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      • 일부 대학생의 성에 대한 지식·태도·행동의 특성과 성경험 예측요인 연구

        강효윤 성공회대학교 일반대학원 2007 국내석사

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        본 연구의 목적은 대학생의 성에 대한 지식, 태도, 행동에 대한 실태와 성 경험에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하여 효과적인 성교육 및 성상담 프로그램 개발에 필요한 기초 자료를 제공하는 것이다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 대학생들의 영역별 성지식점수를 분석한 결과, 성심리(M=77.42)가 상대적으로 가장 높았고, 생식생리(M=76.16), 피임·낙태(M=71.40)순으로 나타난 반면 성병·AIDS(M=55.92), 성폭력(M=61.51)에 대한 성지식은 낮았다. 특히 성지식의 하위분류 중 성심리와 성병·AIDS에서 남학생이, 임신과 성폭력 그리고 전체 성지식에서는 여학생이 더 높은 성지식 점수를 나타냈다. 성관련 매체 접촉경험이나 성경험이 있는 학생들이, 그러한 경험이 없는 학생들과 초·중·고·대학교 성교육 경험이 있는 학생들보다 오히려 성지식이 유의미하게 더 높았다. 2. 대학생들의 영역별 성태도를 분석한 결과 성관련 매체 접촉경험이 있는 학생들에게서 더 개방적인 성태도를 가진 것으로 나타났고 실제 성경험이 있는 학생일수록 성태도가 개방적이었다. 일반적 특성에 따라서는 남학생이나 고학년일수록, 사회계열이며 종교가 없을수록 성태도가 자유로웠다. 3. 대학생들의 성관련 매체 접촉경험을 분석한 결과 여성잡지를 제외한 다른 성관련 매체에서 남학생들의 접촉경험이 여학생들과 상당한 격차를 내며 많게 나타났다. 특히 군필 및 보충역이었던 학생들과 남고나 남녀공학에서는 분반출신인 남학생들의 경우, 성별에서의 남학생들의 성관련 매체 접촉경험보다 더 높게 나타났다. 이것은 남성 집단에서 성관련 매체 접촉경험을 양성적으로 더욱 부추기는 환경임을 나타내는 것으로 해석된다. 4. 대학생들의 성경험을 분석한 결과 자위행위, 성교, 피임 등 대체적인 성경험에 있어서 남학생들의 경험이 더 많았고 군필 및 보충역일수록, 남고나 남녀공학의 분반 출신인 남학생, '남성 집단'의 출신인 남학생에게 성경험이 더 많았다. 그리고 학년이 높을수록, 부모의 성태도가 개방적일수록 성경험이 더 많았다. 5. 대학생들의 성고민을 분석한 결과 남학생과 여학생의 많은 차이를 나타냈다. 특히 성고민 해결방법에서 남학생은 '이성과의 성관계를 통해' 나 '운동, 취미생활' 등을 여학생보다 더 많이 선호하여, 적극적인 해결방법으로 성고민을 해결하는 경향을 보였다. 반면 여학생은 상대적으로 성고민 해결방법을 주변 사람들과 의논하거나 혼자 고민하는 경향이 더 많은 것으로 나타냈다. 6. 대학생들의 성교육 경험을 분석한 결과 학교의 성교육이 남학생에게 점점 신뢰와 흥미를 잃어 남학생은 오히려 성관련 매체, 친구들을 통해 말초적이며 자극적, 흥미위주의 불명확한 성지식을 취득하는 것으로 나타났다. 성교육 희망 강좌로 남학생들은 '피임방법, 성병예방', '남녀 신체적, 심리적 특성 차이', '배란, 월경, 몽정, 사정', '자위행위, 남녀 성행위기법'등의 순서에 반해 여학생들은 '피임방법, 성병예방', '성희롱, 성폭력 예방 및 대처', '올바른 이성교제', '남녀 신체적, 심리적 특성 차이', '임신, 출산과정' 등의 순으로 원하는 성교육 내용차이가 남, 여 간에 많이 나타났다. 7. 성경험 예측요인 결과로, 자위행위의 영향을 미치는 요인은 남자 고등학교, 남녀공학의 분반, 합반 출신의 학생들, 군필 및 보충역일수록, 부모 성태도가 개방적일수록, 인터넷 포르노 사이트와 성인만화 접촉경험, 학년, 성행위 태도, 성심리 지식, 여성잡지 접촉경험 순으로 나타났다. 성교의 영향을 미치는 요인은 군필 및 보충역, 컴퓨터용 포르노CD경험, 학년, 성행동 태도, 순결 성태도, 이성교제 여부 순이었다. 피임의 영향을 미치는 요인은 군필 및 보충역, 성 관련서적, 포르노 비디오 접촉경험, 학년, 성행위 태도, 순결 성태도, 이성교제 여부 순이다. 성병의 요인분석의 결과로, 성행위 태도가 보수적일수록 성병 경험이 더 많게 나타났다. 원하지 않는 성교 경험의 영향을 미치는 요인은 컴퓨터 포르노CD접촉 경험, 이중적 성 가치관 태도 순이다. 임신을 한(시킨) 경험의 미치는 요인은 부모 성태도가 보통일 경우, 부모가 개방적인 성태도의 경우, 군필 및 보충역, 성행위 태도, 순결 성태도, 성인만화 접촉 경험 순으로 나타났다. 인공유산을 한(시킨) 경험의 영향을 미치는 요인은 특목고 출신의 학생인 경우, 군필 및 보충역, 순결 성태도, 인터넷 포르노 사이트 경험 순이다. 성관련 매체 접촉경험은 성경험의 하위분류마다 주요인으로 선택되어져 오히려 학교에서의 성교육 경험보다 성관련 매체 접촉경험이 성경험에 상당히 많은 영향력을 미치고 있는 것을 나타냈다. 학년이 높아질수록 개방적인 성태도를 나타나는 것은 성경험에 비례하는 것임을 알 수 있었다. 연구 결과에 근거하여 추후 연구를 위해 다음과 같이 제언하고자 한다. 1. 급격하게 늘고 있는 네티즌들이 인터넷을 통해 잘못된 성지식을 얻고 있으므로, 이를 미연에 방지하고 인터넷 상에서 건전한 성문화 정착을 위한 정부차원에서 제도적인 장치 마련과 인터넷 매체의 담당자들이 상업성 위주의 프로그램에서 벗어나 성윤리를 고취시키고 건강한 성문화가 정립되도록 스스로 반성과 자각할 필요가 있겠다. 2. 대학교내에서 학생들이 실제 희망하는 성강좌의 내용에 기초한 성교육을 정규교과과정으로 편성하고 성교육 전담교사 양성 및 교사들의 성상담을 중심으로 한 재교육을 지속적으로 실시하며 가정의 부모를 위한 전문적인 교과과정이 활성화되어야 한다. 3. 성지식, 태도, 행동에 대한 남녀 차이를 서로 이해하기 위해 이성교제 시효과적인 성적 자기표현과 의사소통이 자유롭게 이루어질 수 있게 적절한 학습기회와 체계적인 교육 프로그램이 제공되어야 한다. 4. 순결을 일반적으로 강요하는 교수법에서 탈피하여 학생들에게 절실한 지식과 정보를 제공하고, 학생 스스로 주체적으로 사고하여 합리적으로 자신의 판단과 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 도와야 한다. 5. 남성 집단의 성행동, 성매체 접촉여부나 성경험 등을 조사하여 남성 집단의 성의식과 행동 등이 가지는 문제점을 발견하여 해결점을 찾아야겠다. 특히 이것은 남, 여 간의 이중적 가치를 일으킬 수 있기에 더욱 절실한 과제이다. The teenagers were forced to inhibit sexuality through school education, but when they become university students, their ideas of the issue shift due to the sense of freedom. Furthermore, the period of when they start working and marrying is delayed, despite the fact that the period when they begin to explore sexual curiosity and urge is faster. Therefore, there are worries about this problem of sexuality. Therefore, it is very important that university students overcome this problem and we, who are able to sexual behaviors in a healthful and responsible way, must aid them. The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for sex education and sex consult program, so this study was done to examine the sexual knowledge, attitudes, behaviors of university students and identify on the variables affecting sexual intercourse. This study selected questionnaires to get information. The questionnaires were given to 650 students studying at the university located in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas, and the questionnaires were collected from May 2005 to June 2005. For reference, the basic questionnaires were made up of total 95 questions about sexual knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, troubles, education and general characteristics of the subjects The result of this study is as follows. 