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      • 수입쌀과 국산쌀로 제조한 발효주의 품질 특성 비교

        전홍식 경희대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was carried out to investigate the quality characteristics of fermented wine made with imported rice(American rice, Chinese rice and Thailand rice) and domestic rice(Chuchung byeo) which were harvested in 2005. Fermented wine was prepared by brewing methods of Baikhaju(a typical Korean traditional alcoholic beverage) with respect to same contents of rice and Nuruk(Korean-style bran koji). The first mash was 3 days and the second mash was 15 days(The quality characteristics was Investigated with an interval of 3 days). Moisture, ash, crude fat and crude protein content, pH, titratable acidity, total acidity, buffering power, total sugar, alcohol content, reducing sugar, free sugar, number of microorganisms, amylase activity(α, β), electron donating abilit y, total phenolic compound, reducing power, color values, sensory evaluation of fermented wine were measured. The moisture contents of wine made with Korean rice, American rice, Chinese rice and Thailand rice was 86.89~97.96%, 86.63~97.86%, 87.76~97.90% and 94.35~97.65%, respectively. The ash contents of all the fermented wine were similar and were ranged from 0.06~0.10%. The crude protein contents of all the fermented wine were increased with fermentation process. The pH values of all the fermented wine were similar and were ranged from 3.34~3.97. The titratable acidity and total acidity increased with fermentation process, while buffering power decreased. The wine made with Thailand rice showed the highest value in the titratable acidity, total acidity and the wine made with Korean rice showed the lowest. The range of total sugar amounts were 10.56~17.67% at the beginning of the first mash, but decreased to below 7.15% after 15 days of the second mash. The wine made with Thailand rice showed the lowest level of total sugar content. The reducing sugar content of fermented wine were 1.03~7.21%. The reducing sugar content decreased with fermentation process. The wine made with, American rice showed the highest amounts in total and reducing sugar with fermentation process. The alcohol content of the wine made with Korean rice, American rice, Chinese rice and Thailand rice showed 3.80~12.80%, 4.10~13.10%, 4.60~12.60% and 2.90~9.55%, respectively. The wine made with Korean rice, American rice showed the highest value in the alcohol content, while the wine made with Thailand rice showed the lowest. The α and β-amylase activity of all the fermented wine were decreased with fermentation process. The electron donating ability improved according to fermentation process. The wine made with Korean rice, American rice, Chinese rice and Thailand rice showed 48.93~75.21%, 44.56~67.56%, 25.60~67.08% and 45.59~73.23% of electron donating ability, respectively. The phenolic compound increased with fermentation process. The wine made with Korean rice, American rice, Chinese rice and Thailand rice showed 143.78~334.88 μg/mL, 141.54~312.40 μg/mL, 146.0 3~377.85 μg/mL and 145.03~417.82 μg/mL of phenolic compound, respectively. The reducing power increased with fermentation process. The wine made with Korean rice, American rice, Chinese rice and Thailand rice showed 0.63~0.91, 0.62~0.85, 0.54~0.81 and 0.57~0.90 of reducing power, respectively. The electro n donating ability, phenolic compounds, reducing power showed significant(p<0.0 5) difference between all the samples. The wine made with Chinese rice showed the highest score in sensory evaluation and the wine made with Thailand rice showed the lowest. The sensory evaluation showed no significant difference between the wine made with Korean rice, American rice and Chinese rice.

