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      • 몽골의 외국인 투자 관련 제도에 관한 연구 : 몽골의 외국인 투자법을 중심으로

        오양가 숭실대학교 일반대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 1871

        전 세계가 몽골의 경제성장을 주목하고 있다. 몽골은 1990년대 초 체제전환과정에서 상당한 사회·경제적 진통을 경험하였지만, 비교적 짧은 시간 내에 시장경제를 정착시키면서 2000년대 중반 연평균 약 9%의 고속성장을 이루었다. 비록 글로벌 금융위기로 인해 성장률이 급격하게 하락하기는 하였지만, 신속하게 성장세를 회복하여 2013년에는 12.5%라는 경이적인 성장률을 기록하였다. 이에 따라 최근 몽골에 대한 국제적 평가도 현저히 달라지고 있다. 주요 국제기구 및 평가기관들은 몽골의 경제성장에 대한 낙관적인 전망을 내놓고 있으며, 몽골에 대한 외국인투자도 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 이제는 인접국인 중국과 러시아 외에 일본, 캐나다, 미국, 한국, 심지어 유럽 국가들도 몽골에 대한 투자를 확대하고 있다. 이러한 변화를 감지한 몽골정부 역시 기존의 광물자원 개발뿐만 아니라 인프라 건설, 제조업 등으로 외국인투자 유치를 확대하기 위해 백방으로 노력하고 있다. 하지만 이러한 상황 변화에도 불구하고 몽골경제에 대한 연구는 국제기구의 통계 분석 위주의 보고서를 제외하면 매우 부족한 실정이다. 특히 국내에서는 이러한 경향이 더욱 심하여 대부분의 연구가 광물자원의 개발 현황 및 잠재력 평가에 그치고 있다. 1990년대 초 체제전환과정에서 몽골은 새로운 금융시스템을 도입하였지만, 정부의 정책 실패, 금융 전문 인력의 부족, 금융소비자인 일반 국민들의 도덕적 해이로 인해 많은 시행착오를 겪어야만 했다. 그러나 몽골경제의 성장잠재력과 금융시장 선진화를 위한 정부의 제도 개선 노력으로 금융시스템은 점차 안정을 되찾고 있다. 또한 여러 평가기관에 따르면 몽골의 실물경제규모는 2016년까지 3배 이상 성장할 것으로 예측되고, 이에 따라 금융시장 규모도 커질 것으로 전망된다. The whole world has been keeping its eye on Mongolia’'s economic growth. Although Mongolia has experienced considerable socio-economic instability during the process of the regime transition in the early 1990s, it has managed to establish the market economy in a relatively short period of time and reached an annual average growth of 9% in the mid 2000s. Despite the rapid fall in the growth rate due to a global financial crises, Mongolia has quickly recovered its trend to accomplish astonishing 17.4% in 2011. For such reasons, the international assessment on Mongolia has undergone noticeable changes. Leading international organizations and assessment institutions are presenting optimistic prospects for Mongolia’'s economic growth, while foreign investments into Mongolia continue to increase. With such changes in Mongolia’'s investment environment, expanding opportunities for market entry has become an urgent issue for Mongolian businesses. Given such background, this research provides a systematic analysis of Mongolia’'s overall investment environment, and identifies management situation and difficulties of Korean firms in Mongolia, in order to elicit ideas for specific measures and policy implications in order to expand market entryby Mongolian businesses. ‘'Mongolian investment environment,’' analyzes in detail the overall investment environment of Mongolia, along with its infrastructure, labor system, and legal and institutional structures. Despite its vast territory, Mongolia is a country with a small population and generally poor infrastructure. For such reasons, the Mongolian government is increasing its investment in infrastructure for railway and road expansion, expansion of airway services, securing energy supply, information and communication technology development according to its mid-term national development strategy.

