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      • 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 배우자 역할에 대한 현상학적 연구

        조해선 한북대학교 지식복지대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Abstract Phenomenological Study on Spouse Role in Rural Multicultural Family Cho, Hae-seon Dept. of Social Welfare The Graduate School of Knowledge and Social Welfare Hanbuk University This study is to provide basic material for successful marriage and adaptation improvement to stable rural community as deeply examining husband and wife role and experience recognized by female in rural multicultural family. It is ultimately to establish social support system as providing basic material for stable early adaptation of rural multicultural family wife as a rural community member, policy and system for improve quality of life and development of education and counseling program. This study performed quality study to examine cognition and experience as it is about wife role of female in rural multicultural family. Specifically the results of in-depth interviews with 13 females in rural multicultural family was analyzed through phenomenological method. The summaries of this study are as followings. At first, as the results of analysis on wife's cognition about husband role in rural multicultural family, they were 'nice and warm man', 'no special thought', 'clean and cool looking man', 'man without straitening wife', 'husband taking care of housekeeping', 'having independent family' and 'strong responsibility to children'. Females in rural multicultural family did not deeply think about husband's role at international marriage, but it could be known that vague longing for rich country, Korea by Korean wave and its expectation continued to expectation on husband. Also, because of lack of prior investigation and understanding about Korea culture, it could be known that they considered own country's social mood, family and marriage culture to be existed in Korea. At second, as the results of analysis on experience of husband role by females in rural multicultrural family, they were 'good-tempered and nice to me', 'adjust to me', 'irresponsibility and apathy', 'cannot lean to him', 'no housekeeping', 'intermediate role between his family', 'more taking care of children, parents and relatives', 'drink, gambling and violence'. The experience of husband role was little different from cognition of husband role by females in rural mulitcultural family. It could be known that both positive and negative aspects co-existed in experience of husband role cognized by females in rural mulitcultural family, At third, as the results of analysis on cognition of wife role by females in rural multicultrural family, they were 'nice to husband', 'not full responsibility of housekeeping', 'child birth and raising', 'equal relation with husband family', 'never think about it'. They were recognizing that the wife role is to be nice to husband and birth and raise children, and they also thought that they should be nice to husband family such as well preparing basic food, clothing and shelter and traveling own country with husband's parents, etc. At fourth, as the results of analysis on experiment of wife's role by females in rural multicultural family in this study, they were 'keep staying at home', 'must adjust to Korea (husband and his family)', 'must accept husband and Korea culture', 'my responsibility of children', 'conflict with husband family', 'farming and economic activity', 'I waive more frequently'. Based on above results and discussion, this study concluded as follows. At first, as examining the difference between cognition of husband role and wife role by females in rural multicultural family, it could be known that most females in rural multicultural family had weak cognition on wife role of what should provide to husband as a wife but they rather thought more frequently about what kind of husband can be good or husband role expecting that he provided this to me. At second, as examining the experience difference between husband role and wife role, it was found that both husband role and wife role experienced by females in rural multicultural family is relatively big in weights on husband family. The rearing and education of children was definitely wife role and emotional interaction necessary for intimate couple relations was made. At third, as comparing the difference between experience and cognition of husband role, females considered personal, emotional characteristics