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      • 대학생의 역기능적 진로사고와 진로미결정의 관계

        이영희 부산대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between dysfunctional career thoughts and career indecision of university students. The participants of this study were 393 university students in B city. To analyze the data, canonical correlation analysis was performed. The results of this study are as follows: First, a significantly positive correlation between dysfunctional career thoughts and career indecision was found, and the nature of relationship between the two variables was different by gender. Second, among males, all of dysfunctional career thoughts, decision making confusion, commitment anxiety and external conflict were significantly positively related to career indecision. Among the subscales of career indecision, indecisiveness, lack of self-identity, lack of information, and external barrier were significantly related to dysfunctional career thoughts. Third, among females, all of dysfunctional career thoughts, decision making confusion, commitment anxiety and external conflict were significantly positively related to career indecision, which is similar to the result of the males. However, indecisiveness, lack of self-identity, and lack of information were significantly related to dysfunctional career thoughts, which is different to the case of males in which external barrier was significant. The results of this study suggest that intervention based on the knowledge of relationship between dysfunctional career thoughts and career indecision of university students is necessary to help resolve the career indecision problem. Key words: dysfunctional career thoughts, career indecision, career of university students

      • 시각장애 학생이 지각한 또래관계가 사회적 위축에 미치는 영향 : 장애수용의 매개효과를 중심으로

        오현민 부산대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study was to examine acceptance of disability as a mediator of the association between peer relationship and social withdrawal for visually handicapped students in the special school. The participants of this study were 60 students sampled from 4 schools for the blind. They completed a set of questionnaires consisting of Peer Relationship Scale, Acceptance of Disability Scale, and Withdrawal/Depressed Scale. Result of this study were as follow: First, there were not some differences in peer relationship, acceptance of disability and social withdrawal by gender and school levels. Second, there were significant positive correlations between peer relationship and acceptance of disability. And there were significant negative correlations between peer relationship and social withdrawal, acceptance of disability and social withdrawal. Third, acceptance of disability partially mediated the effect of peer relationship on social withdrawal. From the findings, some visually handicapped students with negative peer relationship may have a high social withdrawal and they may not have psychological well-being. So interventions to visually handicapped students’ acceptance of disability should be provided in conjunction with purpose to improve their acceptance of disability and psychological well-being. Some limitations of this study and suggestions for subsequent studies are provided and fully discussed.

      • 청소년의 부모화 경험, 정서조절능력 및 자아정체감 간의 관계

        최윤미 부산대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study is to find the effects of parentification and emotional regulation on ego-identity of Adolescents. For this study, self-reports data from 490 high school students of Busan were collected. The findings from this study are as follows. First, parentification and ego-identity don't have a gender gap but emotion regulation has a gender gap. Second, regardless of gender, parentification have negative influence on both ego-identity and emotion regulation. There was a negative correlation between the factors of parentification and the factors of emotion regulation. and there was a negative correlation between the factors of parentification and the factors of ego-identity, too. Students who have high parentification are more likely to perceive emotion regulation and ego-identigy little. Third, regardless of gender, there was a high correlation between the factors of emotion regulation and the factors of ego-identity of high school students. Emotion regulation have positive influence on ego-identity. This results suggests that regardless of gender, emotional regulation of high school students plays an important role in decreasing Parentification. It is shown that emotion regulation has a perfect mediating effect on the relationship between parentification and ego-identity Therefore, various programs to enhance emotion regulation ability. Limitations of this study and implications for future studies were discussed.