1. University students in this study showed the highest scores on their sexual knowledge of psychology, on the other hand their sexual knowledge of venereal disease and HIV/AIDS, sexual abuse was shown as low scores. And the male students had a higher sexual knowledge of psychology, venereal disease and HIV/AIDS than female students, and the female students had a higher sexual knowledge of physiology, pregnancy, sexual abuse and the overall sexual knowledge than male students. And the main sources of sexual information were friends, internet, books and magazines. The students who have experiences of sexual media contact or experiences of other sexual behaviors have higher their sexual knowledge scores than the students who have not experiences or had experiences of school sexual education. 2. The sexual attitudes of university students who were exposed to sexual media such as pornography, sexual magazines, sexual books, internet and computer pornography CD showed more liberal sexual attitudes than those students who were not. The more students who had experience of sexual behaviors showed the more liberal sexual attitudes than those students who have not. As general characteristics, the more male students, the older students, the more social departments' students, the more liberal on sexual attitudes of intercourse, sexual morality, sexual doublethink, lewdness media. Christian students had a conservative sexual attitudes rather than any other students who have a different religion. 3. More male students have more experiences of the various sexual media except female magazine than female students. And male students(who were exposed at the males' groups) who have finished army service or spend their school days at a not mixed-sex school or a boys' high school have many experiences of the various sexual media. 4. Generally the sexes and grade of students influenced the experience rates of sexual intercourse. Male students had much experience higher rates of intercourse, masturbation, contraception on sexual intercourse than female students, and older students had higher experience rates of intercourse, masturbation, contraception. The more liberal sexual attitudes of parents had much higher rates on experience of sexual intercourse. Through the analysis of university student's sexual troubles, sexual troubles stories were significant differences in both sexes. For example, male worried about 'insufficiency of sexual knowledge' and 'excessive interesting about sex' in order. However, female worried about 'virginity' and 'the guilty of thinking about sexual curiosity' in order. According to the way to solve sexual troubles, the overall male and female students responded 'I consult with peer or senior when I have sexual troubles'. On the other hand most of the students responded 'I try to solve sexual trouble alone, because I don't know who is the best person and I'm not sure they can help me.' The difference of sex to solve the sexual troubles is that much male students want to solve it through more positive solution like 'through intercourse' or 'exercises or exciting habits' than female students. These conscious gap showed really much difference btween male and female. 6. A number of students are unsatisfied with sexual educations even now, specially male students. And, those male students do not want to participate in sexual education programs. There are many differences between male and female students about course that they want to listen. The courses which male students want to listen are about 'a contraceptive measure, prevention of venereal diseases', 'the differences of man and woman's body and mind', 'ovulation, menstruation, night pollution, ejaculation', and 'masturbation, how to sexual intercourse' in order, on the other hand female want to courses about 'a contraceptive measure, prevention of venereal diseases', 'what is sexual harassment and how to keep it', 'what is right relationships with opposite sex', 'the differences of man and woman's body and mind', and 'pregnancy, the course of childbirth' in order. Therefore btween male and female students show many differences which they want to stories of sexual education. 