      • 식민통치전략과 도시공간의 변화 : -일제시기 충주를 중심으로-

        전홍식 한국교통대학교 일반대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis aims to analyze the formation and the changes of the colonial urban space through interaction between the colonial power and the Japanese community in Chungju under Japanese rule. The Japanese government general of Korea under Japanese colonization wielded strong power on society based on the ability to mobilise and control the society, the autonomy that can set its goal against the demand of social power, and the permeating ability to achieve its goal from the central to the subordinate organizations. However, the actual rule in the colonial city was possible not just by unilateral will but by the interaction with the Japanese community. The approach from the perspective of the nation and social relations enables the causal approach on the colonial city by overcoming the dichotomy of rule and resistance and the monolithic scheme that understands the changes in the urban space as a result of the colonial rule. This thesis classified the changes in Chungju in the period between the reform of the local systems in the open port period (1895-1945) and the liberation into three periods considering various factors. And it examined the aspects of changes in which the urban space changed by the biased systems and policies that enabled the growth of the Japanese community through interaction between the colonial power and the Japanese community. The first period (1895-1908) is the time when the historical city Chunju had the opportunity for development by recovering its status as the central city in local areas through a reform of the local system in the latter era of Chosun Dynasty but the city decayed as the Seoul-Pusan railroad opened and the provincial government building of the Chungcheongbuk-do moved from Chungju to Cheongju. This is a time when the status of the city changed rapidly in the national city system and the colonial cities brewed by the colonial power and Japanese people who started to move in. The second period(1980-1920) is a time when the Japanese dismantled the traditional space of the historical city through urban developments such as urban planning and reorganization of the administrative districts and established the appearance of the colonial urban space through interaction between the colonial power and the Japanese community. With the changes in the colonization strategy in the 1920s and activation of the urban political activities, the third period(1920-1945) is a time when the inside of the colonial cities was completed and the urban space was expanding through political activities to attract the facilities such as railroad, schools, and electricity, which was led by the existing Japanese power with cooperation of the influential people in Chosun. The urban space changed by stages according to the periods. The first period(1895-1908) is a time when the colonial urban space brewed. The government offices in Chosun Dynasty had facilities such as Gaeksa, Asah and Hyancheong. Modern facilities were built with the reform of the local system in the latter era of Chosun Dynasty. Around 1900, most of the government offices turned into a space for Japanese invasion and control with the constant intrusion of the Japanese power. In 1908, the government office of Chungju turned into an average one as the provincial government building of Chuncheongbuk-do moved from Chungju to Cheongju by the Japanese colonial policy. The residential space could be classified into inside and outside of the castle. In the course of the Euibyeong(army raised in the cause of justice) war, the residential space inside and outside of the town wall was partially destroyed but it expanded with the growth of the cities in the latter era of Chosun Dynasty. The Japanese who moved in around Russo-Japanese wars were increasing their power as they started to reside around the government offices and markets. However, as the provincial government office moved, the Japanese power has shrunk and the residential space has been diminished. For the commercial space, the right to distribution has been divided into two and commercial acts have shrunk as the Seoul-Pusan railroad was