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      • 거리에 따른 화자와 대상 연구

        송문석 제주대학교 교육대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        이 연구는 1930년대 시에 나타난 거리를 살펴보고 그에 따른 화자와 대상의 모습을 고찰해 보았다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 비교적 가까운 거리인 관념형은 시에서 가장 많이 드러나는 유형으로 화자는 자신의 정서와 관념을 전달하려는 태도를 지닌 감성적 화자가 나타나고 있으며 대상은 화자의 정서와 관념을 전달하기 용이하도록 조직함으로서 관념화되고 있다. 둘째, 비교적 먼 거리인 즉물형은 화자가 청자에게 자신의 정서를 전달하려는 태도가 아니라 객관적 대상의 물질적 속성이나 외관을 전달하려는 태도로 화자의 정서나 관념이 억제되며 작품은 <화자↔대상↔청자>의 관계로 나타나고 있다. 지용의 즉물형에서는 대상을 객관적으로 드러내는 매우 이성적인 화자가 나타나고 있다. 대상은 물질적 속성이나 외관을 강화시켜 인간의 주관적 세계를 나타내는 대상이 아닌 객관적 절대 세계를 나타내는 대상으로 창조하고 있다. 이는 지용에 의해 30년대 개척된 것으로 김춘수의 후기 시로 계승되고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 셋째, 지나치게 가까운 거리인 무의식형은 화자가 청자에게 무의식의 내용을 전달하려는 태도를 지닌 것으로 작품은 <강한 무의식 화자↔화제↔청자>의 관계로 나타난다. 이는 30년대 이전의 우리 나라 전통적인 작품에서는 보이지 않던 태도로 이상의 시에서 새롭게 드러난 거리라 할 수 있으며 부분적으로 많은 작가의 작품에서 그 영향을 짐작할 수 있다. 무의식형에 드러나는 화자는 강한 무의식과 약한 의식의 정신 세계를 갖고 있는 화자다. 강한 무의식은 화제의 대상에 대한 강렬한 욕망을 갖고 있어 반복과 집착이 드러난다. 약한 의식은 진술의 일관성을 상실하고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 무의식형에서 드러나는 대상은 성과 관련된 내용으로 남성과 여성 그리고 성행위를 나타내고 있으며 대상들은 변용 되어 나타나고 있다. 변용의 형태는 형태적 유사성에 근거해서 남성은 1형태, 여성은 0형태 그리고 성행위는 동일어구의 반복이나 합침의 형태로 나타나고 있다. 또하나 확인할 수 있는 변용은 대상물의 형태적 유사성만이 아니라 음성이 유사성을 토대로 하는 변용도 보인다. 넷째, 지나치게 먼 거리인 기호적 상징형은 이상의 시에서 나타난다. 이상의 시에 드러나는 기호적 상징형은 화자가 화제를 기호적 상징으로 드러내려는 태도를 지니는 것으로 작품은 <화자↔기호적 상징↔청자>의 관계로 나타난다. 이는 전통적인 <화자↔언어↔청자>의 관계를 해체하는 특징을 지니고 있으며 이상에 의해 새롭게 개척된 거리이나 이후의 작품에서는 발견되지 않고 있다. 기호적 상징형에서 드러나는 화자는 화제를 전달할 수 없는 심리적 상황에 처해 있는 화자로 화자와 화제의 통합적인 관계가 깨어져 있는 해체 화자다. 이 기호적 상징형에서 드러나는 화자는 지적이고 비교적 이성적인 모습을 보이나 화제는 성에 관한 노골적인 내용이어서 화자가 직설적으로 표현하기가 힘든 내용으로 화자와 화제의 관계가 해체되어 있다. 이러한 기호상징의 체계는 언어체계인 열쇠(key word)를 통해 의미가 드러나고 있으며 이 언어체계인 열쇠(key word)를 통해서만 그 체계는 온전히 드러난다. 이상의 기호적 상징형에서 드러나는 숫자는 기본적으로 인간을 지칭하는 것이며 특히 여성은 '0'이나 '3'으로 기호화되고 남성은 '1'로 기호화되었으며 점(·)들은 아이나 정자를 기호적 상징화한 것이다. '+'는 성적 결합을 기호적 상징으로 나타낸 것이라 할 수 있다. 기호적 상지형에서 드러나는 화자는 의식적인 화자가 무의식화 되는 양상을 보여준다. This study is aimed to consider the physical distances of the poems in the 1930s and their speakers and objects in the poems. The results from the study are as follows; Firstly, the comparatively close ideology is one of the most familiar types in poems, in which is most reflected the emotion of the speaker who wants to express his own emotion and ideology. And their objects are ideologized so that the speakers' emotions can be well expressed. Secondly, the comparative distant ideology is not the attitude to express the speaker's own emotion but the attitude to express the objective nature and appearance of the materials, in which speaker's emotion and