      • 몽골에서 주택사업 타당성 및 마케팅 사례 분석

        오양가 남서울대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The analysis on the conditions of object chosen for my diploma thesis (research on external environment, internal environment, financial stability and customers and SWOT analysis) weremade correctly and properly using financial report and balances of the last 5 years. My Diploma thesis is consisted of total main 5 chapters including: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Architecture Chapter 3: Construction Chapter 4: Technology, Economy, Organization Chapter 5: Theory, methods and importance of elaborating management or marketing plan According to the survey, 80% of total citizens of Ulaanbaatar city live in ger district and it has beenmaking air pollutionworse and negatively impacting to the citizens’ health.Due to this situation, a demand to build apartments by significant number was created. The statistical data shows that as of end of 2014, 300000 apartment buildings haven’t been sold due to that the building construction facility don’t adhere the urban general planning strictly, construct a great number of buildings as a crowd in A zone of the city and just pursue after earning profits when it builds apartment town. This situation shows that the Building Construction facility doesn’t work under marketing strategy and conduct research complex works but just works for obtaining profit and the sales is in stagnant. Therefore, I tried to express that adjusting to marketing, finding out the proper relations of supplyand sales, elaborating marketing plan on the basis of study and survey are the main objective of business organizations in my diploma thesis. Making analysis on deficiency and disadvantage of the management and marketing plan of our country’s Building Construction facilities on the basis of conducting research and introducing the importance of making marketing plan more developed are the advantage of the thesis. The main issues that Building Construction facilities should focus on are: � Having marketing department and database which conduct their work on the basis of research � Permanently preparing the professional and skilled personnel and having human resource � Operating manufacture which produces main products of the building � Conducting flexible price policy based on the competitiveness � Using various methods of the sales motivation � Expanding marketing frame in geographical location � Preferring acceptable price and quality on the basis of customers’ purchasing capacity I tried to affirmin my diploma thesis that an organization’s reputation can be raised and the best-selling product can be produced as a result of implementing the above-mentioned objectives and comprehend the building construction the importance of marketing plan.

      • 농어촌관광 방문만족이 농어촌마을 및 농어촌관광 태도에 미치는 영향

        오양가 경기대학교 일반대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        본 연구에서 농어촌관광 방문만족이 농어촌체험마을 및 농어촌관광 태도에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지를 밝히고, 이러한 농어촌체험마을 및 농어촌관광 태도가 해당 농어촌체험마을의 재방문의도 및 기타 농어촌체험마을에 대한 방문의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 밝히고자 하였다.

