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      • 한의학관련 임상시험 모달리티 및 인프라구축을 통한 한의학발전방안

        임희선 慶熙大學校 2008 국내박사

        RANK : 248703

        Objectives : The aim of this study is to develop the strategy how does the methods of treatment and diagnosis of Korean Medicine get the evidence of efficacy and safety and how to set up the infrastructure of Clinical Trial Centers Methods : We have got the information of clinical trial center or clinical collaboration center by site invitation and operated the expert committee to search for papers and reports on the Korean Medicine and infrastructure of clinical trials and also tried the internet exploration for the domestic or foreign site. Results : We investigated current situation of clinical research and industries in Korean Medicine. Also research fund and infrastructure on Integrative and Korean Medicine was analysed in domestic and foreign countries. Finally we suggested the modalities on clinical research using Korean Medicine and Plan for establishment of infrastructure for clincial research. Conclusions : For the development of industries and realization of evidence based Korean Medicine, clinical trial center for herbal medicine and medcal device, clinical research center for Korenam Medicine, information and policy center for Korean Medicine, international Korean Medicine research collaboration centers should be established in 5 years.

      • 파킨슨병에 대한 한의학적 연구 : 『東醫寶鑑』을 중심으로

        서준호 경희대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 248686

        A Study on Parkinson’s Disease in Korean Medicine : Focused on Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑) Suh, Junho Dept. of Science in Korean Medicine, Graduate School of Kyung Hee University Advised by Prof. Jeong, Changhyun Objectives : The purpose of this study is to clarify what aspects of Donguibogam diagnoses and treats Parkinson’s disease, which is not reliably treated in Western medicine. Ultimately, I would like to help you understand how various symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are treated according to the constitutional theory of Donguibogam. Methods : In this study, by examining Donguibogam, various traditional Chinese medicine classics, and related materials, I explored Donguibogam’s understanding of Parkinson’s disease and organized treatments according to the constitutional theory of Donguibogam. Based on this, I considered cases in which patients with Parkinson’s patients were treated according to the constitutional theory of Donguibogam. Results : First, Korean medicine studies have described Parkinson’s disease as mostly wind syndrome. However, after examining various traditional Chinese medicine classics, including the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon(黃帝內經), I found that Parkinson’s disease can be characterized not only by wind syndrome but also by blockage syndrome and atrophy syndrome. Second, while many traditional Chinese medicine classics are composed mainly of disease itself, Donguibogam is organized of important organic relationships between components in the body. This view is called the constitutional theory of Donguibogam. Third, when treating according to the constitutional theory of Donguibogam, various types of prescriptions were used to different kinds of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Even with the same symptoms, the actual cause of onset varies depending on the body constitution as said Ju, Dan-Gye(朱丹溪), an eminent physician who lived in the end of the Won dynasty. Fourth, one patient was not limited to a single prescription continuously under the treatment of the constitutional theory of Donguibogam. Symptoms that patients complain about continued to change for at least three months to more than a year. Therefore, I changed the prescription continuously as the symptoms changed and gradually it helped to cure the patients. Fifth, I tried to treat with more focuses on non-motor symptoms than motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease using the treatment of the constitutional theory of Donguibogam. Non-motor symptoms such as constipation, urinary frequency, hyperhidrosis, and sleep disorders are closely related to the life principles of the human body. As a result, I was able to confirm that with the improvement of non-motor symptoms, motor symptoms were also disappeared. Sixth, when treated according to the constitutional theory of Donguibogam, the patients in earlier Parkinson’s disease stage who had not used dopamine supplementation treatment were found to be more effective in treatment. Also, patients in the three premonitory symptoms with constipation, sleep disorder and olfactory problems were treated quickly. Perhaps dopamine supplementation treatment is doubtful to interfere with the treatment effect of Korean medicine prescriptions. Seventh, most Parkinson’s disease patients often have problematic lifestyle habits. Typically, as in ‘nine out of ten illness is due to phlegm and fluid retention’, many diseases are caused by phlegm and fluid retention. Excessive water or cold food intake leads to the retention of phlegm and fluid. Because of those kinds of problematic lifestyle habits, even young people can develop Parkinson’s disease. Conclusions : The incidence rate of Parkinson’s disease, one of the three degenerative brain diseases, is on the rise in Korea now due to rapid aging and problematic lifestyle habits. A solution to this is badly needed. In western medicine, neither the cause nor the onset of Parkinson’s disease is clear and it is diagnosed by mainly relying on symptoms, rather than laboratory tests or imaging diagnosis. The most common treatment is dopamine supplementation. Levodopa treatment, which is mostly used, is not a complete cure but can only be used for symptom relief, and it is not suitable for all Parkinson’s disease patients, and it can cause serious side effects, such as hallucinations, if used for a long time. On the other hand, many traditional Chinese medicine classics including the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon already suggested foundation regarding the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Also Donguibogam contains a theory of body constitution, which could be used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, with that, I was able to treat Parkinson’s disease patients in the early stages in effective ways. The shorter the duration of dopamine supplementation treatment, the better the treatment effect was. Based on this, I hope to shift the paradigm from Western medicine to Korean medicine based on Donguibogam, in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Keywords : Parkinson’s disease, Korean medicine, Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑), constitution