      • 직장 중년남성의 갱년기증후군, 직업스트레스가 심리적 위기감에 미치는 영향: 인지적 정서조절 전략의 매개효과

        서세정 부산대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study was to examine a mediating effect of cognitive emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between climacteric syndrom, job stress and mid-life crisis in middle-aged men. The participants of this study were 235 middle-aged men sampled from 3companies in Busan and Gyeongsangnamdo. They completed a set of questionnaires consisting of mid-life crisis, climacteric syndrom, job stress and cognitive emotion regulation strategies. To analyze the data, correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were performed. Results of this study were as follows. First, mid-life crisis was positively correlated with climacteric syndrom, job stress and a maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies. Second, maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies partially mediated the effect of climacteric syndrom on mid-life crisis. Third, maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies partially mediated the effect of job stress on mid-life crisis. Based on the findings, implications and suggestions for further studies were provided.

      • 대학생의 문화성향과 자기해석이 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향

        박지원 부산대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of cultural disposition and self-construal on psychological-well being of university students. In order to achieve it, 458 university students(226 male, 232 female) completed a set of questionnaires about cultural disposition, self-construal and psychological-well being. The t-test and hierarchical regression analysis were performed to analyze the data. The results are as follows. First, There were some differences in horizontal individualism, vertical collectivism, horizontal collectivism and independent self-construal by gender. Second, There were significant positive correlations between cultural disposition and psychological well-being. And there were significant positive correlations between self-construal and psychological well-being. Third, horizontal individualism had the biggest effect on psychological well-being to men and horizontal collectivism had the biggest effect on psychological well-being to women. Such results imply that horizontal tendency and independent self-construal are important to enhance on university students’ psychological well-being.

      • 중도입국 다문화 청소년의 가족관계에 관한 Q방법론적 분석

        박에스더 부산대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study was to analysis family relation type of Immigrant Youths using Q methodology. Thirty-Six Q statements representing the familial relationship characteristics of Immigrant Youths were drawn by literature review and interviews with Immigrant Youths, Multicultural Youth counselors, Multicultural School teacher, and professors majoring in education. The sample consisted of 33 Immigrant Youths from age 11 to age 20. Immigrant Youths were asked to rank-order Q statements on the 11-point continuum and to place them on the distribution provided. Individual follow-up interviews followed the Q-sort. The result of Q analysis produced three types of family relation type: 1) type of early adaptation, 2) type of trying to become a family, 3) type of conflict and stagnation. The three types were interpreted focusing on the most agreed and most disagreed statements and distinguishing statements. Through this, the characteristics of and intervention for the each type of the family relationship were discussed. Such the research is significant as it provides basic data for applying counseling to Multicultural family in the future.

      • 정서지능 기반 집단미술치료 프로그램이 중학생의 정서조절능력과 대인관계효능감에 미치는 효과

        김선련 부산대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The objectives of this study is to verify the effects group art therapy program have on emotion regulation ability and interpersonal efficacy of middle school students. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, problems were set up as follows: First, is the program effective to improve emotion regulation abilities of middle school students? Second, is the program effective to improve the interpersonal emotional intelligence efficacy of middle school students? To verify the problems, 26 students of D middle school at G district in Busan were divided into 2 groups, experimental and control group. Each group had 13 students. The program had 12 sessions. Each session was conducted once a week and lasted 50 minutes during after school activities or club activities. Both experimental and control group had tests related to emotion regulation ability and interpersonal efficacy. The covariance process(ANCOVA) was used for data processing. Results of the study showed the significant correlation in emotion regulation ability but there was no statistically significant effect in interpersonal relationship. I conducted this program hoping to make school to be a joyful place for students and it was found that another small group was produced in the original sub-group of the experimental group. Group members presented their current thought by words or art works in the process of activities. This process of study offered students opportunities to feel free to express themselves and made them experience mutual understanding and win the sympathy. I found that it is not easy to improve the ability of emotion regulation abilities and the interpersonal emotional intelligence efficacy of middle school students in a short time and the tests should be chosen with caution.