feelings are restricted with the relations of [speakers,⇔ objectives⇔ listeners ]in the poems. In Ji-yong' s comparative distant ideology appears a rational speaker who is trying to express the objects objectively. The object is created as the absolutely objective world by strengthening material nature and appearance, not as the subjective world. This is regarded as Ji-yong's succession of Kim Chun-su's poems developed in the 1930s. Thirdly, the extremely close ideology, the unconsciousness, has the attitude to express speakers' unconsciousness to listeners with the relations of unconscious [speakers ⇔ speakers⇔ listeners]. This attitude had not existed in the Korean traditional work before the 1930s. Therefore this attitude seems to have appeared in Yi Sang's poem for the first time. And we have found that its tendency has been reflected in many poems so far. The speakers in the unconsciousness have both complete unconsciousness and a little consciousness. The complete unconsciousness has so much eagerness with speakers' objects that we can find repetition and persistence. On the other hand, we can find that a little consciousness has lost the consistent statement. The speakers in the unconsciousness have something to do with sex, which deals with male, female and sexual acts. And its objects have been transformed. As to the transformations, males are the type 1, females, 0, and the sexual acts are symbolized as the repetitions of words or compounds. Another transformation is phonetically similar symbols as well as the types of objects. Fourthly, the extremely distant symbolic figures show up in Yi Sang's poems, in which the poet has the attitude to express his objects by the use of symbolic figures with the relations of [speakers ⇔symbolic figures⇔listeners]. This attitude tries to abolish the traditional relations of [speakers ⇔words⇔listeners]. We have not found this attitude since Yi Sang's poem and streets. The speakers in the symbolic figures are not in the psychological position to express the topics. They are intelligent and comparatively rational. However, their topics are mainly about sexual acts, so they can not talk about the sexual acts directly. Therefore, the speakers appear to have nothing to do with the topics. These symbolic figures can be interpreted through the key words and only the key words can reveal the systems. The numerical symbols are basically the symbols of man"0 or 3" stand for females, "1" stands for males and dots stand for children or spermatozoons. The figure"+"stands for sexual acts. The conscious speakers in the symbolic figures have been changing into the unconscious speakers.