      • 갑상선기능항진증의 한의 진료지침 개발을 위한 제안

        김신서 尙志大學校 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        삶의 질을 크게 낮추는 질환 가운데 하나가 갑상선기능항진증이다. 기존 항갑상선제 투여나 호르몬 보충요법 그리고 수술요법을 대체하거나 혹은 보완할 수 있는 치료법을 찾는 환자들이 증가하면서 한의학 의료기관을 이용할 것을 기대할 수 있고, 전신 증상을 나타내는 질환이므로 한의학 치료가 주효할 질환이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 부응하기 위하여 국내와 중국에서 선행연구된 갑상선기능항진증 환자 치료 임상연구물을 통해 갑상선기능항진증의 원인, 치료방법, 치료처방에 대해 초보적이나마 갑상선기능항진증 한의학 치료 가이드라인을 구성하고자 본 연구를 시작하였다. 최근의 연구경향과 성과를 반영하기 위하여 2010년부터 2014년까지의 논문을 검색대상으로 하였다. 국내 9편의 연구와 중국의 임상연구 44편의 선행연구를 조사하였다. 갑상선기능항진증에 대한 한국과 중국의 임상연구논문을 검토하여 갑상선기능 항진증의 임상증세는 신경이 예민, 불안, 불면증, 수지진전증, 체중감소, 발한증가, 빈맥, 불임, 무월경, 근무력증, 골다공증, 심부전증 등이 있었고, 갑상선기능항진증의 병인은 陰虛火旺, 肝火旺盛과 肝火旺盛으로 인한 精氣消耗와 氣陰虧損이었으며 치법은 淸肝瀉火, 養陰淸熱, 益氣養陰, 疏肝解鬱, 軟堅散結, 散結消癭 이었고, 처방으로는 丹梔逍遙散, 甲亢煎, 大定風柱, 生脈散, 消癭湯 등이 많이 쓰였다. 중국의 갑상선항진증 치료는 양약과 중약을 병행 투여로 우수한 치료율을 보였고, 재발률에서도 양약으로 치료한 경우보다 중약과 양약을 같이 치료한 경우가 더 낮았으며. 갑상선기능항진증의 한방치료기간은 3-6개월이 가장 많았다. 갑상선기능항진증의 치료는 스트레스를 주는 환경을 제거하는데 초점을 두어야 된다. 氣의 소통을 원활하게 하여 즐겁게 생활할 수 있도록 하고, 열 발생의 실체를 파악하여 滋陰降火, 滋陰淸熱하고, 情志失調가 오래되어 장부 기능의 이상을 치료하기 위해 장부변증으로 치료하도록 하는 기준을 삼아 이에 대한 심도 있는 후속 연구를 통해 장부변증의 기본 안이 만들어 지기를 기대 한다.

