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      • 변화하는 제주도 개발 담론과 마을, 땅을 둘러싼 성원권의 젠더정치학

        김상애 이화여자대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The purpose of this study is to intervene in situations where development discourses and conservation discourses are competing in Jeju Island since the 2010s. So this thesis explores the process by which development discourse is implemented and contested in their concrete lives, taking the village of ‘Bengdi’ located in the middle-mountain of Jeju Island as a research field and analytic category. As a result, I found out that the power relationship reorganized by the development discourses, is based on gender politics. The contents of study are as follows. In the ‘Bengdi’ village, ‘village development’ has a different meaning from the so-called ‘reckless development’ popularized throughout Jeju Island. Unlike ‘reckless development', which proceeds regardless of their own lives, the people of ‘Bengdi' believe that ‘village development' is necessary for the social reproduction of their village. In other words, the existing livelihood centered on the agricultural and live stock industry is considered to be unsustainable in the changing social context, which is articulated by expectations and desires for ‘change’, that is ‘development’. These expectations and desires for village development lead to a development strategy that mobilizes external resources in the village. The process of capitalizing land and village is based on gendered power relations. The rising land value reorganizes the power relationship within the village, centered on the male native people who own the land. This is because much of the ownership of land has been made through family inheritance. Being a member of Bunyeohoe(local association of married women), local women problematize issues that are considered to be factors that hinder the quality of life and development of the village, and bring meaningful change. However, these women's actions are limited in that they do not lead to political empowerment or representation. This is because women's membership in the local community, just like in the family, is male-dependent, provided only through marriage with a man from the village. The recently promoted village development project is based on the gender politics of the membership. This process signifies and gives value to the locality of the village through the ‘outside’ of the village, and at the same time marginalizes the historicity and daily life of the local people based on the land and place. On the other hand, the commercial district newly formed through the project drives the development of the village from the ‘outside’ of the village and is given the status and authority. Paradoxically, village development that transforms the placeness of a village into a resource that can be consumed outside, becomes possible only through displacement of the people. This study revealed that the expectations and desires of the local people surrounding the development are closely related to not only economic benefits and growth itself, but changes in the village's social reproduction process. In addition, with a feminist perspective of GAD(Gender and Development), which integrates the gendered cultural, political, and economic structure involved in the social status of local women, I revealed that the gender politics of the membership of community and family is a key mechanism for 'village development'. Through this, this paper argues that in the context of changing regions, the practice of creating communities and places should be made through reflection on the social reproduction process based on gender justice. 본 논문은 2010년대 이후 제주도에서 개발 담론과 보존 담론이 각축하는 상황에 비판적으로 개입한다. 개발 아니면 보존이라는 이분법적 논의로는 개발/발전(development) 담론이 제주도 지역주민들의 일상적 맥락에서 작동하는 방식을 설명할 수 없다. 이에 본 논문은 제주도 중산간에 위치한 ‘벵듸’ 마을을 연구 현장이자 분석 범주로 삼아, 개발/발전 담론이 구체적인 삶의 현장에서 실행되고 각축되는 과정을 탐구한다. 그럼으로써 개발/발전 담론이 재편하는 권력 관계가 젠더정치에 기반하고 있음을 밝혔다. 연구 내용은 다음과 같다. ‘벵듸’ 마을에서 ‘마을 발전’은 제주도 전역에서 대중화된 이른바 ‘(난)개발’과는 다른 의미를 구성한다. ‘벵듸’ 마을의 주민들은 자신들의 삶과 무관하게 진행되는 ‘(난)개발’과 달리, 마을의 사회적 재생산을 위한 ‘마을 발전’이 필요하다고 여긴다. 즉, 기존의 농축산업 중심의 생계기반은 변화하는 사회적 맥락에서 유지될 수 없는 것으로 간주되며, 이는 곧 변화를 향한 기대와 욕망으로 발화된다. 마을 발전을 향한 기대와 욕망은 마을에 외부 자원을 동원하는 발전 전략으로 이어진다. 그리하여 주민들의 일상적 삶이 근거한 물질적 토대로서의 땅과 마을은 소비 가능한 자원이자 시장 가치를 창출하는 자산으로 그 의미가 변화한다. ‘벵듸’ 마을에서 땅과 마을이 자산화되는 과정은 젠더화된 권력 관계에 기반한다. 먼저, 땅의 가치 상승은 땅을 소유한 남성 선주민을 중심으로 마을 내 권력 관계를 재편한다. 마을 내 땅에 대한 소유권이 상당 부분 가족 내 상속을 통해 형성되어 왔기 때문이다. 부계 상속을 원칙으로 하는 가부장적 가족 구조에서 딸, 며느리, 어머니는 서로 다른 위치에 있지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 남편과 아들을 통해 마련되는 부분적이고 제한적인 성원권을 통해 땅을 둘러싼 경합에 참여한다. 마을 여성들은 부녀회원으로서 마을 공동체의 성원권을 확보하며, 삶의 질과 마을 발전을 저해하는 요소로 여겨지는 사안을 적극적으로 문제화하고 의미 있는 변화를 이끌어내기 위해 행동한다. 그러나 이 여성들의 행위성은 정치적 세력화나 대표성으로 이어지지 않는다는 점에서 제한적이다. 마을 내에서 여성들의 성원권은 가족에서와 마찬가지로 마을 출신 남성과의 결혼을 통해서만 마련되는 남성 의존적인 것이기 때문이다. 최근 추진된 마을 발전 프로젝트 역시 이러한 마을 성원권의 젠더정치에 기반한다. 마을 발전 프로젝트에 관한 의사결정 과정 역시 이러한 젠더정치를 통해 구성된다. 그리고 결정권을 지닌 일부 마을 주민들을 중심으로 진행된 프로젝트는 마을을 소비 가능한 관광 자원으로 구성하고, 외부 자본과 관광객 유입을 통해 마을의 가치 상승과 발전을 이끌어내고자 한다. 이 과정은 마을의 ‘외부’를 통해 마을의 장소성을 의미화하고 가치부여하며, 동시에 마을 주민들이 땅과 장소에 기반하여 살아온 역사성과 일상성을 주변화한다. 한편, 마을 발전 프로젝트를 통해 새롭게 형성된 상권은 마을 ‘외부’의 자리에서 마을의 발전을 견인하고, 초-성원으로서의 지위와 권한을 부여받는다. 주민들의 탈장소화(displacement)를 통해서야 비로소 마을의 장소성이 유의미한 가치를 획득할 수 있고, 마을 발전이 이루어질 수 있다는 점에서 이 과정은 매우 역설적이다. 본 연구는 제주도 지역 현안인 개발과 보존 쟁점과 관련하여, 각축하는 양대 담론 사이에서 일상의 변화를 살아내고 만들어내고 있는 ‘지역주민의 삶’에 주목한다. 이를 통해 구체적인 현장의 맥락에서 개발 쟁점을 둘러싼 경합이 무엇을 의미하는지를 고찰하여, 발전을 둘러싼 마을 주민들의 기대와 욕망은 경제적 혜택과 성장 그 자체가 아니라, 마을의 사회적 재생산 과정의 변화와 밀접하게 관련되어 있다는 점을 밝혔다. 또한, 지역 여성들의 사회적 지위에 개입되는 문화적, 정치적, 경제적 구조를 통합적으로 논의하는 GAD(Gender and Development) 관점의 여성학적 논의로서, 마을과 땅, 그리고 공동체와 가족을 둘러싼 성원권의 젠더정치가 ‘마을 발전’의 근간을 이루는 핵심 기제임을 드러냈다. 이를 통해 본 논문은 변화하는 지역의 맥락에서 젠더 정의(gender justice)에 기반한 사회적 재생산 과정에 대한 성찰을 통해 공동체와 장소를 만들어가는 실천이 이루어져야 한다는 점을 주장한다.

