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      • 일제강점기 朴寅浩의 천도교활동과 민족운동

        鄭乙璟 忠南大學校 大學院 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        After the reorganization of Donghak into Cheondogyo in 1905, Park In-Ho assumed several responsibilitiesin order to earn his wings. He became the deputy leader in 1907 and the fourth leader in 1908. As soon as he took the chair, Park carried out a reform of the Cheondogyo body. Park's reform consisted of two major modifications: the first was a reorganization including the relocation and reorganization of the chapel, and the reshuffle of the board; the second being the modification of rules related to the spells, rules and orders, regime, etc. The reorganization was a 10-year effort from 1908 to 1918 of stabilizing the Jungangchongbu, which was the core organization of the Cheondogyo order. The modification of rules was Park's effort as the leader to stabilize the shaky organization. As the order of Cheondogyo reestablished stability throughout its consolidation, Park conducted an education-culture movement. Willing to spread the Cheondogyo doctrine, Park established doctrine teaching institutes all over thecountry in 1908, trained thousands of Cheondogyo officials, and provided not only Cheondogyo doctrines but also an elementary school-level education. Instructor training institutes were opened to systemize the education movement, and woman missionaries and woman roving teachers were appointed to promote female missionaries and education. Also in 1922, the existing institutes were extended to Jonghak institutes and spread out. The institute graduates were the foundation of shaping Cheondogyo, and further lead the Samil independence movement. First concentrating his efforts on training officials from within the Cheondogyo body, Park thought that the education movement should be extended exteriorly. So, he took over and administered seven schools in financial difficulties, includingthe Dongdeok women's school and the Yangdeok women's school. Park was an educator who considered schools a public instrument. He had a strong conviction, which he put in practice as well, that education should not be in a sole individual's hands but be carried out by establishing a public foundation. Park was also heavily involved in publishing doctrine manuals, in managing doctrine teaching institutes and publishing bulletins. As the leader of Cheondogyo, Park carried out the consolidation and education-culture movement as the groundwork for the order, and after reestablishing stability he participated in national movements. First, he provided a total of 65,000 won three times to the 1919 Samil independence movement fund. He also wrote a fact sheet about the announcement of the declaration of independence, and with Yoon Ik-Seon scripts instilled the ideas of independence. When the Cheondogyo properties were confiscated by Japan after the Samil independence movement, Park carried out the Ganggye district fund-raising movement through Lee Jung-Hwa and provided money to the independence movement fund. A series of this kind of activities lead Park to prison for a year and eight months. In 1938, Park carried out his last national movement, which was the Myeoloe prayer movement. The Myeoloe prayer movement was carried out in three different schemes, which were: a plan of carrying out a eating ceremony atbreakfast and dinner for the spiritual union of believers; a special charity fundraising plan in case of the restoration of state power; and praying with an anti-Japanese empire prayer expressing a strong will to destroy Japan and hoping for independence. This movement started from Hwanghaedo upon Park's commandand spread out nationwide. The Myeoloe prayer movement is one of the most religious national movements, contrasting with the neo-Cheondogyo's pro-Japanese collaboration movement of the same period, is a save-the-nation movement following the Donghak peasants movement and the Samil movement, and is a significant movement not only in the history of the Cheondogyo spirit but also in the history of national movements.