of husband and relations with herself as a wife before marriage, but after marriage in Korea, they were greatly affected by the relations with husband family and relatives and husband role was more biased on taking care of husband family and relatives. In other words, it means that family range in Korea society is wider than thoughts of females in multicultural family and accordingly role of couples is more diverse. At fourth, as examining the difference between cognition and experience of wife role, females in rural multicultural family had weak cognition and did not deeply think about wife role. On the other hand, they were forced to accept husband, husband family and Korean culture as wife roles in Korea and deeply participated in farming and economic activities. Wife role showed changes with time and it was directly and indirectly forced to keep staying home, give birth and raise children and adjust to husband and husband family at early marriage. They had conflicts with husband family but showed to be gradually given up. Afterwards, they actively changed to be adapted to Korean society and showed to become attached to husband and Korean culture and accept them in mind. This study has meaning of providing basic materials for successful marriage of females in rural multicultural family and improvement of stable rural community adaptation as deeply examining the experience and cognition on wife role which is the reason for females in rural multicultural family to emigrate to Korea and the most core factor. 국 문 요 약 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 배우자 역할에 대한 현상학적 연구 본 연구의 목적은 농촌 다문화가정 여성이 인식하는 남편, 아내의 역할과 경험을 있는 그대로 심도 있게 탐색함으로써 성공적인 결혼생활과 안정적 농촌사회 적응능력향상을 위한 기초자료를 제공하는 것이다. 궁극적으로 농촌 다문화가정 여성이 농촌 지역사회의 구성원으로서 안정적인 조기 정착과 삶의 질 향상을 위한 정책 및 제도, 교육 및 상담프로그램 개발을 위한 기초자료를 제공함으로써 사회적 지원체계를 구축하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구에서는 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 배우자 역할에 대한 인식과 경험을 있는 그대로 살펴보기 위하여 질적 연구를 실시하였다. 구체적으로 농촌 다문화가정 여성 13명을 심층면접한 결과를 현상학적방법을 통하여 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 남편역할에 대한 인식을 분석한 결과 ‘착하고 따뜻한 남자’, ‘그냥 별 생각 없었음’, ‘깨끗하고 멋있게 보이는 사람’, ‘아내를 고생 안 시키는 남자’, ‘가사는 내 몫이 아닌 남편 몫’, ‘독립된 가정 꾸리기’, ‘자식에 대한 책임감이 강함’ 이었다. 농촌 다문화가정 여성들은 국제결혼을 하면서 남편의 역할에 대해 깊이 생각하지는 않았지만 막연하게 잘 사는 한류의 나라 한국에 대한 동경과 함께 그에 대한 기대가 남편에 대한 기대로 이어져 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 한국의 문화에 대한 사전 조사와 이해가 부족하여 자신의 출신국에 존재하는 사회분위기 및 가족과 부부문화가 한국에도 존재할 것이라고 여기고 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 남편역할에 대한 경험을 분석한 결과 ‘마음이 좋고 잘 해줌’, ‘나에게 맞춤’, ‘무책임과 무관심’, ‘마음을 기댈 수 없음’, ‘집안 일 별로 안함’, ‘시댁과의 중간역할’, ‘아이와 부모, 친척 먼저 챙김’, ‘술과 도박, 폭력을 함’이었다. 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 남편역할에 대한 경험은 남편역할에 대한 인식과는 다소 차이가 있었다. 농촌 다문화가정 여성들이 지각하는 남편역할에 대한 경험은 긍정적인 것과 부정적인 것이 함께 공존하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 아내역할에 대한 인식을 분석한 결과 ‘신랑에게 잘 함’, ‘가사는 내 몫이 아님’, ‘아이 낳아서 키움’, ‘시댁과 대등한 관계’, ‘그런 생각 한 적 없음’이었다. 신랑에게 잘 해주고 아이를 낳아서 키우는 것이 아내의 역할이라고 인식하며, 기본적인 의식주를 잘 준비해 주고 시부모와 자신의 출신 국으로 여행도 가는 등 잘 해 드려야 한다는 생각도 하였다. 넷째, 본 연구에서 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 아내역할에 대한 경험을 분석한 결과 ‘계속 집에 있음’, ‘한국(남편, 시댁)에 맞춰야 함’, ‘남편과 한국문화를 수용함’, ‘아이는 내 몫임’, ‘시댁과의 갈등’, ‘농사와 경제적 활동’, ‘내가 많이 포기함’이었다. 이상의 결과와 논의를 바탕으로 본 연구에 대한 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 남편역할과 아내역할 인식 간의 차이를 살펴보면, 전반적으로 농촌 다문화가정 여성 대부분이 아내로서 남편에게 무엇을 해줄까 하는 아내역할에 대한 인식에 대한 내용은 상당히 빈약하였으며, 자신이 담당해야 할 아내의 역할보다는 남편이 어떤 사람이면 좋은가, 나에게 이런 걸 해주면 좋겠다고 바라는 남편역할을 상대적으로 더 생각을 많이 해 본 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 남편역할과 아내역할 경험 간의 차이를 살펴보면, 농촌 다문화가정 여성이 경험한 남편역할과 아내역할 모두 시댁의 비중이 상대적으로 크다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 아이의 양육과 교육은 확실히 아내의 역할이었으며, 부부간의 서로 친밀한 부부간에 필요한 정서적 상호작용이 이루어지고 있었다. 셋째, 남편역할 인식과 경험 간의 차이를 비교해 보면, 여성들은 결혼 전에는 배우자로서 남편의 개인적, 정서적 특징과 아내인 자신과의 관계만 생각하였다면, 한국으로 결혼해서 이주한 후의 결혼생활은 시댁과 친척과의 관계에 의해 영향을 많이 받으며 남편의 역할도 시댁과 친척을 돌보는 것에 많은 부분이 치중되어 있다는 것이다. 즉 한국사회의 가족의 범위가 다문화가정 여성이 생각했던 것보다 넓다는 것이며 이에 따라 부부의 역할이 더욱 다양해짐을 의미한다. 넷째, 아내 역할 인식과 경험 간의 차이를 살펴보면, 앞에서도 언급하였지만 농촌 다문화가정 여성은 아내역할에 대한 인식은 빈약하고 깊이 생각하지 않았다. 반면 한국에서 아내의 역할 중 남편, 시댁과 한국문화를 수용할 것을 강요당하고 농사와 경제적 활동에 많이 참여하고 있었다. 아내의 역할은 시간적 흐름에 따라 변화를 보이는데 결혼 초기에는 계속 집에 있고 아이를 낳아서 키우며, 시댁과 남편에 맞춰야 한다는 것을 직접적, 간접적으로 강요받았다. 시댁과 갈등을 빚기도 하지만 차츰 포기하는 모습을 보였다. 이후 아이를 위해 한국사회에 적극적으로 적응해가려고 변화하며, 점차 남편과 한국문화에 정이 들고 마음으로 수용하는 모습을 보였다. 본 연구는 농촌 다문화가정 여성이 한국으로 이주해 온 이유이자 가장 핵심적인 요인인 배우자역할에 대한 인식과 경험을 심도 있게 살펴봄으로써 농촌 다문화가정 여성의 성공적인 결혼생활과 안정적 농촌사회 적응능력향상을 위한 기초자료를 제공하였다는 의의가 있다.