built and the provincial office building of Chungcheonbuk-do moved. With Japanese people moving in, the Japanese commercial sphere started to brew, but it has been reduced as the provincial office building of Chungcheonbuk-do moved. The second period (1980-1920) is a time when the colonial urban space was established. After the annexation, the colonial power used the government buildings as the facilities for the colonial rule while some of them built an extension when needed. The government buildings were replaced by the Japanese buildings when they had no usages or were demolished for being decrepit. With the colonial development projects such as urban planning(1913) and reorganization of administrative districts (1914), the Japanese took up the center of the cities while Korean people were forced to move to the outskirts of a city, which formed the dual urban space where the Japanese community in the center and the Korean community in the outskirts are separated. With the demolition of the ramparts and the urban planning, Japanese opened their stores and sold their products beside the newly constructed roads. The regular market was daunted as it was forced to move by the urban planning of the colonial power but it started to gain its vigor gradually. The third period(1920-1945) is a time when the colonial urban space expanded. The government buildings were newly built for the reasons of population increase, uselessness of the old ones, and the reaction to the changed situations under colonial rule. Most of the government buildings of Chosun Dynasty were demolished except for some and replaced by the Japanese buildings. With the rapid influx of the Korean population in urban space in the 1920s, the space was divided into a place for Japanese, a place where Korean and Japanese reside toget 본 논문은 일제강점기 충주에서 식민권력과 일본인사회의 상호작용을 통하여 식민지 도시공간이 형성, 변화하는 것을 분석하는 데 있다. 일제시기 조선총독부는 사회를 동원하고 통제할 수 있는 능력, 사회세력의 요구에 반하여 자신을 목표를 설정할 수 있는 자율성, 중앙으로부터 하위 단위조직까지 자신의 의지를 관철할 수 있는 침투력을 바탕으로 사회에 강력한 영향을 행사하였다. 그러나 조선총독부의 일방적인 의지에 의해 사회 전체를 제압할 수 있는 것은 아니었고 식민지 도시에서의 현실적인 지배는 식민지사회, 특히 일본인 사회와의 상호작용에 의해 가능하였다. 식민지 도시공간의 형성과 변화에 대한 식민권력과 일본인사회의 상호작용에 의한 국가-사회관계론적 접근은 지배와 저항의 이분법이나 식민지배의 결과로 도시공간의 변화를 이해하는 획일적인 도식을 극복하고 식민지 도시에 대한 인과론적 접근을 가능하게 한다. 본 논문은 개항기의 지방제도 개혁으로 부터 해방에 이르는 시기(1895∼1945)의 충주의 도시변화를 다양한 변수를 고려하여 세 개의 시기로 구분하고, 각 시기별로 식민권력과 일본인사회의 상호작용에 의해 일본인사회의 성장을 가능하게 하는 일본인들에게 유리하고 편향된 제도와 정책으로 도시공간이 변화하는 양상을 살펴보았다. 첫 번째 시기(1895∼1908)는 구한말 지방제도 개혁에 의해 역사도시 충주가 지방 중심도시로서의 위상을 회복하고 발전의 계기를 마련하였으나 일제의 식민지 지배전략에 의한 공간선택으로 경부선 철도가 개통되고, 이어 충청북도 관찰부가 충주에서 청주로 이전하면서 도시가 쇠퇴하는 시기로 전국 도시체계에서 도시의 위상이 급격히 변화하고 식민세력과 이주하기 시작한 일본인들에 의해 식민지 도시가 태동하는 시기이다. 두 번째 시기(1908∼1920)는 식민권력과 일본인사회의 상호작용으로 일본인들이 시구개정, 행정구역 개편 등 도시개발을 통해 역사도시의 전통공간을 해체하고 식민지 도시공간의 외형을 정립하는 시기이다. 세 번째 시기(1920∼1945)는 1920년대 식민지 지배전략의 변화로 도시 정치활동이 활성화되면서 기존의 일본인 세력이 주도하고 조선인 유력자들이 협력하여 철도, 병원, 학교, 전기 등의 시설유치를 위한 정치활동을 전개함으로써 식민지 도시 내부가 갖추어지고 도시공간이 확장되는 시기이다. 도시공간은 시기별로 단계적으로 변화하였다. 첫 번째 시기(1895∼1908)은 식민지 도시공간이 태동하는 단계이다. 조선시대 관아공간에는 객사, 아사, 향청 등의 시설물이 배치되어 있었다. 한말 지방제도 개혁으로 근대적 시설이 설치되었다. 1900년을 전후하여 일본인 세력의 지속적인 침투가 이루어지면서 충주 관아시설의 대부분은 일제의 침략과 지배를 위한 공간으로 변질되었다. 1908년에 충청북도 관찰부가 일제의 식민지배 정책에 의해 충주에서 청주로 이전하면서 충주의 관아공간은 지방의 일반 관아로 변모하였다. 주거공간은 성내와 성밖으로 구분할 수 있다. 의병전쟁 과정에서 읍성내와 밖의 주거공간이 일부 파괴되었으나 주거공간은 조선후기 이래 도시의 성장과 함께 확장되었다. 러일전쟁을 전후하여 이주하기 시작한 일본인들은 관아와 시장주변을 중심으로 거주하면서 세력을 증가시키고 있었다. 그러나 관찰부가 이전하면서 일본인세력도 감소하고 주거공간도 축소되었다. 상업공간은 경부선철도가 부설되고 충청북도 관찰부가 이전하면서 유통권이 양분되고 상행위가 위축되었다. 일본인들의 이주로 일본인 상권이 태동하기 시작하였으나 충청북도 관찰부의 이전으로 축소되었다. 두 번째 시기(1908∼1920)는 식민지 도시공간이 정립되는 단계이다. 병탄이후 식민권력은 관아건물을 식민통치시설로 그대로 사용되었고 필요한 경우 일부 신축하였다. 관아건물의 용도가 폐기되거나 노후로 철거되면 일본식 건축물로 대체되었다. 병탄이후 시구개정(1913)과 행정구역 개편(1914) 등의 식민지 개발 사업으로 일본인들이 도시 중심부를 차지하고 조선인들은 도시 외곽으로 밀려나면서 중심부의 일본인사회와 외곽의 조선인사회가 분리되는 이중 도시공간이 형성되었다. 성벽철거와 시구개정이 이루어지면서 일본인들은 새로이 개설된 도로변에 상설점포를 열고 영업을 하였다. 정기시장은 식민권력의 시구개정에 의해 강제로 이전됨으로써 위축되었으나 점차 활기를 띠기 시작하였다. 세 번째 시기(1920∼1945)는 식민지 도시공간이 확장되는 시기이다. 관아공간은 식민지 상황변화에 대한 대응, 용도폐기, 인구증가로 인한 통치시설의 협소 등의 이유로 새로이 신축되었다. 조선시대 관아건물은 일부 건축물을 제외하고 대부분 철거되었고 일본식 건축물로 대체되었다. 1920년대 들어 도시공간에 조선인 인구가 빠르게 유입되면서 일본인의 공간, 조선인과 일본인이 혼거하는 공간, 조선인의 공간으로 분화되었다. 1910년대 형성된 일본인 상설시장의 성장과 일본인 상인들의 기득권은 1920년대 이후 보다 강화되었다. 조선인 상인들 중 일부가 일본인의 상업지역에 들어가 성장하기도 하였

