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      • 전통지식 보호를 위한 지식재산권법체계의 적용 가능성

        權英心 忠南大學校 大學院 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This paper diversely examined from defining the concept of protecting traditional knowledge and genetic resources by Intellectual Property Right Status to effects on Korea's industry. After examination, we found out that the premise of this argument is that we need to properly establish our position always considering the related situation of Korea. Whatever argument it is, it doesn't exist for its justification and it has to proceed on the basis of the nation and society one belongs to. Especially, Intellectual Property Right Status is established by specific purposes and law, and it does not have characteristics of Natural Rights. After all, the problem of whether traditional knowledge will be preserved under the Intellectual Property Right Status has to be settled by political demands. Moreover, based on the observation of traditional medicine that is the most important part of traditional knowledge, because not a few Korean knowledge recorded in ancient pharmaceutical book is originated from China and most Korea's resources belong to the resource category of close nations such as China, unlike China, Korea does not have much chance to argue by itself. In the case of Korea's indigenous drugs and traditional prescriptions known from ancient books, it might be a reason to argue as Korea's traditional knowledge. But because there are enough implications shown by the fact that most contents recorded in Korea's ancient pharmaceutical books such as Dong Eui Bogam and Eui Bang Yu Chi are related with those of China, it becomes reasonable to determine our basic position to protect Korea's traditional knowledge and related resources. Under this point of view, the examination of the current plan centered on WIPO to utilize traditional knowledge to advanced technology gives a considerable significance to us. Also, the construction of database about traditional knowledge or collection of genetic resources can by utilizing it as an advanced technology under patent examination not only prevent fraudulent use of advanced countries, it can also be needed to widely provide basic information of research development to create inventions based on traditional knowledge to activate the research of traditional pharmaceutical area. As shown above, constructing a database after gathering and organizing traditional knowledge is because international organizations such as WIPO sympathize about its necessity. However, it should be operated in the first place on the reason that it has a justifiable purpose when drove in our country. Also, in the case of giving the Intellectual Property Right Status internationally, because the nation that collected and organized a traditional knowledge can have priority to argue and protect its right, collection of traditional knowledge and construction of database is an important problem we need to solve also to protect the rights of Korea. Moreover, in the case of currently discussed issues mainly focusing on authentication of the source and sharing of profit, legalistically there seems to be problem to accept in the boundary of intellectual property law. Also, as mentioned before, it is a general recognition that Korea gets profit more from the activation and promotion of inventions than from the positive protection of the traditional knowledge; therefore, it would be desirable if traditional knowledge is used as a preceding technology, under the existing system for intellectual property. In conclusion, as a problem which is closely related to national policy of industries, a question whether or not to introduce a new system for protection of intellectual property related to traditional knowledge is the problem that premises the national decision as a basic factor of solution. Currently, at the stage where the discussion on traditional knowledge is at a standstill, it will need more to manage a preparation for the discussion available henceforth than to lead the discussion.

      • 대학교수 직무발명의 고찰과 활성화에 관한 연구

        정주환 충남대학교 특허법무대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This article is to provide a solution for inspiring professors about invention, enhancing university's financial robustness and ultimately developing national industry by analyzing current problems and suitable solutions regarding university invention. There is no doubt that universities in Korea have made a great deal of contribution to industrial development by their research. Even though the intellectual property such as patent, which is regarded as high-quality human resources, has been resulting from the research, universities have not shown a satisfactory record in patent application and registration, when compared with other research organizations. The major reason for this situation is because of the uncertainty of ownership on research result, that is patent. Recently, in order to resolve the problems mentioned above, the government made partial amendments in the Patent Law and the Technology Transfer Promotion Law. As a result, state-owned or state-established universities are allowed to establish their subordinate organization known as 'Technology Licensing Organizations'(TLOs)' which can own the ownership of intellectual property. And these amendments of the laws purport to encourage universities and university members such as professor to care about inventions as well as technology transfers more. However, it is difficult to say that all the problems related with faculty-generated inventions would be resolved merely by establishing TLOs. Thus, in this thesis, at first, legal issues and the status quo of faculty-generated inventions are reviewed, and then the main causes of the problems are analyzed. Also, countermeasures are proposed at the end. When it comes to the issue regarding title to the ownership of faculty-generated inventions, the followings are to be considered: how to promote the faculty-generated inventions and academic development, how to encourage researchers to create new ideas, and how to make national science and technology flourish in the long run. To activate faculty-generated inventions, much effort has to be made to find out valuable inventions and an inventor-friendly environment in universities has to be created and established as well. One of best ways to boost up faculty-generated inventions is an suitable incentive policy for inventors. In this regard, close relationship between universities and enterprises can be considered. Furthermore, it is necessary that the principle of patent licensing should be amended to ease technology transfers more. Securing experts having special knowledge on technology, patent law and business is also most important for success of TLO. This is because TLO's function should not be limited to simply transfer of the research fruits from university to enterprise. Rather, they should provide an omnidirectional service system, thereby suppling technical informations and know-hows both for faculty and enterprise. To conclude, in order to boost up faculty-generated inventions and succeed in technology transfer into companies, mutually cooperative interaction between an fair legal system and government action, beneficial incentive and policy thereof, an special organization established for commercializing IP of university and so on are necessary.

