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      • 住宅再開發事業 住民同意에 관한 認識調査 硏究 : 부천시 원미6B 주택재개발사업구역을 중심으로

        송학재 明智大學校 不動産·流通經營大學院 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to understand on Landowners' Understanding of Written Consent in the Housing Redevelopment Project District. This study attempted to investigate landowners' understanding .of the written consent system in the housing redevelopment project district of Wonmi 6B within the Wonmi regeneration promotion district, Bucheon City. As a result, the residents, who were in their 40s, well-educated and high in the level of monthly income, were well aware of the written consent system. But the residents, who were low in the level of monthly income, had a low level of education and were young or old, had a low understanding of it, and so it is necessary to educate them about it. Second, 20%∼40% of the respondents said that the proper request rate of the written consent is 20%∼40% when it is submitted. It was found that it is desirable to put a restriction on the request of the written request, and so it is necessary to improve laws and institutions. Third, few respondents had an understanding of whether the written consent could be withdrawn after its submission regardless of age, educational level and income. In case the written consent is requested early, explanation and education are needed about it. Fourth, the respondents in their 40s had the highest difference in confidence about the written consent system. It was found that the high-income respondents had a high confidence in it. But the respondents in the other age groups and income groups had the low level of confidence in it, To enhance it, the promotion committee or association needs to provide landowners with publicity and education about it. Especially, it is necessary to provide thorough prior education for O/S personnels. The lack of an understanding of written consent, unreasonable request and insufficient explanation and the like contribute to the friction or dissonance among landowners and become an impediment to the promotion of the project. Accordingly, this study emphasizes that legal and institutional improvement and thorough education are needed as they cause the social conflict. Key words : housing redevelopment project, union member, establishment union, written consent, right to withdraw 도시화의 진전은 시간의 경과에 따라 물리적·기능적·경제적 감가로 인한 슬럼화가 진행되어 도시는 쇠퇴하게 된다. 주택재개발사업은 2003년 7월 1일부터 시행하고 있는 「도시 및 주거환경정비법」이 정하는 절차에 따라 도시기능의 회복과 주거환경의 개선을 위해 시행하는 공공의 도시계획사업이다. 이러한 사업을 추진하기 위한 주민의 참여제도는 주민의 재산권과 주거권을 보호하기 위한 참여방안으로 사업시행의 주체로서 사업추진을 위한 동의제도와 의사결정을 위한 결의제도로 나눈다. 주택재개발사업을 추진함에 있어 각 단계마다 주택재개발사업구역 내의 토지등소유자의 동의를 거쳐야 하는데 현실적 어려움이 있어 서면동의제도를 두고 있다. 그러나 추진하는 과정에 토지등소유자의 서면동의서 징구는 주민 간의 갈등을 일으키기도 한다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 부천시 원미재정비촉진지구 내 원미6B 주택재개발사업구역의 토지등소유자를 중심으로 서면동의제도에 대한 인식조사를 하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 서면동의제도에 대한 인식정도가 낮아 이들에 대한 설명 및 홍보가 필요하다. 특히 「도시 및 주거환경정비법」제13조 제3항에 의하면 동의제도는 주택재개발사업 조합설립추진위원회에 동의한 토지등소유자는 조합설립에 동의한 자로 의제되기 때문에 동의에 신중을 기해야 한다. 둘째, 서면동의서 제출 동기에 대해서는 OS요원의 권유로 제출하였다는 응답이 높게 나타났고 서면동의서 제출 시 청산금, 무상지분율 등 부담에 대한 설명이 있었는가의 조사에서 연령, 학력, 월 소득이 높을수록 조합에서 설명을 더 잘 하였다고 인식하고 있어 역시 저소득층과 저학력 그리고 연령이 적거나 많은 경우 이에 대한 인식정도가 낮아 이들에 대한 체계적 교육이 필요하다. 셋째, 서면동의서 제출 시 OS요원에 의한 서면동의서 징구율은 응답자의 대부분이 20%에서 40%정도가 적당하다고 응답하여 OS요원에 의한 서면동의서 징구를 제한하는 것이 바람직한 것으로 나타나 법·제도를 개선해야 한다. 주택재개발사업은 ⌜도시 및 주거환경정비법」이나 「도시재정비 촉진을 위한 특별법」을 통해 도시정비라는 공공의 이익을 위해 해당구역 주민들의 토지와 건축물을 사업의 재원으로 시행하며, 지역주민의 주거권과 재산권을 제한하며 진행되는 사업이다. 그러므로 조합원의 주거권과 재산권은 주택재개발사업을 진행함에 있어 법으로 보호를 받아야 한다. 넷째, 서면동의서 제출 후 철회 가능여부에 대한 인식에서는 연령, 학력, 소득에 관계없이 대부분 잘 모르고 있어 초기 서면동의서를 징구할 경우 이에 대한 설명과 교육이 꼭 필요하다. 또한 조합설립에 동의한 자의 철회권 제한조항을 삭제하여 의사표시의 왜곡을 방지하고 관리처분계획을 동의제도로 편입하여야 한다. ⌜도시 및 주거환경정비법」제17조 제1항, 동법 시행령 제28조에 의하면 한 번 제출한 동의서는 철회가 불가능하다. 동의제도에 대한 규정형식을 정비하고 총회 의결사항에 대해 재분류하여 사업시행계획의 동의율을 높여야 한다. 다섯째, 서면동의제도에 대한 신뢰성의 차이는 응답자의 상당수가 서면동의제도에 대해 신뢰하지 못하는 것으로 나타났으며 특히, 토지등소유자들이 주택재개발사업에 대한 지식이 부족한 상태에서 정비사업전문관리업자가 OS요원들을 동원하여 충분한 설명도 없이 징구한 서면동의서는 토지등소유자들의 진정한 의사를 담보하기 어렵기 때문에 서면동의제도에 대한 전반적인 재검토가 필요하다. 본 연구를 통해 서면동의에 대한 이해 부족과 무리한 징구 그리고 부족한 설명 등이 토지등소유자 간의 마찰이나 불협화음의 발단이 되며 사업추진에 걸림돌이 되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 이는 소송 등으로 이어져 다른 토지등소유자들에 대한 재산권 침해는 물론 사회적 갈등을 일으키기도 하기 때문에 법·제도적 개선과 철저한 교육이 필요함을 강조한다. 주제어 : 주택재개발사업, 조합원, 조합설립, 서면동의, 철회권.

