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      • 건설공사 안전관리비 반영기준 개선방안 연구 : 단지개발사업을 중심으로

        이영헌 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 250751

        In 2022, the number of deaths from accidents in the construction industry is 341, the highest among domestic industries, accounting for 53% of the total number of industrial accident deaths of 644. From January 2022, the Act on the Punishment of Serious Accidents, which strengthens the responsibility of business owners and managers, came into effect. Under the ?Industrial Safety and Health Act?, occupational safety and health management expenses have clear standards for appropriation, such as differentiating the application rate according to the type of construction and target amount. However, the Construction Technology Promotion Act does not specify the detailed appropriation standards for safety management expenses. This situation can bring confusion to the construction site and is directly related to safety. Therefore, this study was conducted because it was necessary to prepare a plan to improve the safety management cost standard. This study analyzes the standards for reflecting various costs related to safety management costs of LH, a representative construction company, and analyzes the current status of actual use of 50 complex development projects to study safety management cost standards improvement plans. This study analyzes the start and completion details of the completed project, the initial and current (at the time of investigation) safety management cost accounting for the LH Complex Development Corporation. The establishment of detailed standards for safety management expenses is an active response to the government's industrial safety policies, such as the Act on the Punishment of Serious Accidents. Through this study, it is believed that domestic construction safety and quality improvement can be induced.

      • 건설공사의 안전 관련법 개선에 관한 연구

        이기필 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 250735

        Looking at the recent status of accidents, the number of industrial accident deaths in Korea has been continuously decreasing from 992 in 2014 to 855 in 2020 (11% decrease), but the number of accident deaths in the construction industry has declined from 434 to 458 (5.5% increase). The construction industry accounts for more than 50% of all industrial accident deaths. The causes of construction accidents are very diverse, such as the complexity and enlargement of structures due to urban development, insolvent construction and bidding system problems due to low-cost bidding, application of new technologies and new construction methods, and inadequate systems that do not reflect construction site conditions. This study compares and analyzes the contents of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Construction Technology Promotion Act, which are representative laws of construction safety management, and seeks to find problems and improvement measures. The first problem is that the Occupational Safety and Health Act marks the construction industry among the entire industries in the law, paying attention to safety management of construction works, and reinforcing the safety management of construction works and supplementing the Occupational Safety and Health Act through the enactment of the Construction Technology Promotion Act. Due to the overlapping part, it takes time to understand the safety management contents of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Construction Technology Promotion Act. In addition, there are many foreigners in recent construction workers, which makes it difficult to understand and implement the contents of the law in Korean. Second, the departments in charge of the two laws are set up by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, respectively, which lacks efficiency. Third, the two laws have overlapping content, as each law separately stipulates similar tasks for the safety management organization and education at the construction site. Fourth, because risk assessment and safety review are separately conducted by the two laws, consistency and efficiency are insufficient. The Occupational Safety and Health Act prescribes risk assessment and confirmation before or during construction, and safety accident management. The Construction Technology Promotion Act implements a system to remove risk factors before construction by conducting safety reviews when designing construction works. Since the risk assessment and safety review conducted by the two laws are carried out by each of the two departments, feedback for safety management is difficult and consistent measures are difficult when problems arise, so it is judged that the efficiency of the results obtained by implementing the system for safety management is insufficient. Fifth, it takes a lot of time to implement the administrative procedure, as it is necessary to obtain approval of a hazard prevention plan and safety management plan with similar contents from each of the two organizations. Sixth, systematic and efficient cost execution is difficult due to the dualization of safety management costs. Occupational safety and health management costs in the Occupational Safety and Health Act are calculated by multiplying the construction cost by a certain rate according to the size of the construction, and the safety management costs in the Construction Technology Promotion Act are required to account for the cost required for safety management. The safety management costs stipulated in both laws can be sufficiently duplicated and executed, which is an obstacle to the efficient use of the budget. As an improvement plan, for effective safety management of construction works, the department in charge is unified with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and the laws are integrated with the Construction Technology Promotion Act.If the accident rate and death rate are similar to the entire industry, safety management in all industrial fields It is reasonable to transfer to the Ministry of Employment and Labor, which is in charge of the job, and take charge of overall industrial safety management. Secondly, it is necessary to integrate the laws and regulations into one, and for detailed information, a plan is needed to make use of the strengths of the construction work safety management of the two laws and to compensate for the shortcomings. 1) The safety management organization follows the name and composition specified in the “Integration Guidelines for Hazard Risk Prevention and Safety Management Plan, 2007” of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 2) Education is prepared by integrating the contents of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Construction Technology Promotion Act. 3) The administrative procedure needs a complementary system that, if the law is integrated, is reviewed by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and approved by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 4) By unifying safety management costs, we establish reasonable standards for calculating safety management costs. 5) Reinforce feedback by integrating risk assessment and design safety review into one system. As for the improvement plan, it is proposed to revise the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Construction Technology Promotion Act by referring to similar papers and cases of integration of laws. Since it is considered desirable for each committee member and department in charge to participate. The approximate adjustment bill is the improvement plan by newly establishing the safety management contents expressed in the Construction Technology Promotion Act “Chapter 5 Management of Construction Works, Section 2 Quality and Safety Management of Construction Works” as “Section 3 Safety Management of Construction Works”. Including the information presented in the section suggests a revision. I think a lot of discussion and consultation are needed for the integration of the two laws. Safety accidents in the construction industry may not be reduced if no one makes concessions and only claims my own territory. To reduce safety accidents in the construction industry, it is hoped that the improvement measures that analyze and propose the advantages and disadvantages of representative laws and regulations will be used for safety management in the construction industry. Key words: Occupational Safety and Health Act, Construction Technology Promotion Act, overlapping, legislation integration