      • 몽골 생태관광상품 개발 연구

        오양가 경기대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        세계 관광시장에서 몽골의 자연생태, 각종 희귀 동식물, 유목민의 전통문화, 유적 등 문화유산에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 몽골의 친환경 생태관광산업이 발전하고 있다. 앞으로도 생태관광에 대한 수요도 더욱 늘어날 것으로 예상된다. 하지만 불행하게도 현재 몽골의 관광시장에서 환경관광의 특성을 찾아보기 어렵고, 천연자원을 활용하여 자연관광 상품을 만드는 데에는 한계가 있다. 이에 몽골 정부는 생태관광 산업의 상품 및 서비스 개발 지원, 여행사의 상품 및 활동을 업데이트, 통합 생태관광 시설 부족 문제를 해결할 계획을 세우고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 현재 몽골의 지역 관광은 역사, 문화와 관련된 관광이 주를 이루고 있는 것이 사실이다. 이에 본 논문에서는 몽골과 다른 국가들의 생태관광 사례를 연구하고, 이를 바탕으로 몽골 환경관광을 둘러싼 대내외 환경의 강점, 약점, 위험 및 기회를 SWOT 요인으로 분석한다. 생태관광, 생태관광상품 현황, 국제경쟁력과 관련하여 SWOT 매트릭스를 활용하여 몽골 생태관광 개발 방안을 제시한다. SWOT 분석을 실시하기에 앞서, 본 연구에서는 몽골의 생태관광 상품 개발 확립을 목표로 하는 실제 사례와 선행 연구를 검토했다. 또한 생태관광 상품 및 서비스의 예에서는 SWOT 요소의 강점, 약점, 기회, 위협을 내부 및 외부 요소를 기준으로 평가했으며, SWOT 분석을 통해 요소의 상대적 중요도를 평가하고 이를 결정하려고 노력했습니다. 문제의 우선순위. SWOT 분석을 바탕으로 생태관광, 상품 및 서비스, 천연자원, 외국인 관광객 만족도, 환경 훼손, 몽골 해외 홍보 마케팅 계획, 관광 인프라, 계절 관광 등을 구성했다. SWOT 요인 분석 결과, 외부요인 중 기회요인은 천연자원·생태관광에 대한 수요 증가, 위험요인으로는 계절별 관광, 자연재해, 관광지 정보 및 광고 부족함으로 판단하였다. 내부요인 중 강점 요인은 천연자원(자연) 측면의 차별화된 관광으로 자연, 모험, 스포츠 투어 등 생태관광 상품을 활용할 수 있다고 판단됐다. 약점으로는 관광환경 인프라와 정부의 예산지원 및 생태관광과 관련된 공원 기본계흭 수립 부족이 있다. 이는 선행연구에서 논의되었듯이 생태 관광상품 개발의 내부적 요인을 더 중요하게 볼 수 있다. 다음으로 SWOT 분석을 통해 도출한 생태관광지로서 몽골의 강점을 강화하고 약점을 보완하며, 기회를 살리고 위협을 대비할 수 있는 전략으로 S/O 전략(관광루트 개발, 국립공원계획 재정비, 생태관광상품 마케팅 전략 개발), S/T 전략(관광 광고 및 마케팅, 관광환경 인프라 개선, 생태계에 대한 시민의식 전환을 위한 교육 및 광고), W/O 전략(생태관광객 관리정책 수립, 생태관광객을 위한 시공간적 배분방안 모색, 국립공원정보센터 확충 및 가이드 양성), W/T 전략(환경재난복구, 겨울 관광환경 인프라 개선) 4가지와 각각의 구체적인 방안들을 제시하였다. 하지만 몽골 생태관광에 대한 선행연구가 적어 국내와 국외의 사례를 분석하는 방법을 활용하였지만 사례조사에 그쳐 관광지별 문제점을 정확히 파악하지 못하였다는 한계를 가지고 있다. 향후에는 몽골을 방문하는 외국인 관광객들을 대상으로 관광지의 생태관광에 대한 만족도 측면를 높이는 요인과 낮추는 요인을 보다 자세히 조사하여 연구를 구체화할 필요가 있다. Mongolia's eco-friendly ecotourism industry is developing as interest in cultural heritages such as Mongolia's natural ecology, various rare animals and plants, nomadic traditional culture, and ruins in the global tourism market increases. In the future, the demand for ecotourism is also expected to increase further. Unfortunately, however, it is difficult to find the characteristics of environmental tourism in Mongolia's current tourism market, and there is a limit to making natural tourism products using natural resources. Accordingly, the Mongolian government is planning to support the development of products and services in the ecotourism industry, update products and activities of travel agencies, and solve the problem of lack of integrated ecotourism facilities. Nevertheless, it is true that tourism in Mongolia is currently dominated by history and culture. In this paper, the cases of ecotourism in Mongolia and other countries are studied, and based on this, the strengths, weaknesses, risks, and opportunities of the internal and external environment surrounding environmental tourism in Mongolia are analyzed as SWOT factors. Regarding ecotourism, the current status of ecotourism products, and international competitiveness, a plan for ecotourism development in Mongolia is presented using the SWOT matrix. Prior to conducting the SWOT analysis, this study reviewed actual cases and prior studies aimed at establishing ecotourism product development in Mongolia. In addition, in the example of ecotourism products and services, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of SWOT factors were evaluated based on internal and external factors, and the relative importance of the factors was evaluated and determined through SWOT analysis. Priorities of the problem. Based on the SWOT analysis, ecotourism, products and services, natural resources, foreign tourists' satisfaction, environmental damage, Mongolia's overseas promotional marketing plan, tourism infrastructure, and seasonal tourism were organized. As a result of the analysis of SWOT factors, it was judged that the opportunity factor among external factors was an increase in demand for natural resources and ecotourism, and the lack of seasonal tourism, natural disasters, tourist destination information, and advertisements as risk factors. Among the internal factors, the strength factor is differentiated tourism in terms of natural resources (nature), and it was judged that ecotourism products such as nature, adventure, and sports tours can be used. The weaknesses include the lack of establishing basic park interests related to tourism environment infrastructure, government budget support, and ecotourism. As discussed in previous studies, the internal factors of ecotourism product development can be seen as more important. Next, as an ecotourism destination derived through SWOT analysis, four specific measures were presented: S/O strategy (tourism route development, national park plan reorganization, ecotourism product marketing strategy development), S/T strategy (tourism advertising and marketing, education and advertising for improving tourism environment infrastructure, and transformation of citizenship consciousness about the ecosystem), W/O strategy (establishment of ecotourist management policy, search for spatio-temporal distribution plan for ecotourists, expansion of national park information center, and training guides), W/T strategy (Environmental disaster recovery, winter tourism environment infrastructure improvement), and each. However, due to the small number of prior studies on ecotourism in Mongolia, the method of analyzing domestic and foreign cases was used, but it has a limitation in that it was only a case study and could not accurately identify the problems of each tourist destination. In the future, it is necessary to materialize the research by investigating in more detail the factors that increase and lower the satisfaction aspect of the tourist destination's ecotourism for foreign tourists visiting Mongolia.