      • 일제강점기 충남지역 천도교단의 민족운동

        정을경 忠南大學校 大學院 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        When jinbohoe was organized in Sep. 1904, Chungnam had the lowest number of members in the whole nation because of the antipathy of regional residents against pro-Japanese activities of jinbohoe. And then, as iljinhoe was combined with jinbohoe, donghakjidobu established Chondogyo in Dec. 1905. Park Inho was dispatched to Chungnam area for removal of iljinhoe from the body and interruption of religious people and established guidance system of bukjeop. As the reaction for it, iljinhoe established sicheongyo and there were active activities of sicheongyo from Ham Hanseok in Yesan. Chondogyo body established centralised government system by establishing gyogu in gun units and jeonkyosil in myeon units as a center of central headquarter. In Chungnam area, each region established gyogu after Hongseong and Yesan in 1906. Expansion of religious power was caused by activeness of podeok. As religious body supervised and encouraged regional gyogu, organizational podeok was displayed. And 1921 was set as ‘the year of podeok’ and there was the national activities of podeok. Also after the latter part of the 1920s, podeokdae was organized for podeok. Through podeok of religious body, Chondogyo people of Chungnam area were increased continuously from 1970. The increase of religious people was related to new established of jeongyosil, expansion of gyogu, etc. After Dangjin of 1910, gyogusil and jeongyosil were established continuously in each area of Chungnam until 1915. Chondogyo body showed concentration power and organization power due to the participation in Korea ' s Independence Movement against Japanese colonial rule. For national expansion of independence movement, Chondogyo was in charge of production and distribution of the declaration of independence. The declaration of independence of Chungnam area was delivered from Hamyeol gyogu of Iksan to Nonsan gyogu, from Nonsan gyogu to Buyeo gyogu. The distribution of the declaration was connected to independence movement of Nonsan and Buyeo. Also independence movement of Asan and Yesan was displayed by instruction of religious body. Leading department participated actively in independence movement. Leading department of Dangjin collected independence funds and a leader of Buyeo gyogu led independence movement of Imcheon-eup. Dosa of Seosan gyogu participated in independence movement of Unsan-myeon. Due to the characteristics of centralized system’s religious body, participation of leading department was connected to Chungnam religious people’s participation in independence movement. Because of the independence movement, as key characters of religious body were arrested and imprisoned, it was intended to cultivate youths for strengthening of racial capacity. In regional gyogu, ‘gyori instruction center’ and ‘studying instruction center’ were established and ‘munmyungin’ was cultivated through education of common school level. In Chungnam, total 4 gyori instruction centers were established in Hongsan, Seosan, and Yesan. In 1920, gyori instruction center was reorganized as youth association. In the 1920s, the number of regional gyogu in Chungnam was less than that of other areas and its rate of youth association branches was low because gupa power who pursued non-negotiation seized. However, sinpa power was in only Seosan of Chungnam and youth association was established in the second place of the whole nation. Main activity of youth association was holding of lecture. In the lectures, main contents were propagation of Chondogyo gyori and youth enlightenment movement. In Sep. 1923, youths of gyodan broke up youth association and established youth party. Its key persons were Park Raehong born in Chungnam, Lee Jongrin, Lee Jongman, etc. Lee Jongman was influential as he was a central member of youth party. Their activities were connected to organization and arrangement of Chungnam youth party. In Nonsan, Gwangje association was established and Nongminsa and religious