 있는 한국은 미국의 한미동맹에 대한 군비축소 움직임과 더불어 일본의 자위대 영역확대와 그에 따른 군사적 불균형이 다가올 가장 큰 위협이자 대비해야 할 안보과제라고 볼 수 있겠다 동아시아 안보환경에서 한국이 나아가야 할 방향은 무엇인가? 한국이 자립적으로 자국의 이익과 국제적 위상을 추구하기에는 아직 무엇인가 역부족이다. 또한 경제, 군사적으로 우위에 있는 일본을 상대로 도서분쟁, 위안부문제 등 기타 국가 간 주요 쟁점사항들에 있어서 세계 각국의 지지를 확보하는 것도 쉽지 않으며, 전후 60년이 지난 현재까지 한미동맹에만 의지하는 것은 효과적이지 않은 방향이다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제의식을 바탕으로 현재의 불안한 동아시아 안보환경에서 한국 안보정책이 나아갈 방향을 설정하였다. 즉 일본의 자위대 영역확대를 현실주의, 실리주의적 입장에서 해석하여 한국이 나아갈 안보방향을 제시하였다. 일본의 점진적이고 장기적인 자위대 영역확대와 재군사화를 통해 세계의 경찰이자 안보기능을 수행하는 미국의 패권을, 동아시아내에서 차지하려고 노력하고 있다. 미국은 동아시아의 균형 축 역할을 일본에게 배분하고 있으며 일본은 이것에 발맞추기 위해 중국을 견제하며 군사력 증대를 심화시키고 있다. 실제로 일본의 재군사화 방향은 전반적으로 미국의 지역적 군사 헤게모니를 지속 뒷받침하는데 맞추어져 있다. 미국의 중국견제 목적이나, 북한의 핵과 탄도미사일 위협을 봉쇄하기 위한 모든 면에서 일본은 미국에게 중요한 국가가 되고 있는 것이다. 또한 일본 자위대의 인도양 및 아덴만 파병으로 일본은 초국가적 테러리즘과 해적에 대응한다는 목표에만 국한하지 않고 증대되고 있는 중국의 영향력에 대응하여 해상교통로를 확보하고자 하는 임무까지 성실하게 수행한 셈이다. 이러한 자위대의 영역확대가 한반도 및 국제적으로 미치는 영향에 대해서 먼저 논하였다. 중․일간 대립심화, 핵 보유국 증대 가능성, 해양 영토분쟁 외에도 한반도내 자위대 파병우려나 평화통일 지연 등 앞 장에서 논했던 의견들과 더불어 장기적인 시각에서는 일본이 미․중 대립의 완충제 또는 정반대로 기폭제 역할을 할 수 있다는 점에서 한국이 취해야할 외교적, 안보적 향배를 고려해 봐야한다. 미국과 중국은 한국에 있어서 모두 버릴 수 없는 패이다. 국제관계가 단편적인 면에서 맺고 끊는 관계는 아니듯이, 미국과는 오래된 군사동맹 및 경제적 협력관계를 바탕으로, 급부상한 경제강국인 중국과는 주요 무역거래국으로서, 군사․경제․사회 등 각종분야에서의 양국관계를 단편적으로 판단할 수 없기 때문이다 그러나 분명한 사항은 한미동맹보다 더 심도 깊어지고 있는 미일동맹이다. 이는 한반도 평화안보에 심각한 불안요인이다. 한반도의 안보정책 방향에 대해서 미국에 대한 의존도 조정과 한․중 협력체계 구축을 서두에 놓은 것은 바로 이 때문이다. 아이러니 하게도 이 두 가지 방향은 세 번째 대책으로 제시한 국방력(전투력) 증강이 선 진행된 뒤에나 이루어 질 수 있는 대안일 수 있다. 그러나 본 논문이 제시하고자 하는 목적은 일본의 군사영역확대에 대한 대책으로서 중국을 강조하고자 하는 의미였다. 한․중관계는 수교 이후 국가원수의 중국방문을 통해 전면적 협력동반관계를 공식화하는 단계까지 발전하였으나, 이는 일정정도 중국의 한반도에 대한 영향력 확대의지가 반영되면서 추진되었다고도 보여진다. 즉, 중국이 지정학적 중요성이 큰 한반도에 대한 영향력 확보의 주 대상을 북한에서 한국으로 옮겨가고 있음을 시사하는 것이다. 이는 한국의 나아갈 안보방향 및 대책과도 맞아 떨어진다. 북한, 일본, 미국을 동시 견제할 수 있는 국가는 중국뿐이다. 또한 이제 동아시아에서 평화안보의 축을 담당한 미-일 주도가 아니라 동아시아권 국가들이 다각적이고도 평등한 주권국의 위치에서 경제․안보․외교를 논할 수 있는 다자협의체가 형성될 수 있다면 미국과 일본이 조장하고 있는 군사적 영역확대를 막는 지름길이 될 것이다. 물론 이러한 대책들을 더욱 공고히 되는 것은 한국군의 전투력 증강, 해외파병 및 유엔군 활동 적극 참여를 통한 국제적 위상과 입지확보 바탕이 되어야 한다. 이는 미국이나 중국, 일본에 비하여 군사력으로서는 열세인 한국에게 힘든 과제가 될 수도 있다. 그러나 광복이후부터 우리는 너무 단편적인 작전계획과 전략구상, 한 개의 동맹국의 의존해 온 것 또한 사실이다. 이제 시야를 넓히고 다각적인 방안을 마련하여 한반도내 진정한 평화안보의 시대를 개척해 나가야 할 때이다.