      • 기술보호를 위한 지적재산권 제도 개선방안에 관한 연구 : 실용신안제도의 존폐론을 중심으로

        김승환 충남대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        인간의 지적 연구활동의 결과물을 보호하는 다양한 제도 중에서 인간의 창의적인 기술적 사상 등을 보호하는 대표적인 제도로는 특허제도를 들 수 있다. 특허제도가 규정한 특허의 요건은 나라마다 약간의 차이는 있지만 통상적으로는 새로운 것, 진보성이 있을 것 그리고 산업상 이용가능성이 있어야 한다는 것이고, 이러한 특허제도가 운영되어 오면서 경우에 따라서는 이 제도가 아우르지 못하는 부분으로 생각하는 쟁점이 있게 되었고 이를 보완하는 법제가 대두되었는데 이것이 바로 실용신안 제도를 규정한 ‘실용신안법’이다. 실용신안 제도는 특허로 보호하기에는 기술의 진보성이 약하다고 생각되고 디자인으로 보호하기에는 보호범위가 협소한 기술에 대하여 독점 배타권을 부여함으로써 자본력이 약한 개인 또는 중소기업의 개량기술이나 라이프사이클이 짧은 기술을 보호하기 위해 마련되었다는 것이 일반적인 견해이다. 실용신안 제도가 시행되면서 우리나라의 기술발전과 지식경제 기반 사회로의 변화에 기여한 바에 대한 실증적 연구는 없지만, 특허출원건 대비 실용신안 출원건의 출원 추이를 토대로 개인발명가와 중소기업의 개량 기술이 우리나라 기술발전과 산업발전에 상당한 기여해 왔다는 주장들이 지금까지 있어 왔다. 그러나 최근에는 개인과 중소기업의 소발명을 보호한다는 실용신안제도가 기술의 향상과 진보 그리고 동일한 절차의 특허제도와 혼용되어 사실상 구분의 실익이 없고 본래의 입법 취지를 살리지 못하고 있어 오히려 일반 공중에게 발명에 대한 혼돈과 절차상의 불합리를 초래하고 있다는 지적이 있어왔다. 또한 산업의 발달 및 기술의 발전에 따라 특허출원이 급증하면서 심사적체 등의 문제가 야기됨에 따라 실용신안등록출원 무심사 선등록제도 등을 도입하여 시행하기도 하였지만 위의 지적을 근본적으로 해소하지는 못하였다. 본 연구자는 이러한 실용신안제도의 운영실태와 문제점을 고찰해보고 실용신안 제도를 개선하는 측면의 발전적 대안을 제시하기 위해 실용신안제도의 각국 입법사례와 운용에 대하여 검토해보고 국내 기업을 포함한 특허 전문가들의 설문과 의견을 비교 분석적으로 고찰함으로써 실용신안제도의 운영상의 문제점 검토를 통해 실용신안제도의 발전적 개선방안을 제시하고, 나아가 기존의 논의에 덧붙여 실용신안제도의 존폐여부에 대해서도 검토 해보고자 하였다. 특히, 실용신안 제도가 존속되어야 된다는 주장의 주요 이유로 들고 있는 ①개인 및 중소기업의 개량발명 보호 취지 ②라이프사이클이 짧은 개량 발명의 보호(심사기간 단축 등) ③경제적으로 저비용의 권리화 획득 ④이중출원의 기회 등의 이유에 대하여 검토해보고 그 주장하는 바의 근거에 대하여 논리적으로 분석하였다. 특히 실용신안 제도와 관련하여 기업체 특허전문가들의 설문을 통해 실증적 연구에 뒷받침이 될 수 있도록 117명의 설문결과를 분석하였고 실제로 특허와 실용신안 제도의 수요자들은 어떠한 입장을 대변하고 있는가에 대해서 심층적 인터뷰를 통해 분석해 보았다. 이러한 실증적 연구결과를 토대로 실용신안 제도를 특허제도와 별도로 운영할 실익이 있는 지, 실용신안 제도가 폐지된다면 어떠한 쟁점들이 논란 사항이 될 것인지, 실용신안 제도가 지금처럼 존속되어야 한다면 지금까지 실용신안 제도가 갖는 여러 쟁점들을 어떻게 바라보아야 할 것인 지, 그리고 진보성이 작은 발명을 보호하게 되면 오히려 산업발전에 저해가 되는 것은 아닌 지에 대한 주요 쟁점사항에 대하여 고찰해 보고 이에 대한 분석적이고 실증적인 연구 결과를 바탕으로 검토해본 결과, 실용신안 제도를 개선하고 위한 여러 가지 검토안 중에서 가장 바람직한 안은 실용신안 제도 자체를 폐지하고 단일의 특허제도로 흡수하여 운영하는 하는 안이 좋을 것으로 보인다. There are various systems to protect the outcomes resulted from human intellectual activities. Among those systems, there is a patent system to protect human creative and technical ideas as a representative example. Patent requirements specified by the patent system of each country are a little different. Novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability are commonly required. There have been found some missing parts that are not covered by the patent system in some cases since the enactment of the patent system. There is needed a law to supplement this, that is, the utility model law stipulating the utility model system. There is generally considered that an aim of the utility model system is to protect improved technologies of individuals or small and medium-sized enterprises who are weak in financial strength or short life cycle technologies by providing them with exclusive rights for the technologies with the inventive step considered weak to be protected as a patent or with the limited protection scope to be protected as a design. Since the utility model system has been enacted, no empirical study has been made on the contribution to the technical development and changes to the knowledge economy-based society in Korea. However, there have heretofore been argued that, based on the filing trend of utility model applications versus patent applications, improved technologies of individual inventors and small and medium-sized enterprises have considerably contributed to the development of technologies and industries in Korea. In recent