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      • 統一韓國을 위한 韓半島 軍備統制 方案 硏究

        권규홍 韓南大學校 行政政策大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to show plans to promote Arms Control of South and North Korea in relation to the current trends of the peaceful unification for the relaxation of the tension in the Korean Peninsula. Recently, U.S. drives the military policy to keep hegemony in Northeast Asia, and Japan promotes to be a military superpower and to dispatch its troops abroad based on its strong economic power. China plans to modernize its arm forces and Russia promotes to make its forces elite policy to recover its old initiative in Northeast Asia. It is highly possible that these policies of the four great powerful countries in Northeast Asia make disputes because of issues like the possession of islands, marine resources, conflicts of national sentiments. In spite of existing the trends of the peaceful unification between South and North Korea, there are increasing possibilities of the total warfare or the limited warfare in the Korean Peninsula because of North Korea's keeping the strategy of communizing South Korea and continually increasing its armaments. This study is divided by seven sections in order to suggest the Arms Control plans for the military stability and the relaxation of the tension by the plans of the peaceful reunification of South and North Korea : The second chapter is to consider the basic theory of the Arms Control including the concept, the patterns, the approach, the relation with national security and the effect of the Arms Control. The third chapter is to think over that the process of driving and lessons of European Arms Control which can be applied to the Korean Peninsula. The fourth chapter is to analyze external influences of Arms Control by analyzing the national policies and the military policies of four great powerful countries in Northeast Asia. The fifth chapter is to confirm the possibility of the Arms Control policy between South and North Korea by analyzing its old cases of the Arms Control process and its internal influences in the Korean Peninsula. The sixth chapter is to think over the possibility of the accomplishment for the future Arms Control in the suggested programs of unified Korea, to suggest the directions of the construction for the arms capacity in the future unified Korea. The seventh chapter is to conceptualize the plan to promote the Arms Control for the unified Korea by five stages. The major contents of the plan to promote the Arms Control are like the following. The first stage is the stage before building confidence that is to construct more powerful military capacity than that of North Korea. The second stage is the basic stage of building confidence that is to promote basic military interchange as long as political stability and cooperation between South and North Korea in progress. The third stage is the stage that building confidence is in progress that is to build confidence-security and to embody practice plans by discussion on the Arms Control. The fourth stage is the building confidence-security that conclude the treaty or agreement of military affairs and observe them. The fifth stage is the stage of decreasing the Arms Control that is to progress real armaments control based on the construction of arms capacity in unified Korea. In this study, it is emphasized that Arms Control should be basically done to the extent that South Korea exceed North Korea in arms capacity and hereafter Arms Control should be done by the size of arms capacity the unified Korea must achieve for the successful promotion of Arms Control in the Korean Peninsula. In conclusion, I wish that this study may assist both armaments control planners and people who promote this plan and help to make the unified Korea which is desire of Korean people as a valuable material for the Arms Control researchers.

      • 초기 한글 성경번역과 반포가 한국선교에 미친 영향 : 로스역(1882)과 『셩경젼셔』(1911)를 중심으로

        권규홍 장로회신학대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구에서는 구한말부터 일제강점기에 이르기까지 한글 성경번역과 반포 과정을 살펴보고, 선교사와 조력자와 권서들이 어떤 사역을 담당하여 한국교회의 초석을 놓게 되었는지를 고찰하였다. 그리고 오늘날 성경번역·개정과 선교사역에 주는 교훈을 살펴보았다. 존 로스(John Ross)를 비롯하여 성경번역을 담당했던 선교사들은 한국인 독자를 고려하며 한국인 정서를 가능한 많이 반영하여 한글 성경번역을 시도하였다. 수차례의 수정을 거쳐 한글로 번역하고 영국, 미국, 스코틀랜드 성서공회의 지원으로 인쇄된 성경을 출판하게 되었다. 이와 더불어 권서(매서인)의 적극적 활동으로 전국 방방곡곡까지 성경을 반포할 수 있었다. 권서들은 단순히 성경 판매만 담당한 것이 아니라, 성경을 읽을 수 없는 이들에게 글을 가르치고, 전도도 하며, 교회를 세우는가 하면, 독립운동에 가담하기까지 하였다. 이러한 바탕 위에 한국교회는 ‘성경 기독교’라는 세계선교역사에서 유래를 찾기 힘든 부흥을 맞이하게 되었다. 그러는 중에 한글성경을 번역하는 선교사들도 늘어나고, 성경 수요도 늘어나면서 통일된 우리말 성경을 번역할 필요성이 제기되어 1906년 신약성서 공인역(Authorized Version)을 발행하였고, 이후 1911년 한국교회 공인 성경인 『셩경젼셔』를 출판하게 되었다. 또한 관주성경과 국한문성경 등 다양한 성경을 발간하게 되었는데, 이 성경간행이 일제강점기에 일어난 일이라 그 의미가 더 크다고 할 수 있다. 기독교가 한국에 들어온 때부터 일제강점기까지 어려운 시기를 보내는 과정에서 한국교회가 성경간행과 더불어 더욱 성장하였다. 한글 성경번역이 한국교회와 한국사회 그리고 자생적 신앙공동체 형성과 장차 있을 선교사 입국을 준비해주었던 역할을 비롯한 역사적 교훈을 기억해야 한다. 오늘 한국교회는 우리에게 전해 내려온 우리말 성경을 잘 보존할 뿐 아니라 다음 세대에게 잘 전달해주고, 초기 성경(말씀) 기독교의 전통을 기억하고 계승해야 할 것이다.

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