      • 한의학의 처방 실천 : 소문학회 임상 및 전승 현장 연구를 중심으로

        김민선 경희대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 248655

        A great number of herbal formulas (方), accumulated in the history and transmitted to the next generations have constituted East Asian medicine. In a clinical encounter, Korean medical doctors (KMDs) write down the prescription suitable for the patient. In this prescribing process, KMDs can choose a ready-made formula as it is in medical texts. Or they are able to modify the established formula through adding some herbs or reducing a part of it. Otherwise, some KMDs can compose a new formula, arranging herbs one by one. In the medical history of East Asian medicine, these new formulas have been created and accumulated ceaselessly. In order to reveal how these new formulas could be created, this study researched the practice of composing formulas in Somun medical society (素問學會), which is one of the currents of tradition (學派) in contemporary Korean Medicine, using the method of participant experience employed by anthropological investigations. The members of Somun medical society do Jakbang (作方) that refers to the medical practice wherein KMDs compose their own herbal formula, which is most suited to the patient, during the clinical encounter. This study was based on data collected from two field sites, knowledge transmitting sites and clinical sites of Somun medical society. On knowledge transmitting practices, the master of the study group put emphasis on the steps from diagnosis to treatment in order. On the training, the apprentices estimated the clinical situation written in medical texts, disassembled the preexisted formulas to herbs, and reassembled as if they encountered the very same clinical situation. After perceiving and analogizing the vital Qi of the patient, and interpreting the pathology according to the contexts of Korean medicine for themselves, only then could the apprentices mentioned medical herbs and formulas. They have not been tied to standardized knowledges which instruct the KMDs to recall the fixed form bounding specific symptoms to particular formulas based on the previous experience. East Asian medicine has had a strength in providing suitable treatment for individual patients through these practical endeavors. These principles have been embodied in the KMDs, so that they gradually could get the virtuosity of Jakbang.

      • 한국 드라마에 나타난 한의사 이미지 : 현대 한의사의 문화적 권위 회복 과정에 대한 고찰

        김윤지 경희대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 248654

        This study explores the Korean medical doctors' image appearing in Korean dramas to examine the process in which contemporary Korean medicine has recovered the cultural authority. Investigating the Korean medical doctors' cultural authority is a meaningful way to understand how they obtained the current position against the extensive external influences affecting the medical field. The television drama is an useful tool to reveal the social/cultural awareness and assumptions the Korean people have for Korean medical doctors and Korean medicine. As a result of analyzing the Korean medical doctors' image appearing in 11 Korean TV dramas which dealt with Korean medicine and Korean medical doctors, this study divided it into four types: Korean medical heros overcoming the limit of individual and reality, modern Korean medical doctors as proficient medical professional, authoritative elder Korean medical doctors behind the times, and romantic partners with resources. The social/cultural dominant discourse entangled with the Korean medical doctor group was divided into three aspects: the democracy discourse that had occurred constantly in Korea which was a single-race nation; Korean medicine modernization discourse that was caused by focusing on the evidence-based medicine; and the romantic love discourse combined with the consumer capitalism. It was confirmed by the study results that the cultural authority of the Korean medical doctor group has changed according to the dominant discourse of each era, and Korean medical doctors also had endeavored to recover their cultural status. The result of this effort put the Korean medical doctor group on the professional rank at the top tier, and enabled them to secure an as high position that even has challenged the business area of western doctors. However, it is judged the Korean medical doctor group's constant effort will be necessary in order to accept the discourses of the rapidly changing contemporary society and meet the needs of the time. This thesis has a practical meaning in suggesting a direction for Korean medicine in the continuing jurisdiction competition with Western medicine under the dual medical system of Korean society. If the follow-up study on the Korean medical doctor's image appearing on various popular culture media such as movie, novel, comics, and TV show programs continues, it will be possible to consider the cultural authority of modern Korean medical doctors in more detail.

