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      • In vivo fluorescence imaging and tomography methods to quantify metastatic burden in lymph nodes

        DSouza, Alisha Viola Dartmouth College 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Morbidity and complexity involved in lymph node staging via surgical resection and biopsy could ideally be overcome using node assay techniques that are non-invasive. Visible blue dyes, fluorophores and radio-tracers are often used to locate the sentinel lymph nodes from draining lymphatic vessels near a tumor, but they only rarely provide an in situ metric to evaluate the presence of cancer. As such, imaging systems that are quantitative and sensitive to surface- and subsurface-fluorescence could provide a radiation-free, less invasive alternative to existing approaches, and have the potential to perform both node mapping and metastasis sensing.. Issues of non-specific uptake, and high delivery variability complicate imaging of single tracers in a lymph node. To overcome these problems, ratiometric schemes using multiple fluorescent tracers along with modeling techniques to estimate cancer biomarkers have recently been demonstrated. In this approach, quantitative estimates of the cancer burden are attainable using micro-doses of fluorescence-labeled tracers targeted to cancer-specific receptors, thus providing high specificity in studying cancer progression and metastasis. In this work, an extensive review of commercial fluorescence imagers and their capabilities led to some unique directions in sensing of lymph nodes with alternative hardware and image processing methods. A previously designed high-frequency ultrasound-guided fluorescence tomography system was upgraded to enable multi-spectral capabilities with large source-detector spacing, to allow subsurface measurements, and the ability to spectrally decouple autofluorescence and signals from multiple fluorophores. Along with tomography, we used planar fluorescence imaging methods to image lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels to quantitatively study lymphatic uptake, flow variation, and lymphatic system changes with tumor progression. In particular, imaging the lymphatic flow in the lymph vessels relative to the uptake in the nodes provided a unique methodology to quantify tumor burden. On the other hand, the value of targeted agents in lymphatic imaging appears to be sensitive to the location and method of delivery, and as such it was found that internal tissue normalization methods were more robust with non-specific fluorophores. Murine models of nodal involvement of metastases, and design of real-time fluorescence imaging tools were combined to propose the most constructive approach to non-invasive quantification of tumor burden in lymph nodes for future clinical implementation.

      • Managing Food Loss and Food Waste in the Supply Chain

        Dsouza, Alwin ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The global population is expected to reach 10.5 billion by 2050. With the increase in population, food production needs to increase by at least 70% in 2050. This would require a several-fold increase in food production. However, scarcity in land availability, a falling water table, weather variability, and an increase in the cost of agricultural operations have made this difficult. The gap between food supply and demand could be minimized if food losses are reduced during production, post-harvest activities, and food waste during consumption. This dissertation focuses on food loss (FL) by growers and food-waste (FW) by households. Specifically, the dissertation first, investigates the impact of vertical coordination on FL in India. Secondly, the dissertation examines the impact of offline and online shopping on FW by American households. The FL study uses farm-level data from India and a novel estimation method in the literature. Findings show that agribusiness firms rejected a significant quantity of the product due to quality standards. The amount of produce rejected was directly impacted by labor and transportation costs. Modeling and simulating the effects of labor and transport costs show that lowering labor and transport costs for the smallholder growers would reduce FL. The FW study uses scanner data of a popular retailing chain in the United States. Using the behavior of over-purchasing of impulse products and machine learning approach, the predict the over-purchasing of impulse products across online and offline (grocery stores) channels. The study finds that households over-purchase 29% more of impulse products (danish pastries, sweet bread, and cakes) when shopping online compared to offline shopping. The dissertation provides two critical insights related to the decision-making process of growers and grocery shoppers. First, growers' decision on reducing FL is related to the quantity of produce rejected by contracting firms and selling produce in the spot markets. Second, FW is significantly related to a grocery shopper’s choice of a shopping channel and the decision on how much to purchase.

      • The Rhetorical Ecology of an Urban Wetland Complex

        Dsouza, Evelyn Elizabeth ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Minn 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The Hackensack Meadowlands, a feature of the Hackensack-Passaic Watershed, is a thirty square-mile urban and estuarine wetland in northeastern New Jersey on the outskirts of New York City. As urban wetlands have become a priority in the field of environmental management, this dissertation traces the rhetorical ecology of one such contested site (the Meadowlands), highlighting the role of public and professional texts as agents of both knowledge production and landscape change. To that end, I offer two analyses in this dissertation. The first is a genre analysis of technical descriptions derived from a reading of a large collection of texts, including analytical reports, field guides, natural resource inventories, primary scientific literature, and public-facing narratives. The second is an examination of the rhetorical conditions that precipitated the proposed listing of the Lower Hackensack River to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA’s) National Priorities List. The methods used in this study are grounded in writing studies scholarship (with a dual focus on technical communication and rhetoric), but this work also engages fields as diverse as human geography, literary studies, the environmental humanities, studies of science and technology, environmental planning, and environmental sociology. In the conclusion of the dissertation, I reflect on associated questions of land justice and environmental justice efforts in upstream/downstream relationships and explore the theoretical, practical, and pedagogical implications for technical communication and public writing in the environmental sector.

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