      • 東北亞 戰略均衡과 韓半島 平和體制 構築方案

        양충식 忠南大學校 平和安保大學院 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        21세기 급변하는 동북아 안보환경 속에서 1953년 7월 이후 지금까지 60여 년간 한반도는 UN의 정전협정체제 하에서 자국이익 확보를 위한 첨예한 남북대결 구도에서 전환하여 어떻게 하면 한반도의 항구적인 평화체제로 남북관계를 설계할 것인가? 에 초점을 두고, 먼저 남북한 관계를 국제정치학의 이론 즉 현실주의, 자유주의, 구성주의와 남북한의 특수관계론을 통하여 분석해보고 이러한 이론적 배경을 기초로 한반도 주변 4강국을 중심으로 21세기 동북아의 전략균형을 개관하고 북한의 군사도발과 WMD 위협을 분석한 후, 동북아 다자안보협력의 추진현황과 문제점을 살펴보며 현재까지의 남북관계와 변화 가능성을 토대로 평화체제 구축을 위한 추진현황과 문제점을 살펴본 후, 미래의 동북아 전략균형 속에서 실천 가능한 한반도 평화체제 구축 추진방안을 제시함에 있어 평화공존과 평화체제 구축의 의미를 조명해보고 베트남의 평화협정과 공산화 과정의 교훈을 통하여 한반도의 평화체제 구축을 위한 기본 추진원칙과 전제조건을 설정하며 그리고 구체적인 추진방안으로 평화협정체결과 국제적 보장방안을 제시하고, 북한의 핵개발 폐기와 한반도 군비통제 이행 등 평화체제 구축과 더불어서 주한미군의 지위조정과 미래 한미동맹의 지향방향을 제시함으로서 앞으로 변화하는 동북아 전략균형 속에서 한반도의 항구적인 평화번영에 기여 할 수 있는 있도록 남북한 주도하에 진정한 평화체제를 구축하기 위한 국가안보정책 수립에 기여 Since the end of the Korean War in July 1953, in accordance with the Armistice Agreement of the United Nations (UN), the Korean peninsula has gone through repetitive conflict and a long period of reconciliation and cooperation due to regime competition and the showdown between North and South Korea concerning unification. Efforts for the establishment of peace regime have been sustained since 1962. However, the practical results were very limited because the Korean Peninsula has a special geopolitical position, and the four neighboring powerful countries (U.S., China, Japan and Russia) focus on their own respective strategic purposes due to a conflict of interest. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to focus on how to design the inter-Korean relations to turn acute confrontation for its interests under the UN Armistice system over the last 60 years into a permanent peace regime on the Korean Peninsula in a rapidly changing security environment in Northeast Asia in the 21st century. First, the purpose is to analyze the North-South relations using the theory of international politics and the special relations between the two Koreas. Second, the purpose is to propose viable promotion methods to establish a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula considering future strategic balance in Northeast Asia based on the strategic balance on Northeast Asia in the 21st century, North Korea's military threat, and the promotion of multilateral security cooperation in Northeast Asia. And last, the purpose is to contribute to the formation of national security policy to build a true peace regime under the leadership of the two Koreas, which can contribute to permanent peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula. The literature research method is based on previously released documents and related materials i.e, relevant papers, periodicals, books, newspaper articles. The Internet was also used. To summarize the main points, the basic principle and precondition for active cooperation between the two Koreas, as well as establishment of a permanent peace regime to transition the current uneasy Armistice of the UN system to a strong peace treaty system under the multilateral security cooperative system in Northeast Asia for prosperity