      • 고령화사회의 재가복지서비스 개선방향 : 치매노인재가복지를 중심으로

        전홍식 국제문화대학원대학교 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Old man population of Korean is 9.1% (4,380,000 people) of all population by 2005, and population graying is gone enough to there is no similar example in the world that already enter in aging society fast, and everyday life with dementia palsy according to such sudden graying is increasing by capital day of difficult old mans. Specially, typical characteristic of aging society that old man generation's education and consciousness level are rising but status is dwindled within family and social part is lost gradually is seen. Two studies among Korean dementia elder's welfare service to study dimension do and it is purpose of this study that In-home service that In-home service inspect actual conditions of elder's welfare and are a forward dementia string by presenting health of old mans and link of society protection service that is embossed to social problem at home which problem of dementia old man support is general by extension of average life span and lives in local community about old man's quality of life finding countermeasure and preventive measure for dementia old man problem solution grope expansive direction of welfare and ashes wish to present supply of old people's welfare service and improvement direction of efficiency. In-home service of our country that unfold during 20 odd years after 1987 are retaining a lot of subjects that old man welfare work still should solves. Example of advanced nation that experience first old man problem for mirror center-bloom fruit zero In-home service of dementia elder's welfare service effectively develop must. For this In-home service elder's welfare local resident's necessity of voluntary participation urgently request, and volunteer worker's security and professional manpower supply countermeasure together ready must. Specially, present In ?home service key subject of old man welfare work negative target by familism ideology establish and application target old man of apply and is summarized by link insufficiency etc.. with local community by diversified reduction of central government support by inefficiency of business contents by administration system and micronized business system and rain effect, regionalization and user burden, public information insufficiency. For whole old man's In-home service satisfy welfare desire universally, current ashes should improve sharply and expand old man welfare work. First, should convert by active and universal local news section head book that calamity can correspond to basic desire of low ?income brackets old man as well as general old man increasing old people's welfare budget with nationalism ideology. First, should be established as can support old man principal family support function by active guarantee in national dimension or strengthen society support of country for whole old man except target and prevention function that supplement. Second, executes actual conditions and desire investigation that is target string of whole country scale expanding target old man, and grasps and appropriates number that is target string of optimal capacity and complete charge manpower and facilities number, and budget scale and In-home service must establish old man welfare work plan. Third, introduce program by desire level because charge manpower and business contents according to target old man's obstacle disease degree are specialized specially. Fourth, by member anger of administration system and specialization of business system community inhabitants' participation last month that is changed member connecting central government, common people society welfare facilities, institution, group, health, medical institution etc. to base system construct must. Fifth, expanding government budget, In-home service should support by gradation according to different treatment function about old people's welfare off cut, engine's scale and target old man obstacle disease. Sixth, solidify connection to take advantage of local community resource maximum. In-home service elder's welfare service fulfills basic desire of old mans and runs minimum cultural life and keeps role and position in family and society by 'quality of life' abundantly do can. Will have to incline the best effort so that can possess minimum condition that can integrate self who is worth naturally in life in old age to be experienced everybody.

      • 레이저 유도 백열법을 이용한 커먼레일 디젤 엔진 배기에서의 PM 일차 입자 크기 계측에 관한 연구

        전홍식 연세대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Recently particulate matter (PM) emission regulations are becoming more strict for diesel engines. PM from diesel exhaust are believed to increase health problems because they can penetrate far deeper into lung and have toxic composition. In this reason, there is increasing interest for measuring not only concentration but also size of the particles.$$a$$aLaser-induced incandescence (LII) has emerged as a promising technique for measuring particle volume fraction and size. LII theory is based on the particle heating by absorption of laser pulse and subsequent cooling process. These processes are modeled by energy balance equation.$$a$$aIn this study, the Simple Time Resolved-LII method was applied to exhaust of ethylene diffusion flame and common-rail diesel engine exhaust for measuring soot and PM primary particle size.$$a$$aThe particle size data from LII technique were calibrated using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) photographs.$$a$$aIn ethylene experiment, difference between results from LII measurements and FE-SEM photographs was less than 3%.$$a$$aThe experimental study of diesel engine has been done for various fuel injection pressure and engine load conditions with common-rail diesel engine.$$a$$aAs the measurement result of PM primary particle size with different injection pressure of 600bar, 800bar and 1000bar shows, it found to be the PM primary particle size gets smaller as the pressure increases. Under the same experimental conditions the similar tendency was shown with different engine speeds.$$a$$aIn the experiment with various engine load conditions, PM primary particle size increases under higher load conditions and it is measured about 18 to 26 nm. Results from LII measurement are in good agreement with those from TEM photographs.$$a$$a 디젤 엔진 차량의 증가에 따라 디젤 엔진에서 발생하는 PM에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며 그에 따른 규제도 강화되고 있는 실정이다. 현재까지의 PM에 대한 연구의 초점은 질량 중심의 PM의 배출량에 맞추어져 있다. 그에 따라 연구의 목적도 PM 배출량을 줄이는 것에 주안점을 두고 있다. 그러나 최근에는 나노 크기 입자의 인체 유해성에 관한 관심이 고조되면서 유럽의 자동차 배출가스 규제에서도 입자의 크기에 대한 부분을 규제 대상으로 할 것인지에 대한 논의가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 따라서 나노 입자의 크기를 정확하게 측정하는 계측법의 확립이 절실히 요구되는 상황이다.$$a$$a이러한 상황에서 레이저 유도 백열법(Laser Induced Incandescence, 이하 LII)은 입자의 크기를 측정하는데 있어서 주목을 받고 있는 기법중의 하나이다. LII 기법은 입자의 크기뿐만이 아니라 농도까지 측정할 수 있다는 점에서 큰 장점을 가지고 있기도 하다.$$a$$a본 연구에서는 LII 신호의 감쇠 양상의 변화를 살펴봄으로써 입자의 크기를 계측하는 시분해 유도 레이저 유도 백열법(Time Resolved-LII)을 간략화한 Simple Time Resolved-LII 기법을 이용하여 에틸렌 화염으로 모사한 엔진 배기 모사계에서 발생하는 soot의 일차 입자 크기와 커먼레일 디젤 엔진에서 발생하는 PM 일차 입자의 크기를 측정하였다. Simple Time Resolved-LII 기법은 기존의 연구에서 가정하였던 PM에 대한 여러 가지 물성치를 알지 못하는 상황에서도 간단한 가정을 통해서 입자의 크기를 구할 수 있다는 장점을 갖고 있는 기법이다.$$a$$a에틸렌 배기계 실험에서는 에틸렌 공급 유량을 변화시켜가며 발생하는 soot의 크기를 측정하였다. 실험 결과 연료의 공급 유량이 늘어남에 따라 발생하는 soot의 일차 입자 크기도 커진다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 발생하는 soot의 지름은 약 60nm에서 약 80nm 정도의 크기로 나타났다. 이러한 사실은 주사 전자 현미경(Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope) 사진을 통한 보정 과정을 거쳐 확인할 수 있었다.$$a$$a디젤 엔진 배기계 실험에서는 연료의 분사압력과 엔진 부하 조건을 변화시켜가며 PM 일차 입자의 크기를 계측하였다. 연료의 분사압을 변화시키는 경우, 연료 분사압이 높을수록 발생하는 PM 일차 입자의 크기는 작아진다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 이 때, 입자의 크기는 약 20nm 정도로 측정되었으며 투과 전자 현미경(Transmission Electron Microscope)을 보정 과정의 도구로 사용하였다. 엔진 부하 조건 변화에 따른 PM 크기 계측 실험의 경우, 상대적으로 고부하 영역에서 더 큰 입자가 발생한다는 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.$$a$$a이러한 결과를 바탕으로 Simple Time Resolved-LII 기법을 엔진 배기계에 적용하는 것에 대한 타당성을 확인할 수 있었다.$$a$$a