      • 지역축제의 발전방안 : 정읍시 사례를 중심으로

        송문석 全北大學校 行政大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        A regional festival plays a positive roles in point of that it gives strong pride to citizens and provides opportunity to visitors getting in touch with an accustomed culture. Regional festivals also contribute an important parts in mutual regional exchange, activation of a regional economy and regional advertisement. While some of regional festivals in Jeongeup City are getting settle down showing typical regional images, the others do not play proper roles as a festival. The purpose of this study is to suggest various alternatives to make regional festivals held in Jeongeup City more successful. The method used in this study is a questionnaire survey targeting residents in Jeongeup City. As a result of analyses, this study suggests as follows. First, middle and long-term strategy of festival development should be established. Festival should be held systematically through a professional organization and a fund-raising plan based on the professional festival planning. Second, the goal of festival should be solid. It is required to set up clearly about what the festival pursues to get, whom the festival is held for, and quantitative and qualitative level of the festival. Third, there should be a main event suitable to the festival theme. Typical striking event or program unique to the Jeongeup festivals are required. Fourth, Jeongeup festival must be developed to a civil festival representing identity and images of Jeongeup magnificently. Fifth, festivals of self-government district should be activated. It should let the citizens get community spirit naturally and take chances to involve in the festival through the small festivals held in town or district. Sixth, Optimization for festival places is necessary. Considering the theme and programs of festival a suitable selection of places and design of Jeongeup festival must be done.