7. Into result on the variables forecasting sexual intercourse, variables forecasting masturbation is much higher experiences influence of that as 'male students spend their school days at the boys' high school' than the girls' high school. And the variables forecasting were as 'male students who have finished army service' than any other students who had not, as 'the students on more liberal sexual attitudes of parents' than the students on more conservative sexual attitudes of parents, as 'experiences of internet porno site's contact and experiences of the adult cartoon's (animation) contact', as 'grade', as 'sexual attitudes of behaviors', as 'sexual knowledge of psychology', as 'experiences of female magazine's contact'. The variables forecasting of intercourse were identified as 'male students who have finished army service', as 'experiences of computer porno CD's contact', as 'grade', as 'sexual attitudes of behaviors' and as 'sexual attitudes of morality', as 'experiences of meeting with the opposite sex friend'. The variables forecasting of contraception were identified as 'male students who have finished army service', as 'experiences of sexual book's contact' and experiences of porno video's experiences contact', as 'grade', as 'sexual attitudes of behaviors' and as 'sexual attitudes of moralitys' attitudes, as 'experiences of meeting with the opposite sex friend'. The variables forecasting of venereal disease find that. Sexual attitudes of behaviors were showed more conservative, experiences of venereal diseases made higher. The variables forecasting of Subjects on students did not want to experiences of intercourse were identified as 'experiences of computer porno CD's contact', as 'sexual attitudes of doublethink'. The variables forecasting of experiences were pregnant with child or got female with child were identified as 'the students on more medial sexual attitudes of parents' and 'the students on more liberal sexual attitudes of parents' than the students on conservative sexual attitudes of parents, as 'male students who have finished army service', as' 'sexual attitudes of behaviors' and as 'sexual attitudes of morality, as 'experiences of the adult cartoon's(animation) contact'. The students are more watch an adult cartoons, on the other hand experiences of pregnant with child or got female with child are more reduce. The variables forecasting of induced abortion were identified as 'students spend their school days at the in special-purpose high school' than the academic high school, as 'male students who have finished army service', as 'sexual attitudes of morality', as 'experiences of internet porno site contact'. If the subjects have more low experiences of internet porno site, they have a lot of more induced abortion. The older students, it make the higher sexual attitudes. And it show proportional to sexual intercourse. The following recommendations are made based on the result of this study. 1. Many people are touch wrong sexual knowledge on the internet, so we have to make institution to prevent it and establish right sexual culture through the government. 2. The courses which the university students want to listen have to be opened at the university, and the education through an expert about sex(most of the sexual consultants) have to be started consistently for parents, not just students. The role of family and school should be extended in sexual education and consultation. So education program is needed for parents and sexual education teachers. 3. The systematic system and a proper sexual education have to be offered to students to understand each other's differences like sexual knowledge, sexual attitude, sexual behavior. It is needed to educate the students for effective self expression, consultation, and mutual comprehension about male and female person to solve the troubles and conflicts in acquaintance of the opposite sex due to differences of man and woman's sexual attitude. 4. At the university, the professor have to change their teaching way which just demand students to keep their purity to help what they really need. Sexual consultants have to respect and consider university student's changing values and viewpoint of sexuality.

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