      • 조리전공 대학생들의 교육기관 선택요인이 학습만족과 성취욕구, 추천의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        조해선 순천대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was aimed to investigate how selection factors of educational institutions including internal and external factors affected learning satisfaction, need for achievement, and recommendation intention in the university students majoring in cooking; and to propose the implications and developmental plans to enhance the course repetition intention by recommendation on the cooking educational institutions as well as qualitative enhancement plans of the institutions. To do so, a survey research was conducted with the subjects of university and college students majoring in cooking in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do Province. 300 copies of survey sheets were distributed and 262 collected copies were used for sampling. With the effective samples of 262 copies excluding insincere data among the collected data, frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis were performed using SPSS 24.0, and regression analysis was performed to verify the research hypotheses. Based on the analysis results, the suggestive outcomes are as follows. First, selection factors of educational institutions including internal and external factors in the university students majoring in cooking showed to affect overall learning satisfaction and subfactors of learning satisfaction including relational satisfaction, education programs, career counseling, and learning environment, significantly. Second, selection factors of educational institutions including internal and external factors in the university students majoring in cooking showed to affect need for achievement, significantly. Third, selection factors of educational institutions including internal and external factors in the university students majoring in cooking showed to affect recommendation intention, significantly. Fourth, subfactors of learning satisfaction including relational satisfaction, education programs, career counseling, and learning environment showed to affect need for achievement, significantly. Fifth, subfactors of learning satisfaction including relational satisfaction, education programs, career counseling, and learning environment showed to affect recommendation intention, significantly. Sixth, need for achievement of the students majoring in cooking showed to affect the recommendation intention, significantly. Pointing out some potential limitations to be suggested at the implementation process and from analysis results, the author would like to propose further study direction to overcome these limitations. First, this study has the limitation to generalize the results to all the students majoring in cooking since the research was conducted in the educational institutions only in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do Province. Second, with respect to the data collection which is the logical basis, the data were collected by simple methods such as face-to-face survey, online survey, and so on. Third, it has also the limitation to deduct deeper results since only the relationship among variables were deducted in the process to reveal the effects of selection factors on learning satisfaction, need for achievement, and recommendation intention in the cooking educational institutions. Fourth, this study was conducted in both colleges and universities considering them as one type of cooking educational institution, however, they are different significantly, hence, it is necessary to conduct further studies to compare the educational environment between colleges and universities. This study has the meaning to suggest the operational plans to improve the satisfaction, needs for achievement, and recommendation intention of the students who will select the educational institutions for cooking, systemically, upon understanding the relationship between internal factors of the educational institutions and external factors including learning satisfaction, need for achievement, and recommendation intention in the educational intention for cooking.