      • 건설현장에서 고령근로자 안전성 확보 방안 : 플랜트 현장 중심으로

        김성래 서울과학기술대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 250735

        우리나라뿐 아니라 다른 외국에서도 사회적으로 큰 문제가 되고 있는 것이 있다. 바로 경제저하인데 경제저하의 가장 큰 원인으로 지목되는 이유가 바로 ‘저출산-고령화’ 문제이다. 사람들이 출산은 자꾸 덜하게 되고 노인 인구는 급속도로 늘어나고 있다. 그런 상황에서 고령자에 대한 근로 확대를 통해 국가적인 재정 확보는 필수로 되어가고 있고 이에 따라 우리나라에서도 계속 추진하고 있다. 특히 저출산과 3D업종 기피현상으로 젊은 인력수요가 줄면서 고령근로자들의 산업재해 노출위험은 더 높아질 것으로 우려된다. 노동부에 따르면 저출산-고령화의 영향으로 55세이상 경제활동(경활)인구가 2008년 436만 7000명에서 오는 2018년 720만 2000명으로 전체 경활인구에서 차지하는 비중도 18.0%에서 27.2%로 높아질 전망이다. 이에 비해 15~29세 경활인구는 같은 기간 438만 1000명(18.0%비중)에서 344만 6000명(13.4%)로 줄어든다. 고령근로자는 많아지는데 젊은 사람들의 수가 줄어들고 있다. 젊은 사람들의 고용확대가 제일 중요하지만 그렇지 않는 경우에는 고령근로자를 어떻게 안전하게 작업을 할 수 있게 만드느냐가 더 중요하다. 특히 건설업에서 고령근로자의 사고비율이 굉장히 높게 나온다는 이유로 지금까지 고용에 많은 문제가 있었지만 통계적으로 분석한 결과 단순히 고령이라는 문제보다는 경력이 낮은 사람이 사고가 높았고, 단순히 고령근로자의 사고비율이 높은 것이 아니라 과도한 근무를 하거나 근로시간이 긴 사람이 안전사고가 발생했다. 고령으로 인한 재해보다는 다른 요인이 많았다. 하지만 고령근로자 재해가 높은 것은 사실이며, 이런 고령근로자 재해를 줄이기 위한 방안을 모색했다. 실제 설문은 건설현장 근로자 340여명 정도를 조사했다. 설문 결과는 SPSS 13.0으로 분석하였다. 통계기법으로는 빈도분석, 교차분석, 분산분석, 로지스틱 회귀분석을 사용하였다. "Low and old age trend" is a big social problem mutely in korea but also in foreign countries. The Government pursues a policy for old age people to take part in work industry as labours. Low childbirth and evasion of 3D work kinds lead to exposure of old age workers to industry work places. According to korea department of labour, it is expected that 18% of total economic activity people in 2008 to 27.2% in 2018 be increased with age of more than 55 old years. Therefore, It is needed that more countermeasures for old age workers should be taken for safer work conditions. This old age workers with more than 55 old years contain major portion of accident occurrence in construction industry. It is found that accident rate in construction industry can be decreased if appropriate technical safety training is provided to them who wish to work at construction sites. Statistic analysis such as frequency, cross, logistic regression using program package sass 13.0 has been made after questionnaire survey of more than 330 workers at construction sites.

