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      • 심해 잠수작업의 안전대책에 관한 연구

        오태곤 부경대학교 산업대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라는 3면이 바다인 관계로 해양대국이라는 대 명제에 비교하여 볼 때 해양구조물 제작, 설치 및 유지관리와 관련한 구체적인 정책지원, 제도 등과 관련 분야가 뒤떨어져 있는 것이 현실정이다. 특히, 해양 분야 중 산업잠수의 기술적인 측면과 더불어 안전관리 측면에서는 타 분야에 비해 매우 낙후되어 있는 실정이다. 이러한 기술적 측면의 낙후와 안전관리 측면의 미비는 심해 작업을 수행하는데 있어서 인적, 물적 측면에서의 많은 위험요소를 내재하고 있으며, 이는 결국 사고의 결과를 낳게 된다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 산업 잠수 작업시 발생될 수 있는 사고를 줄이기 위해 잠재 위험요소에 대한 적극적이면서도 구체적인 대처방안에 중점을 두어, 심도잠수작업의 안전한 작업수행을 저해하는 요소를 도출하기 위하여 잠수작업자를 대상으로 설문을 실시하였으며, 이를 토대로 심도잠수작업에 관한 대책을 수립 및 제시하였다. 이는 지속적으로 증가하는 심해작업을 수행하는데에 발생될 수 있는 안전사고의 위험요소를 제거하고 효율적인 안전관리를 위해 기초적인 자료가 될 것으로 사료된다. The typical environments of commercial diving in South Korea are very poor due to low developments in that industries. Although South Korea has long history to use the water for their lives, the commercial diving industries were not improved due to lack of understanding and investment. As South Korean has faced the 21th century for another step forward to see the future of ocean development, this study discussed the safety aspects of the commercial diving industry, in detail. By analyzing the potential hazard factors and assessing the accident history, we propose how to minimize the diving accident in the commercial diving. First of all, it is discussed the main difference between the typical commercial diving method(hereafter "Hookah") and the advanced commercial diving method(here after "Surface Supplied Diving") to find out what has to be considered as safety factor for commercial diving operation. This study also analyzes the accidents data to find the solution to minimize the level of the accident. And the final step, the safety management for commercial diving is discussed by analyzing the survey data obtained from the commercial divers in South Korea. As the market demands increases to build inland and offshore structures and to explore the oil and gas in the deep oceans the related commercial diving operation is also grown up with the market. The diving operation may take high risks so that it must be advanced by establishing the safety management system and maintaining the consistent development. The commercial diving in South Korea has to be developed by improving the diving system such as Surface Supplied Diving, developing the industrial standard and regulation for diving operation and getting experiences in global offshore market such as gas/oil pipeline, offshore platform, SPM Buoy and Offshore construction work. Based on those requirements, South Korea may achieve the best safety management in the commercial diving industries. Futhermore, this study is required for further investigation of industrial standard establishment to ensure divers' Health, Safety and Environments.

      • 脫北者 問題에 관한 國際法的 考察

        吳泰坤 조선대학교 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The bipolar world after the Second World War was ended by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the leading country of the communism. The Eastern Europe countries, having adopted the communism so far, currently accept the democracy to improve low-developed policy and economy. However, even on this moment, North Korea does not give up the communism to maintain its system. The economic crisis and food shortage of North Korea especially caused by Kim Il-Sung's death of 1994, big flood of 1995 and 1996, accelerate North Korean residents' escape to China or Russia. The economic hardship of North Korea is the direct reason of the escape. Besides, the inflow of information on the outside world, caused by the collapse of Eastern Europe and the open-door policy of China, has increased relative deprivation of residents, which is the indirect reason. North Korea has politically suppressed the people to maintain the communist regime. Moreover, economic hardship and natural disasters of last few years have made their life more miserable. As a result, many residents are escaping North Korea for the better life at all risks. Before Kim Il-Sung's death, people are escaping North Korea mainly because of political suppression and dissatisfaction with the regime. However, recently the escape has happened due to a variety of reasons, including personal one such as discontent with treatment and economic one caused by social disturbance and food shortage. The escaped residents' social positions have also become diverse, ranging from soldier, spy to student in Eastern Europe, woodcutter, and diplomat. The escaped residents are being arrested by local police and forced to be repatriated. However, although South Korea announces its policy that it will accept all the escaped North Korean residents, it does not take any positive action due to the possibility of conflict of interests with related countries. The number of the escaped is increasing and recently it has become a hot issue of international society by a series of incidents such as the demonstration asking for refugee status and an attempt to enter an South Korean embassy. In response to forced repatriation happening in China, the 54th UN Human Rights Committee unanimously carried a resolution on August 14th, 2002, that urges international protection of the refugee including the escaped North Korean and opposition of forced repatriation. Although South Korea grants a citizenship to the escaped, it keeps a consistent policy dealing with this issue silently because of several reasons. One is the correlated interests of neighboring countries. Another is the fact that this issue is not helpful for reconciliation with North Korea driven by so-called 'sun-shine policy' of Kim Dae-Joong regime. The escaped residents are granted dual legal status, South Korean citizenship by municipal law and North Korean citizenship by international law. The biggest problem of the escaped is that their legal status is not secure and, furthermore, there is no effort at the international level to solve the problem from this point of view. It is also observed from the fact that the international society rejects the view that the escaped hold South Korean citizenship. Even South Korean government does not put an effort on diplomatic protection of them, which is widely-established principal of international law for one's citizens. The issue on the escaped North Korean is not just a problem of related countries any longer, rather, it has become a serious issue of international society. According to the 'Escaped North Korean Protection Law' enacted in July of 1997, the escaped can make a request for the directors of the administrative organizations such as an embassy or military compound. However, considering the reality of international society, it is not an optimal solution since North Korea is a firmly confirmed national entity according to the international law. Therefore, any attempts to transport the escaped staying in third country into South Korea will infringe on North Korea's sovereignty on its people, which will raise a diplomatic problem with third country. It is challenging to find a solution for the problem of the escaped North Korean because there exist a variety of choices and high uncertainty. It is also because of Our poor preparation for the variables such as related country's ratification of refugee convention, relationship between South and North Korea, etc. Secret agreement between North Korea and related countries is one of the variables as well. For example, China made 'The Convention on Repatriation of North Korean Smuggler' with North Korea in early 1960s. But these kinds of agreements are not all revealed yet. On a basis of the above, the effort to trace the optimal solution reveals that we should claim that the escaped North Korean are the refugees and advocate their legal rights, rather than we claim only in our country that the escaped are South Korean citizen. In this way, we should put the escaped under the protection of the UN convention and UNHCR. They escaped North Korea at the risk of their life. At least we should be able to halt their repatriation to North Korea and put them under the protection of UNHCR by adopting Principle of Non-Refoulement, the core of protection of the refugee. Next step is to request Territorial Asylum and Temporary Protection to related countries since these are widely recognized in international law regardless of the escaped's refugee status. Moreover, we need to stop taking negative attitude and solve the problem through diverse channels such as association with international NGOs, diplomatic negotiation with related countries, etc. South Korean government keeps silent foreign policy based on 'sun-shine policy', therefore, their voice is hollow. All of the above are practical actions that will reduce possible conflicts between related countries and North Korea and make it easier the escaped's defection to South Korea. How to solve the problem of the escaped is not limited to only whether he/she can defect to South Korea or not. It falls on us as a tabloid edition of reunification of Korean Peninsula and as our first mission to prepare reunified Korea in 21st century.

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