      • 노인의 좌절된 소속감, 지각된 짐스러움, 습득된 자살 잠재력이 자살사고 및 자살시도에 미치는 영향에서 삶의 의미의 조절효과

        조해선 단국대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 자살을 설명하는 Joiner의 자살의 대인관계 이론(Interpersonal Theory of Suicide: IPTS)을 근거로 좌절된 소속감, 지각된 짐스러움, 습득된 자살 잠재력이 자살사고, 자살시도에 미치는 영향에서 삶의 의미의 조절효과가 나타나는지 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 서울, 경기도, 경상도 및 기타 지역의 만 65세 이상의 노인 260명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 연령 기준에 맞지 않는 설문지 6부를 제외하여 총 254부를 분석하였다. 자료분석을 위해 IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0과 SPSS PROCESS Macro v2.16을 사용하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, IPTS의 하위변인인 좌절된 소속감, 지각된 짐스러움, 습득된 자살 잠재력 모두 자살사고에 직접적인 영향을 보였다. 반면, 자살시도와의 관계에서는 습득된 자살 잠재력만 직접적인 영향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 좌절된 소속감, 지각된 짐스러움, 습득된 자살 잠재력과 자살사고의 각각의 관계에서 삶의 의미는 조절효과를 보였다. 마지막으로 좌절된 소속감과 지각된 짐스러움이 자살시도와의 관계에서는 삶의 의미의 조절효과가 나타나지 않았으나 습득된 자살 잠재력과 자살시도의 관계에서는 삶의 의미가 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 노인의 자살사고와 자살시도 각각에 영향을 미치는 위험요인과 그에 따른 기제를 확인하였다. 또한, 삶의 의미의 조절효과를 확인함으로써 노인의 자살사고 및 자살시도를 감소시킬 수 있는 구체적인 개입방안을 마련하기 위한 기초적인 자료를 제공하고자 하였다.

      • 카페 경영자의 기업가정신과 자아존중감, 감정조절능력, 자기관리의 구조적 관계에 관한 연구

        조해선 순천대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this studies to examine the impact of entrepreneurship on self-esteem, emotional control, and self-management and to analyze the mediating effect of self-esteem in the relationship between entrepreneurship, emotional control, and self-management, with a view to providing strategies for qualitative improvements and implications for the management of cafes by café owners. To fulfill these study goals, the researcher surveyed café owners in Gwangju Metropolitan City and the east Jeonnam region (Gurye, Gwangyang, Suncheon, and Yeosu.) A total of 362 questionnaires were used for sampling. SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 were used for the empirical analysis of this study to prove its hypotheses. With these programs, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, confidence analysis, and correlation analysis were conducted. In order to verify the hypotheses of this study, the researcher used structural equation and Sobel-test. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows, based on the results of these analyses. First, as for the impact of the entrepreneurship of café owners on self-esteem, the entrepreneurship of café owners had a significant and positive impact on self-esteem. Second, as for the impact of the entrepreneurship of café owners upon their ability to control their emotions, the entrepreneurship of café owners had a significant and positive impact on their emotional control Third, as for the impact of the entrepreneurship of café owners on their self-management, the entrepreneurship of café owners did not have a significant impact on their self-management. Fourth, as for the impact of the self-esteem of café owners upon their emotional control, the self-esteem of café owners had a significant and positive impact on the emotional control of café owners. Fifth, as for the impact of the self-esteem of café owners upon their self-management, the self-esteem of café owners had a significant and positive impact on their self-management. Sixth, as for the impact of the emotional control of café owners upon their self-management, the emotional control of café owners had a significant and positive impact on their self-management. Seventh, as for the mediating effect of self-esteem, self-esteem turned out to have a mediating effect between entrepreneurship, emotional control, and self-management. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher suggested implications and future development strategies, as well as a strategy for qualitative improvement for their café management. First, café owners need to develop a cleanliness manual for the areas in and outside of their shops, hygiene manuals, recipes for making the best coffee brews and foods, and manuals for the management of their equipment in order to enhance the values of their cafes and the trust in them. Also, with such manuals, they need to train their crews on a regular basis. Also, they need to have qualities of café owners that are desired, such as entrepreneurship, leadership, and business philosophies, and, in the perspective of self-management of business owners, they need to ensure the employee satisfaction of the café and support them at the same time. Lastly, they have to secure differentiation between their cafes and those of competitors in terms of taste and services, etc. This will result in self-esteem and the professional qualities of their shops, making the shops trusted by the customers.

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