of Koreans under the future strategic balance in Northeast Asia for prosperity of Koreans under the future strategic balance on Northeast Asia, is to sign a peace treaty, a legal and institutional framework for the two Koreas to coexist peacefully, as they go through the process of unification. Therefore, the basic principles of a peace regime of the Korean Peninsula must be observed. First, the existing agreements to normalize inter-Korean relations, such as 'Armistice Agreement' and 'inter-Korean basic Agreement', must be maintained and observed until a new peace regime is established on the Korean. Second, North and South Korea must negotiate and reach an agreement establishing a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula directly. Third, this agreement (establishing a peace regime) must be pushed forward gradually on a step-by-step basis to affirm mutual peace and coexistence. Fourth, the abandonment of the core part of the nuclear program and actual arms control ought to be executed for complete denuclearization, to restore military confidence between the two Koreas. Fifth, a double security system, of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian-level, is needed to maintain and manage a permanent peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. Sixth, a special organization, an international and institutional strategy to fulfill the establishment plan of a peace regime, should be installed. And preconditions for the establishment of a peace regime will be made as follows. First of all, North Korea must abandon its nuclear program and be transparent about its nuclear program. Second, North must change its hostility toward South Korea to a win-win policy of peaceful coexistence. Third, South Korea must secure a self-defense posture to have an independent war deterrent toward North Korea. Fourth, South Korea should develop the Korea-U.S. military alliance toward future oriented partnership in case of disbanding UNC and role adjustment of US Armed Forces in Korea(USFK). And last, South Korea should obtain consensus and social cohesion about signing a peace treaty before transitioning to a peace regime. And for the detailed plans, international guarantees of a peace plan should be presented, as well as the installment of peace management organizations on the Korean Peninsula such as disposal of nuclear weapons, role adjustment of USFK, and the establishment of a new ROK-US alliance that will be mutually beneficial. Since the dynamic change of strategic balance in Northeast Asia of the 21st century and North Korea's regime crisis, and threats that recently appeared in the process of settlement of North Korea's nuclear problem threaten peace in the Northeast Asia as well as international community, the two critical axis to reduce the risk of sudden regime change(collapse) in North Korea need to seek a detailed way to promote and establish a true peace regime on the Korean Peninsula, and develop the future ROK-US alliance, establishing a strong multilateral security cooperation in Northeast Asia. To accomplish this, in-depth research is needed.