      • 저항 점용접에서 입열량 제어를 위한 DSP 기반 지능형 제어기 개발

        전홍식 명지대학교 2005 국내석사

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        국내 저항용접 공정에서 사용하고 있는 저항용접 제어기는 대부분 정전류 제어방식의 타이머를 사용하고 있다. 이에 기존의 용접라인에서 정전류 제어방식의 타이머를 이용하여 용접 공정을 수행하다 보면 용접 타점의 증가에 따른 전극마모 현상, 인접 타점에 의한 용접 전류의 분류 현상, 스패터(Spatter) 발생에 따른 용접 강도 저하와 같은 문제점들이 발생 된다. 이와 같은 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 기존의 용접 공정에서는 팁 드레싱(Tip Dressing)공정과 일정타점 마다 설정 전류를 높이는 스테퍼(Stepper) 기능, 모재 용접에 필요한 적정 전류치 보다 10∼30% 높게 설정하여 통전하는 방법으로 보안하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 방법들은 용접 품질을 평가하는 가장 중요한 요소인 용접 강도를 보장하기에는 미흡하다. 왜냐하면, 정전류 제어 방식의 타이머는 전극의 마모나 용접 전류의 분류현상, 스패터 현상등과 같은 문제점들에 대한 보상 제어가 이뤄지기 보다는 설정한 전류치 만큼 통전시키는 정전류 제어가 이뤄지기에 최적의 용접 너겟(Welding Nugget) 크기를 보장하지 못한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 모재를 용접하는데 필요한 열량(목표열량)을 계산하여 용접 시퀀스가 진행됨에 따라 모재에 투입되는 열량을 제어하고, 용접 시퀀스가 완료되었을 때 모재에 투입된 누적 열량이 목표 열량에 도달하도록 하는 입열량 제어 방식의 알고리즘을 구현하고 검증하는데 있다. Resistance spot welding (RSW) is a joining process that has been widely used in auto industry. Traditional strategy for weld quality assurance is to maintain preset secondary weld current by feedback control. This strategy, so called Constant Current Control (CCC) has been proved good in case of slight process variations. However, CCC method can not guarantee good weld quality in case of considerable process variations such as electrode tip wear, severe splashing and shunt effect. Despite such weak points, most commercial RSW controllers are using CCC strategy due to its simplicity and easiness in implementation. This research proposes a new control strategy, Constant Heat Control (CHC) that can guarantee weld quality even if considerable process variations are unavoidable during the welding process. Based on sampled offset resistance and preset weld conditions such as weld cycle and weldment thickness, CHC method calculates pertinent heat input immediately after applied trial heat input. This heat input means target heat input necessary to guarantee sufficient nugget size. Main weld cycle starts with this target heat input. Per every half cycle, heat input is adjusted by regulating weld current so as for total accumulated heat to be equal to estimated target heat input at the end of weld cycle. DSP-based embedded system was built for real time calculation of dynamic resistance values and feedback control of necessary heat input per each weld cycle. The performance of this CHC control system was verified by series of experiments and its results were compared with those of CCC method. The process variations included in this experiments were electrode wear, poor specimen fit-up and shunt effect. The main pursuit of the experiments was to check whether CHC strategy could compensate severe process variation or not. The results showed quite promising in view of real time weld quality.