years, however, the utility model system designed to protect micro-inventions of individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises fails to bring about any practical use or benefit resulted from separation of the utility model system from the patent system as utility models are mixed with patents in view of advancement of the technology, the inventive step and the similar procedures; and fails to work the original intent of the legislation, thus creating confusion and irrationality in the procedure about the invention to the public. In addition, with the development of industries and advancement in technologies, the number of patent applications has rapidly increased and the increased applications have resulted in backlog of work to proceed with examinations. So, new regulations have been attempted, such as non-examination, prior registration and others for the utility model applications for registration. But, we have not yet fundamentally solved the pointed problems described above. I as a researcher have given careful consideration to the operational state of affairs and problems of the utility model system, have conducted an examination on other legislative cases and operations of the utility model system in foreign countries in order to present developmental alternatives for the improvement of the utility model system, and have given comparison and analytic consideration to the survey and opinion from patent experts including domestic enterprises. By doing so, I have tried to present developmental improvement plans for the utility model system through review of operational problems of the utility model system and further to review the issue of whether to continue or abolish the utility model system in addition to established discussions. In particular, the following four arguments why the utility model system should be continued have been reviewed; first, intent of protection of improved inventions of individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises; second, protection of improved inventions having short life cycle times (reduction of the examination period); third, acquirement of the rights at economically low prices; and fourth, opportunity of dual applications. Then, I have logically analyzed the grounds of such arguments. Particularly, with respect to the utility model system, I have analyzed the survey results from 117 persons so as to support the empirical study by means of survey of patent experts worked for the companies. I have analyzed how the actual customers of the patent and utility model systems speak for their position through in-depth interviews. On the basis of these results of the empirical study, I have given considerations to major issues such as what benefit might be brought about if the utility model system is separated from the patent system; what issues will be discussed if the utility model system is abolished; how various issues involved in the utility model system up to now should be viewed if the utility model system has to be continued; and whether the development of industries is hindered ironically by the utility model system when any inventions having minute inventive steps are protected. As a result of review based on the results of the analytical and empirical study, I consider that the most desirable suggestion among various reviews for improving the utility model system is to abolish the utility model system itself and incorporate the utility model system into the single patent system.