      • 시 텍스트의 창작과 수용방법에 관한 연구

        송문석 濟州大學校 大學院 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        This study is a cognitive poetics. Through this study, I'll search elements that mediate between a poet's creative process and a reader's application. I will also theorize which principles and procedures are needed to incorporate the text underlying in the grammatical system into the work of poetic system. This study makes it clear that thought and emotion are the important principles of realizing poetic meaning and that the interaction of these two principles solidifies the various aspects of meaning. The process of creating a poem is considered as the thinking process of <meaning>→<phonemic structure→lexical structure→syntactic structure>→<text> that is applied to individual words, and the emotional process of <stimulus>→<phonemic structure→lexical structure→syntactic structure>→<text>. If emotion is enforced, a poet may transcend the social and stereotyped frames. By reflecting new personal and individual phonemes, lexical items, or syntax into a text, a poet may make a thought statement which destroys routine grammar rules. With this, a thought will belong to an emotion, and a text will shape a structure of <emotional phoneme(thinking)↔emotional lexical items(thinking)↔emotional syntax(thinking)>. Therefore, the text is manifested in the structure of deviating from or destroying normal grammar because it is an arrangement of signs. However, if we find a subconscious thought that belongs to an emotion, we could confirm a normal grammar structure and apprehend the meaning of an emotion. Accordingly, the types of texts are divided by the interfusing intention between a poet's thought and emotion and the dimensions of movement. Also by the effect of emotion the relationship of sign and meaning is changed from the lexical meaning through the encyclopedic meaning to the poetic meaning. Consequently it can be divided into the notion-oriented poem that regards a poetic notion as a meaning, the image-oriented poem that regards a poetic image as a meaning and the sign-oriented poem that considers a poetic sign as a meaning. The process of a reader's objective application of thought and emotion embedded in a poem is manifested in three procedures such as <searching for meaning>, <certifying an interrelation>, and <establishing a contextual sense>. Resulting from these, a reader's creative application would be shaped by a imagination liberated by the destruction of the relationship of sign and meaning, an emotional response that helps people grasp soundly textual information and the cohesion of imaginary scenes and experience structures. In the field of poetry, there is a different language convention: a poetic grammar with a language convention that an emotion is superior or equal to a thought. This characteristic manifests as the destruction and extension of routine grammar, according to the direction of emotion and the strength and weakness of it. Therefore, poetry teaching needs the mutually connected and complementary relationship of the following three elements: a teacher instructing a poetic grammar as a principle, a student who learns it and appreciates it and the creative extraction of a principle from the text. Based on these, the real process of teaching and appreciating poetry is constructed.

      • 地域間 大學生의 스포츠活動과 健康觀에 관한 硏究 : 서울과 전북지역을 중심으로

        송문석 朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        This research took a census on the actual conditions of university students, sports activities and their views of health and analized them so that it could be helpful to those who want to enjoy sport activities and get some informations. This research selected the following items to provide the basic data of college physical education 1. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SPORTS ACTIVITIES, 2. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' RECOGNITION OF SPORT ACTIVITIES. 3. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' RECOGNITION OF THEIR OWN HEALTH. 4. THE CAUSES OF GERIATRIC DISEASES AND ITS PREVENTIVE METHODS. The written questionnaire was composed of the above mentioned four items involving 26 subordinate questions. 325 SEOUL region college students and 322 local college students, amounting to total 647 students, were a sample target out of the questionnaire was processed into frequency tablet separately and the data was converted into percentage. For the accuracy, X verification was applied. However, It is inadequate to insist that this result can sufficiently represent the whole university students' actual conditions of their sport activities and their views of health. The following is the result of this research. 1. Students take part in sport activities once or twice aweek. Students usually practice with their friends for one or two hours. The primary obstacle to their sport activities was the lack of sport facilities. 2. Sport activities, they think, are necessary to their campus life. Sport activities are beneficial to their academic studies, too. Students showed a negative response to the high school days' physical class, saying that they were not helpful to actual sport activities and they attributed it to the theoretical class and teaching methods. 3. Students belived that they were healthy. However, they felt tired after sport activities. Students got a chance of medical treatment through security accident so that they should be cautious of the possible accident. 4. In order to keep the sound health, the most important and effective method was that of sport activities. Students' home environment was not good enough to maintain their health. Almost all the students did not know about the cause of geriatric diseases and its precative methods. As a solution, regular exercise and dietary treatment are the key to prevent geriatric diseases.