      • 高等學校 化學敎育에 光電子化學의 導入에 關한 硏究 : 忠淸南道 高等學校 化學敎師 및 扶餘郡 高等學校 學生을 中心으로

        전홍식 忠南大學校 1987 국내석사

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        During 1986 two kinds of questionaires, one for students and the other for teachers, were answered by 96 chemistry teachers and 358 students residing in Chungnam province. Each questionaire asked general recognitions of energy resources and opinions of consstructing a new solar energy lesson in the chemistry class. Base on the results of the questionaires the followings are proposed. 1. The chemistry class is advised to include basic knowledge of the photoelectrochemistry to have the students understand the solar energy conversion chemistry. 2. Teachers are recommended to have re- education lecture by the expert to give a new lesson efficiently to the students. 3. To give an interesting lesson to the students, ZnS·CdS/SiO_2 system which produces hydrogen fuel upon irradiation by visible light is recommended. For the source of visible light, any kind of slide projector might be used.

      • 韓國의 社會改革運動에 관한 硏究 : 社會淨化運動을 中心으로

        전홍식 단국대학교 대학원 1982 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The social reform movements have been carried out on and off in the various forms, since Korea became liberated from the Japanese domination after World War II. However, such drives seem to have attained only a limited significance and to have failed in taking their roots deep into everyday life of the people. Therefore, there arises a need to develop a new approach for imlpementing the on-going social purification drive other than the one we have previously tried without much effectiveness, in order to implant its root deep into social life of our society, for preventing the same mistakes as we had experienced in the past. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the promotion of effectiveness in the social purification drive by providing the solutions for those problems, based on the methodology derived from an examination of theoretical consideration and a careful review of historical cases of the Korean social movement. The social movement is defined as a collective effort for reforming or creating a new value and order system for the society. The types of such social movement may be: 1. Reactionary Movement 2. Conservative Movement 3. Reformative Movement 4. Revolutionary Movement 5. Value-oriented Movement 6. Power-oriented Movement 7. Participation-oriented Movement 8. General Movement 9. Special Movement 10. Expressive Movement Thus, the social purification drive is generally regarded as special, value-oriented and reformative social movement. For the Fifth Republic, the most characteristic national goal is the "realization of a justice society". Accordingly, the new values became our spiritual motto in an effort to solve the national tasks which we are about to carry out. Furthermore, when we consider our national, goal which is an establishment of a welfare society, it is the most important task to bring fouth a rightful society governed by morals, orderliness, and nationalities. Therefore this reform effort awakend the national spirit. The national aspiration for the revival of mutual trust and the banishment of evils come together throughout our society. The following can be pointed out for the above facts. First, all the people must be the core of the movement. Second, public officials and social leaders must hold positive attitudes. Thirs, the movement must be the one with actions and effects. Fourth, the division of the roles within each comittee and cooperative systems among various committees must be developed. The ultimate goal of the social reform movement lies in construction a "Democratic welfare state of Justice" through the improvement of social ethics, and this movement was pushed with emphasis on the democratization of politics and administraction, the nationalization of economic order, and the establishment of a proper social order. The voluntary participation must lead this movement, and government officials should postively support this drive. Legal sanctions, improvement of institutions and citizen's movement should be implemented systematically and include the coordicationa for attaining the maximum possible extent of effects. In addition, the leading figures must begin the campaign in such ways that is would spread to the general publc, and the campaign needs to be pushed to spread from urban districts to rural areas. To do so, favorable conditions should be created through the use of mass communications media. Thus, the movement may be developed into a pan-national campaign and carried out by all social sectors as well as all social reform organization. Considering all the factors discussed above, it can be said that the on-going social purification drive can not be successfully and behavior mode of the general public. The current social reform movement in Korea is, in essence, aimed of introducing modern social norns, which are appropriate for a democratic industrial society, committeed to the public welfare and the rule of justice. However, this does not mean a total demolition of tradition. It rather seeks to re-discover and cultivate worthy traditional values and ethics and to harmonize them with democratic ideals and modern concepts of citizenship. In sum, the current social reform movement aims to uphold a new code of public ethics, which ensures social justice, and cohesion. In other words, the movement attempts to supplant atiquated social norms with modern civil ethics to lay the moral foundations for a just democratic welfare society.