      • 퍼블리시티권 도입의 필요성에 관한 연구

        임보현 충남대학교 특허법무대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        According to increasing the Korean celebrities' reputation and population in other counties which called "Korean Wave", they are getting influential and competitive recently. However, those celebrities are not able to deserve to get profit from their popularity abroad, because there is no regulation to protect their identities such as name, portrait, voice, signature, and so on. There is the preexisting right of portrait to protect individual's portrait or name passively not to open or use those commercially. It is different from the right of publicity which is causing property damage when infringed. There are only adequate recompense according to the right of portrait. In United States, the right of publicity was introduced at the first time to protect being used celebrities' name or portrait without permission. Many states in the U. S accepted the right of publicity as a written law. In Korea, there are many cases and disputes on infringing individual's identity recently and the need to protect it is increasing. However, because there is no written law in Korea, many cases had different results. In the mean time, the academical discussions on the right of publicity are meager yet here. In conclusion, I assume that the right of publicity can be introduced to Korean law and the right of publicity has already been a commercial practice by paying and contracting for commercial use of individual's identity. To affirm introducing the right of publicity, the negotiation and the inheritance could matter regarding the possibility of transference, therefore I also affirm the negotiation, taking a serious view on the property right of publicity, and the inheritance, preventing taking excessive profits using a famous individual's reputation after their death. When we accept the right of publicity, there must be not only benefit but also responsibility so we have to consider both carefully to introduce the right of publicity.

