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      • 아·태경제협력체(APEC)의 현황과 한국의 대응방안

        강희열 군산대학교 경영행정대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        As the world economy takes a new order under the formation of the WTO, the Korean economy can take an advantageous stand through the free trade and investment of APEC. Since the free trade system supported by APEC has a voluntary characteristic, this will reduce the loss of the domestic economy in opening its market and speed up the Korean economy as a whole. Recently, the world economy is regionalizing into economic blocs. With a single currency in EU since January 1999, it has been on its way building a stronger regional economic cooperation. In the case of North America, the North America Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) and the Free Trade American Area(FTAA) are under way led by the United States. A trade maintenance agreement has also been accorded with Europe. South American countries are also seeking ways for a free trade investment among its nations as well as considering to sign on a Regional Trade Agreement. Asian countries have also formed the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN). As a regional community, their goal is to increase its members in order to unite the markets into a big power. In such an environment, Korea will be able to contribute to the development of APEC by appeasing and controlling conflicts between developing and advanced countries. Korea must put efforts to cooperate with the developing countries, sharing the experience and know-how acquired during its economic growth. By doing so, Korea will be able to open the markets of the developing countries diversifying its own export markets which will help Korean companies to find new foreign markets. This will also enable sufficient natural resources and raw materials which means a great deal at a time like this. Trade disputes can also be prevented by discussing problems such as the transfer of high technology or the pressure of trade via the APEC.

      • 인터넷을 이용한 DGPS 이동형 기준국 설계

        강희열 忠南大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Differential GPS (DGPS) is a technique which improves the position accuracy using the correction data provided by a base station at a known, surveyed location. The correction data can be transmitted by various datalinks; radio beacon, VHF (and UHF) network, mobile satellite communication, and Internet. Recently, many researches have been performed to utilize the Internet as a primary datalink for transmission of the correction data due to its convenience and world-wide converge. This paper proposes the mobile base station design far the Internet based DGPS. The proposed DGPS base station consists of a GPS receiver with network interface and embedded webserver. Since the base station dose not require an additional server system to provide the correction data, the hardware configuration is very simple and it can be conveniently installed in any desired place. To verify the feasibility of proposed base station, a GPS receiver is designed using off-the-shelf chipsets and the embedded webserver software was developed on the basis of TCP/IP protocol stack provided by a commercial real-time operating system (RTOS). Several real-time experiments were carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed base station.

      • 題詠詩 免仰亭 30詠 硏究

        강희열 水原大學校 敎育大學院 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        <30 pieces of poetry at Myon-ang Arbor> is a collection of works which 4 poets (Kim In-hoo, Ko Kyung-myong, Yim Ok-ryong and Park Sun) chanted beautiful scenery around Muon-ang Arbor under the 30 titles each poet. It is recorded not only in anthology of Song Sun, but in anthologies of the very 4 poets. It wasn't at the same time that they composed their works. They wrote their works at some intervals while Song Sun was alive. By inquiring into Chinese and Korean poems with titles, we can see that the formality in <30 Pieces of poetry at Myon-ang Arbor> is creative and found only in Korea. Though it was influenced by Chinese poetry. There are two parts in each subtitle, which are made of the first two letters of place and the last two letters of scenery. And in their works, there are wills to learn the spirit of freedom from avarice in nature, and put it in practice. The texts of their poems are not merely describing the scenery, but admiring Song Sun and the spirit of scholar that they tried to attain the truth from nature. People who rusticated because of continuous purges of scholars naturally gathered in groups, and form a poets' group while interchanging with each other. The literary value of <30 pieces of poerty at Myon-ang Arbor> is that it had much influence on the development of Honam Scholars' literature through so many meetings.

      • 地方政府 社會福祉行政의 發展方向에 관한 硏究 : 國家事務 地方移讓과 國庫補助金 整備方案을 中心으로

        강희열 중앙대학교 행정대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        1991년 지방의회 구성과 1995년 민선지방자치단체장의 선출 등 본격적으로 실시된 지방자치제는 어느덧 10년이 되었다. 그동안 국가 행정체계는 커다란 변화가 있었으며, 많은 행정이 능률지향의 중앙집권적 국가행정체계에서 자율성과 민주성에 기반을 둔 지방분권적 행정체계로 개편되었다. 이에 참여정부에서는 지방분권화를 정부의 최대 혁신과제중 하나로 제시하여 추진하고 있으며, 지방분권의 핵심인 국가사무의 지방이양과 더불어 국고보조금 정비방안이 심의 확정되어 2006년 예산에 반영될 예정이다. 현재 533개인 지방자치단체 국고보조사업(12.7조원) 중 163개 사업(1.1조원)은 지방으로 이양되고 126개 사업은 국가균형발전특별회계로 이관되며 상대적으로 국가가 직접 관여하는 국고보조사업은 233개로 대폭 축소되게 된다. 그러나 지방이양 대상사업의 대부분이 사회복지분야라는데 문제점이 있으며, 지방이양 대상사업 163개중 사회복지 분야는 67개에 이르며, 금액으로는 5,988억원이다. 노인, 장애인 등 사회적 약자들에 대한 사회적 서비스를 일컫는 사회복지 서비스 분야에서는 41%가 지방으로 이양되는 것이다. 이는 전체 사회복지서비스 재정의 54%에 해당한다. 이처럼 국고보조금 지방이양 대상의 상당수가 사회복지 분야이며, 이는 사회복지분야에 큰 변화를 초래할 수 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 국가사무지방이양이 지방사회복지행정에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 분석하여 지방사회복지행정의 발전방향을 제시고자 한다.

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