      • 건설정보 DB구축 및 통합관리모델 개발 연구

        박인권 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 250719

        건설사업 설계성과품 디지털 정보의 수요와 관심이 지속적으로 증가하고 있으나 전자 설계성과품 납품체계 및 기준 미흡, 전자 설계도서 관리 및 공유 부족 등 국내 공공사업 발주기관의 미비한 디지털 정보화 체계 및 디지털 정보 활용에 대한 인식에서 문제점이 파악되었고 이를 개선할 필요성이 있는 것으로 분석되어 건설정보 DB구축 계획 및 세부 방안을 모색하여 설계성과품 분류체계, 건설정보 메타데이터, 확률 및 통계 활용 설계정보 데이터 등의 표준화를 제안하였다. 또한, 데이터 통합 등 향후 신규 데이터가 생산되더라도 손쉽게 통합될 수 있도록 건설정보 통합관리모델 개발을 제안하였다.

      • 드론을 활용한 노후아파트 안전점검 적용 타당성 연구 : 외관 균열점검을 중심으로

        이승규 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 250703

        As 30 years have passed since the completion of public rental apartments, the number of safety inspection targets due to the deterioration of facilities is rapidly increasing, and the importance of safety inspections is also increasing. Safety inspections conducted in accordance with the Regulations on the Safety Management of Facilities are carried out for the purpose of discovering physical defects and inherent risk factors through on-site surveys, and suggesting initial measures and reinforcement methods. and, preventing economic losses due to large-scale repair and casualties in advance. Until now, the appearance inspection of high-rise apartments has been carried out through visual inspection by manpower, and limitations on the inaccuracy of defect detection, prolonged time required, and cost increase have existed. In this study, defect images of the exterior walls of high-rise apartments were obtained using drones to find an efficient way to inspect the appearance. In addition, by analyzing the progress of the safety inspection and the performance of the inspection results, the feasibility of safety inspection using drones was examined 공동주택의 노후화로 인한 안전점검의 대상이 증가되고 중요성이 증대되고 있다 그러나 외벽 균열점검시 인력에 의한 점검은 신뢰도와 시간이 많이 소요된다. 본연구에서는 드론을 활용한 외벽균열 점검을 시행하였다 그 결과를 기존 인력에 의한 점검방법과의 비교한 결과 발견건수와 소요시간 및 비용 측면에서 활용도가 높은 것으로 연구되었다