      • 일제강점기 충주의 식민통치 연구 : 식민통치 조직과 구조를 중심으로

        전홍식 충주대학교 경영·행정·외국어대학원 2008 국내석사

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        이 논문은 천년 이상을 중원문화권의 중심도시로 성장하여 왔음에도 불구하고 일제강점기를 거치면서 일제의 식민지배정책과 통치목적에 의해 지방의 중소도시로 변화한 사례지역 충주를 중심으로 식민지배정책의 전개과정과 영향, 식민지배와 수탈의 매개체 역할을 수행한 이주 일본인과 이들을 위한 식민도시개발 그리고 충주의 식민통치 조직과 구조의 변화과정을 중심으로 연구를 진행하였다. 조선시대 충주는 육상교통과 수상교통의 중심지에 위치하여 상업이 발달하고 인구가 증가하였다. 조선후기인 정조 13년(1789년)에 충주의 도시지역의 인구가 11,905명으로 전국에서 일곱 번째 도시로 성장하였으며 충주와 인근지역의 정치 경제 사회 문화의 중심지 역할을 하였다. 그러나 일제의 침략이 본격화되면서 1906년 행정구역 정리로 규모가 크게 축소되었고, 일제 식민정책에 의한 경부선 철도의 개통으로 교통의 중심지로서의 기능 상실과 의병투쟁의 활발한 전개 그리고 식민지배의 효율성을 들어 1908년에는 도청소재지를 충주에서 청주로 이전함으로써 쇠퇴의 길로 접어들게 되었다. 러일전쟁 이후 한국에서 주도권을 장악한 일제는 전래의 조선의 지방통치 조직을 식민통치와 수탈에 적합한 구조로 변형하거나 기존의 조직을 해체하고 새로운 조직과 제도를 신설하는 작업에 착수하였다. 지방수령으로부터 경찰권, 조세권, 재판권 등이 분리 되었고 침략의 시기와 상황 등 여건에 따라 경찰기관과 징세기구 등이 변천을 거듭하였다. 일제의 침략과 함께 일본인의 이주가 이루어졌으며 충주와 제천 그리고 인근지역에서 활발한 의병투쟁이 전개되었다. 1910년 합방과 함께 헌병경찰에 의한 무단통치가 실시되었고 식민통치의 기반조성을 위해 토지조사사업(1911년), 시구개정(1913년), 행정구역개편(1914년)이 이루어 지고, 면제(1917년)가 성립되었다. 일본인들이 집중적으로 거주한 충주면에는 이주 일본인들의 안정적인 정착과 생활기반 확립을 위해 총독부의 다양한 지원이 이루어 졌으며 학교, 도로, 상가, 종교시설, 신사 등의 시설과 각종 행정관청, 경찰서, 법원, 금융기관, 신문지국, 전매지국 등이 밀집하게 됨으로써 식민도시의 면모를 갖추게 되고 일본인을 위한 일본도시화가 급격하게 진행되었다. 이를 토대로 충주면은 1923년에 지정면으로 승격되었다. 1923년에 지정면이 됨으로써 면협의회 선거가 실시되었으나 재산세 납부에 의해 선거권이 극도로 제한됨으로써 충주의 부(富)의 많은 부분을 차지한 일본인에게 유리하게 작용하였고 인구수는 조선인이 일본인에 비해 월등하게 많음에도 불구하고 당선자수에서 조선인과 일본인이 대등하게 되는 이상한 결과를 초래하였다. 경찰의 경우 3ㆍ1운동으로 헌병경찰에서 보통경찰로 전환하였지만 조직과 인원 면에서 1920년대 충주의 경찰조직은 확대되고 인원수도 증가하여 경찰의 억압이 완화되거나 약화된 것은 아니고 오히려 강화되었다고 할 수 있다. 1920년대 들어 산미증식계획이 실시되었고 충주에는 충주수리조합(1922)과 대가미수리조합(1929년)이 설립되었다. 충주수리조합의 경우 달천평야 토지의 절반 가량을 소유한 소수의 일본인 지주와 조선인 지주의 쌀 생산 증가와 토지겸병을 촉진하는 결과를 가져왔을 뿐 충주의 조선인 농민은 토지를 잃거나 소작농으로 전락하고 더욱 더 가난해지는 결과를 초래하여 농민은 극도의 빈곤상태에 놓이게 되었다. 1930년대 지방제도 개혁에 의해 1931년 4월 지정면인 충주면은 충주읍이 되었다. 읍회회원의 대부분 읍내에서 상업에 종사하거나 지주 등 부유층으로 충주군의 실력자이거나 유력자들 이었다. 지방제도에 참여한 많은 조선인 들은 일제의 식민통치에 협력하는 새로운 정치세력으로 성장하였으며 이들의 활동은 일제강점기를 지나 해방이후에도 지방의회의원으로 활동하기도 하고 자유당, 공화당 정권하에서도 계속하여 정치에 관여하여 우리나라의 정치발전에 부정적인 영향을 주었다. 1930년대일제는 황폐해진 조선농촌을 재건한다는 명목으로 농촌진흥운동을 전개했으며, 1931년 만주사변, 1936년 중일전쟁, 그리고 1941년 태평양전쟁으로 침략전쟁을 확대하면서 조선에서 총동원체제를 구축하였다. 일제강점기에 개발과 발전이 있었다면 그것은 일제와 이주 일본인을 위한 것이었고, 식민통치를 위한 것이었다. 일제의 식민통치 목적을 위해 만들어진 제도나 기구가 많은 부분 내용은 변함이 없고 모양만 변형되어 오늘날에 이르고 있으며, 일제시대에 성장한 정치세력들의 지속적인 영향력 확대로 내적 모순과 부정적인 영향이 계속되고 있는 등 식민통치의 경험은 일제강점기 뿐 만아니라 행방이후에도 계속해서 부정적인 영향을 주었고 오늘에 이르고 있다. A Study on Colonial Rule in Chungju During the Period of Japanese Imperialism - Centering on Colonial Rule Organization and Colonial structure - This study focused on Chungju as the case region that was changed into the local small town by the colonial control policy and rule objective while passing through the period of Japanese imperialism, in the face of having grown as the central city of Jung Won Cultural Area for more than 1,000 years. The study was progressed centering on the developmental process and the influence in the colonial-rule policy, Japanese emigrants who performed the role of medium in colonial control and plundering, the colonial urban development for these people, and a change in colonial-rule organization and structure in Chungju. Chungju in Joseon period is situated in the center of the land transportation and the waterborne traffic, thus commerce developed and population increased. The population in urban area of Chungju during the 13th (year of 1789) of King Jeongjo in the latter term of Joseon was 11,905 persons, thereby having grown as the nation's 7th city, and played the central role in politics, economy, society, and culture of Chungju and the surrounding region. However, as the invasion of Japan began in earnest, the scale steeply reduced due to the arrangement of administrative district in 1906. And, due to the loss of function as the center of transportation caused by the opening of Gyeongbuseon Line by the Japanese colonial policy, to the active development in patriotic soldiers, and to a reason for efficiency of colonial rule, the location of a provincial office was moved to Cheongju from Chungju in 1908, thereby having entered the way of decline. The Japanese imperialism, which had secured the initiative in Korea since Russian-Japanese War, transformed the