      • Fabrication, Characterization and Biocompatibility of Electrospun Zein/Ag Nanocomposite Mats

        오양가 전북대학교 일반대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        Abstract Wound dressing is a very important factor in the process of wound healing as proper wound care can accelerate the recovery of the wound. In this study, Zein nanofibrous mats with fiber diameters around 350-500 nm were prepared by electrospinning and silver (Ag) nanoparticles around 20 nm were concurrently synthesized in situ into the mats. The electrospun nanofibers were characterized by Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM), Energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectrum, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. Cell viability and activity of fibroblasts cells in Zein/Ag mats were also evaluated and results demonstrated good cytocompatibility and attachment of cells on the composite nanofibers. Also, the bactericidal activity of the fabricated mats against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) and gram-negative Escherichia coli (E.coli) was investigated via zone of inhibition test and results showed high anti-bacterial performance. Keywords: Wound dressing; Zein; Citric acid cross-linking; Electrospinning ; Silver;Nanofibers

      • 누드마우스에 이식된 사람 탈회상아질기질과 rhBMP-2 의 골유도능에 대한 연구

        오양가 단국대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        ▶서론 1965년 Urist에 의해 처음 소개된 재조합 골형성 단백질(Human Recombinant Bone Morphogenetic protein, rh-BMP-2)은 우수한 골유도성이 있다고 알려져 있다. 하지만 rh-BMP는 수용성이며 반감기가 짧으므로, 이러한 rh-BMP의 골유도능을 효과적으로 전달하기 위해서는 이식 부위에 BMP의 유지와 계속적인 분비를 위한 적절한 매개체(Carrier)가 필요하다. 이전 여러 연구를 통하여 사람 탈회상아질기질(Demineralized Dentin Matrix from Human, DDM)은 골형성을 촉진하는 성장 인자를 함유하고 있고 자가조직을 이용하기 때문에 면역반응이 없는 우수한 골이식재로 알려져 왔다. 본 연구에서는 DDM을 rh-BMP-2의 전달체로 사용하여 누드마우스의 피하에서 이식하여 나타나는 골유도능을 조직학적, 형태계측학적으로 관찰하고자 하였다. ▶ 연구대상 및 방법 실험동물로는 일정기간동안 동일 조건에서 사육된 생후 4주의 누드마우스(체중 15~20g) 수컷 20마리를 이용하였고 DDM과 rh-BMP-2(코웰메디, 한국)를 이식재로 사용하였다. 누드 마우스의 양쪽 피하에 DDM과 rh-BMP-2를 이식하여 Nylon으로 봉합한 후 동일 조건에서 사육하였다. 실험 후 1주, 2주 및 4주에 실험동물을 희생하였다. 실험동물을 희생 즉시 이식재와 인접 조직을 포함하여 채취하였으며 채취된 조직은 표본을 제작하여 H-E, MT 염색 후 병리조직학적으로 관찰하였으며 광학현미경으로 관찰하였다. 또한 획득한 영상의 일정한 범위에서 신생골의 비율을 측정 및 분석하였다. ▶ 결과 1. 조직학적 분석을 통해 fibroblast, osteoblast 등의 골형성 세포의 형성을 확인할 수 있었고 1주에 비하여 2주, 4주에서 평균적인 골형성 세포의 비율이 높았다. 2. 조직형태계측 결과 1주,2주 및 4주차 모두에서 신생골 형성이 관찰되었고, 평균적으로 1주에서는 5%, 2주에서는 20%, 4주에서는 30%로 관찰되었다. ▶ 결론 조직학적 분석을 통하여 rhBMP-2는 DDM을 매개체로 하여 우수한 골유도능을 나타내었으며 면역학적으로 거부반응은 없었다. 때문에 DDM은 훌륭한 골이식재로서뿐만 아니라 rh-BMP의 매개체로서도 우수한 기능을 나타낼 것으로 사료된다. Introduction: This study examined the osteoinductive activity of demineralized dentin matrix from human and recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 for nude mice. Materials and Methods: 20 healty nude mice, weighing about 15~20g were used for study. Demineralized dentin matrix from Human and rhBMP-2 were prepared and implanted into the dorsal portion of nude mouse(subcutaneous). Nude mice were sacrificed at 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after DDM grafting and evaluated histologically by H-E, MT staining. And also the specimens were evaluated via a histomorphometric study. Results: 1. The demineralized dentin matrix and rhBMP-2 induced bone and cartilage independently in soft tissues. 2. The histological findings showed bone forming cells like osteoblasts, fibroblasts at 1, 2 and 4 weeks. 3. The histological findings showed new bone formation at 1, 2 and 4 weeks Conclusion: In this study, we showed that the rhBMP-2 used in this experimental model was able to induce bone regenerationwhen combined to the DDM and DDM can play a great role as a carrier of rhBMP-2.