      • 아파트단지 내 노인복지시설의 설치 및 운영방안

        송학재 전주대학교 대학원 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Dwelling issue of the elderly is considered as the most important part among all the other issues of elderly welfare. Dwelling is one of the 3 main factors of food, clothing and dwelling of human beings and it is essential to everyone. Although this desire or need to have a house is a common desire of all people, for the elderly people, who necessarily have some limitations in realizing the desire, it is essential for them to be protected by policy ensuring the elderly dwelling. Moreover, Korea is experiencing rapid increase of the elderly population due to an increase of life expectancy. And apartment complex has been rapidly forming due to the development of industry and social stabilization. After all, ratio of apartment residences has overtook that of detached houses according to data of National Statistical Office. Plus, existing studies found that the elderly people favors to reside in environment where they have always been living. Therefore, it is necessary for the apartment complex to have welfare facilities for the aged within the complex. Installation of welfare facilities for the aged in the complex is one of the urgent issues due to the rapid increase of elderly population and population aging. However, while residents acknowledged the need of the facilities, they still strongly deny to actually install the facilities because the residents think the facilities will have negative effect on their property right and residential life by building the facilities within the residential part. So, Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) revised the law to allow to install bedroom only for the first floor in case of Elderly Group Homes within apartment complex. But residents are still opposing to have the facility within a residential part. Based on this problematic situation, the present study established installation and operation model for welfare facilities for the aged within an apartment complex by utilizing preference survey for the residents and expert's AHP method and it also analyzed results drawn from the installation and operation method by selecting factors from the model and general factors from previous studies. Finally, the present study introduces some suggestions, based on the findings, as follow: 1st, between physical aspect and service aspect in large classification, the service aspect should be considered more importantly. This is because the results of the survey and the AHP analysis found that the supportive programs and service provided for the welfare facilities for the aged in the complex is more important. 2nd, for location type, the facility should be installed within apartment complex in Seoul downtown areas and in metropolitan area. Unlike what most of young and healthy people think, the elderly people prefer convenient transportations and medical services near apartments in downtown areas and in metropolitan area of Seoul since they are getting weaker physically and mentally. 3rd, for location of installation, the facility should be separately built either in part of welfare facilities for the aged or in part of neighborhood facilities rather than in 1st floor of apartment which is the residential part. 4th, for facility type, both residential welfare facilities and medical welfare facilities for the aged should be installed together. There was high importance even though the facility cannot be installed within the complex yet. This is because people perceive the needs of medical welfare facilities for the aged within the complex. 5th, for the body of operating service, the service should be administered by the municipality or by social welfare organization. This is because the welfare facilities for the aged is not a matter only for an individual or for a family and role of the country and the municipality can have positive effects in invigorating the facility and the services. 6th, for material services, well-being of inmates holds the utmost importance and agreement and support from neighborhood is necessary for the inmates to have that feeling. The reason why the service should have feeling of this comfort for the inmates is because the place nearby their homes is familiar and comfortable, thus they can stabilize their mind and body easily. 7th, for medical services, medical and nursing care should be reflected primarily and then comes health care and liaison with hospital. The reason why medical and nursing care in details of medical services hold the prime significance is that the family members can visit frequently. 8th, for details of life support services, conveniences and food should be considered with the most importance in its operation. If the welfare facilities for the aged is installed within the complex, the family can entrust inmates in day and night care service or in short-term care service for their meals and the family can aware that the inmates will have good-quality of medical and nursing care. 9th, according to the findings from the whole detail analysis, for better and efficient operation and installation of welfare facilities for the aged within the complex, elderly welfare section should be separately installed within the complex either in downtown or metropolitan area of Seoul in a physical point of view. And in aspect of the service, new type of welfare facility services for the aged should be provided for their comfortable later years within apartment complex(common residential section) and the services include medical and nursing services for comfort, conveniences and food, hospital liaison service for the inmates. These findings of the present study will be the basis to suggest reasonable installation and effective operation of the facility under the soaring needs for welfare facilities for the aged. However, regulations to install the facility within apartment complex can't be found in 「 Laws about the Ownership and Management of Aggregate Building」 but only be found in 「Elderly Welfare

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