transmitted local rule organization in Joseon into the structure suitable for colonial control and plundering, or dissolved the conventional organization, and entered upon the work of newly installing new organization and system. From the local chief magistrate, the police authority, taxation authority, and justice authority were separated. And, according to the given conditions such as the time and situation in invasion, the police institution and the tax agency repeated to be changed. Along with the Japanese invasion, the Japanese emigration was formed, and the brisk patriotic struggle was progressed in Chungju, Jecheon, and the surrounding region. Along with the Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910, the military rule was enforced by the military policemen. And, in order to form the foundation of colonial rule, the land-research project(year of 1911), the revision in municipal district(1913), and the administrative-district reorganization(1914) were performed. And, Myeon system(1917) was established. In Chungju-myeon where Japanese people had intensively resided, the diverse supports of the government-general were attained aiming at the stable settlement and the living-basis establishment in Japanese emigrants. And, due to being crowded with facilities such as school, road, shopping street, religious facilities, and shrines, several kinds of administrative government offices, police station, court of justice, financial institution, newspaper branch, and monopoly branch, the appearance of the colonized city came to be possessed, and the Japanese urbanization for Japanese people progressed sharply. Based on this, Chungju-myeon was promoted to the designated Myeon in 1923. As having been the designated Myeon in 1923, the election for Myeon council was carried out. However, the voting right was extremely limited by payment of property tax, thereby having functioned favorably for Japanese people who occupied many portions of wealth in Chungju. And, despite that the number of population was much more in Joseon people compared to the Japanese, the abnormal result was caused, in which the number of elected persons come to be equal in Joseon people and the Japanese. In case of police, it was converted into the common police from the military police in the wake of the Independence Movement of March lst, 1919. However, in the aspect of organization and personnel, the police organization in Chungju in the 1920s was expanded, and was increased even the personnel, thereby being able to be said that the suppression of police was not eased or weakened, but was rather reinforced. Entering the 1920s, the colonial industrial policy was executed. And, in Chungju, Chungju Irrigation Association(1922) and Daegami Irrigation Association(1929) were established. Chungju Irrigation Association just brought about the result that increases the rice production and facilitates the possession of large land in Japanese landowners and Joseon landowners, who had about a half of the land in Dalcheon Plain. On the other hand, it caused the result that Joseon farmers in Chungju lost land, or fell to a tenant farmer, and got poorer further. Thus, the farmers came to be placed in the extreme poor state. By the reform in the local system in the 1930s, Chungju-myeon, which is the designated Myeon, became Chungju-eup in April of 1931. The majority of members of Eup council were wealthy brackets such as landowners who engage in commerce in the town, and were influential and powerful persons. Many Joseon people, who participated in local system, grew as the new political power of cooperating with the Japanese colonial rule. And, these people had been also active as the member of the local council even after liberation following the period of Japanese imperialism. And, they continued to engage in the politics even under the government of the Freedom Party and the Republican Party, thereby having had negative impact on the political development of our country. In the 1930s, the Japanese imperialism developed the rural promotion movement with the title of reconstructing the farm village of Joseon. And, the total mobilization system was

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