      • 대인관계 외상 경험 대학생의 성인애착이 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향 : 인지적 정서조절의 매개효과

        정지양 부산대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본 연구의 목적은 대인관계 외상 경험 대학생들의 성인애착이 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향에서 인지적 정서조절의 매개역할을 확인하는 것이다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 다음과 같은 연구문제를 설정하였다. 첫째, 남녀 대학생의 성인애착과 인지적 정서조절, 외상 후 성장은 어떠한 관계가 있는가? 둘째, 남녀 대학생의 성인애착이 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향에서 인지적 정서조절전략은 매개효과를 가지는가? 본 연구문제를 검증하기 위해, 경남과 부산시에 소재한 5곳의 4년제 대학교, 1∼4학년 남녀 대학생을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 총 920부를 회수하였으며, 외상경험 고통이 평균이상에 해당되지 않거나 불성실하게 응답한 224부를 설문지에 제외하고 총 696부를 최종적으로 연구결과 분석에 사용하였다. 성인애착 척도, 인지적 정서조절전략 척도, 외상 후 성장 척도에 대한 신뢰도 분석 (Cronbach's α)을 실시하여 각 척도에 대한 신뢰성을 살펴보았으며, 연구문제에 따라 기술 통계 분석, 단순상관분석, 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구를 통해 밝혀진 결과들을 요약해보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학생의 성인애착, 인지적 정서조절전략, 외상 후 성장 간의 관계를 알아보기 위해 상관관계를 알아보았다. 그 결과 남녀 대학생의 성인애착에서 애착회피와 외상 후 성장은 유의미한 부적상관을 가지고 있었으며, 애착회피는 적응적인 인지적 정서조절과 유의미한 부적상관, 애착불안은 부적응적인 인지적 정서조절과 유의미한 정적상관을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 적응적인 인지적 정서조절전략은 외상 후 성장과 높은 정적상관을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 대학생의 성인애착이 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향에서 인지적 정서조절전략이 매개효과를 가지는지 살펴보기 위해서 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 애착회피가 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향에서 적응적인 인지적 정서조절전략이 부분 매개 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to examine cognitive regulation strategies as a mediator of the association between Adult Attachment Styles and Posttraumtic growth among college students. six-hundred ninty six students(369 females and 327 males) from several universities in Busan, South Korea completed self-administered questionnaires to assess their cognitive regulation strategies, Posttraumtic growth and Adult Attachment Styles. Correlation analyses, standard and hierarchical regression analyses, were conducted. The results are as follows: First, their Attachment Styles and cognitive emotion regulation strategies affected influence to the Posttraumtic growth of college students. It means that college students who take more Adult Attachment Styles were more likely to be pPosttraumtic growth. Second, adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies partially mediated the effect of Adult Attachment Styles on the Posttraumtic growth. In this study, it was confirmed that cognitive emotion regulation strategies as mediators in relational with Adult Attachment Styles as a predictor and Posttraumtic growth as an outcome variable. Such results imply that aAdult Attachment Styles and adaptive emotional regulation strategies be important for the enhancement of collage student's Posttraumtic growth.

      • 수용행동이 대학생의 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향 : 인지적 정서조절의 매개효과

        안진영 부산대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본 연구의 목적은 대학생의 수용행동, 인지적 정서조절 전략과 심리적 안녕감이 어떠한 관계가 있는지, 또한 수용행동과 심리적 안녕감 간의 관계에서 인지적 정서조절 전략이 매개효과를 가지는지 검증하는 데 있다. 또한 보다 구체적인 검증을 위하여 성별을 구분하여 각 변인이 어떠한 차이를 보이는지 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 통해 수용행동과 심리적 안녕감 간의 관계에 대한 심층적인 이해를 돕고, 궁극적으로 대학생의 심리적 안녕감을 향상시키는데 효과적인 개입전략을 제시하고자 한다. The purpose of this study was to examine cognitive regulation strategies as a mediator of the association between acceptance action and psychological well-being among college students. Five-hundred thirty six students (210 females and 326 males) from several universities in Busan, South Korea completed self-administered questionnaires to assess their acceptance action, cognitive regulation strategies and psychological well-being. Correlation analyses, standard and hierarchical regression analyses were conducted.

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