      • 韓國軍의 平和維持活動 發展方案에 관한 硏究

        유현호 忠南大學校 平和安保大學院 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        우리가 살아가고 있는 21세기 안보현실은 다양한 국제사회 안보환경의 영향에 따라 지금도 실시간 변화하고 있다. 세계는 냉전의 종식이후 동서간의 갈등은 사라졌으나, 국가 상호간의 국력에 의해 새로운 질서가 형성되고, 그동안 잠재되었던 국가 상호간의 다양한 문제들이 복합적으로 발생하면서 오히려 냉전시대보다 더 많은 분쟁이 발생하고 있는 현실이다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 UN(United Nation)은 평화유지활동을 추진하게 되었고, 각 국가의 특성에 맞는 다양한 형태와 방법으로 개입하여 분야별 지원과 조치를 통해 평화유지활동을 추진하고 있다. 한국은 1991년 UN에 가입한 이래 1993년 소말리아 평화유지 활동에 UN 평화유지군을 최초로 파병하였고, 1996년과 2012년 UN 안전보장이사회의 비상임이사국에 선출되는 등 현재까지도 국제사회의 책임 있는 구성원으로서 다양한 지원활동 및 평화유지활동에 참여하고 있다. 지난 21년간 국제사회의 많은 분쟁 속에 실시된 한국군의 평화유지활동 참여는 국가의 위상제고, 임의지역에서의 안정화작전능력 배양, 군수지원의 중요성 인식, 다국적군 국가들의 전투기술 및 Know-How습득, 경제 및 문화 분야 등의 많은 성과를 이루었으나, 아직도 홍보 및 정책지원 시스템, 국제협력 기반구축, 법률, 업무전담기구의 미흡, UN 상비군 참여, 전문요원확보 및 관리 미흡 등의 분야별 문제점을 가지고 있는 것이 사실이다. 따라서 국가의 능력과 한국군의 특성, 안보현실을 고려한 평화유지활동 참여와 발전방안에 대한 구체적인 제시가 필요한 현실이다. 본 연구는 한국군의 평화유지활동 발전방안에 관한 사항을 심층 검토하고자 하였다. 따라서 연구의 접근방법은 문헌조사와 사례연구를 통한 접근방법과 특정한 사회 상태를 이상적인 목표라고 전재한 후 그 목표를 달성하기 위해 무엇을 어떻게 해야 하는지를 연구하는 처방적 연구방법을 택하여 수행하였으며, 연구를 위한 활용자료는 평화유지활동과 관련된 각종 단행본, 논문, 학술지, 보고서, 세미나자료, 인터넷자료 등을 참고로 수집 분석하였다. 한국군의 평화유지활동은 세계평화에 기여하고 국가의 정책의 근본취지에는 부합하고 있으나 분야별 구체적인 방안제시 측면에서는 분야별로 보완 및 발전이 필요하다. 따라서 국제사회활동 참여를 통한 평화유지활동 활성화와 법과 기구의 전반적인 정비, 적극적인 UN상비군 참여, 체계적인 전문요원 양성 및 관리, 평화유지활동에 대한 국민적 인식 고양 등 앞으로 한국군이 추구해 나가야 할 평화유지활동 발전방안을 제시하였다. 한국은 국제사회의 일원으로서 UN 주도의 평화유지활동에 적극적으로 참여하고, 국제사회의 협력 및 안보체계를 강화하며, 정부주도의 한국군 평화유지활동을 활성화하여, 정부주도의 한국군 평화유지활동을 활성화하여 국가의 위상제고와 국가이익에 보탬이 되도록 평화유지활동 참여 영역을 확대해 나가야 할 것이다. The security reality of the 21st century, in which we are living in, is even now changing contemporarily in accordance to the various effects of the security environment of the international society. Although conflicts between the eastern and western hemisphere have ceased to exist since the cessation of the Cold War, the formation of a new order between nations have lead to current situation in which even more conflicts are arising than during the Cold War. The UN began to promote peace keeping operation(PKO)s in order to resolve these problems, and is promoting PKOs through numerous ways of intervention tailored to fit the characteristics of each country as well as through providing support and taking action in each area. Since joining the UN in 1991, Korea first dispatched UN peace keeping forces