      • 텍스트마이닝(Text Mining) 기법을 이용한 건설안전 사고발생 유형분석 및 대책 수립에 관한 연구

        이윤기 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 250703

        Objectives : Korean government aims to achieve the reduction of more than half (60% or more) of industrial accident casualties by 2022. For that, it is essential to prevent accidents at construction fields, which account for more than 50% of all industrial accidents. By adopting big data technology to analyze past industrial accident cases and establishing safety measures, construction safety accidents can be drastically reduced. In this study, using text-mining technique, disaster causes are analyzed in various ways and safety measures are established. Methods : As of 2020, the Korea Land & Housing corporation accounts for 30% of the total construction orders for public purposes in Korea (9.1trillion Korean won in 2020). The author analyzed the construction safety accidents using text-mining technique, one of big data analysis techniques, for statistical data (1,305 cases) of accidents that occurred from 2016 to 2020. Results and discussion : The author discusses the safety measures for type of accidents; scaffolding, formwork, and tower cranes that are concerned about large-scale accidents(disasters), and for 20 risky works of 7 types including falling, crushing/overturning, suffocation, collapsing, bumping, cutting, and stabbing. Conclusions : The recently enacted Severe Accident Punishment Act and the amended Occupational Safety and Health Act focus on punishing perpetrators rather than preventative measures. Accident cannot be prevented by punishment alone. It is appropriate to establish all safety policies focusing on preventive measures rather than punishment.

      • 3기 신도시 교량 경관개선을 위한 초고강도 콘크리트(UHPC) 활용 연구

        이기남 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        1. 연구 배경 3기 신도시 관련 교통, 에너지 절감, 환경 등 다양한 분야에서 특화방안이 진행 중이며 특색 있는 디자인 도시를 목표로 계획되어 있다. 그러나 3기 신도시 내·외 주요 지역을 연결하는 다수 교량 구조물의 경관에 대한 고민이 부재하다. 따라서 기존 1,2기 신도시의 교량과 차별화되고 랜드마크로써 도시경관을 특화할 수 있는 기술검토가 요구된다. 또한, 일반적으로 건설되고 있는 콘크리트 교량은 평균수명이 40~50년 수준이고 준공 후 보수·보강 및 교체공사에 투입되는 비용이 매년 발생하는 등 유지관리를 위한 개선방안이 시급한 상황이다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위하여 2000년 중반부터 초고강도콘크리트(Ultra High Performance Concrete)의 적용이 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 특히 구조물의 경관개선 및 장수명화, 경량화 등 유지관리에 우수한 UHPC재료의 장점으로 인하여 지속적인 보급· 확대가 이루어지고 있다. 프랑스와 미국, 유럽, 일본 등 선진국에서는 전술한 UHPC의 장점을 교량에 접 목함으로써 구조물의 안전성 확보, 장수명화, 경량화를 실현하는 동시에 유지관리 비용을 혁신적으로 절감하고 있다. 국내에서도 UHPC 교량 기술은 현장적용 수준 까지 도달한 상태이지만 적용확대에 필요한 구체적인 현장적용 핵심기술인 내구성, 경제성, 시공성, 현장조건 및 설계지침 등의 검토가 부족하여 많은 장점에도 불구 하고 UHPC 교량이 적용된 사례는 매우 적은 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 UHPC를 3기 신도시 교량 구조물 특화에 적용함으로써 현장적용에 필요한 핵심기술을 검토하고 신도시 내 신설예정인 장경간 교량에 대 해 경관성을 향상하여 상징적인 구조물로서 도입 및 활용방안을 검토하고자 한다. - 2 - 2. 연구 목적 3기 신도시 내 교량에 일괄적인 강구조물 적용을 지양하고 선도적인 재료로서 우수한 특성이 있는 초고강도 콘크리트(UHPC)을 활용하여 경관성 개선을 위한 활 용방안 검토가 본 연구개발의 최종목표이다. 기존의 철근콘크리트 구조물은 노후화로 인해 급격한 유지보수비용이 증가하고 연간 폐기물중 50% 내외가 건설폐기물로 이를 처리하기 위한 막대한 비용뿐만 아 니라 환경보존에도 악영향을 주고 있으며 이에 따른 구조물의 수명을 획기적으로 연장하기 위한 적극적인 신소재 활용이 필요하다. 따라서, UHPC의 내구성, 경제성, 경관개선 등의 효과를 검토하여 3기 신도시 현장여건을 고려한 UHPC 교량 도입방안을 확보하는데 목표가 있다. ◦ UHPC의 재료적 특징을 분석하여 3기 신도시 교량 구조물에 경관성 향상을 위한 방안을 제시 ◦ 3기 신도시 경관개선 방안을 통해 신도시의 상징성 및 경쟁력 증대 등 공사 이미지 제고 ◦ 저형고, 미관개선, 고내구성, 장수명, 저유지비용 등 효과를 검토하여 교량 구 조물에 UHPC 적용 가이드라인 제시 ◦ UHPC 유지관리 가이드라인 제시 ◦ UHPC 교량의 기대효과 제시 교량에 UHPC를 적용함에 있어 재료적 특성과 역학적 특성의 차이가 있으므로 UHPC에 적합한 가이드라인이 적용될 필요가 있다. 따라서, 기존 교량의 한계성과 UHPC의 적용 효과를 분석하여 3기 신도시 교량 구조물 특화에 적용에 필요한 핵 심기술의 도입 및 활용방안을 검토하고자 한다. A Study on the Utilization of Ultra High Performance Concrete(UHPC) to Improve the Landscape of the 3rd New City Bridge Gi Nam, Lee Major in Safety Engineering, Graduate School of Gyeongsang National University Jinju, Korea Specialized measures are in progress in various fields such as transportation, energy conversation, and environment related to th 3 rd new city, and are planned with the goal of becoming a uniquely designed city. However, there is no concern about the landscape of the multiple bridge structures connecting the main area inside and outside the 3 rd new city. In addition, the average lifespan of concrete bridges that are generally constructed is around 40 to 50 years, and costs for repair, reinforcement and replacement are incurred every year after completion, so improvement measures for maintenance are urgently needed. To solve these problems, Ultra-High Performance Concrete has been actively applied since the mid-2000s. Inparticular, the distribution of - VI - UHPC materials is continuously expanding due to its excellent advantages in maintaining the structure, such as improving the landscape, extending lifespan, and reducing weight. Developed countries such as France, the United States, Europe, and Japan are applying the advantages of UHPC mantioned above to bridges to ensure structural safety, longer lifespan, and lighter structures, while at the same time innovatively reducing maintenance costs. In Korea, UHPC bridge technology has reached the level of field application, but due to lack of review of specific field application core technologies required for expansion of application, such as durability, economic feasibility, constructability, field conditions, and design guidelines, UHPC bridge technology has been applied despite its many advantages. The situation is very small. Therefore, in this study, we review the core technologies required for field application by applying UHPC to the specialization of bridge structures in the 3 rd new city, and review ways to introduce and utilize long-span bridges scheduled to be built in new cities as symbolic structures by improving the landscape.