people of Hongseong established yahak and hakdang for enlightenment movement. In the middle stage of the 1920s, gyodan was divided into sinpa, gupa, association party, and yukimpa. Some leaders from Chungnam came from sinpa youth party and assocation, but most of them were gupa. But there were both sinpa and gupa in Seosan area. In the latter part of the 1920s, Seosan sinpa widened their power continuously and youth party was established. From the latter part of the 1920s, Chondogyo body of Chungnam displayed various racial movements. Hongseong, Gongju, Dangjin, etc. of Chungnam participated in 6.10 independence movement led by gupa. Gupa participated in establishment of Dangjin, Seosan, Yesan, and Hongseong association and Dangjin and Hongseong association especially displayed leading activities. Through activities of singanhoe, gupa power was gradually expanded. Especially, Seosan association actively participated in preparation of sinpa, youth party, but gupa led the establishment specially. In the latter part of the 1930s, gupa participated in the pro-Japanese group. But Chungnam gyodan stuck to non-negotiation racialism by refusing pro-Japanese way of gyodan as they did not pay sungmi for 3 months. Chungnam gyodan’s non-negotiation racialism way was connected to myulwaegido movement that was displayed by 3 stages, memorization of sikgomn, collection of special huisageum, special pray, etc. But those activities were shown to Japan and total 256 people were imprisoned. Among them, 116 people died because of the torture. 5 Religious people come from Chungnam died because of torture. In consideration of the periodical situation that Myulwaegido movement was suppressed and controlled, it was the best resistance against Japan. 1904년 9월 진보회가 조직되었을 때, 충남은 전국에서 가장 낮은 회원을 보유했다. 진보회의 친일활동에 대한 지역민의 반감이 원인이었다. 이후 일진회와 진보회가 합병하면서, 동학지도부는 1905년 12월 천도교를 창건하였다. 박인호는 교단의 일진회 축출과 교인 단속을 위해 충남지역에 파견되어 북접의 지도체제를 확립하였다. 이에 대한 반동으로 일진회는 시천교를 창건했고, 예산에서도 함한석을 중심으로 시천교의 활동이 활발했다. 천도교단은 중앙총부를 중심으로 군 단위에 교구, 면 단위에는 전교실을 설치하는 등 중앙집권적 체제를 구축하였다. 충남지역도 1906년 서산과 홍성, 예산을 시작으로 각 지역에 교구가 신설되었다. 교세의 확장은 활발한 포덕활동 때문이었다. 교단은 지방 교구를 감독하고 독려하면서 조직적인 포덕활동을 펼쳤고, 1921년을 ‘포덕의 해’로 설정하여 전국적인 규모의 포덕활동을 펼쳤다. 또한 1920년대 후반부터는 포덕을 전담하는 포덕대를 조직하였다. 교단의 포덕활동을 통해 충남지역 천도교인은 1907년을 기점으로 꾸준히 증가했다. 교인의 증가는 전교실 신축과 교구 확장 등으로 이어졌다. 1910년 당진을 시작으로 1915년까지 충남 각 지역에 꾸준히 교구실과 전교실이 설립되었다. 천도교단은 3ㆍ1운동의 참여로 결집력과 조직력을 보여주었다. 만세운동의 전국적인 확산을 위해 천도교는 독립선언서의 제작과 배포를 맡았다. 충남지역의 독립선언서는 익산의 함열교구에서 논산교구로, 논산교구에서 다시 부여교구로 전달되었다. 선언서 배포는 논산과 부여의 3ㆍ1운동으로 이어졌다. 또한 아산과 예산지역의 3ㆍ1운동은 교단의 지시로 전개되었다. 지도부가 3ㆍ1운동에 적극적으로 참여하기도 했다. 당진의 지도부는 독립자금모금에 참여하였고, 부여교구장은 임천읍의 3ㆍ1운동을 주도했고, 서산교구의 도사는 운산면의 3ㆍ1운동에 참여하였다. 중앙집권적인 체제를 갖춘 교단의 특성상 지도부의 참여는 충남의 교인의 3ㆍ1운동 참여로 이어졌다. 3ㆍ1운동으로 교단의 핵심 인물이 체포ㆍ투옥되면서, 민족역량강화를 위한 청년을 육성하고자 했다. 지방 교구에 ‘교리강습소’ 와 ‘야학강습소’ 를 설립하였고, 보통학교 수준의 교육을 통해 이른바 ‘문명인’ 을 육성했다. 충남의 교리강습소는 홍산과 서산, 예산에 총 4개가 설치되었다. 1920년 교리강습소는 청년회로 개편되었다. 1920년대 충남은 지방 교구수가 다른 지역에 비해 적었고, 청년회 지회 설립 비율도 낮았다. 이는 비타협적 노선을 추구하는 구파 세력이 장악하고 있었기 때문이었다. 그러나 서산은 충남에서 유일하게 신파 세력이 있었고, 청년회 설립도 전국에서 두 번째로 빨랐다. 청년회의 주요 활동은 강연회 개최였다. 강연은 천도교의 교리 전파와 청년계몽운동 등이 주된 내용이었다. 1923년 9월 교단의 청년들은 청년회를 해체하고 청년당을 창립하였다. 충남 출신 박래홍과 이종린, 이종만 등이 창립의 주역이었다. 이종만은 청년당 중앙위원을 역임하는 등 영향력이 있었다. 이들의 활약은 충남의 청년당 조직과 체제 정비로 이어졌다. 논산지역에서는 광제조합이 설립되었으며, 홍성지역의 농민사와 교인들은 야학과 학당을 설립하여 계몽운동을 전개하였다. 1920년대 중반 교단은 신파, 구파, 연합회파, 육임파로 분화되었다. 충남 출신 지도자는 일부 신파 청년당과 연합회 인물로 확인되기도 하나, 구파가 대부분이다. 그러나 서산지역은 신파와 구파가 양립하였다. 1920년대 후반 서산의 신파는 꾸준히 세력을 넓혀 청년당을 설립하였다. 1920년대 후반부터 충남 천도교단은 다양한 민족운동을 전개하였다. 구파가 주도적으로 참여한 6ㆍ10만세운동에 충남은 홍성과 공주, 당진 등이 참여하였다. 구파가 당진, 서산, 예산, 홍성지회 설립에 참여하였고, 당진과 홍성지회는 특히 주도적인 활동을 펼쳤다. 신간회 활동을 통해 구파의 세력은 점차 확대되었다. 특히 서산지회는 신파인 청년당이 준비과정에 적극적으로 참여하였으나, 창립 과정에서는 구파가 중심이 되는 독특한 양상을 표출하였다. 1930년대 후반 구파도 친일의 대열에 참여하기도 하였다. 그러나 충남 교단은 3개월 동안 성미를 납부하지 않는 등 교단의 친일노선에 거부하면서 비타협적 민족주의를 고수했다. 충남 교단의 비타협적 민족주의 노선은 멸왜기도운동으로 이어졌다. 멸왜기도운동은 식고문 암송, 특별희사금모집, 특별기도 등 3가지 단계로 전개되었다. 그러나 일제에게 발각되어 총 256명이 투옥되었고, 이중 116명이 고문의 후유증으로 사망하였다. 충남 출신 교인은 5명이 고문의 후유증으로 사망하였다. 멸왜기도운동은 처절하게 억압하고 통제되던 당시 시대 상황을 고려할 때, 일제에 대한 최대의 저항이었다.

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