      • 「나고야의정서」 발효에 따른 법적·제도적 보완방안 연구

        김연경 충남대학교 특허법무대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resource and the Fairand Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (herein after referred as to "the Protocol") was adopted at the tenth meeting of Conference of the Parties to the CBD on 29 October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan. Adopting the Protocol and taking into effecting within a few upcoming years, the many countries which signed on the Protocol and the countries not singed but which would be affected by the Protocol would have face with to prepare legal and institutional framework considering both positive and negative features by the Protocol within the international regime of access and benefit sharing (ABS) based on genetic resources. The Protocol is structured into 27 preambular paragraphs, 36 articles, and one annex, and this study examines and summaries the core provisions of the Protocol. The core and controversial issues have been drawn as follows: 'access requirements', 'benefit sharing', 'utilization of genetic resources and range of utilization', 'indigenous and local communities and traditional knowledge', 'temporal scope', 'compliance', 'monitoring' and so on. The Protocol, itself, has several achievements such as instituting how to approach the genetic resources from other countries and how to share the benefits utilizing from those resources. However, the Protocol still has several drawbacks such as its ambiguous expression in central provisions or no clarifications where it is essentially needed. Adopting the Protocol, the rich countries in terms of genetic resources, which are usually developing countries, are likely to enforce their legal system to manage genetic resources nationally and internationally according to the requirements of the Protocol. In other hand, the poor countries in terms of natural resources but having cutting-edge technology to utilize the resources would prepare how to cooperate resources-rich countries in legal and political manners. The study would first provide the analysis of the Protocol and the current status of legal framework in various countries grouped into two; resources-rich and not rich. The rich countries in terms of genetic or natural resources are China, Australia, India, Brazil and Norway, otherwise the resources-user countries are Japan, Canada and USA representatively. Those countries are the Parties of CBD except USA and they have their own national regulation coping with ABS international regime. As the next step, the study would explore the current legal system of Korea as regard to the Protocol and the CBD. The Korean Government has recently legislated the Law on the Conservation and Utilization on the Biodiversity and will enforce the Law in February 2013, and the study would examine this Law in detail with a view of distinctions with existing laws and regulations in Korea. Lastly, this study would provide the legal and institutional framework and approaches which could be considered to maximize the effects of the Law on the Conservation and Utilization on the Biodiversity. 2010년 10월에 개최된 생물다양성협약 제10차 당사국총회에서 생물유전자원의 접근 및 이익공유(ABS: Access and Benefit-Sharing)에 관한 「나고야의정서」가 채택되었다. 「나고야의정서」의 채택으로 생물유전자원의 확보 및 이용을 위한 정부, 기업, 연구기관 차원의 대책 마련이 시급한 과제로 대두되었다. 「나고야의정서」는 생물유전자원 이용에서 발생하는 이익을 자원 제공국과 공유하도록 규정하는 국제규범으로 10년에 걸친 국제협상의 성과물이라 볼 수 있으며, 의정서에는 주로 생물유전자원 이용국인 선진국의 입장이 상대적으로 많이 반영되었다 볼 수 있으며, 특히 총회 개최국인 일본은 개도국에 대한 적극적인 재정지원을 제안하여 의정서 합의를 도출하는데 일정 기여를 하였다고 평가되고 있다. 「나고야의정서」의 핵심 쟁점은 의정서의 적용범위, 이익공유, 접근절차, 준수확보 등의 사항이다. 적용범위라 함은, 의정서 발효 이후에 획득된 유전자원을 대상으로 한다는 것과 파생물(derivative)은 포함시키지 않기로 한 것을 말한다. 이익공유는 선진국 주장대로 개별 계약을 통해 이루어지도록 하였으나, 다만 계약이 성실히 이행되도록 국내법적 조치를 취하도록 하고 있다. 접근절차에서는 개도국의 투명한 접근절차 정비가 요구되고 있으며 이 또한 선진국에게 유리한 효과를 줄 것으로 기대되고 있다. 마지막으로 의정서의 성실한 준수를 위하여 가입국가는 1개 이상의 감시기관(checkpoint)를 설치하도록 규정하고 있다. 「나고야의정서」의 채택으로 생물자원부국으로 여겨지는 개도국의 협상력이 증가할 것으로 예상되며, 생물유전자원 해외의존도가 높은 우리나라는 이에 대한 대비가 필요한 실정이다. 또한 현재 채택된 의정서가 여전히 불분명한 부분이 남아 있어 향후 추가적인 협상이 예상되므로 이에 대한 대비도 필요하다 보여진다. 또한 「나고야의정서」가 요구하는 사항을 이행하기 위한 국내 대응책 마련에도 관심을 기울여야 한다. 「나고야의정서」의 이행은 어느 한 부처가 완수할 수 있는 사항이 아닌 그 범위가 방대하고 또한 생명공학 및 보건산업 등 국가 미래성장동력과 직결되기 때문에 정부의 신중한 접근 및 면밀한 대책이 요구되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 「나고야의정서」발효에 따른 우리나라의 효율적인 국가 대응 및 운영 시스템 구축을 마련하기 위하여, 「나고야의정서」의 채택배경 및 과정을 검토하고 특히 국가별로 생물유전자원의 접근 및 이익공유(ABS) 문제에 대한 대응 정책 및 제도를 살펴볼 것이다. 이를 바탕으로 우리나라가 「나고야의정서」발효에 따른 법적, 제도적 국가적 대응 방향이 현재까지 어느 단계까지 진행되어 왔는지 비교해 보고, 향후 우리나라가 취할 수 있는 법적, 제도적 발전적 방향에 대해 모색해 보고자 한다.