for PKOs in Somalia in 1993, and is even now, participating in various supporting activities and PKOs as a responsible member of the international community, as can be observed from the fact that it was nominated as a non-resident executive nation of the UN security council in 1996 and 2012. The Korean military’s participation in PKOs throughout many conflicts within the international society during the last 21 years has summed up to many achievements, such as boosting national prestige, nourishing the ability to conduct stabilization operations in arbitrary location, picking up multinational forces, and achievement in the economic and cultural areas. Despite of this, problems such as deficient public relation and policy support systems, the need for establishing a foundation for international cooperation, insufficient laws, dedicated organizations, and UN standing force participation, as well as the unsatisfactory securement and management of experts remain to be dealt with. Therefore, specific proposals regarding PKO participation and enhancement that take national capability, along with the characteristics of the Korean military and the security into consideration are critical. Through this study, we intended to examine matters of enhancing Korean military PKOs in depth. Therefore the chosen method of approach is research via literature study and case study, and books, theses, academic papers, reports, seminar and analyzed as reference material. Though the Korean military’s PKOs are contributing to world peace and are in accord with the original objectives of national policy, complementation and development are required in terms of presenting specific plans for each area. Hence, we have offered a way of improving PKOs that the Korean military should pursue, through activation of PKOs through participation in international activities, overall enhancement of law and organizations, proactive contribution to UN standing forces, systematic cultivation and management of experts, and improvement of the public’s perception of PKOs. As a member of the international community, Korea should actively participate in UN-lead PKOs, strengthen international society cooperation and security system, and vitalize government-lead Korean military PKOs, as a means of contribute to the elevation national prestige as well as the promotion of national interest.