      • Collagen Ⅱ 誘發 關節炎에 對한 神仙氣步湯의 抑制 效果

        구본길 大田大學校 大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Cytokines play key roles in spontaneous autoimmune arthritis in CIA(collagen induced arthritis) mice, a model of rheumatoid arthritis. The object of study is to evaluate the effect of IL-6, TNF-α on development of collagen induced arthritis, on humoral and cellular immunity and on the endogenous production of IL-6, TNF-α in DBA/1J mice. DBA/1J mice were immunized with 100㎍ bovine type Ⅱ collagen in 0.1㎖ Freund's complete adjuvant. There are three groups in this study, Which are wild type(WT), CIA-control and CIA-SSKBT(350mg/kg). Levels of anti-collagen antibodies, serum IL-6 and TNF-α were measured at the end of study. At week 6, CIA-control group developed arthritis while CIA-SSKBT group showed far less incidence and severity of arthritis. This study shows that SSKBT inhibits inflammatory effect of IL-6, TNF-α

      • Effects of Sukjihwang(Rehmanniae radix preparat) on regenerative responses of injured spinal cord nerve fibers

        한규설 大田大學校 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        한의학에서 숙지황은 신경계나 심혈관계 질환을 포함한 여러 질환을 치료하기위한 한약처방의 중요 구성성분의 하나로 사용되어왔다. 이번 연구에서는 백서의 손상된 척수신경 축삭에 대한 숙지황의 재생촉진효과에 대한 잠재적 가능성을 연구하였다. 숙지황의 투여는 손상부위보다 원위로의 축삭의 재생촉진에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 척수의 압박손상 14일 후, 식염수 처리군에 비해서 숙지황처리군의 Phospho-Erk1/2 단백질 양이 높게 유지되어있었다. Cdc2 단백질은 손상 후 손상된 척수부위에서 숙지황과 식염수 처리군에서 높게 유도되었다. Cdk2 양은 손상된 척수부위에서 식염수 처리군에서 증가되었고 숙지황 처리군에서 있어서 더욱 증가되었다. Cdk5 양에는 영향이 없었다. 숙지황 처리군은 식염수 처리군에 비해서 피질척수로 축삭의 손상된 부위를 지나는 수지상으로 뻗어나가는 것과 길이 성장을 강화하였다. 숙지황 처리군에서는 광범위한 신경섬유의 싹돌기 및 하향확장이 관찰되었다. 성상세포 배양결과 식염수 처리군과 비교해서 숙지황 처리군에서 세포의 증식과 개별 세포의 세포질 구조의 증가를 보였다. 손상 1개월 후 관찰에서 숙지황 처리군에서 손상부위의 glial scar의 형성이 식염수 처리군보다 좁은 영역에서 제한되었다. 손상 1 개월 후 Gridwalk test에서 식염수 처리군에 비해 숙지황 처리군에서 높은 점수를 기록하였다. 따라서 본 결과는 숙지황이 손상된 척수신경섬유의 재생물질로 응용될 수 있음을 암시한다.

      • The Effects of Galhwahyejungtang (GHT) on Alcohol Metabolism and Alcoholic Liver Disease : 葛花解정湯이 알코올 代謝 및 알코올性 肝疾患에 미치는 影響

        안태규 大田大學校 大學院 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        갈화해정탕이 알코올 대사 및 알코올성 간질환에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 실험을 한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 갈화해정탕이 알코올에 의한 Hep G2의 세포 괴사를 방어하였다. 2. 갈화해정탕 투여가 대조군에 비해 혈중 알코올 농도를 낮춰 주었다. 3. 갈화해정탕 투여가 대조군에 비해 혈중 AST와 LDH 치를 유의성있게 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. 4. 간의 과산화지질 측정에서 갈화해정탕은 대조군에 비해 그 양을 감소시켰다. 5. 갈화해정탕 투여가 랫드의 간에서 항염 사이토카인인 IL-10의 발현을 대조군에 비해 유의성있게 증가시켰다. 6. 갈화해정탕의 투여가 랫드의 간에서 Fas ligand, TNF-α 및 TGF-β의 발현을 감소시켰다. 이상의 결과로 보아 갈화해정탕은 Fas ligand 와 전염증성 인자 (TNF-α 및 TGF-β)의 발현을 감소시키고 항염증성 사이토카인 IL-10의 발현을 증가시킴으로써 알코올성 간 손상을 방어하는 능력이 있는 것을 알 수 있다. 따라서 갈화해정탕은 알코올성 간질환의 예방 및 치료제로서의 유용성이 기대되며 향후 이에 대한 지속적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

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