      • 천연물 신약개발과 특허권의 역할

        신숙영 忠南大學校 大學院 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study is exploring pharmaceutical industry at home and abroad, reviewing the appropriateness of natural substance new drug development and studying the role of intellectual property right. Since new drug development requires huge investment and long time, the protection of intellectual property right is utilized as more important means in collecting invested research and development cost in pharmaceutical industry than in other industries. Therefore, the patent management in a pharmaceutical company is more important than in companies in other industries. In order for new drug development to succeed in high added value industry with high technology intensity, it is necessary to establish a strategy on intellectual property right from the development step. Accordingly, this study explored the intellectual property right related to natural substance new drug and studied how the domestic laws related to international treaties should be applied on this matter. As study method, the natural substance new drug development status and related existing study literatures were identified and analyzed by literature search. In addition, the issues in the application of patent law on the development of natural substance new drug were identified by learning existing patent right related regulations, introduction status of international treaties to Korea and the preparation status in Korea for international treaties. As last, an improvement plan is suggested in this regard. The conclusion suggested by this study is as following. The main stream of domestic new drug development is generic medicines and improved medicines. However, if we are to overcome the limitations in investment and human resources and have competitiveness in global market, development of natural substance new drug utilizing traditional medicines based on rich clinical experience accumulated for a long time would be more competitive. The entry barrier to natural substance new drug development in Korea was lowered when the Natural Substance New Drug Research and Development Act was legislated in the early 2000s for the improvement of poor investment environment; however, there is the issue that the process after entry is not getting support because the act was not modified since its legislation. In addition, there is no legal device for domestic pharmaceutical industry to cope with the Convention on Biological Diversity, which is acknowledged as a crisis. Therefore, modification of Natural Substance New Drug Research and Development Act is necessary so that new drug development would be successful enabling investment cost collection after market entry. When natural substance new drug development is successful, it can create high added value; therefore, patent right is very important. The role of patent right for Korean natural substance new drug to enter global market is as following. First is the decrease of exploration cost. There are many ongoing studies which investigate and organize native plants and generic resources in Korea since Nagoya Protocol. If this would be utilized in the exploration study step of natural substance new drug development, which is most costly both in time and money, substantial amount of time and money can be saved compared to existing studies. At present, there is no legal basis enabling easy utilization of native plants and generic resources being studied; therefore, preparation of legal basis for the utilization of it in the development of natural substance new drug is required. Second, the disclosure requirement of biological genetic resource as patentability should be enforced. It is already enforced as a law in overseas resource-rich countries and PCT is preparing to make it as an essential requirement for patent; therefore, we should also define the patent requirement as a domestic law so that our patent right would be secured in global market. Third, Data exclusivity right should be defined in a law. Data exclusivity right is intellectual property right in a wider meaning because it gives exclusive right to a new drug developer by prohibiting others quoting the test data submitted by new drug developer for permit for certain period. Since natural substance new drug utilizes traditional knowledge, it is not possible to protect the information by patent right in many cases; therefore, data exclusivity right can be utilized as a medicine intellectual property right system encouraging new drug development. At present in Korea, new drug re-examination system is doing the role; however, it has the issue that it is not helpful in the advance of medicine market because the law is not clear and the purpose of law is different. Therefore, legislation of this matter as a separate law from existing new drug re-examination system is required.

      • 부정경쟁방지 및 영업비밀보호에 관한 법률의 역외적용 : 그 적용을 위한 입법적 제언을 포함하여

        고아라 忠南大學校 特許法務大學院 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        이 논문은 국경을 넘나드는 지식재산권 침해 행위에 보다 효율적이고 적극적으로 대응하기 위한 고민에서 출발한다. 세계의 글로벌화 경향에 따라 경쟁법, 환경법 등 다양한 분야에서 국내법의 역외적용 필요성이 검토되어 왔으나, 유독 지식재산권 분야에서는 지식재산권의 속지주의 성격을 엄격 적용한 탓에 새롭게 등장하는 지식재산권 침해 유형에 유연하게 대응하지 못하고 있다. 지식재산권법 분야 중에서도 ‘부정경쟁방지 및 영업비밀보호에 관한 법률’은 특허 등 산업재산권법과 달리 불법행위법에 그 뿌리를 두고 있어 지식재산권법 분야의 역외적용을 검토한다면 ‘부정경쟁방지 및 영업비밀보호에 관한 법률’의 역외적용 검토에서 시작하는 것이 의미가 있다고 생각한다. 국내법의 역외적용 문제는 한 나라의 국가관할권을 영토 외로 확장하는 문제임을 명확히 하고 국제사법의 문제와는 구별됨을 전제로 하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 ‘부정경쟁방지 및 영업비밀보호에 관한 법률’의 ‘형사관할권’ 확대에 관한 논의로서 국내법의 역외적용 가능성을 검토한다. 국가의 입법관할권에 관한 전통적 이론기초인 속지주의를 시작으로, 속지주의의 한계를 극복하기 위하여 도입된 효과이론, 경제단일체이론 및 속인주의, 보호주의, 보편주의 이론을 검토한 결과, ‘부정경쟁방지 및 영업비밀보호에 관한 법률’의 역외적용을 위한 그 이론적 기초로서 경제단일체이론과 적극적 속인주의 및 수동적 속인주의를 채택함이 상당하다고 판단하였고, 이를 토대로 ‘부정경쟁방지 및 영업비밀보호에관한 법률’의 역외적용 규정을 마련한 개정안까지 제시해 보았다. ‘부정경쟁방지 및 영업비밀보호에 관한 법률’의 역외적용에 관한 정당성 있는 법규범을 미리 정비하는 것은 향후 예상 가능한 해외에서의 침해상황에 선제적 대응을 가능하게 하고, 나아가 우리나라가 향후 지식재산권 분야의 역외적용에 관한 국제규범질서를 선도할 수도 있다는 점에서 논의의 가치가 충분하다고 생각한다. This paper aims to determine the ways in which governments can efficiently and actively respond to acts of infringement of intellectual property (IP) rights across the border. The need for extraterritorial application of domestic law in various fields, such as competition law and environmental law, has been considered in accordance with the global trend of globalization. With regards to IP laws, there has been a failure to respond flexibly to the emerging types of IP infringements due to the strict application of territoriality on IP rights. Among the various laws pertaining to IP, the “Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act,” which is based on tort law as opposed to industrial property law (e.g., the Patent Act), needs to be reviewed in terms of extraterritorial application. The issue on extraterritorial application of domestic law has made it clear that it is a matter of expanding a country's right of national control beyond its territory and that it is distinct from private international law. Thus, in this paper, the possibility of extraterritorial application of domestic law is reviewed as a discussion on the expansion of the criminal jurisdiction of the “Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act.” After reviewing the previously introduced theories of what influences the limitations of territorial principles (i.e., the traditional theoretical basis of the State Jurisdiction to Prescribe, the Effect Doctrine, the Economic Single Unit Doctrine, the Nationality Principle, the Protective Principle, and the Universality Principle), it can be determined that the theoretical basis for the extraterritorial application of the “Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act” should consider adopting the Economic Single Unit Doctrine, and the Nationality Principle (both active and passive). Based on the foregoing, a bill proposing the revision of the regulations pertaining to the extraterritorial application of the “Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act” would be beneficial. In conclusion, one can see that improving justifiable regulations on the extraterritorial application of the “Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act” in advance enables preemptive responses to possible overseas infringement instances. Furthermore, it can be seen that the ability of the Korean government to lead the international order on extraterritorial application in the realm of IP is worth discussing.