      • 통합방위 역할과 기능 강화방안 연구 : 분권형 체계의 도입

        조승래 忠南大學校 平和安保大學院 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Korea's “Integrated Defense” is at a very important turning point at the time. First, a higher level of modern security system is required depending on the characteristics of modern security, and secondly, as it is about twenty years since the local governments have launched, the roles of local governments and their directors become increasingly bigger. Finally, the establishment of the security system of "Security Governance” with the participation of local residents and fit for the regional characteristics is required. These three factors should make the 「Integrated Defense Council」 further changed and developed. It can be said that the 「Regional Integrated Defense Council」 is at the center of the change and development. The establishment of organic system between the central and local area as well as that of organic system among the national defense elements is the key point of the strong security. The decentralized security must be paid attention to in the security sector as well as in all the other sectors. There may be counter-argument that there can be no decentralization in the security, but the establishment of regional security system becomes very important due to the characteristics of modern security of comprehensive security or human security, as we mentioned above. In particular, Korea's “Integrated Defense System” stipulates the role of the responsibility of the local government and its director in the 「Integrated Defense Law」. So, the central government and the local military and police should acknowledge the roles of the local government and its director and help them hold their corners defined in the law up. It should be recognized that the security of responsibility in the region is the basis of all-out national security. Meanwhile, the local government and its director should strengthen their capabilities to fulfill their roles in the regional security as defined in the law. A closer relationship with the military and police headquarters in the region should be built to take the day-to-day level of military or security advices, strengthen the role of the security department in the administrative organization, and seek the alternatives to make an active use of the security adviser system. In addition, the regional security activities such as the establishment and management of "Regional Forum” and the publication of "Regional security white paper” should be strengthened to concentrate all of security capabilities in the region. Finally, the security programs with resident participation to make the local residents the subject in the security and the establishment of security governance with resident participation are required. In conclusion, the “Integrated Defense” capabilities in the region is important in order to strengthen the role and function of“Integrated Defense”. To achieve this, it is considered necessary to strengthen the capabilities of the local government and its director and to establish the security governance to inspire the active participation from the local residents. 우리나라 통합방위의 역사 속에서 지금은 매우 중요한 전환기에 있다고 해도 과언이 아닐 것이다. 현대사회의 특성과 이로 인한 현대안보의 특징에 따라 한 차원 더 진화된 안보시스템이 요구된다는 점이 그 첫 번째이고, 지방자치단체의 출범이 20년이 되면서 다른 모든 영역과 마찬가지로 안보에 있어서도 지방자치단체와 그 장의 역할이 점점 더 커지고 있다는 것이 그 둘째이다. 마지막으로 주민의 참여와 지역의 특성에 맞는 안보시스템 구축이라는 「안보거버넌스」의 요구가 제기되고 있다는 점을 들 수 있다. 이런 세 가지 요인에 의해서 현재의 통합방위협의회는 더욱더 변화·발전해 나가야 한다. 그 변화·발전의 중심에 지역 통합방위협의회가 있다고 할 수 있다. 국가방위요소 간의 유기적 체계는 물론, 중앙과 지역의 유기적 시스템의 구축이야말로 튼튼한 안보의 핵심 요건이라는 점이다. 안보에 있어서도 다른 모든 분야와 마찬가지로 분권형 안보라는 착안이 필요하다. 안보에는 분권이 있을 수 없다는 반론이 있을 수 있으나, 우리가 앞에서 살펴본 바와 같이 포괄안보, 인간안보라는 현대안보의 특징으로 인해 지역 단위의 안보시스템 구축이 매우 중요해지게 되었다. 특히, 우리나라의 통합방위체계는 을·병종사태에 대해서는 지방자치단체와 그 장의 책임적 역할을 「통합방위법」이라는 법률로 규정하고 있다. 법률에 규정된 역할을 잘 해 낼수 있게 중앙정부와 지역의 군·경은 지방자치단체와 그 장의 역할을 인정하고 제 역할을 다하도록 도와줘야 한다. 지역 책임안보가 총력안보의 기초가 된다는 것을 인정해야 한다는 것이다. 한편, 법률에 규정된 지역안보의 역할을 다하기 위해서는 지방자치단체와 그 장의 역량을 강화해 나가야 한다. 지역의 군·경 사령부와 보다 밀접한 관계를 형성해 내어 일상적 수준의 군사·안보적 조언을 이끌어 내야 하며, 행정조직 내부에서는 안보전담부서의 역할을 강화하고 안보자문관 제도를 적극 활용하기 위한 대안도 모색해야 한다. 또한, 지역 전체의 안보역량을 결집해 내기 위해 「지역안보포럼」을 구축·운영하고 「지역안보백서」를 발간하는 등의 지역적 안보활동도 강화할 필요가 있다. 마지막으로 지역 주민을 안보의 주체로 만들기 위한 주민참여형 안보프로그램과 주민참여 안보거버넌스의 구축도 필요하다는 것이다. 결론적으로, 통합방위 역할과 기능을 강화하기 위해서는 지역의 통합방위 역량이 중요하고, 이를 위해서는 지방자치단체와 그 장의 역량을 키우고, 지역 주민의 적극적 참여를 이끌어 내는 안보거버넌스의 구축이 필요하다.