      • Effect of the different kinds of grinding media for fabrication of Cu/CNT composites during milling process by stirred ball mill with DEM simulation

        오양가 창원대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted remarkable attention as reinforcements of materials because of their exceptional mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. CNT/metal composite due to possible application includes automobile and aerospace industry where the decrease of fuel consumption by weight reduction. This study investigated the effect of grinding media under various experimental conditions on the raw material of copper powder and fabrication of Cu/CNTs composite powder by stirred ball mill with discrete element method (DEM). Especially we explored effects of grinding media such as alumina ball, zirconia ball and stainless steel ball on copper powder and fabrication of Cu/CNTs composite powder because raw powder properties also influence the behavior of the powder during compaction and sintering. In addition, DEM simulation carried out ball motion and calculate force and energy of balls under the same condition as that of actual milling experiments. The milling behavior of powders was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). We observed that rotation speed and milling time increasing with particle size increased, particle morphology of copper powder was more changed plate type. FESEM results showed that the CNTs were uniformly coated the on the copper surface at low rotation speed and short time by stirred ball mill. Therefore, particle morphology was slightly depended on different grinding media. Moreover, DEM results showed that rotation speed and ball size increasing with following increased force and energy in simulation. Ball motion of simulation results and actual ball motion are very similar with each other. Velocity and behavior of ball for different grinding media did not have difference to each other. These findings are useful to understand and optimize the ball motion and milling behavior of stirred ball mill.