      • 장기간의 유산소성 운동이 여성들의 좌심실 구조,기능 및 동맥혈류변인에 미치는 영향

        송문석 전남대학교 대학원 2000 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        장기간의 유산소 운동이 여성들의 좌심실의 구조·기능 및 동맥 혈류변인에 미치는 영향을 분석하고 규명하기 위하여 실험군(experimental group) 60명, 통제군(control group) 20명 총 80명 중 실험군은 다시 평균 유산소성 운동경력에 따라 I집단(평균 3개월 이하), II집단(평균 4년) 및 III집단(평균 9년)으로 분류된 실험집단과, 규칙적인 운동을 하지않는 통제군으로 분류하여 실험하였다. 대상자들의 좌심실의 구조와 기능적 변인은 안정시 심장 초음파 검사를 통해 실시하였고, 안정시 초음파 뇌혈류 진단기(TCD)를 이용해 혈류 속도, 맥박 및 저항 등의 동맥 혈류변인을 운동경력별로 측정하였다. 측정 집단별 각종변인의 변화를 분석한 결과 좌심실의 확장말기 내경은 실험집단에서 높게 나타났으며, 운동경력이 많은 실험 III집단에서 높은 내경차를 나타냈다. 수축말기 내경은 통제군에 비해 각 실험집단에서 높게 나타났으며 이중 실험 III집단이 가장 높게 나타났다. 좌심실의 확장과 수축말기 후벽두께는 수치상 높게 나타났으나 각 집단간 유의한 차는 없었으며, 확장 및 수축말기 중격 두께도 유의한 차는 나타나지 않았다. 좌심실의 확장 및 수축말기 용량은 각 실험 II와 III집단에서 I집단과 통제군에 비해 심실의 용량이 높게 나타났다. 좌심실 용량과 1회 박출량은 각 집단간 유의한 차가 나타났으며, 실험 III집단에서 가장 높은 차를 나타냈다. 좌심실 구혈율과 심박수 및 심근 산소소비량은 각 집단중 운동경력이 많은 실험 II와 III 집단에서 높은 감소치를 나타냈다. 동맥의 최대 혈류속도 및 평균혈류속도는 실험 II와 III집단의 최대속도가 I집단과 통제군에 비해 높게 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 혈류 저항지수는 실험 II와 III집단에서 혈관에 미치는 저항이 낮게 나타났으며, 맥박지수의 경우 각 집단간 유의한 차는 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과로 볼때 장기간의 지속적인 유산소 운동 참여 여성들은 전신의 혈액순환을 담당하는 심장의 좌심실 기능이 향상되어 심장의 여유력 증진 등 좌심실의 일부 구조적 개선이 이루어진 것으로 판단되나 심실벽 두께의 개선은 나타나지 않았으며, 반면, 좌심실의 용량과 1회 박출량 등의 기능적인 개선과 더불어 동맥 혈류순환의 효율적인 개선이 이루어진 것으로 보아 추후 여성들의 다양한 연령층에 맞는 형태의 유산소 운동 프로그램 개발이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the effect of aerobic exercise on the left ventricular structure and function, and the artery blood flow parameter in women. According to the result of the survey on the personal properties of people, the frequency of their exercise, its duration, and its strength, an experimental group of sixty women and a control group of 20 women have been selected. The experimental group have been given regular exercise, but the control group given done regular exercise. According to the career of aerobic exercise, the experimental group classified into Group I (less than three months of exercise on the average), Group II (four years of exercise on the average), and Group III (nine years of exercise on the average). During the research, the left ventricular structure and its functional parameters examined by the ultrasonocardiograph when they keep quiet. The artery blood flow parameters such as the speed, and the purse, and the resistance of artery blood flow examined by TCD when they come to. As a result of the analysis of all the parameters of each examined group we can conclude as follows: 1. The LVIDd of the experimental group shows its high value. The LVIDd of Group III with a career of a lot of exercise is the highest. In case of the experimental group, the LVIDs shows higher values than in case of the control group. The LVIDs of Group III is the highest. 2. The LVPWd shows a little high values in all cases: Out- of all the case the LVPWd of group III is a little higher than others. But there is no significant difference between groups. 3. The LVDVs of Groups II and III are the highest as compared with those of Group I and the control group. LVmass and SV shows some significant difference between groups. The experimental group III shows the highest LVmass or SV. EF, HR, and MVO₂ are the lowest in case of the experimental groups II and III with a career of a lot of exercise. 4. The highest PBV and the MBV of the left ventricle are most decreased in the experimental groups II and III as compared with those of the control groups. The BRI is the lowest in the experimental groups II and III. In case of PI there is no significant difference between groups. As a result of the consideration given above, those women who have participated in long-term aerobic exercise have their left ventricle's function enhanced as a result that the extra capacity of the left ventricles can be improved and the left ventricular structure has been strengthened in part, but the improvement of the left ventricular posterior wall thickness is thought to be dubious. But in addition to the improvement of those functions such as LVD, LVmass and SV, the efficiency of the arterial blood circulation has been more improved. Therefore, some aerobic exercise programs appropriate to the physical capacity of women of various ages will be expected to be developed.