      • 동북아 다자간 안보협력 발전방안

        송길수 忠南大學校 平和安保大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Since the end of the Cold War, the new international order has been characterized by uni-multilateralism, which means that the United States (U.S.) has played the superpower role continually in the political and military spheres but several regional strong powers - Europe, China, Japan - have practiced their own influence throughout limited regions in the area of economics. These changes of international environment have brought out the change in the security environment In Northeast Asia. The lack of superpower and the rearrangement of the role of America make the security environment in Northeast Asia very unstable and uncertain. In these situations we need the cooperative system that differs from the existing and traditional method. As a new and alternative method, "multilateral security cooperation (multilateralism) which is based on the concept of comprehensive security" and has the importance of being a desirable and alternative solution to the regional problems (increasing instability, conflict and deepening mutual dependency trends). As an empirical model, OSCE and ARF taught us the importance of maintaining stability, which can be accomplished only through continual cooperation and meetings, and also by multilateralism, which contains bilateral and reciprocal relationships. Since 1969, a multilateral security cooperative system has been proposed continually by several nations throughout the region. Nevertheless, during that time, some chronic problems (ideology conflict, territorial dispute, or postwar problems) prevented these proposals and trials from being considered seriously. After three decades, with the recent changes in this region, the importance of the multilateral security cooperative system has been brought to the table again, and is being inspected thoroughly as a possible solution to the current situation. This study examines NATO, OSCE, APEC, Republic of Korea (ROK) - U.S. - Japan triangle type and 2+4 type. After all, 2+4 type seems to be the most desirable to be adopted into Northeast Asia because it can substantially control regional conflicts alone with the participation of North Korea. It can also manage the relative benefits more reasonably and practically without having to go through severe changes. For the prolonged development of multilateral security cooperation, this study presents three directions. First, 2+4 type, which can be flexible to the issues, seems to be the most desirable in the problem of membership. Second, the Incremental approach (incrementalism), which expands, from non-military issues to substantial security problems is desirable in the area of agenda setting. Third, in the problem of the institutionalization, it is necessary to accumulate the experience of the cooperation and to establish official organization by not only governmental but also non-governmental contacts. As a concrete implement plan, this study proposes "the six-way talks" in the form of "paralleled multilateralism" in the content and "diffuse reciprocity" in the strategy. In relation to the six-way talks, though each participant has his own position and profits diversely, considering the non-existence of alternatives, it is expected that most nations will become affirmative. Paralleled multilateralism has two important significances. First, it can be used as a complement together with the existing the bilateral relations. Second, the pending issues of security cooperation can be dealt with by cooperation of relevant countries and also simultaneously by all countries in the region within the frame of multilateral security. Diffuse reciprocity, which means that short-term and nonessential profits can be given up in the aspects of the long term, and will work as a useful means in the management of multilateral security cooperation. After The South-North Summit (2000) conference, the ROK government spread leadership beforehand in the process of institutionalization of regional multi-national security It is time to recognize the importance of ROK's initiative role to establish multilateral security cooperation. It is desirable that ROK spread his best endeavor to persuade a related nation and arbitrate the conflict between the power states as the mediator in this region.

      • 韓國軍 醫療支援團 平和維持活動(PKO) 硏究 : 西部사하라 活動을 中心으로

        김현숙 忠南大學校 平和安保大學院 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The aims of this study are to facilitate the decision-making process for the dispatch of medical supporting force and to provide necessary information needed for a preliminary education before dispatch by analyzing the participation and activities of Korean medical PKO and its effects, problems and alternatives. For this, the study investigated data regarding Korean medical supporting force that had worked from 1994 to 2006 in Western Sahara. The data was mainly gathered from researching related data and information which are available at the National Defense Electronic Library, Army University Library, National Assembly Library, and Chungnam National University Library. The data and information, also, was collected through interview with experienced personnel in this project, which were very useful in understanding problems and suggesting reforming measures and alternatives. The significant problems I found through research are as follow: 1. short period of education (4 weeks); 2. communication barrier and short dispatch period; 3. unbalanced medical supporting service; 4. the inefficiency of FMT and bad conditions of aviation; 5. limits of ways to relieve medical personnel's stress; 6. misunderstanding occurring in communication with non-medical personnel. The reform measures and alternatives to settle down upper-mentioned problems are as follow: 1. organizing the existing PKO team with civilian medical personnel; 2. establishing a medical team which is constantly ready to dispatch on request; 3. dispatching medical personnels who are fully able to communicate in English; 4. designing standardized health-care programs; 5. holding both position PMO and CMO position at the same time.