      • 한국 음식에 대한 몽골 사람들의 인식에 관한 연구

        오양가 서울과학기술대학교 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        본 연구는 몽골과 한국 음식에 대한 차이, 감정, 맛, 한식을 먹게 되는 이유가 무엇인지에 대한 목적으로 한다. 그리고 몽골 분들로 2019년 9월부터 2020년 9월까지 199명을 대상으로 조사를 하였다. 몽골 사람들 몽골음식과 한국 음식에 대한 파악 조사하기 위해 몽골 음식과 한국음식은 서로 차이 존재하는지를 문항18개, 몽골과 한국 음식 먹고 나서 어떠한 감정과 맛을 느끼는지, 특히 몽골음식은 든든함 감정, 부드러운 맛이 느낄 수 있는 음식들이 많고 한국 음식은 즐거운 감정, 매운 맛이 느낄 수 있는 음식이 많다고 보였지만 실제 8까지 감정, 6까지 맛에 대한 문항으로 구분해서 실시하였다. 그리고 몽골음식과 한국음식 중에서 제일 먹고 싶은 음식이 무엇인지, 몽골 사람들 한국음식 먹게 되는 영향이 무엇인지, 등의 문항으로 구성하였다. 몽골 분들은 한국 음식에 대한 관찰을 통해 한국 음식을 우성으로 판단한 의의를 지닌다. 몽골 현지인들 중 한국음식을 좋아하는 일반인을 연구대상으로 설정하였다. 연구방법은 설문 조사를 기반으로 상관계수 및 국가 음식별 순서, 대응표본 t 검정이다. 설문조사의 주요 항목으로는 성별, 결혼여부, 학력, 직업, 연령, 월소득, 한국어 등을 들 수 있다. 몽골음식을 먹고 나서 즐거움 감정, 바삭바삭 맛, 한국 음식을 먹고 나서 기쁨 감정, 단 맛을 각각 느낀다는 것을 알 수 있다. 또한 몽골음식 단계에서는 제일 먹고 싶은 음식은‘호쇼르’, 한국음식 중에서“삼겹살”이라고 차지했다. 몽골인 들이 한식을 먹게 된 이유는 다양한 거, 조화한 맛, 한국 드라마나 영화 등 공공매체의 영향은 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to determine the difference between Mongolian and Korean food, their feelings, taste, and the reasons for eating Korean food. In addition, 199 Mongolians were surveyed from September 2019 to September 2020. Mongolians To understand Mongolian food and Korean food, 18 questions were asked whether Mongolian food and Korean food differ from each other, and what emotions and tastes were felt after eating Mongolian and Korean food. It seemed that there were many foods that could be felt, and Korean food had many foods that could be felt with pleasant emotions and spicy taste, but in fact, up to 8, emotions and up to 6 were divided into questions about taste. And it consisted of questions such as what foods would most like to eat among Mongolian and Korean foods, and what influences Mongolians eat Korean food. The research method is based on a questionnaire survey, correlation coefficient, order by country food, and correspondence sample t-test. The main items of the survey include gender, marital status, education, occupation, age, monthly income, and Korean language. It can be seen that after eating Mongolian food, you can feel joy, crunchy, and joy after eating Korean food, and sweet taste, respectively. Also, in the Mongolian food stage, the most desirable food to eat was “hoshor,” and among Korean foods, “pork belly” was ranked. The reason why Mongolians ate Korean food was found to have the highest influence of various things, harmonious taste, and public media such as Korean dramas and movies.

      • Understanding the Stunted Progress of the Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation A Case Study on the "Greater Tumen Initiative" via the "Greater Mekong Subregion"

        오양가 서울대학교 국제대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The Tumen River Area region is recognized as the economic potential area in the Northeast Asia after the Cold War period. The five countries namely, China, Russia, DPRK, Mongolia and ROK initiated the Intergovernmental regional economic cooperation to reach prosperous development in the area in economic field under the auspices of the UNDP. This enthusiasm led them to the establishment of the Development Programme (TRADP)/Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) to collaborate together from 1991 till present, under the one vision and purpose. However, the whole Program developmental progress has been stagnate. To begin with the research, the thesis introduced the methodology and framework applied to the area cooperation in NEA in the beginning. The next two chapters covered the introduction of two regional cooperation which are GTI and Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), to further contribute to the analysis. Chapter followed by the determination of the challenges faced GTI. In this part the detected issues which are assumed as the affecting problems to the developmental progress of the GTI, are compared to the GMS, the most similar regional economic cooperation in the region. In this sense, this thesis can contribute to the understanding of the potential challenges of the GTI, that are projected in five different categories such as institutional, functional, inherent and operational issues, then compared with another cooperation program, which has similar features and objectives with GTI. Furthermore, as a supplementary explanatory factor to the challenges the Strategic Action Plan of GTI evaluated in the next chapter. Followed by the examination of the Asian regional cooperation phenomenon. Lastly, the research findings and policy implications are introduced in accordance with the determined issues in GTI. To conclude, this empirical thesis has explored the problems and prospects that help to explain why the regional cooperation namely GTI has been stunted the progress is worth studying.

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