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      • 사이버空間에서의 名譽毁損에 관한 硏究

        설현천 延世大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        사이버공간에서 이루어지는 명예훼손행위의 유형으로는 첫째, 타인의 홈페이지나 기업의 홈페이지에 명예훼손적인 글을 게시판을 통하여 올리는 경우, 둘째, 자신의 홈페이지 등에 타인의 명예를 훼손하는 동영상, 사진 등을 올리는 경우, 셋째, 인터넷상의 대화방사이트에서 대화도중이루어지는 명예훼손 등을 생각해볼 수 있다. 이상 살펴본 바와 같이 본 연구에서는 사이버공간에서 이루어지는 명예훼손행위에 관하여 형사법적 규제가 가능한가? 만일 가능하다면 형법의 명예훼손죄의 법리로 포섭할 수 있는가? 아니면 새로운 명예훼손법리가 필요한가? 등을 중심으로 고찰해 보았다. 우선 사이버공간에서의 명예훼손에 대하여 형사법적 규제가 필요하고도 적절한지에 대하여 살펴보면,사이버공간에서의 자율적 규제가 개인의 명예와 표현의 자유을 동시에 추구할 수 있는 가장 이상적인 원칙이지만 현실적으로 볼 때 자율적 규제로 해결할 수 없는 상황이 종종 발생한다. 통신공간의 의사소통규칙과 윤리를 무시하고 위반을 일삼는 경우나 이용자들간의 갈등이 운영자에 의해 조정되지 않을 경우 사법적 판결에 의한 형법적 규제가 불가피하게 된다. 또한 이는 형법의 보호적 기능과 보장적 기능에 비추어 표현의 자유를 위축시키지 않는 범위 내에서의 최소한의 규제는 형법의 보충성에도 반하지 않는다고 생각된다. 따라서, 사이버공간에서의 명예훼손에 대한 형사법적 규제는 형법의 보충성에 비추어 보아서 도 필요하고도 적절하다할 것이다. 그렇다면 사이버공간에서의 명예훼손에 대하여 현실적 악의원칙, 매체특성론적 접근방법등 새로운 명예훠손법리가 필요한지에 대하여 살펴본 바 현실적 악의 원칙에 의거 공인에 대한 명예훼손의 경우 가해자에 대한 형사책임을 지우기 위해 검사가 가해자의 현실적악의를 증명하여야 한다는 원칙으로서 우리 명예훼손법체계하에서 인터넷상의 명예훼손의 경우에 현실적악의의 원칙은 검사의 명예훼손의 고의입증이라는 거증책임분배원칙과 크게 다르지 않다고 할 것이므로 이를 우리 명예훼손법체계안에 새로 수용할 필요성은 보이지 않는다고 할 것이다. 또한 매체특성론적 방법에 대하여 살펴보면 , 사이버공간에서의 양방향성은 대화방에서 실시간으로 이루어지는 행태의 명예훼손의 경우 설득력이 있을지 모르나 보다 심각하고 치명적인 명예훼손은 홈페이지게시판에 명예훼손적인 글이나 사진 동영상 등을 게시함으로써 이루어지고 또한 이러한 행태의 명예훼손에 대해 사이버공간의 양방향성을 감안한 신속한 반박이 가능하다 할지라도 명예훼손죄가 추상적위험범임에 비추어 형법은 명예가 현실적으로 침해될 것을 요구하지 아니하는 점에 비추어 위와 같은 매체특성론적 접근은 현행 명예훼손죄의 법리에 비추어 설득력을 갖기 어렵다고 할 것이다. 다만 입법론으로 현행 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호등에관한법률의 문제점에서 지적한 바와 같이 모욕죄의 구성요건의 신설과 형법 제310조에 해당하는 특수한 위법성 조각사유에 신설이 요청된다고 할 것이다. Many types of libel in cyber space are the cause of major problems these days. First, planting the story on the notice boards of others' homepages or on the homepages of companies, which is unquestionably false. Second, registering the pictures or videos on one's homepage, which disgraces others' fame. Third, one party can slander the other while chatting. Is it possible to regulate all these kinds of libel criminally although it's in cyber space? If it is, then can criminal law cover up this new type of crime? Or should we enact new criminal regulations about this? The key subject of the study is about these problems. Above all, do we really need criminal regulation to deal with the crime of libel in cyber space? Self-imposed control is the best way to control these problem and it maintains both one's honor and the freedom of speech. However situations which self-imposed control can solve often does not occur, and instead violation of the rules of cyber space or the neglect of morals seem to be more prevalent. Many times even operators can not control conflicts between internet users. If so, criminal regulation by judicial trial is an inevitable mean to solving these problems. Also minimum regulation within the range that does not violate freedom of speech, is not against the principles of criminal law as the last means. Therefore, criminal regulation to libel in cyber space is necessary according to the protection and the guarantee function of criminal law. It is important though to remember that, enacting the crime of indignity and the specific reason of justification under the article 310 of criminal law, are in need according to the spirit of legislation.