      • 한국의 유엔 평화유지활동 여건조성방안

        지영하 忠南大學校 平和安保大學院 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        When the Cold War system, which confronted the world between communist and democratic nations, came to an end by the reunification of East and West Germany and the dissolution of the former Soviet Union and the post-Cold War era began, the world expected that the age of peace and prosperity to arrive without further confrontation caused by ideology. However, in the post-Cold War era, more conflicts have been occurring, resulting in an increase in UN Peace Keeping Operations to solve the problems. Also, because there are still numerous conflicts all around the world, active participation in settling them in the international society is demanded. These conflicts were mainly between nations in the past, but now they are caused by ethnic groups, religions and so on, resulting in being faced with various dangers such as outbreaks of large-scale refugees, famine, diseases and states of anarchy and so on. UN and local organizations are actively involved in solving various conflicts within a nation or between nations and South Korea is also participating in the UN Peace Keeping Operations. However, in reality, it is more common that voluntary service in which some non-governmental organizations or individuals, rather than structured activities by national organizations, participate in such international conflict areas. In the case of South Korea, Democracy could be protected from communization in the Korean War through the support of the United Nations. In addition, South Korea achieved economic development in stability at home and abroad through the international society and friendly nations, resulting in joining a group of developed nations as the tenth largest economy in the world. Considering these circumstances, South Korea is seeking to shift to a supporting nation from a supported one, but because the supporting method and procedural system have not been well organized, its recognition in the international society is insignificant compared to its efforts. Considering the reality of the Korean Peninsula, it is the most ideal that the two Koreas achieve reunification in a peaceful way. Nevertheless, military readiness posture is being devised assuming various forms of collapse scenarios due to North Korea's inland problems. In the event of such situations, South Korea must contribute to the international society in various ways and broaden our positions from peacetime. This is to conduct a role of directly participating in active solution of the problems of the Korean Peninsula as a part of the international society and the UN Peace Keeping Organization or local organizations. In reality, there are dissenting views on sending troops abroad in the situation when the two Koreas are confronted with each other. However, considering the status of South Korea in the international society, the present level of sending troops now has the ability to actively contribute to the international society without impeding the role of the military inland. Although not a Peace Keeping Force, we have seen the progress of dispatch of the Jaitun unit which was sent to Iraq. We have seen that their dispatches had to be delayed due to political issues every time they sent troops in the situation that there are few decent legal and systematic devices. This has resulted in ineffectiveness of their support of many forces and money. When we face up such problems and predict the changes in the international security environment and conflict situation, it is concluded that involvement in conflicts by the Peace Keeping Operation or local collective security organizations will increase. Hence, we would like to seek to develop circumstances that will enable more effective participation in Peace Keeping Operation. In other words, the scope of participation and mission execution of the Peace Keeping Operation has been restricted, procedures for sending troops has not been legalized, and the educational system for effective mission execution after the dispatch has not been established. As a result, support for soldier's families has been insufficient. In order to overcome these related problems, legal and systematic devices should be prepared, experts should be trained by actively participating in the UN standing army system, and create the circumstances in which personnel of superior ability can participate by effectively administering the dispatched personnel. Such efforts will not only enhance the national dignity by actively participating in international society activities such as the UN Peace Keeping Operations, but also enable consideration of economic benefits after the conflicts have been resolved.

      • 東北亞 多者安保協議體 構築展望과 韓國의 對應方案

        김진규 忠南大學校 平和安保大學院 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The Northeast Asian countries have traditionally relied on unilateral, or bilateral, relationships to maintain national security. However, the shift into the post-Cold War era requires change from this traditional security system which not only complicates effective cooperation, but also limits preventive measures to the outbreak of the mentioned problems of environmental pollution, terrorism, etc. A close cooperative security system is necessary amongst neighboring countries in order to overcome such limits and to maintain permanent peace and stability in the region. In other words, nations will be able to solve problems and deter the outbreak of crises via discussions and negotiations of respective interests through ther means of cooperative security. For the organization of this multilateral security cooperation, Korea must maintain and strengthen the ROK·US alliance and take a step further in developing a ROK·US·Japan triangular security system based on the existing ROK·US alliance. Finally, leaders and specialists must come together to develop common policies for the early establishment of a North East Asian multilateral cooperative security organization, and pour their efforts to achieve substantial results.

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