      • 高等學生 體育敎科 受容에 關한 調査 硏究

        송문석 朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        As the physical education works for the regular development of the body and the formation of the social personality as well as the intellectual and emotional growth, it may be said that we can achieve more effective goal physical training in being high school students. In such a high school period, all circumstances and conditions must be given so abundantly that students can extend their aptitudes and abilities which are dormant in their minds. Therefore, to hold a new recognition about high school physical education and to acquire the effect as well as the opportunity to establish a new recognition by and about physical training through research concerning physical training acceptance of high school students. aims of this study are as follows. 1) the degree of interest in the Physical training of high school students. 2) Training activity and evaluation of physical training teachers. 3) the equipment for physical training. 4) the effect given by physical training. 5) the direction of physical training, etc. I investigated the internal recognition possesed by students by means of question papers to get a result which each part of high school students classified cultural and industrial department have the high concern about physical training. The result shows that physical training teachers are unfaithful in performing Physical curriculum and students feel friendly toward their teacher though the student have little opportunity to communicate with their teacher. And, in the level of Safety first, it reveals that we don't satisfactorily have the equipment for the physical training required and we want to make good use of our spare time and to develope our health with the physical education properly combinated sincere teaching method and theory with exercise.

      • 웹기반 상업부기 코스웨어 프로그램의 개발에 관한 연구

        宋文錫 전남대학교 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        사회 전반에 걸친 급격한 정보화의 진전과 함께 교육 정보화는 이제 거스를 수 없는 시대적 대세가 되었다. 컴퓨터 성능이 고도화되고 인터넷을 중심으로 한 정보산업이 급격히 성장하면서, 교육 부문에서도 이러한 조건들을 유용하게 활용하여 교육효과를 높이고자 노력하고 있다. 사회의 이러한 요구에 부응하여 현재 시행되고 있는 획일적이고 교사 중심적인 교육으로부터 학습자 중심의 교육으로 전환이 요구되고, 학교 교육도 시대적 변화에 따라 연구, 보완되어야 할 필요성이 있다. 그래서 본 연구에서는 인터넷을 교육적으로 어떻게 활용하여 교육효과를 얻을 수 있는가에서 출발하였다. 즉, 웹 상에서 멀티미디어를 결합한 상업부기 학습시스템을 교육용 프로그램으로 개발함으로써 교수-학습이 효과적으로 이루어지도록 하였다. 본 연구에서는 Dick & Carey의 체제적 교수설계 모형을 웹의 특성을 고려하여 HTML, Dynamic-HTML, JAVA Applet 등을 이용하여 학습자와 컴퓨터간의 역동적인 상호작용이 이루어지도록 학습자 중심의 웹기반 상업부기 코스웨어를 설계·구현하였다. 이러한 웹기반 상업부기 코스웨어를 실험집단과 통제집단으로 나누어 학생들에게 적용하고, 학습자들의 반응을 설문 및 면담 조사를 통하여 얻은 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시간과 장소에 구애받지 않고 24시간 열린 환경하의 인터넷을 교수-학습에 활용하기 위한 학습자 중심의 웹 기반 코스웨어는 교육적 활용가치와 효과가 있다. 둘째, 상업부기 교과의 특성상 이론적인 교수-학습이 일반적이어서 학생들은 교과에 대한 흥미와 자신감을 잃게되는 경우가 있었는데 인터넷의 다양한 기능을 활용한 웹 기반의 새로운 교수-학습용 코스웨어의 개발로 상업부기 학습에 대한 흥미와 자신감을 높이게 되었다. 셋째, 인터넷 웹 기반 코스웨어는 기존 코스웨어가 갖고 있던 시간적, 공간적, 내용적 한계점을 극복할 수 있고, 학습자 중심의 열린 학습 환경과, 상호 작용 학습이 가능하다. 더욱 발전된 웹 기반 코스웨어를 개발하여 이를 학교 교육에 적용하기 위해서는 스스로의 통제력과 학습 진행능력이 있는 학생의 경우와 그렇지 않은 학생의 경우로 구분하여 실제적인 학습효과에 대한 연구가 진행되는 것이 바람직하다. In an information oriented society, computer is the key means of gathering information and communicating with others. Using the new technology such as Internet services, we can get information independent of time and space. In this paper, we design and implement the courseware on the book-keeping learning system as Web-based multi-media education_ program. The effectiveness of the Internet Web based Book-keeping courseware is measured through question sheet after teaching the using the courseware. The courseware was applied to the two groups, experimental and control group. Questionnaires and interviews were used to find out the responses. The courseware was based on the model of Dick & Carery's teaching-learning system, and it used HTML, Dynamic-HTML, JAVA Applet, and so on. From the questionnaires, the following conclusions are made. 1. The learner-centered Web-based courseware of 24 hours-open environment is an effective and practical education method beyond time and place. 2. Learning by using the new courseware having various internet contents increases the learners' interests and self-confidence, and learners can choose any contents they want to learn, using the key board. 3. The internet web-based courseware can exceed the temporal, spatial, and substantial limits of existing courseware, facilitate interactions between learners and teachers, and create open learning environment.

      • 地方敎育行政組織의 改善方案에 關한 硏究

        송문석 전남대학교 행정대학원 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        With the promulgation of Local Educational Autonomy Bill on March 8, 19, 91, Superintendent of Educational Affairs of each city and province (the executive organization), its assistant organizations, and Office of Education which is under the control of the superintendent underwent changes in their organizations. The Board of Education was also organized by representatives of the local residents as legislative body on educational affairs. And thus completed is the local educational administrative system which will carry out the autonomous educational administration. This thesis studied whether the organizations of the Board of Education, Superintendent of Educational Affairs and its assistant organizations, and Office of Education which is under the control of superintendent can appropriately respond to the demand for educational administration in the age of autonomous education. Concluding remarks are as follow: First, autonomous educational administration should be expanded to such basic units of autonomous administration as cities and counties so that the decentralization of educational administration can be further enlarged. Second, district residents should be allowed to select members of their own Board of Education so that the civilian control over educational administration may be strengthened. Third, the organization of local educational administration should rather be regulated by ordinances of each autonomous administrative body, instead of Presidential act, in order to allow independent right of superintendents of educational affairs to organize proper administrative organizations. Fourth, planning and management department should be installed in each Office of Education of cities and provinces to unify planning and budget function and to strengthen coordination and control function. Fifth, in preparation for the localization of curriculum, curriculum department should be installed in each Office of Education of cities and provinces under direct control of Vice Superintendent of the Office. From the concluding remarks mentioned above, it is suggested that the purpose of reorganization of educational administration should not be the problem of power distribution but rather be the inforcement of supporting system of school education that the organizations in question serve. We are also expected to make profound considerations about what form of organization is helpful to school education.

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