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        신단주 동덕여자대학교 산업대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라의 근대미용은 미용사1호인 오엽주가 1933년 종로 화신백화점에 최초의 미용실을 열면서 시작되었으며 근대미용 교육은 1928년 경성미용학교가 그 시작점이 되었다. 1949년 서울 시청에서 제1회 미용사 자격시험을 치루었고 1961년에 이용사 및 미용사법이 제정되면서 현재와 같은 미용사 면허제도가 도입되었으며 이 면허시험을 기준으로 하여 표준화된 교과과정을 정비하게 되었다. 그 후 우리나라의 미용계는 급속한 속도로 발전하여 2년제 전문대학, 4년제 대학교, 대학원에 미용계열학과 및 전공이 개설되고 있다. 이렇게 발전을 이루고 있는 가운데 2년제, 4년제 미용계열 대학의 미용전문인력 양성을 위한 대학원 개설이 시급한 현실이며 또한 현시대가 요구하는 우수한 인력배출의 노력이 필요하다고 보겠다. 따라서 이연구는 현재 개설되어 있는 4년제 대학과 외국의 대학, 대학원의 교과과정을 인터넷 검색 및 대학요람을 통하여 자료를 수집하고 분석 검토하는 문헌적 방법으로 진행하였다. 이 연구자료를 토대로 향후 미용계열 대학원이 가야할 교과과정의 방향을 제시하면서 이를 기초로 하여 대학원 수준의 교과과정 모델을 개발하는데 그목적을 두었다. 따라서 이 연구는 미용계열 대학원 교과과정 방향설정에 미치는 효과가 클 것이며 또한 증가하는 미용계열 관련 대학원의 교과과정 구성에 사전제시적 효과가 있을 것으로 기대한다. 미용계열 4년제 대학원 교육의 방향제시를 위해 Beauty related majors are opened in many colleges, universities and graduate levels since the beauty industry in Korea has been developed rapidly. However, their curricula still needs to have a good model in the light of educational efficiency. Thus, curricula of the beauty related universities in Korea and foreign countries through internet search and handbooks were collected and analyzed in order to suggest a new curriculum suited to the social situation in Korea. I expect this study will have great effect on the establishment of proper direction for the curricula of the beauty related graduate schools, and valuable for the preliminary presentation for organization of the curriculum. To show the proper way for the education, I pointed out some problems of the curricula in the beauty related departments of university levels as follows: Firstly, the curricula were not suited for the departments of universities. Secondly, the field practice education was missing. Thirdly, there are lots of curricula, thus cannot expect high standard education effect. Fourthly, it is necessary to open the original text reading subject to cope with the internationalization era. Also I suggested the direction of education in the beauty related departments of graduate schools as follows: Firstly, the direction of education in the beauty related departments of graduate schools shall be divided into the beauty care management field (natural science departments) and the beauty design field (arts and athletics departments). Secondly, the education in the beauty related departments of graduate schools shall be differentiated from the curricula in four-year-course universities. Thirdly, the advanced curricula shall be well selected according to social development. Fourthly, it is necessary to fuse the related fields and other industries. Considering the above direction of education, I suggested a new curriculum model in the beauty related departments in graduate schools. First of all, I classified the major into two categories, such as the beauty care field of natural science department and the beauty design field of arts and athletics departments. And then, I classified the beauty care fields into two different majors of the beauty functional cosmetics and beauty health care management. Also, the beauty design field was classified into two majors as both beauty image design and beauty performing arts. As the completion unit of the graduate school was 33 units or more, 11 subjects in 3 units are enough for the course. However I tentatively made a curriculum with 13 courses for each major for students enough to select. The major of the beauty functional cosmetics in the beauty care field will have skin science, hair science, pharmacological information, perfume science, cosmetics chemistry, surface chemistry, coloring and powder for cosmetics, cosmetic color, Chinese cosmetics, functional cosmetics, R & D for cosmetics, manufacturing of cosmetics and marketing of cosmetics. Also, the major of the beauty health care management in the beauty care field will have skin science, hair science, beauty biochemistry, physiology, beauty and diet, head skin clinics, skin treatment, alternative medicine, natural therapy, fatness control, public health, hygienics, disinfection and epidemic. In this major, students will learn about the connection between the beauty and the health care management. In the meantime, I classified the beauty design field in the arts and athletics departments into two majors, such as both beauty image design and the beauty performing arts. The major of the beauty image design will have expression of design, history of beauty and culture, colors, hair design, hair design creation, special effect make-up, character make-up, art make-up and hair, total coordination, image making, lighting, image, beauty computer graphic, beauty computer simulation. In this major, students will study about the role of the beauty in modern image industry. Also, the major of the beauty performing arts will have mass culture and arts, expression of design, lighting, stage arts and production, history of performing arts, analysis of works and characters, image making, total coordination, clothing for stage performance, art make-up and hair, character make-up, special effect make-up, traditional performing stage make-up and hair. In this major, students will study how to develop the beauty industry as the beauty arts necessary for the performing arts.

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