      • 대학사회봉사활동의 만족도 분석과 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 : 동국대학교 참사랑봉사단을 중심으로

        김상애 東國大學較 佛敎大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The University lifestyle social service activity makes there is a possibility of searching for meaning from point. The each one the military merit which sleeps and kept the intellectuals wave crest enter into a community resident life inside and the role of the oneself gropes probably is what oneself point and service activity to lead, oneself it makes own completion fact learning machine time and substantial studying chance. This study researched students of Dongguk University, they did the satisfactory degree of university social service activity which it sees March until 11th part sprouting March 22nd question investigated in Dongguk University lifestyles of medicine 12 in a few days 450 dawns. The aim of this study is that we analyzed they led and to sleep the activation plan of university social service activity also we proposed following things. First, for the ceremony improvement against the social service of college lifestyles advance education of the attitude back as concept, philosophy value, social problem gain and loss and the servant of social service it leads from the college and the gain and loss against the service activity of the students it makes, against a social service activity the positive public information must become accomplished. Second, the system form of Chamsaram Service Group has for example, independent department, that must come to be operated with Chamsaram Service Group center etc,. Also the social service activity does to go well mail boat campus public information enough. The possibility of knowing from question result is the public information of Chamsaram Service Group appeared that grade one recording satisfactory boat song lowly in low grade students. The professor and the student, against a staff whole the business which informs the importance and a value of social service widely is important. Also the faculty which goes to work regularly to the center a general business efficiently and the specialty administrative staff supports a student social service activity together, they will be able to accomplish it is because of description below. Third, It will confront to the excellent volunteer from the system side, and in order to strengthen when the mote it magnifies a scholarship support, it gives an employment recommendation hour priority, must give an overseas annual income chance privilege. Fourth, I propose that universities have the own construction area social welfare tube. The university construction social welfare agency there is also an objective of the department of pedagogy research but the college and the community and provided the service which the direct community does in necessity and connection made from the point which wears out large grade it has meaning which is important in social service function accomplishment of the university. It compares specially in the students of the case Seoul area of the race Kyungju area students and the service agency, public information, credit my operation method and school support the mote which it counts satisfactory boat song is appearing lowly from the back all cotton to consider, care or support of the school side for the race area students there is a necessity which will be augmented. Fifth, social welfare subject possibility two strong students strong the student more participation motive and recognition, public information, when from the credit my operation method gadfly satisfaction the score is appearing highly, Dongguk University will set with culture indispensability or graduation essential subject to Introduction of the society (the resources) service. It will reach to respect, Dongguk University will produce the subject of [college social service]. Also until 1 credit 2 times it recognizes a current service credit and 2 credit it peels but until 3 times to recognize from the method to recognize and it means also the plan which is the possibility of becoming graduation credit and connection of the students operate in service credit 3 credit methods must be investigated. The university trust will operate the college construction area social welfare tube further and there is a necessity which will go out. It provided the service which because the college construction social welfare agency there is also an objective of the department of pedagogy research, but the direct community does in necessity and connection made the university and the community from the point which wears out only social service function accomplishment of the university the bay it knows large grade it is in order to have meaning which is important even in image raising of the university. It practices the mercy spirit which is Dongguk University case crane idea, service activity the truth person who leads, in order to it joins in and it lives and a thin community spirit it cultivates to respect, school has the will which is powerful and it supports public finance that must activate the university social service.

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