      • 고속철도 PSM 교량의 製作 및 架設特性에 관한 硏究

        김창길 서울産業大學校 鐵道專門大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        초고속 교통 운송 수단으로 시행되고 있는 경부고속철도 건설공사는 주행특성에 따른 노선의 평면 및 종단의 제한성 때문에 우리나라의 지형 특성상 교량점유율이 높아 많은 구간이 교량으로 건설되고 있다. 이러한 교량은 고속철도의 진동 및 소음 등을 고려하여 주로 콘크리트 계열의 구조가 적용되고 있으며, 특히 구조물의 동적 거동에 구조적으로 유리한 PSC 박스 거더 형식이 상부구조로서 채택되었다. PSC 박스 거더 교량의 가설공법으로는 FSM, MSS, ILM공법 등이 있으나, 본 경부고속철도에서는 경제성 및 공사기간 등을 고려하여 PSM(precast span method) 공법을 채택하였다. 이 공법은 PSC박스 거더의 전 경간을 공장에서 프리캐스트로 제작하여 특수한 가설장비를 사용하여 가설하는 방식이다. 본 논문은 PSM 교량이 우리나라에 최초로 도입되어 시행하고 있는 만큼 지금까지의 교량 건설 방법과의 비교를 통하여 공법 적용의 적합성, 구조적 안정성, 균열제어를 통한 내구성, 시공성 등을 분석하였으며, 항후 건설 예정인 호남고속전철 등에 가설되는 교량에 본 공법을 적용함으로서 교량 건설의 기술 발전은 물론 경제적인 측면에서의 기여에도 이바지하는데 목적을 두고자 한다. P.C Box girder types have been applied widely to the construction and design on the lengthy bridge in highway and railway project. The bridge of high speed railway was considered in its vibration and noise, and applied to concrete structure type. Especially, in a case of ultra-lengthy bridges of high speed railway being planned, the construction systems for erecting PC box girder must have mass productivity and uniformity in the quality control. So it was needed for the bridge design to be able to adopt means that was such a system as precast fabrication without in-situation placing, mass and full-sized production in the factory From this study, a PSM was introduced to first time in Korea, some comparisons with existing bridge construction methods and outlines of construction method by PSM was explained to analyzed its compatibility on applicable fitness, structural stability and suitability for construction. And necessary analysis contents and problems per construction (production/carrying/erection) phase checked, because structural stages would be varied by the characteristic of PSM. And on two or three continuous span structure in service load stage and iso-static span in construction phase, structural analysis flow, design patterns and recent detailed part design techniques concerning longitudinal and transverse deflection, shear, prestressing introduction zone analysis, bearing design, closure joint reinforcement, etc. were studied so that the property of design and construction also economical benefits, as for PSM becomes understandable clearly.