      • 미·한·중 퍼블리시티권에 관한 비교연구

        김려매 忠南大學校 大學院 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The publicity right is a right to regulate using an individual's identity commercially without the individual's permission. comparing to the preexisting privacy right which passively protects one's name or portrait not to open to the public, the publicity right is an active right to open or use one's name or portrait commercially. The publicity right differs from the privacy right in causing property damage when infringed. Recently, by rapid development of popular entertainment and mass media, there have been many cases over the use of name or likeness of famous persons for commercial purposes. The korean civil law, the copyright law and the unfair competition law may apply to the infringement of the right of publicity. Since we do not have specific law for the protection of publicity rights in Korea. Therefore the right of publicity must be legislated as soon as possible to prevent disputes over this right. But there are so much different in Korean and US Legal Systems that it is not advisable to adopt exactly same provisions of US law into the Korean law. And then an enactment of the law will prove to be a serious problem maker, if it aims at an exact replica of other country's law which is quite different from the Korean Legal System. So the harmonization with Korean law is required to achieve in legislation of publicity law. In this thesis, First, was analyzed process of the right of publicity at lower court and existing law and it's amendments to the introduction plan of the right of publicity. And then, was reviewing how the right of publicity is handled, about infringement case of China's right of publicity. Finally, in the case of the occurrence of infringement, was reviewing how to make application of the civil law, the copyright law and the unfair competition law. In conclusion, I will present concrete alternatives for the effectiveness of the right of publicity.

      • ITER 국제 핵융합 에너지 기구의 설립에 대한 협정상의 지재권 조항에 대한 연구

        한치현 충남대학교 특허법무대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This paper aims to finally research the problems and improvement of existing related Intellectual Property Right regulations of ITER, which is International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor as a international joint R&D Project, through understanding and interpretation of such as those regulations of ITER’s IPR. As international joint R&D projects make up on an part of Korea’s national R&Ds, after first of all looking into the legislative system of our National R&D Programs and also search the legislative system of main other country : the U.S., Japan, EU. This paper will examine comparative consideration by the specific issues of international joint R&D Projects and our patent laws. On the basis of such background knowledge, this paper will investigate the issues and problems while drafting ITER’s IPR regulations in the negotiation process, And finally to try out the problems and improvement of existing ITER’s IPR through study and analysis about the regulations by the issues of the ownership, utilization and protection of the international R&D results. Also this paper will stress the need for a follow-up study of ITER’s IPR in order to fulfill the ITER Project successfully and then such as the systematic study and substantial improvement of ITER’s IPR will have to contribute to achieve the purpose of ITER Project.

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