      • (A) single-ended receiver using self-reference generation technique for DRAM interface

        설현천 한양대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Over the years, there has been growing demand for increasing the data processing capability of computer systems. Accordingly, many chip designers have focused on developing inter-chip communication techniques that offer higher bandwidths at low costs. In this sense, designing the DRAM interface and finding a cost-effective means to increase the data rate between memory controller and memories have become major challenges. DRAM interfaces typically use the multi-drop single-ended architecture to reduce the number of pins and the area. However, in the multi-drop topology, signal integrity issues such as inter-symbol interference (ISI), linear ISI, caused by the input-pin loading of DRAM chips as well as reflection, nonlinear ISI, at stub, make it difficult to achieve higher bandwidth. Moreover, the single-ended receiver is susceptible to reference voltage noise. Thus, it is essential to overcome ISI and optimize the reference voltage to increase the data rate. In this thesis, a 3.2Gbps single-ended receiver using the self-reference generation technique for DRAM interfaces is implemented using the 0.18��m CMOS process. The self-reference generation technique is proposed to recover data without an equalizer and a reference voltage generator which need large chip areas. The single-ended receiver generates the reference voltage for each bit using the previous bit. The circuit occupies 140�e120�gm2 and dissipates 40mW of power with a supply voltage of 1.8V when 3.2Gbps of data is transmitted over the channel with 18.55dB loss at 1.6GHz. The proposed method significantly reduces the chip area occupied by the receiver, making it adequate for DRAM interfaces.

      • AMOLED 패널 측정 시스템을 위한 소면적 고해상도 범용 데이터 드라이버 IC : A Small-Area and High-Resolution Universal Data Driver IC for AMOLED Panel Test Systems

        설현천 Hanyang University 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Active-matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED) displays have been highlighted as alternatives to liquid crystal displays (LCDs) due to their outstanding performance including high contrast ratio, fast response time, wide viewing angle, and high color reproducibility. Moreover, since AMOLED displays do not require a backlight unit, they can be manufactured in a light and thin form factor, thereby being widely employed in multimedia products. However, the non-uniform electrical characteristics of thin-film transistors (TFTs) and OLED degradation, which deteriorate image quality, prevent AMOLED displays from dominating the display market. To solve these issues, various external compensation systems have been studied. To implement an accurate external compensation system, its driving and sensing ranges should be properly determined according to the initial variations in the electrical characteristics of the TFTs and OLEDs of the target panel. Therefore, a panel test system that can accurately measure the initial variations in electrical characteristics is necessary for testing prior to assembling the external compensation system with the panel. However, since conventional panel test systems have been developed only for panels with specific backplane structures, they cannot be used for panels with various backplane structures and should be redeveloped whenever a new AMOLED panel with a different backplane structure is made. This leads to an increase in the research-and-development cost and the turn-around time for developing AMOLED displays. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a panel test system including small-area and high-resolution data driver ICs, a general purpose architecture for various backplane structures, and a fast and accurate measurement method to achieve high-image quality and low-development cost of AMOLED displays. First, an area-efficient and high-resolution resistor-string digital-to-analog converter (R-DAC) with a reverse ordering scheme is proposed. The proposed R-DAC is designed in a two-stage DAC along with a DAC-embedded amplifier. The proposed reverse ordering scheme decreases the area of the proposed R-DAC, which occupies most of the area of the data driver IC. To verify the proposed reverse ordering scheme, a 640-channel data driver IC with a 12-bit two-stage DAC was fabricated using a 0.18-μm CMOS process with 1.8 V and 18 V devices. The fabricated 12-bit two-stage DAC consists of a 10-bit R-DAC with the reverse ordering scheme and a 2-bit DAC-embedded amplifier. The proposed 10-bit R-DAC occupies only 50.1% of the area of the conventional 10-bit R-DAC. Measurement results show that the differential nonlinearity and integral nonlinearity are +0.25/-0.26 LSB and +0.54/-0.42 LSB, respectively. The measured inter-channel and inter-chip deviation of voltage outputs are 2.40 mV and 7.42 mV, respectively. Second, a small-area and low-power data driver IC using a two-stage DAC with a capacitor array is proposed. The proposed data driver IC employs a capacitor array in the two-stage DAC so as to both decrease the DAC area and eliminate the need for the resistor-string, which has high power consumption. To verify the proposed two-stage DAC, a 20-channel data driver IC with the proposed 10-bit two-stage DAC was fabricated using a 0.18-μm CMOS process with 1.8 V and 6 V CMOS devices. The proposed 10-bit two-stage DAC occupies only 43.8% of the area of a conventional 10-bit two-stage DAC. Measurement results show that the differential nonlinearity and integral nonlinearity are +0.58/-0.52 LSB and +0.62/-0.59 LSB, respectively. The measured inter-channel deviation of the voltage outputs is 8.8 mV, and the measured power consumption of the 20-channel data driver IC decreases to 7.1 mW, which is less than half of the power consumed by the conventional one. Finally, a test system for AMOLED panels with various backplane structures with external compensation method is proposed. The proposed AMOLED panel test system employs universal data drive ICs to measure the current of a driving TFT and the anode voltage of the OLED in various backplanes by only programming the field-programmable gate array in the proposed test system. The universal data driver IC is fabricated and implemented in the proposed AMOLED panel test system whose test board is assembled with a 55-inch full high-definition AMOLED panel. A fabricated universal data driver IC includes 640 data channels with a 12-bit linear gamma DAC and 12-bit variable current sources. To evaluate the repeatability error of the proposed panel test system, the driving TFT current is repeatedly measured and the measured maximum repeatability error is 9.8 nA. Moreover, to evaluate the measurement accuracy of the proposed panel test system, the variation in the currents of the driving TFTs are measured and compensated for, and its maximum value after compensation is measured to be 26 nA.

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