      • 현장조사에 기반한 공동주택 기계설비공사 안전사고 원인분석 및 저감대책 제시에 관한 연구

        이창희 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        Purpose: Multi-family housing construction is the industry with the most safety accidents. Construction work consists of a comprehensive construction business and a specialized construction business. However, the overall system for safety management has mainly focused on original contractors and comprehensive construction industries. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways to prevent safety accidents for subcontractors and professional construction companies that directly employ the labor force. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors and prepare reduction measures to prevent safety accidents. In particular, construction of housing facilities has increased in importance by constructing air conditioning, cooling, heating, and ventilation facilities for buildings, but it may be insufficient for safety management compared to electricity and fire fighting construction that is integrated and placed separately. Therefore, it focused on the construction of housing facilities Methods: As a research method, field surveys and literature surveys were conducted. The survey targets 292 stakeholders in charge of construction of housing facilities in apartment construction projects nationwide. For the survey, personal information, safety accidents, high-risk work management, and smart safety equipment were surveyed. In addition, based on domestic construction safety laws and systems and guidelines operated by actual ordering organizations, safety management deficiencies and reduction measures that may occur in construction of housing facilities were studied. Results and Discussion : The most common type of disaster in the entire construction industry and construction of housing facilities is "falling" accidents, and it is considered important to educate safety awareness and wear safety equipment to prevent safety accidents. In addition, welding work and high-altitude work of less than 2 meters should be additionally classified as high-risk work in the Safety Work Permit. Most of the smart safety equipment had no application cases, and the "closed space hazardous substance meter" would be the most effective, and the "smart safety helmet" was the most necessary to introduce. However, they responded that smart safety equipment should be reflected in the contract details such as safety management costs due to low utilization rates due to site design changes. In addition, according to the contract structure of the subcontracting method, quality deterioration and safety management problems arise due to low-cost orders, and illegal subcontracting is prevalent in the industry for separate orders. Therefore, strong management and supervision at the client and government level is needed. Construction of housing facilities should fulfill its safety management obligations, such as the preparation of safety management registers that each contractor must perform at each stage of design and construction, and it is necessary to improve awareness to ensure independent safety management. In order to derive risk factors that may occur in construction of housing facilities, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and LH specifications analyzed the main work contents by process and part, and compared them with the risk factor profile of the Construction Safety Management Integrated Information(CSI) to establish risk factors and reduction measures. Conclusion: In order to solve the cause of safety accidents in construction of housing facilities, it is necessary to solve various problems such as changes in systems, application of smart safety equipment, changes in industrial structure, and improvement of awareness of safety management. construction of housing facilities needs to establish a separate safety management system for construction of housing facilities itself, away from the existing safety management that is dependent on construction and leaders, and consideration and research on the prevention of safety accidents at construction sites should be continued. Key words: Construction of Housing Facilities, Apartment House, Safety Accident, Survey, Risk Factors, Reduction Measures

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